Monday, July 10, 2023


Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 32

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The biggest stone in the Western Wall of the Temple Mount, often called the Western Stone, is revealed within the tunnel excavations. That stone ranks as one of the heaviest objects ever lifted by human beings without powered machinery. The stone has a length of 13.6 metres (45 ft), height of 3 metres (9.8 ft), and an estimated width of between 3.5 metres (11 ft) and 4.5 metres (15 ft). Estimates place its weight at 570 tons.


















GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.

Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 32:20

Now because of this King Hezekiah and the prophet Isaiah, the son of Amoz, prayed and cried out to heaven.


There is a consistent message which runs through the entire Bible: If we choose to stand with the Lord, we cannot lose. The claim has often been made, “God is with us!” However, the more important consideration is, “Are we with God?” Being with God may not always mean success in terms understood by the world around us. Hebrews 11 tells us of many who found victory by suffering and dying for the cause of the Lord. Throughout history, whether to live or die, a person standing with God has been found to be unbeatable.

King Sennacherib was right when he proclaimed that his armies had triumphed everywhere. But he did not know the God of Hezekiah and Isaiah! What a powerful team these two made. The King and the Prophet! They proved that there is more strength in fervent prayer than in weaponry, more power in faith in God than in armies.


Lord God, like Hezekiah and Isaiah, I’m praying and crying out to Heaven. The key verse for today and Your response bring great encouragement to me. When Your cause, Your Church, and Your people are mocked and held up to ridicule, I rejoice because I know that the scoffers will return home ashamed, as Sennacherib did. Thank You, Lord, for responding when I pray, and thank You for prayer partners. Like Hezekiah, I’m not alone! I pray in Jesus’ Name, Amen!!!


Many 100 Huntley Street viewers will remember Rev. Norm MacLaren. He led our prayer partners team for many years and would report daily from the prayer phones with news of what was happening on the phones and what God was doing in lives. Norm would give us a Word from God which helped provide courage to continue. Norm now serves with the great “Teen Challenge” ministry, helping to transform lives for time and eternity.

I had known Norm for years before he came on our full-time team. He and his family had told their story of God’s answer to prayer on the telecast when he was a New Brunswick Pastor. Shortly thereafter he was elected to the Board of Directors of Crossroads, where he served for 8 years. Then came a really big battle in the Crossroads ministry. In 1992 we found ourselves facing a large overrun in the costs of building the new Crossroads Centre. I would be in the Chapel crying out to God for His supply very early each morning. Then one morning I found a prayer partner who drove all the way from Kitchener-Waterloo to Burlington. Every morning, Monday through Friday, for several months he joined me in crying out to God in fervent prayer. You guessed it. It was Norm, who was at that time a Pastor of a great church in Kitchener, Ontario. He had big responsibilities in his congregation and he would be back on the job there at the usual time when he would be expected to be at his church, never neglecting his congregation. Like the two in today’s reading, we cried out to Heaven, and the Lord answered from Heaven and gave us a great victory. Thanks Norm for being an Isaiah to this would-be leader. The new building and TV production equipment was all paid for within several years without cutting back on existing outreach ministry television productions, and fresh new soul winning programs were developed. With changes in leadership Crossroads has debt once again and needs your sacrificial help. I’m sure there are blog partners reading this who also prayed and gave sacrificially to God so the ministry would continue strongly. Lorna, our precious and strong leader today, needs your help big time!!! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! Please forgive me for going way over my 100 words goal.

Yours for finding a prayer partner. Jesus said, “Again I say to you that if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in Heaven” (Matthew 18:19). AMEN!!!


The Western Wall Tunnel is an underground tunnel exposing the full length of the Western Wall. The tunnel is adjacent to the Western Wall and is located under buildings of the Old City of Jerusalem. While the open-air portion of the Western Wall is approximately 60 metres (200 ft) long, the majority of its original length is hidden underground. The tunnel allows access to an additional 485 metres (1,591 ft) of the Wall. Since the Temple Mount is controlled by Muslims, these Jewish women are as close as they can get to what was the Holy of Holies.


This photo was also taken in the Western Wall Tunnel and is looking straight down through plexiglass on which visitors can walk. The excavations have gone quite deep.

Sunday, July 9, 2023


Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 31

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


From the region of the Qumran caves in Israel, you can see the Dead Sea with the mountains of Moab in the background. Though the Jordan Rift Valley is one of the most uninhabitable desert locations on earth, there is much agriculture.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 31:21

“And in every work that he began in the service of the house of God, in the law and in the commandment, to seek his God, he did it with all his heart. So he prospered.”


There were three elements for successful living demonstrated by Hezekiah. (1) He was obedient to God. (2) He sought God. (3) He worked wholeheartedly. These are vital principles for us to follow in order to live successfully as Christians. The word “prosperity” has been distorted in our time by some to mean almost exclusively financial success. Let us not be fooled by those who seek material gain for themselves by manipulating others. The prosperity God offers us may indeed include human comforts here in the west, but primarily God’s prosperity results in peace, contentment, and a joyful heart with or without money and the things it can buy.

Jesus taught us to “Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you” (click Matthew 6:25-34 to understand what “these things” are). We may want to add to this reading 1 Timothy 6:3-11, and let us serve God WHOLEHEARTEDLY!


Lord God, most of all I pray for grace to keep the greatest commandment, which is to love You with all my heart, with all my soul, and with all my mind. Also, Lord, grant that I may keep today the second greatest commandment, which is to love my neighbour as myself. Thank You for helping me to watch for the opportunities to direct my love for You into loving others. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!!!


One of my grandchildren, Eric David Mainse, is a leader with Youth for Christ (Youth Unlimited – click here). He graduated from the same school from which I graduated in 1959, a seminary now known as Masters College and Seminary. He showed me one of his assignment papers, for which he received a good grade. It was a sermon based in 2 Chronicles 20:15-17. Although we’ve just passed that reading a few days ago, I thought I’d include a few excerpts from Eric’s sermon for you:

It took a lot of faith for King Jehoshaphat to believe that the words Jahaziel claimed to be from God were true. Jehoshaphat chose to believe. Faith is a choice. If you choose to believe, then don’t hide it. BE BOLD and OBEY!…Jehoshaphat proved himself to be humble before God and showed that he had great humility by bowing his face to the ground in worship along with all of Judah and the inhabitants of Jerusalem. Once he had heard about the promised victory and chose to believe it, he immediately began to worship…Looking back to verse 15 where it says, “For the battle is not yours, but God’s,” we can see that the real battle is a spiritual one and sending in the worshippers first (verse 21) acknowledged that God was sovereign over their lives and prepared the ground for victory! We must do the same, otherwise we are only fighting on the ‘human level’. Praise and worship tear down strongholds of the enemy.

Thank you, Eric, for giving your Grandpa permission to use your work!

Yours for wholeheartedly supporting the next generation,


Panoramic view showing more agriculture in the desert of the Jordan Rift Valley by the Dead Sea.

Saturday, July 8, 2023


Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 30

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Arch of Titus in Rome was constructed in 82 AD by the Roman Emperor Domitian shortly after the death of his older brother Titus to commemorate Titus’ victory in the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD. The Arch of Titus has provided the general model for many of the triumphal arches erected since the 16th century, including the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 30:26

So there was great joy in Jerusalem, for since the time of Solomon, son of David, King of Israel, there had been nothing like this in Jerusalem.


Today’s reading is such an encouragement. The sequence of events that resulted in the “joy in Jerusalem” is as follows. (1) Letters were sent to both the northern tribes of Israel and the southern tribes of Judah. They were carried by “runners” who functioned like the town criers who brought the news before newspapers, radio, TV, and the Internet. In New Testament times these newscasters were called evangelists. So those who took the Gospel everywhere and announced the news of Christ were called Evangelists. (2) These “runners” refused to be discouraged in spite of the fact that in some places “they laughed them to scorn, and mocked them.” (3) “Many people, a very great congregation, assembled at Jerusalem.” (4) In spite of the compromise with the world, which was very evident in the culture, a powerful remnant of faithful people remained true to the Word of God and followed the lead of the man of God, King Hezekiah. (5) Hezekiah prayed for the people that, in spite of the fact that some people were ignorant of the proper preparation for the Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur in the present Jewish calendar), the Lord would provide atonement for everyone. This atonement is ours today through the passover sacrifice of Jesus as the final Sacrifice as the Lamb of God.


Lord God, please make me a more effective runner with the Good News of the message of Jesus’ passover feast in Jerusalem. As was the case with Hezekiah, I pray that everyone (the whole world for whom Jesus offered His life as the final Sacrifice for atonement) will hear the message and come to know Him as Saviour and Lord. I pray for Crossroads Family of Ministries. May every team member burn with a holy unquenchable flame to bring people to Jesus. May winning souls to Jesus continue to be the #1 priority. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen and Amen!!!


The greatest example of a true Evangelist to masses of people in our time is Billy Graham. The greatest motivator for personal evangelism in our time is the late Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ. In Billy Graham’s appearances on the 100 Huntley Street telecasts, without fail, he turned to the camera and gave an invitation for people to come to Christ. Bill Bright did the same in his appearances with me on television. I took Bill Bright to lunch several times and without fail he witnessed for Christ to the waiter or waitress serving us. I made sure to leave a larger than usual tip in order to underline the love with which Bill spoke of Jesus.

I can never be content to maintain the status quo in ministry. If TV programs, camping ministries, World Expos, etc., in which Crossroads has been involved were not winning souls to Christ, I would become more and more desperate in the fervency of my prayers until I would see results in more people coming to Christ. I pray with all my heart that Crossroads Christian Communications will continue to produce soul-winning telecasts and that the leadership will continue to be filled with a passion for souls until the moment of Christ’s return.

Yours for running with the Good News throughout the world via the TV and internet (check out,


Friday, July 7, 2023


Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 29

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Looking up to the western side of the southwest containment wall of the Temple Mount, you can see protruding from the wall what is now called Robinson’s Arch. This was once a magnificent staircase that led up to the Temple Mount. The two pictures below are from inside a ritual bath just beneath Robinson’s Arch, where pilgrims had to cleanse themselves before entering the Temple Mount.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 29:20

Then King Hezekiah rose EARLY, gathered the rulers of the city, and went up to the house of the Lord.


Consider the word “EARLY.” Hezekiah had his priorities in order. Abraham, the friend of God, began “EARLY” (recorded 4 times). Moses and the word “EARLY” connect 6 times. Joshua, 5 times, and in the Psalms and Proverbs we are encouraged to be “EARLY” 11 times. In the Gospels (NKJV) the word “EARLY” shows up 9 times. To get to my motivating verse for my 4 a.m. rising time to prepare my heart and mind for the daily blog, I quote to myself frequently from the New International Version, Mark 1:35, “Very EARLY in the morning, while it was yet dark, Jesus got up, left the house, and went to a solitary place, where He prayed.” Jesus always lived His life as “Son of man,” not using the fact that He was 100% God to help Himself. I’m convinced that the EARLY time with His Father was the reason He could say, “The Father has not left Me alone, for I always do those things that please Him” (John 8:29). Like Jesus, we need to wait on God EARLY, if possible, in order to get our instructions for the day. Making notes or journaling as we pray is a very effective way to check up on ourselves. I’ve just given 3 cheers for Hezekiah…Hip Hip Hooray!!!


Lord God, I pray for consistency in my appointments with You every morning. Jesus shows me the way to learn how to please You every day. I give myself to You as fully as I know how. I’m listening for Your voice within my spirit just now, then I expect to receive the grace to obey. In the Name of the One who always pleased You, Lord God, Jesus, Himself, Amen!!!


My son Ron asked if he could write the “100 Personal Words” today with a story of his own. I said Yes:

Hi, Ron here. This is one of my favourite “EARLY” stories about Dad…

When I was a teenager, I was part of our high school basketball team. I remember having to wake up extremely early one morning in order to attend a practice, which our overly zealous coach had scheduled well before the school day began. My teammates and I were far from enthusiastic about having to get our bodies out of bed that early, but that was the only time the gymnasium was available before our big championship game. So I set my alarm for “dark and early.” When the dreaded beeping noise hit my ears, I reluctantly rolled out of bed, got dressed, and tiptoed my way through the dark hallway and down the stairs, being careful not to wake anyone else in the family. However, when I got to the living room, I was surprised to see the lights on and hear someone speaking. When I looked to my left, I saw my Dad kneeling next to the couch with dozens of pieces of paper spread out all over the furniture. I paused long enough to figure out what was going on. Dad was in prayer, weeping and interceding before God on behalf of the many who had written to him as a result of the recently launched 100 Huntley Street daily TV program. He never saw me as I continued tiptoeing out the door and off to my practice. That experience deeply impacted me. It strongly reinforced to my heart the truth of Dad’s genuine passion for God and passion for people. He wasn’t on television because of any ego trip or because he needed a job. He was called by God to share the love of Jesus to a lost and hurting world. He often says, “One soul is worth more than the whole world!”…and he has always lived what he believes. After that, I could think of nothing else I wanted to do with my life than work with my Dad… and I had the privilege of doing that for 30 years. — Ron Mainse

Looking up from the Mikvot (ritual bath), you can see Robinson’s Arch, which was one of the ancient entrances to the Temple Mount. You can see the divider in the stairway to separate those who were unclean from those who came up purified.

Thursday, July 6, 2023


Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 26-28

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Looking east through the Valley of Hinnom (also known as the Valley of Gehenna) in Jerusalem. In today’s reading, it is referred to as “The Valley of the Son of Hinnom,” where Ahaz committed evil acts (2 Chronicles 28:3).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 26:5

He sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God; and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him prosper.


The history of Judah is like a roller coaster. Two Kings, Uzziah, and his son Jotham, did what was right. God blessed them and all of Judah. The grandson, Ahaz, did evil when he became king, and we’ve learned by now that when God is not honoured and wanted, He withdraws and the result is disaster. Let’s look more closely at the action and the results. (1) Uzziah “sought the Lord.” Result – “God made him to prosper.” (2) Jotham “prepared his ways before the Lord his God.” Result – “He became mighty.” (3) Ahaz “became increasingly unfaithful to the Lord.” Result – “The ruin of him and all Israel.”

Let us not despair. We expect to meet a truly Godly leader in tomorrow’s reading, Uzziah’s great-grandson, Hezekiah.


Father God, grant grace and wisdom to me that I may influence family members and others in Your ways of doing what is right in Your sight. I pray that I may successfully communicate the fact that You will not force Your blessings on those who, by their free will, turn away from You and from doing what is right in Your sight. Grant Your favour upon us all I pray fervently. In Jesus’ Name I ask these requests, Amen!!!


I have a Bible open beside me as I type, and when I think about it, I’m amazed by some of the stories and people that have made that possible. For example, we rarely hear of Myles Coverdale. He made a complete translation of the Bible into English 76 years before the King James authorized version was published. The impact of Coverdale’s translation on the English language is immense! William Shakespeare quoted approximately 2,500 verses out of this amazing translation in his plays. Shakespeare’s plays were performed in outdoor theatres to hundreds of thousands of people during, and after, his lifetime. Many of these statements have passed into our language without people knowing their source. Of course, there were others, such as William Tyndale and John Wycliffe, who made amazing efforts to get God’s Word to everyone. Before the Latin translation by Jerome was made the official Bible of the Roman Empire, there may have been as many as 200 other languages into which at least part of the Scriptures had been translated and written on sheep’s skin or papyrus. I highly treasure my Bible. For that reason, I’m making this daily blog with the prayer that others, who may not otherwise read the Bible in depth from cover to cover with a measure of understanding, will do so and be blessed! (click here for more information on Myles Coverdale).

Yours for a greater appreciation of our Bibles,


P.S. I recorded a video for the special 100 Huntley Street Canada Day live broadcast from Kingston, Ontario [July 1, 2017]. If you’d like to hear what I said, you can watch it HERE.

Looking south from the hills of Samaria in the direction of Jerusalem, which lies just over the horizon.


Wednesday, July 5, 2023


Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 25

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Zion Gate is located in the southern part of the Old City. This gate was used by the Israel Defense Forces in 1967 to enter and capture the Old City. The stones surrounding the gate are still pockmarked by weapons fire. This entrance leads to the Jewish and Armenian Quarters.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 25:2

And he did what was right in the sight of the Lord, but not with a loyal heart.


What can we learn from King Amaziah? Loyalty to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ and loyalty one to another as fellow believers in Christ is so very important. This could be described as true friendship. Loyalty says, “You can count on me to be true to you, to be there for you, to do my best to serve you in good times and bad, in sickness and in health.” This is sounding like the marriage vows. Well…maybe that’s not far off. The Apostle Paul wrote in Ephesians 5:25-27 that we men are to love our wives as Christ loved the Church. According to the book called “The Revelation of Jesus Christ,” there are three kinds of believers in the church: hot, cold, and lukewarm. Revelation 3:14-22 would be a good New Testament reading for today.

Even after his initial disobedience, God gave Amaziah other chances. He sent a prophet to him and Amaziah listened to him, but he soon fell away again. As we read this, God may be calling us to repentance once again. Let’s hear His voice and obey!


Lord God, Your Son and my Saviour, Jesus Christ, modelled true loyalty. I pray for that kind of 100% loyalty to You and to all those to whom I’ve given my word of commitment. Please forgive me for those times when my love for You and others is less than hot (lukewarm). I repent and trust You for the fire of Your Spirit to burn white hot within me every day. In Jesus’ Name I ask for the blessing of true loyalty, Amen!!!


Through the years I’ve trusted God for the blessing of loyalty. Loyalty works both ways. I am loyal to God, to my family, to my church, to my community, to my country, and also to my blog readers. Yes, that’s you I’m writing about! You are in my heart as my new extended family. I’m so very thankful to God for you. I want the very best for you. I pray by name from time to time for all who respond to this blog in writing in the same way I pray for my family members, for the leaders of the Crossroads ministry, for my neighbours of the last 60 years. It always amazes me how I can remember names when I pray. I believe God brings names to my mind. Of course, when I say those names before God my memories stay fresh.

I ask for the prayers of all who read this blog…for me, my family, and for the Crossroads ministry team members in particular.

Yours for the fire of the Holy Spirit within us, keeping us “HOT” with a loyal heart!


Just outside the Zion Gate, the Lion of Judah is symbolized on the Jerusalem flag.

Tuesday, July 4, 2023


Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 24

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The hill of Golgotha, next to The Garden Tomb. The Cross of Christ and the empty tomb are the solid bedrock of our faith! (John 19:41; Matthew 27:59-60). The north face of a Mt. Moriah quarry has the appearance of a skull, if one uses his or her imagination. The stones used in the Temple construction probably came from this quarry.

Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 24:2

Joash did what was right in the sight of the Lord all the days of Jehoiada the priest.


Yes, as long as Joash had the powerful influence of Jehoiada, he did well, but when Jehoiada was gone, he was like a ship without an anchor. He moved with the next wind that blew. The new influences moved him away from God to introduce idolatry back into Judah.

What more could Jehoiada have done to cause King Joash to be unmovable in his faith and service to the true God? Perhaps Jehoiada kept control for too long. After all, he had ruled as regent while Joash was still a child. Let us who are in the older generation be sensitive to the next generation. In wisdom, let us know when to back off our authority, using our influence wisely, so that those who follow us will become strong in their own relationship with God.

Jesus said that the wise man built his house on a rock (Matthew 7:24-27). It seems that Joash had built upon shifting sand.


Lord God, I need to understand in a greater way that You, and You alone, are my solid Rock! By Your grace I pray that I will build my life on You, not being moved off my foundation by the floods of the current opinions of those who would push me away from You. Also, please let me know how and when to use my influence, so that those who follow after me will not be so dependent upon me that they will not be strong in You themselves. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen!!!


Today is “Independence Day” in the United States. The time came when the leaders of 13 of the colonies of the United Kingdom had to stand on their own, not being ruled by King George III and the government across the Atlantic. The Americans had a faith in the God of their fathers and honoured Him in strong statements of their faith, which are found in the documents of the new republic. It was obviously important for these colonies to take a stand. The result is there for all to see. Happy 4th of July to my American blog readers. There is a book I’ve read more than once called, “The Light and the Glory” by Peter Marshall Jr. and David Manuel. To any who want to know the true history of the United States before the historical revisionists wrote their books, this is the one! (click here for information on getting this excellent book).

In 1982, Crossroads produced video segments honouring the United States and highlighting their Christian roots (click here for a sample of our efforts).

Yours for a strong Rock-solid foundation on which to build our lives and our countries,


The signing of the Declaration of Independence, July 4th, 1776. The Founding Fathers of the United States believed that their reading of the Bible gave them the right to resist tyranny. They had a “Rock solid” conviction that they had the blessing of God.

Monday, July 3, 2023


Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 23

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

On several occasions when Israel was in big trouble, they cried out to the Lord (eg. 2 Chronicles 20:9). This photo is of an initiative called “The CRY” from Canada’s 150th birthday. Many Christians gathered to cry out to God in intercession on behalf of Canada. It took place in Kingston, Ontario, the home of our first Prime Minister, Sir John A. Macdonald.

Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 23:16

Then Jehoiada made a covenant between himself, the people and the king that they should be the Lord’s people.


In the midst of a record of ungodliness and the self-seeking lives of the Israelites, our key verse stands out like a jewel. In one of the darkest periods of Israel’s history, it is encouraging to find leaders who are faithful to the true God. The actions of the priest, Jehoiada, along with Jehoshabeath, reveal a bedrock confidence in the faithfulness of God. They had not rescued Joash for selfish purposes; instead they had a deep desire to see the people brought back to a relationship with God. The influence exerted by this God-fearing pair resulted in the nation being raised from the depths to which it had fallen.

We need to look beyond our present circumstances to the living God. In our day, spiritual renewal will become a reality when we, as individuals, are willing to risk all in a fresh covenant relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.


Lord Jesus, grant me the grace to commit to a renewed covenant with You today and every day. I ask for Your Holy Spirit to enable me to risk all for You. In Your Name I pray, Amen!!!


After I had made my lifetime decision at 16 to be a 100% follower of Jesus, I must confess that I slipped from 100% to 99%, and lower, from time to time. I would be moved by the Spirit to rededicate myself to the Lord over and over. Someone said that my “rededicator” was broken from so much use. I’ve mentioned this before I’m sure, but here goes again. I learned thoroughly the foundation of my faith in the doctrines of salvation. I reaffirmed that I was kept by the power of God. I memorized the words of Jesus in John 10:27-29, “My sheep know My voice, and I know them and they follow Me. And I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; neither shall anyone snatch them out of My hand. My Father, who has given them to Me, is greater than all; and no one is able to snatch them out of My Father’s hand.” Those words of Jesus, and other Scriptures, gave me a solid foundation on which to build a consistent Christian life. This is a primary reason why I’m so very committed to this program of reading the Word of God every day. It’s tough going here in 2 Chronicles, but please don’t give up. In a few days we’ll shift over to the “Epistle of Joy,” Philippians.

Yours for the development of a more solid knowledge of God’s Word,


Sunday, July 2, 2023


Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 21-22

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The most unique rock formations are seen in Meteora, Greece. On the front right you can see Monastery Roussanou.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 22:12

And he (Joash) was hidden with them in the house of God for six years, while Athaliah reigned over the land.


Jehu was carrying out judgment on the land. Ahaziah was caught and killed because, as they said, “He is the son of Jehoshaphat who sought the Lord with all his heart” (22:9). It seemed as if all the descendants of Jehoshaphat were to be slain, but into the picture stepped Jehoshabeth, the king’s daughter. She rescued Joash, then one year old, and hid him in the Temple. Six years later Joash was anointed king. The enemies of God will try to thwart God’s plan, but it was not God’s will for the righteous influence in the royal family to cease. God had prepared Jehoshabeth and Jehoiada, the high priest, to intervene. Joash was hidden in the Temple for six years.

We learn from this story of God’s love and His power to provide for His people. Sometimes we wonder how God could possibly make a way through a seemingly impossible situation. But He does! For a New Testament reading today, we may want to read about what would seem to be an impossible situation, the shipwreck of Acts 27:13-44.


Lord God, I need to learn to be hidden in Your place of safety where the enemy cannot find me. I pray with King David, “Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You. When my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I. For You have been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy” (Psalm 61:1-3). In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!!!


This morning I’ve been singing two hymns, “Rock of Ages” and “Hiding in Thee.” The words of the first are, “Rock of Ages, cleft for me, let me hide myself in Thee,” and the second are, “Hiding in Thee, hiding in Thee, thou blessed Rock of Ages, I’m hiding in Thee” (click here for a medley of these two beautiful hymns). There have been times when I had to hide from the pressures and influences of the world. One such occasion was when a sergeant of the Hamilton, Ontario, city police told me that the average age of the lawbreaker with whom they were dealing was just 12. My heart was broken for the children of our city. I withdrew to my bedroom for a week to fast and pray. Norma-Jean would bring me water and join me from time to time. Directly out of that time of hiding in God came our children’s television ministry, Circle Square, and out of those telecasts came the Circle Square Ranches, where over the years, approximately 250,000 children and teens have spent at least a week each. It’s estimated that around 100,000 of them made first-time decisions to give their lives to Jesus. This Summer I intend to “hide away” and spend much more time hiding in God’s presence, and I need to hear from God about the future!

Yours for hiding for a while,


Saturday, July 1, 2023


Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 19-20

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


A westerly view of Jerusalem from the Mount of Olives. This was Jehoshaphat’s “Parliament Hill.”

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: 2 Chronicles 20:3

And Jehoshaphat feared, and set himself to seek the Lord, and proclaimed a fast throughout all Judah.


Jehoshaphat had learned a very hard lesson! When the next crisis came, he began to pray with fasting before he made his plans for battle. After his bad experience with King Ahab, the attack of the Moabites and the Ammonites sent him straight to God. Prior to this he traveled throughout his kingdom and into some territories of the northern kingdom as well, teaching the things of God and bringing the people “back to the Lord God of their fathers” (19:4). Imagine, a political leader who was also a teacher/evangelist. Here in Canada (today is Canada’s birthday) we’ve come close to this model with several of our leaders. Our second Prime Minister, Alexander MacKenzie, was a man of God who not only taught the things of God, but it is recorded that he prayed three times a day, out loud, on his knees with his office door open. The staff crowded around the door to listen in and say “amen” at the conclusion of his prayers. According to the Ottawa Citizen newspaper, our first Prime Minister, Sir John A. MacDonald, found Jesus later in life. Of course, who can forget the longest serving Premier of any Canadian Province, The Hon. Ernest C. Manning, who preached the Word of God on Radio across Canada for 40 years every Sunday morning on what he called “Canada’s National Back to the Bible Hour.” God blessed the leadership of Jehoshaphat, and He promises to bless us too as we learn the lessons for Godly leadership.


Lord God, I pray on this, the birthday of our country, for Your blessing on our land. Have Your way Lord! Keep this land glorious and free! Please raise up men and women in whose lives You are Lord! Put it in their hearts and minds to lead in “paths of righteousness for Your Name’s sake.” Please forgive me for my failure to stand more firmly for Your will to be done in my country as it is in Heaven. In Jesus’ Name I pray, Amen!!!


On the eve of Canada Day, 2013, Norma-Jean and I had the honour of riding in the landau (carriage) as guests of honour of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at their Musical Ride (photos below). The magnificent horses performed in an arena with God providing a glorious sunset there in Ottawa. We were the guests of the Chief Superintendent Commanding Officer, National Headquarters of the RCMP, Ronald Mostrey. We were celebrating in this event 50 years of achievement of the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award in Canada. This award encourages young people ages 14 to 25, including youth at risk, to make a difference while exploring their potential, taking on new challenges and finding success. The fund raises money to help in the transformation of the lives of youth at risk by developing local community programs in support of child safety, drug awareness, crime prevention, literacy, internet safety, anti-bullying, and victim assistance. I encourage all blog readers to make a donation to the RCMP Foundation, a charity established for this purpose. The RCMP fund and more information can be found at I’m so impressed with the good works of this charity that Norma-Jean and I are sending a gift. This could be considered a birthday gift to Canada on her 150th birthday. Happy Birthday Canada!!!

Yours for God to bless the lands where we live and the lands of our births all over the world, Amen!!!


P.S. Here are some pictures that the official RCMP photographer took just before and during the Musical Ride. Norma-Jean and I were honoured to ride in the landau (carriage) and sit at the front of the viewing stand four years ago. This was part of the Canada Day celebrations in Canada’s capitol city of Ottawa.