Today’s Reading: Joshua 18
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

At Timna Park, 20 miles (32 km) north of Eilat in the Arabah, a life-sized replica of the biblical Tabernacle has been constructed. While no original materials (e.g., gold, silver, bronze) have been used, the model is accurate in every other way based upon the biblical description.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses – Joshua 18:1, 3
The whole congregation of the children of Israel assembled together at Shiloh, and set up the tabernacle of meeting there…Then Joshua said to the children of Israel: “How long will you neglect to go and possess the land which the Lord God of your fathers has given you?”
Just imagine the excitement in the air as all the tribes came together. Think about thousands of animated conversations. Perhaps some said, “If only our parents were here to see this, but they refused to believe that this could happen. They refused to follow the leadership of Moses, Joshua and Caleb. We could’ve been born here in the Promised Land, instead of in the wilderness. Instead of just getting our borders settled, we would’ve been well established for 45 years already. Here we are, gathered around the Tabernacle as we did when we were children on the other side of the Jordan. But listen, Joshua is going to bring us a message from God. It sounds the same as we remember Moses saying to us before we crossed the Jordan. What’s wrong with us? Can we not learn to obey God fully?”
We may want to read, Hebrews 2:1-4 where the word “neglect” shows up again relating to our salvation. Also, “let us not neglect” is found in Hebrews 10:23-25. To neglect the ministry which happens when we assemble together is to court spiritual decline and to miss the essential message God wants us to hear from those He has called into leadership.
Lord God, God of our fathers, I believe that I need to possess all that You have given me. Grant me the grace, the determination to go forward, not stopping short of all You have for me. Give me a greater fervency of spirit, because I know that You respond directly in proportion to the level of my fervency. In Jesus’ strong Name I pray. Amen!
Thank you to all who read God’s Word with me each day. I have a question for you. Do you know anyone who started well on January 1st in a one year through-the-Bible reading program, but may have already missed some days, or has reverted to opening their Bible anywhere to read in a hit-and-miss fashion? Ask around amongst your friends. You may be surprised at the numbers to whom this happens. Let’s try to do this in a non-judgmental way. Now….I have a suggestion. Invite those who have struggled with the one year commitment to check out 100words.ca and see the difference it makes when the readings are shorter (more time for meditation and prayer) and when we move back and forth between the New and the Old Testaments over 730 days. The two-year program works! Crossroads has proven this in magazines and books since the 1970s and now in this daily blog. Readers could join us today and in 104 weeks complete God’s Book with joy, much fresh understanding, and growth in spiritual maturity!
Yours for God’s work in us to continue without neglect,
P.S. For a little fun, my daughter Ellen Shaheen came into our bedroom last night as I was ready to sleep and took an up-to-date photo. The first photo below was 2012, the second was 2014, and the latest one from last night shows that I’ve definitely joined the exclusive club of octogenarians!
Good to see your smile. Smiles are ageless!
Amen to that!
We LOVE you David, just the way you are – GOD continue to bless you with HIS presence as you continue in your 80’s to serve HIM AND us bloggers Thank you, thank you, thank you and Praise the LORD for all HE does in and through you.
Thank you David. Yes, you have reached that high number– 80+– ten years longer than most lived 20-40 years ago. I started doing the 2 year Bible Study 3 years ago. Am now on my 2nd time through using the Day unto Day 2 year series with Nisar Saheen and Jim, the NT commentator. But – I have learned so much. Am now using the NIV Sturdy guide (also from Crossroads) and another study guide. I literally hunger and thirst for Gods words. Sunday sermons mean so much more. Regarding Israel and the land: God’s directive was to go and possess the land. That applies today as well. We need to pray for Israel that they will fight for their land. Edna Mackenzie Pincher Creek, AB.
But you still have a great smile.
You look great, David–beautiful smile! And thank you, Ellen, for the photo!!
He put a new song in my mouth, a hymn of praise to our God. Many will see and fear the LORD and put their trust in him. Ps 40:3 NIV
A Lullaby to the Jezreel Valley (very old Israeli song) by Hiroshi Masamitsu
I am so enjoying this 2 year blog David. I have told quite a few folk about how much I am learning from His word and your comments David.
God has blessed you and Norma Jean with such wonderful , Godly and caring children.
Praying the Lord continue to give you strength for each new day.
God Bless you today.
I shared today’s blog, emailed and posted in FB with my comment~
Please read his 100 Personal Words ~
sharing…I like his blog because I know this man and believe enough to support
his ministry.
As one who has travelled to the Holy Land and Jordan I love the pictures,
taken by his son
like the recent church where Jesus was baptized in the Jordan side,
and Mt NEBO
I love his format of study moving back and forth between Old and New Testament
and I am just blessed by the Word he shares daily.
It allows me to offer that moment in my day to the Lord in prayer.
For many years now I have been blessed by his insights, through stories shared
from his years of dedicated Service to our Lord.
Yes, still have your beautiful smile and determination in your heart which speaks to us. Thanks David. Love the photos and the ones Reynold posts as well. Thanks Reynold. Going to post a message on fb today about neglecting our salvation. Like that fresh thought about why we should attend church; the ministry there keeps us going forward to serve Jesus and minister to others. Amen. Remember the chorus, “I’m Going On.” Thanks Beverlee for posting my song recently. Blessings to all.
Still the same David, with the biggest heart ever for the people of the world. The love of Jesus pours out of you consistently. You and your eautiful wife, Norma Jean, have passed this on to all of your family. I am so thankful I connected with your ministry in the late 70’s.
May God continue to Bless you and yours !
Sorry, ‘beautiful wife’
Yes Pastor David, that smile of yours is still the same and it lights up your whole face.
I prayed that prayer of yours this morning, I am anxious to get back having my small group here again and getting back to my Church. Hopefully, it won’t be long, I am blessed to get our Pastor’s sermons on line although one week later.
Have a great day everyone, for those who are suffering in any way I ask that the Lord would heal you in Jesus’ precious name. There is power in the blood of Jesus.
Your Spirit and Wisdom Shine, regardless of age. ✝☀️
A wonderful smile on a bright face !
Still enjoying this blog ! It’s my third – two year reading with you, and I look forward to the forth ! 🙂
Diane 🙂
Wouldn’t miss a day! (from the beginning of this blog). So wonderful for you to have a residence in your daughter’s home. We had an in-law suite for my mother for 15 years and enjoyed being together so much. May your days be Wonderful together.
you have a beautiful smile its so good to see, and read every word that put in
100 personal words every day no matter how long it does not matter. Thank you
Ellen for taking the picture. I said your prayer this morning as well David
Lianne Hogg
It is good to ‘see’ you David M. We all need to remember, it is not what the ‘outside’ looks like, it is the ‘inside’ that counts and your inner beauty shines forth in your wonderful smile and sparking eyes, with the faith, wisdom and love for God and for others you have portrayed for so many years. Bless you .May the Lord continue to show favor to you and give you His peace.
Oh…I have been with you in this daily blog since you began!
This is my second year round with you Pastor David…thank you and much appreciated!!
Welcome to the octogenarians! each photo has not does you well!!
It is special when we come together with friends and family…to reminisce about the past, enjoying the present, looking forward to what the Lord has for our future:)
oops “each photo “has not changed and has done you well”
and yes, the great smile is still the same!!
Wonderful to see that inspiring smile. Thank you Pastor David and family for new manna each day even after this third time around.
So much love and wisdom shared here on our blog. Thank you Beverlee for your scripture and song each day and the love and prayers from everyone as we bring each other before The Throne of our Majestic God, whether silently or outwardly.
Blessings and prayers to all. Praying for renewed strength for you Pastor David each day.
Pastor David, praying for each cell to be renewed to perfect health, youthful energy and strength! Thank you for your faithful writing, being a guide to all of us. I was flipping back and forth in my Bible for years because I got “burned out”. Your blog got me back on track, i am almost at the two year mark (I think I started in June 2015). You are such a blessing!
Please pray for my sister, she is on weekly chemo maintenance treatments for metastatic lung cancer. The treatments are keeping it from growing but it’s not a cure…and of course the chemo knocks 2-3 days of energy out of her each week. I pray for complete healing with no more treatments needed! Thank you all.
Amen, prayed for healing, strength, energy and courage for your sister.
Lord God, our Messiah and Redeemer, our King and our Healer, we call to You for complete healing of May’s dear sister who is battling cancer. We know You are more powerful than the chemo treatments can be, Lord. We call on Your mighty Name to heal strengthen and give her renewed peace and comfort. Thank You Jesus! Amen!
Amen, complete healing in Jesus Name!
Have recommended this blog to several people and will contine to do so. It gives me so much strength each day. Thank you!
Thank you again for your faithfulness in encouraging us to get into God’s Word.
My husband Dr Peter Rae and I started the daily reading of the Bible with Huntley St when you started promoting the importance of knowing God’s Word in the 1970ies.
We continued reading and now Ted and I continue. Peter went to be with the Lord in 1997 and I remained widowed for 7 years .Ted & I were married 13 yrs.ago .
May the Lord continue to bless you abundantly.
Love to you and NormaJean
Some times life gets in the way and i get behind a couple days,i don’t skip but will double up to catch up always worth it.I tell people about this site.Not sure how many have checked it out.So glad for 100words!
Look at you! The bestest!. How I praise God for your beautiful life and your selflessness, and that smile. Thank-you.