Today’s Reading: Lamentations 3-5
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This winding road is in Meteroa Greece. Perhaps the road of life resembles this. Most of the time life is up hill like the top left of Reynold’s photograph.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Lamentations 3:22-23
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
It is surprising to find this gem of positive affirmation in the middle of such a sad book as Lamentations. God’s “mercies,” His “lovingkindnesses indeed never cease, for His compassions never fail.” That’s worth reading at least twice! On top of that, “They are new every morning!” Could this be a reason for this blog? Then here’s the clincher to understanding the heart of God! “GREAT IS YOUR FAITHFULNESS!”
An example of this is the picture on our Canadian $20 bill. Of course, it’s our Queen! For all who read this who are not familiar with the Canadian form of Government, we are a constitutional monarchy. The constitutional monarch, Queen Elizabeth, is our “Head of State.” Those who led Canada into its sovereignty believed that we needed someone above the political process. By its nature politics is messy, but not the Queen, or our Governor General who represents her for Canada, and our Lieutenant Governors who represent her in the Provinces and Territories. This institution of the monarchy illustrates in human terms the “faithfulness” of God. He remains the same! He does not wander from one position to another, as do our political leaders. God is over and above the fray. He is SOVEREIGN! We give to Him His divine right to rule over every area of our lives. “Yes” and “So be it!”
Lord God, King of the Cosmos, Absolute Ruler over my life, I kneel before You in complete submission to Your will and purpose for me. You have given me a bill of rights, in that I can come into Your presence daily, presenting my petitions. You have promised that “The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37b). That is my promise from You, and You never lie as some in human government do. Thank You for Your GREAT FAITHFULNESS! In the Name of the One the Apostle John saw in his vision of Jesus, the One who will return to earth in great power and glory…the “KING of KINGS!!!” Amen!!! (Revelation 19:16b).
There are many twists and turns in the road of life and I tell myself, “Just keep going!” Sometime back Norma-Jean and I bought a GPS (Global Positioning System) unit for our car. Don’t ask me how it works. I just use it! I know that there is a communications satellite parked in a stationary orbit about 22,500 miles above the earth through which a lady I call “Mabel” talks to me, telling me the way to turn at each crossroads. To support Mabel’s spoken word there is a road map on the screen and a purple arrow which points me to my desired destination. Mabel’s words and what I read on the screen are in agreement. Amazing! The odd time there is confusion. The words on the screen say, “Searching for satellite.” I know it’s up there somewhere.
How often on life’s road I’ve had to wait, even pull over to the side of the road, while waiting for my connection with God to be restored. As today’s reading says to God, “Great is Your faithfulness!” He’s always there, and if there is a problem, it’s my fault, not God’s. I simply go back to the instructions (the written Word), follow carefully what I read, and wait for a while. Soon the directions are clear, and there is the still small Voice of God confirming what I’ve read. I begin to move, and as He has promised, He directs my movements (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Yours because God is faithful,
P.S. I count among my friends the Hon. David Onley and his wife, Ruth Ann. David served for years as the Queen’s representative as Lieutenant Governor for the province of Ontario.