Today’s Reading: Mark 11
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These steps at the southern entrance of the Temple Mount once led into the Court of the Gentiles. You can still see the Triple Gate archways that were bricked over. These main gates to the Temple were called the Hulda Gates. An impressive staircase was added to enable the thousands of pilgrims to walk into the Temple.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, Click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 11:26
…But if you do not forgive, neither will your Father in heaven forgive your trespasses.
In the first 10 verses, Jesus meticulously fulfills prophecy (Zechariah 9:9 & Psalm 118:26). He then follows up by communicating His authority over nature, the fig tree, and over the activities surrounding the worship of God in the Temple. Mark concludes this chapter by quoting the religious leaders saying, “We do not know” (verse 33). Their biggest concern seemed to be the politics of the day. The core message of this passage concerns FORGIVENESS. This has eternal importance for each of us. Unforgiveness blocks the forgiveness we all need from God. Jesus warns us in a most forceful way. This is one truth that we MUST RECEIVE and ACT UPON TODAY! (How about every day?)
Lord Jesus, I ask for grace to forgive others and the grace to accept the forgiveness offered to me by others. Having done this, I am confident that as I ask for Your forgiveness for my sins against You, Lord God, You forgive me. Amen!
I can’t help but refer again to my minister Dad. He described some religious leaders of Jesus’ day, and often today also, with this couplet: “They wobble in and wobble out, and leave the people all in doubt.” The “we do not know” answer to a question about the great prophet John the Baptist is not acceptable. Immediately after our marriage in 1958, Norma-Jean and I accepted the call to pastor a congregation in Brighton, Ontario. We had lots of sports for our youth, and it came to my ears that a neighbouring pastor had called our Church, “The Brighton Sports Centre.” I was hurt by this and to my shame I nursed a grudge until the Holy Spirit pushed me to go to this pastor and to ask his forgiveness for not forgiving him. He didn’t even know that I knew what he had said. I was forgiven, but, as far as I knew, he continued to believe that sports were not right for the activities of a pastor and church. I had to let it go. Nevertheless, several teenagers came to know Jesus as a direct result of the friendships developed through sports.
Yours because of “forgiveness,”
We suffer arrows and bites from imperfect humanity…Forgiveness pulls out the arrows and heals the bites and we can LOVE again!..Forget retaliation. REST in the LORD equals WARFARE…..TRUSTING GOD equals WOrShIP.
Sometimes it is hard to forgive – some offences are difficult. Jesus forgave us and gives us hope and a future. Lord, please forgive me, and direct my path, to be more like You. Amen and Amen
Amen Doreen and Christine.
May God bless and keep each one of you in His special care. I know His desire for each of us is good.
From Michael Youssef today:
Amen Doreen
Sometimes I do find it hard to forgive
At times I even struggle with that
So it’s in those times that I asked the father Jesus to help me forgive
God bless and amen to everyone today
Amen 👍✝️
If only we had the presence of mind to ,somehow,’automatically forgive others (and ourselves) ”what a wonderful world this would be”.
Forgiveness is a gift we receive,
And freely we must give it too,
To prove to Him we do believe,
Forgiveness also works for you.
When Judas stabbed His back,
He did not turn to attack;
For it was not a setback,
When Satan caused this man to crack.
When you forgive it then returns,
For your heart is then lightened
While given the freedom it yearns
And your mind is then enlightened.
Let His healing hand touch your soul,
Then may His love render you whole,
For Satan will try to collect a toll
If faith is weak you give control
But someone you may overlook
Is one you may be least kind to;
For mistaken paths that you took;
The one you forgive must be you.
GW (Bill) Marshall/2012
Lest You Be Judged (4 Grieving Mothers)
Unless you have been in my shoes,
I’ve been on paths I did not choose,
So do not judge what I may do,
For one day soon this could be you.
Fortune has not been my friend,
Nor has my heart had help to mend,
Misfortune has never been far away
The scars I bear,too many to say.
Not many smiles are without a blade
And when you’re down quickly fade,
So remember,to thine own self be true,
And be honest in all things you do.
G W(Bill) Marshall/2012
Forgive Myself
Does God ever make mistakes,
Does He regret where He has led
When each step His child takes
Dries up the blood His Son has shed.
Now I fear I am now lost,
When I try to do what is right,
For mistakes are the cost
But it’s His blood that wins my fight.
So forgive myself I must,
For,if not,then in vain He died
And I would yield His trust,
Then they could say my Savior lied.
So get back upon your feet
And know Satan is a liar
Cast down in his defeat
To burn ever in hell fire.
No,God never makes mistakes,
But His ways are above our own,
So know,each child He makes
Is of the holy seed He’s sown.
(G.W.)Bill Marshall/23,June,2016