Today’s Reading: Genesis 7-8
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Did you know that the Bible notes 80 species of mammals, 25 kinds of birds, 8 reptiles and 12 insects?
Key Verse: Genesis 7:1
Then the Lord said to Noah, “Come into the ark, you and all your household, because I have seen that you are righteous before Me in this generation.”
According to the dimensions given by God to Noah, the Ark was about 450 feet long (the length of 1-1/2 football fields), 75 feet wide, and 45 feet high. There were only eight human passengers. I’m told that the Chinese character for “safety” depicts eight people in a boat. According to the Bible, the world as we know it will again be destroyed. Next time, the Ark will be big enough to hold many more than eight people. God has provided a way, through Jesus, whereby all who receive Him as Saviour and Lord will be saved. Noah must have wept as he considered the fate of others, but there was nothing he could do. There is something we can do! It’s our job to invite everyone into the Ark. Jesus is the Ark of safety!
Lord Jesus, again and again You invited people to come to You and You promised that You would receive all who come (John 6:37). Please Lord, grant me the honour of telling someone today about Your invitation, and may I urge people to decide today to come into the eternal safety that You have provided. Amen!
Four years ago, a former 100 Huntley Street TV host, Lorna Dueck (who is now Crossroads new President and CEO), reminded me, as she helped me learn how to do a blog, that I had instructed her, We must never let a day go by on television without giving an invitation for people to respond to the call to be saved.” All those wonderful people who answer our Prayer Line at 1-866-273-4444 are prepared to lead people to assurance of their eternal salvation. June 15th, 1977, was the first day we had telephones available for immediate response. Don Osborne signaled to me from across the studio that the first person had just given their life to Christ on one of our 30 telephones. I said, “Everything is paid for now, because one soul is worth more than the whole world!”
Yours very, very, very truly,