Friday, April 12, 2024

LISTEN, O EARTH! (Micah 1:2)

Today’sĀ Reading: Micah 1-2

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Here you can see a row of homes in the region of ancient Pergamos. All seven churches of Revelation (Pergamos is one) are in modern day Turkey. The book of Micah, like the Revelation, is God’s attempt to communicate with people where they take shelter, eat, sleep, and go about their daily lives.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Micah 2:1

Woe to those who devise iniquity,

And work out evil on their beds!

At morning light they practice it,

Because it is in the power of their hand.


Micah reveals the compassion of God for people who suffer social injustice at the hands of a powerful corrupt elite. Micah strongly condemns rulers, false prophets, and ungodly priests who exploit the poor for their own gain. He declares that both the Northern Kingdom, Samaria, and the Southern Kingdom, Jerusalem, will be overthrown because of their iniquity, evil, covetousness and oppression of those who are disadvantaged.

When Christ returns to earth to rule as Messiah, His statement to all the nations of the earth will be, “I was hungry and you gave Me food” (Matthew 25:31-46). Jesus makes it clear that care for needy people will be His #1 priority when He sets up His earthly Kingdom. He will judge all nations by His standards of justice for all. In the meantime, as our key verse says, evil “is in the power of their hand.”


Lord God, You have given me a free will. Because of the example of Jesus, and Your grace You freely give me, I pray that I will decide to do good and not evil all the days of my life. I ask this in the Name of the One who always cares for others, Jesus Christ. Amen!!!


At the tail end of the Great Depression of the 1930s, when so much poverty was evident, I can remember men that society called “tramps” (homeless people) knocking on our door asking for food and shelter. Mother would prepare some food, but as my father was away, they would usually sit on the porch. I would sit and watch. I couldn’t think of anything to say, but I knew mother had done something important. I also knew that she was keeping an eye on me for my safety. When I entered high school in the late 1940s, I learned that my all-time favourite teacher had been one of those homelessĀ in the 30s. This gave me a new perspective on helping others.

As a young Pastor in the late 1950s and 1960s, I encouraged the congregations to support the Salvation Army, and I think it was in 1965 that World Vision came to our city with a Korean orphan choir. Our people got involved as childcare sponsors. Our television ministry got involved directly as a result of my son’s (David Reynold, our photographer for this blog) prayers every evening at family devotions for about a month. He was just a little guy, but somehow he encountered human need. He would pray, in an mournful voice, “O God, please help Daddy to help those poor children in India.” God answered his prayer and within another month we had raised, through the TV ministry, monthly childcare support for about 1,000 children, and we turned the names and addresses over to World Vision Canada for the cause, which was the ministry of Mark and Huldah Buntain in Calcutta, India. Crossroads has consistently encouraged support of ministries of compassion and has for decades now been directly involved (click here for Crossroads’ current missions projects).

Yours for being moved with the compassion of Christ toward those in need,


2 thoughts on “Friday, April 12, 2024

  1. David was truly led by God to help others and make a way for others to help also.Money doesn’t perish so has a long shelf life but needs to be used ASAP to buy essentials.We must “open up our hearts and let the ‘Son’ shine in”.God bless all connected with this ministry,especially Ron and the Mainse family.Amen
    What Do We Take

    What do we take when we go
    And leave this nursery here below,
    Do we take a bank account
    To what would that amount?

    We take happiness and love,
    For that is all there is above
    There will be no pain or hate
    When we’re through Heaven’s gate.

    There’ll be not one single tear,
    Nor any danger or evil to fear,
    And envy’s lies will not be near,
    Nor sorrows cries will we hear.

    All our hopes and dreams stay
    With the things we give away,
    For once we leave this place
    We’ll gaze upon His holy face.
    G W (Bill) Marshall /17.10.2011

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