Today’s Reading: Joshua 11-12
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Tel Hazor is located on the site of the ancient city of Hazor (mentioned several times in today’s reading). Hazor was located in the Upper Galilee, north of the Sea of Galilee, between Ramah and Kadesh, on the high ground overlooking Lake Merom (Joshua 11:5). It is the largest archaeological site in northern Israel. There is an upper city of 30 acres and a lower city of more than 175 acres. This photo is of the Solomonic Gate, dated to the 10th century BC. This gate has six chambers and two towers (1 Kings 9:15).
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 11:15
As the Lord had commanded Moses his servant, so Moses commanded Joshua, and so Joshua did. He left nothing undone of all that the Lord had commanded Moses.
There are at least two ways to approach our readings. First, for inspiration, and second, for information. You’ve read under my son David Reynold’s picture some information about the city state, Hazor. According to 11:10b, Hazor was the “head of all those kingdoms.” Verse 13 mentions “their mounds,” or in modern times, they would call the mounds “tels.” The central public buildings were destroyed, or simply fell down with age, and the people would build on top of the rubble. This would result in a tel…a hill made up of the ruins. The archaeologists, who have excavated Hazor, dated the main destruction by Israel in the late 15th century BC. Evidence of fire was found in several places.
So far, the blog is not too inspirational, but perhaps our key verse can inspire us to complete, no matter how long or how much effort it takes, the commitments we’ve made. The word “discipline” is from the same root word as “disciple,” “talmudim” in Hebrew. It means “students.” The Apostle Paul, a lifetime student and teacher, wrote to the young Timothy, encouraging him to “study” or “be diligent.” We might read for inspiration, 2 Timothy 2:1-15.
Lord God, I am confident that these stories of war are accurate as told. I’m thankful that the archaeological digs confirm that, for if the history is true, it follows that the inspirational messages are worthy of our respect also. Please grant that I will have grace to be and do as Paul wrote: “Strong – faithful – enduring hardship – hard working – diligent – a worker – and unashamed.” In Jesus’ Name (the One who modeled all these qualities), Amen!
There I go again, well over 100 words. If I had called the blog, “200 words” I’d probably go over that. Oh well, I’ll just be diligent. I’ve participated in archaeological digs in Israel, not with a backhoe or even a shovel, but with a spoon, trowel and brush. I would not have the patience to do that as a profession!
My professional photographer son, David Reynold, blesses us with the blog pictures. He and Kathy are serving as missionaries in Uganda. Kathy sent me a prayer which was prayed for them by Dr. Jay Dennis, Pastor of First Baptist Church at the Mall in Lakeland, Florida. I am asking every reader to join him, along with my wife and me, in praying for them and their mission. To learn more about the cause that has taken them to Africa, click here. My wife, Norma-Jean, wants to print that prayer, frame it, and hang it on our wall. Here it is…
“Our Heavenly Father, Thank You for Calling, Gifting and Equipping Reynold and Kathy to go into Uganda and beginning there starting a movement of the Holy Spirit that will bring Oneness to the Body of Christ. Please let what happens there Touch and Change the Body of Christ, for we know when Your Body is Awakened, the world will be Shaken for You. Lord we sense that our time is short and the opportunities are long. I am praying that You would give Your two servants the Wisdom, Strength, Anointing, Joy, Discernment and Divine Appointments that can only Originate from You. I pray for Your Hedge of Protection around them. I pray for Your Spirit to go Before them, preparing the way, preparing the hearts of those they will meet. I pray that you will walk behind them, protecting the Seeds they have sown. Father, please raise up those who will Sacrificially and Generously give to this Ministry. Prompt Your people, specifically the people at FBC at the Mall to do everything Possible and Beyond to Assist in this Ministry.
“Lord, Divinely Surprise us through the People they will meet; the Places they will Go; and the Experiences they will Have. Father, we pray not just for a Ministry, but for a Movement, one that Connects the Body of Christ in Unity and through that let the world see that You are Real; that You are Available; and You are Ready to Forgive, Bless and Redeem. From the Continent of Africa, touch North America; South America; Antarctica; Australia; Asia; and Europe. I pray that even on the trip to Uganda You will Confirm once again that Reynold and Kathy are in the Center of Your Will. I pray for their precious Children that You will bring a daily Awareness of Your Presence and that You will Protect them. We Pray Big O God and We Implicitly Place our Trust and Dependence upon You. May they Realize continually the meaning of “Give us this Day our Daily Bread.” Lord, thank You for allowing me to be a part of their Lives. Help me to Help them! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!”
Yours for learning to study diligently and for striving to be a worker for God who does not need to be ashamed (2 Timothy 2:15),

Among the ancient ruins of Tel Hazor, you can see an olive press with a stone basin in the foreground. The mortar which held the walls in place has long since disintegrated, as has the plastered walls which often were decorated with beautiful paintings.
It’s wonderful David that you enrich the experience of your readers by including these beautiful photos of Reynold’s. I haven’t been to Isreal so it is especially meaningful to me. Also you can go over 100 words. It’s fine with me! Your enthusiasm is contagious
Praise God for Reynold and Kathy’s ministry WE–World Embrace in Uganda and that it, indeed, brings unity to God’s Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven. Prayed the prayer for their protection in Uganda and surrounding areas in Africa. God’s continued favour on their lives and all they will touch. In Jesus’ precious Name, we pray–amen, amen and amen! Blessings to you dear David, Norma-Jean and fellow saints in the Lord, on this foggy day.
But the Lord is faithful; he will strengthen you and guard you from the evil one.
2 Thes 3:3 NLT
Chris Tomlin – I Will Follow
Amen and amen!! I also prayed the prayer for Reynold and Kathy and their ministry. Thank you for the songs you put up here for us Beverlee.
Yes and amen. That is a prayer worth framing.
Much love and prayers to you and your family.
Thank you and again thank you dear Pastor David. I was praying that The Lord would give me something from the passage this morning. I received so much and was truly Blessed by the pictures, the words of the Apostle Paul in 2nd Timothy, your prayer and I also prayed the prayer for Reynold and Kathy. What a example you, your dear wife and family are to all of us.
Blessings to all Eleanor M.
Amen to all of the above! So much appreciate the pictures, and especially that they have a detailed description below. Quite fascinating!
Yes, I agree.
Amen, have joined you in that wonderful prayer for Reynold and Kathy and their ministry with World Embrace. Unity is so important in the body of Christ. Am seeing some of that in my area recently. Also seeing some victory in our church and would appreciate your prayers as I am the newly appointed song leader and so am in a position to be used of God for a move in this area. We have a new pastor and wife who are seniors and are mainly self supporting and who were in the church at Brantford, On at one time. God bless you David, Norma Jean, family and all fellow bloggers. PS. Have been dealing with the ice, snow and power outages in the last few days. Trust Joy’s son has found an alternative medicine.
Blessings on all God’s mighty people now and forever! Please help us all to be to strong in You, dear Lord God. May your plans and your will be done in all of us and our families, and through us to others – please make us those fishers of men you made us to be. In Jesus’ name, amen
Thank you all for the Word, the pictures, the prayers – they are such a blessing always.
I will pray for you Ger I know you will be a good song leade,r and God will give you
the songs in your heart. I prayed the prayer Kathy sent they are doing wonderful work for God. To all bloggers who are dealing with ice and snow be careful walk small steps one at a time .
Lianne Hogg
Yes, praying in unison with Lianne for safety for Ger and all those dealing with ice snow and freezing rain, for the Lord’s protection over you. And for your music ministry, sister Ger, that God will bless you profoundly as you guide at your church. In Jesus’ Name, amen!
Amen will also pray for Ger.
I have forwarded the link to World Embrace to a young Christian FB friend in Rwanda.He lost friends in that massacre last year.
” Volunteer-At Livelihood Program at VSO Rwanda and Team Leader at Campus Crusade for Christ Rwanda, Student Led Movement
Past: praise and worships
Studied Environmental Science and Engineering at MAHTMA GHANDI
Past: University of Rwanda and G.Sc.St Joseph KABGAYI (Southern Province, Muhanga District)
Lives in Kigali, Rwanda ”
Here is a poem that today’s blog made me think of.God bless
He bids me
He bids me,go softly into the night,
‘May you humbly spread my light,
So lost sheep will know what’s right,
And you shall see through My sight.
Seek out those who are poor of spirit,
That they may know not to fear it,
But instead to have joy to hear it,
For there I am,always near it.’
He knows my heart and opens His
And forgives no matter what it is,
For gently and softly He will enter
As my most trusted and loving mentor.
I never notice just when He leaves,
It’s something my mind never perceives,
And only known by he who believes,
But not by he who never conceives.
GW(Bill) Marshall, May, 2012
Another from another file I came across while searching for the above and felt compelled to include:
Oh,King Of Kings
Oh,King of kings make haste I pray,
That your return will set us free,
Then take us Home with You to stay
In love’s vast ocean of eternity.
You have been the truest of Friends,
A Mentor to my searching soul,
Now is the time that Heaven lends,
To reap the garden Satan stole.
With open arms Your bride awaits,
To be no more of sin’s dark lie,
As the demon burns with his mates,
We’re safely Home above the sky.
G W (Bill) Marshall / Sept 06, 2013
Thank you Bill for these poems, you certainly have a gift for writing them.
Yes, thank you Bill for these poems!!
Your comments and links and prayers Pastor David are a blessing and an encouragement to us. I prayed both the prayer with you and that for Reynold and Kathy. Reynolod’s pictures are so special as they complement the scripture of the day together with all your words of wisdom. May Our Lord Jesus Christ keep Reynold and Kathy in the Palm of His hand, always. Amen!!
Yes, all the wars and killings are not too inspirational: However, God created all things and is in control of all things, and we can trust that as the scripture tells us “His ways are higher than ours and His thoughts are higher that ours.”
He is faithful and loves us with an everlasting love! Praise His Holy Name, Amen!!
I agree with your prayer, the stories are accurate, and are worthy of our respect!!
I love the spiritual chain of command outlined in the key verse today, Joshua 11:15: …The Lord commands Moses…Moses commands Joshua…and Joshua does it! Seems to illustrate a sensitivity to Spiritual Leadership and the urgings of the Spirit. Grateful for the worldwide impact of this kind of leadership by David & Norma-Jean through 100 Huntley the message is reflected in so many ways. I definitely join in prayer for all those proclaiming the gospel in such diverse ways..and making an impact… including World Embrace Ministry. Definitely agree with the special prayer including with today’s blog… and praying for a great spiritual awakening…as the prayer says, ‘that will reach North America” – we definitely need such a demonstration of the Spirit of God that both Christian and the Secular World will compelled to recognize as evidence and power of God at work. My prayer is: “Let the spiritual floodgates open as God pours out His Holy Spirit bringing revival in our hearts and a great turning to the Lord”…
Amen Samuel.
Yes, Amen Samuel