Today’s Reading: Joshua 19-20
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These are the ancient walls of the main city of the tribe of Dan (Joshua 19:40-48), located in northern Israel near the base of Mount Hermon and the source of the Jordan River. When Lot had been taken captive, Abraham and 318 of his servants pursued him as far as the city of Dan (Gen. 14:14). The Canaanite city of Laish had existed on this site over 5,000 years ago. Joshua had led his troops through this area, and sometime after Israel captured this city, the name was changed to Dan. It became the northernmost city in the nation of Israel.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Joshua 19:49 & 20:4
When they had made an end of dividing the land as an inheritance according to their borders, the children of Israel gave an inheritance among them to Joshua the son of Nun…When he flees to one of those cities…and declares his case…they shall take him into the city as one of them, and give him a place…
Two facts stand out to me from our reading. First, Joshua put others first and did not ask anything for himself. The general agreement of the people resulted in Joshua’s inheritance. Our Joshua, Yeshua (Jesus), has put us first. We could ask ourselves the question, What is His portion? Imagine the joy Joshua felt when the people came together after the distribution of land was settled, and the people honoured him. We read of our Yeshua, “Who for the joy that was set before Him endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God” (Hebrews 12:2). He put us first. How can we do less than put Him first?
Second, when the avenger was chasing the one who accidentally had killed someone, the one being chased could flee to a safe city. When the accuser (Satan) or anyone else is out to deliberately do us harm, we flee into the refuge of the strong arms of Jesus and we are safe. Read Hebrews 6:17-20 and flee for refuge.
Lord Jesus, You’ve provided for my life now and, in the age to come, eternal life. You put me first before Your own rights as God’s Son. I can do no less than determine to put You first at all times and places. You’ve also given Yourself to me as a refuge into which I run in times of trouble. I ask for grace to give myself to You 24/7, holding nothing back. Amen!
Back in 1992, when we were about to open our new state-of-the-art, 143,000 square foot television production centre, a reporter interviewed me and wrote in his prominent magazine approximately the following: “David Mainse is hanging on to his sanity by his fingernails” (not true – I was standing on “The Rock of Ages” and He was holding me. At least this secular reporter admitted that I had sanity! Ha!). The costs had gone far above original estimates, and then there were commitments to our pavilion at World Expo ’92 in Spain, where we had built and were operating a Christian pavilion which was bringing thousands to Christ. We were in trouble, humanly speaking. Many, many prayed for Crossroads and for me, and thousands gave sacrificially, but I want to single out two that come to mind just now. Dave Toycen, President of World Vision Canada, came to see me and prayed personally and fervently for me. Brian Stiller, at that time President of the Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, also came to my aid. They helped me flee into the refuge of God’s love and grace. Brian declared with certainty, “The people of Canada won’t let you down!” He then offered to travel with me across Canada to meet hundreds of Pastors in various cities. Many Pastors, as a result, voiced their conviction that Crossroads/100 Huntley Street was essential to our country and prayed for us in their church services. Offerings flowed in. The crisis was resolved. Needs were met. God and His people are my City of Refuge. Thank You to all who opened the gates of a City of Refuge, caring for Crossroads and for me at a time of crisis.
Yours for opening the gates of our hearts to those who are running our way for refuge,
P.S. Here are pictures of the Crossroads Centre and “La Pabellon de la Promessa” in Spain.