Saturday, January 4, 2025


Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 33-34

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


Here you can see what the breastplate would have looked like on the High Priest in Moses’ time. Each of the twelve tribes is represented before God by a precious stone. The Thummin and the Urim mentioned in today’s reading were there somewhere, but they remain mysterious objects of which we know very little. Perhaps they were instruments for testing God’s will such as casting lots (Deuteronomy 33:8).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Deuteronomy 33:27a

The eternal God is your refuge,
And underneath are the everlasting arms…


Our reading begins with praise to God and then blessings on all the tribes except one, Simeon. In Genesis 49:5-7 both Simeon and Levi are cursed by their father, Jacob. All the other brothers are blessed. Moses and Aaron came from Levi, the tribe that became Israel’s priests. It remains a mystery why Levi was chosen for special service and Simeon was not. Perhaps Levi repented of the sins Jacob mentioned and Simeon did not. God always responds to a godly sorrow for sin, followed by a turning away from sin. Restoring our relationship with God is absolutely essential to experiencing the powerful promise found in our key verse. God blessed Moses. Jesus, Peter, James and John would later meet him on the Mount of Transfiguration (Matthew 17:1-8).


Lord God, I search my heart, confess my sin, and trust You for the gift of genuine repentance. Levi became the recipient of Your blessings, and his brother, Simeon, did not. I’m desperate for Your everlasting arms under me. I lean on Your arms today and every day. Thank You for Your promise of strong support. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Often over the years I have visited the modern expression of “The Promised Land”…Israel. Bible prophecy indicates the establishment of a nation state in the end times called “Israel.” The olive tree symbolizes the spiritual life of Israel; the fig tree symbolizes political Israel (Luke 21:29-31). I, as a Gentile believer in the King of the Jews, Jesus, have been grafted into the olive tree. Jews who believe in Jesus as Messiah, Saviour and Lord (there are thousands in Israel in many congregations) continue an expression of the original olive tree. Following the birth of Jesus’ Church (Acts 2), many thousands of Jews formed the first congregations of believers in Jesus. A non-Jew, Cornelius, was the first Gentile grafted into the olive tree (Acts 10). While modern Israel has come into being, let’s not forget that the modern state of Israel is not gathered in righteousness. For example, I’m told that in Israel abortion is legal and huge numbers of little ones are being torn apart in the wombs of Jewish mothers. Jesus’ last prophecy was about this (check out Luke 23:27-31). Let us never forget that God loves all people equally; Arabs and Jews all need to receive Jesus in order to be saved. We all need to come to Him and trust His promises (e.g. John 6:37). Tomorrow, God willing, I’ll do my blog from the book of Romans. I’ve just had a head-start by reading about the “olive tree.” It’s found in Romans 11:17-24 (click here to read with me).

Yours for God at work today with Jews, Arabs, and all the rest of us…and for the growth of the “olive tree” and its grafted-in branches, of which I believe I’m a little twig,


P.S. Yesterday I linked you to my Uncle’s book, Pebbles From The Brink, which gives the last words of the dying at a time before modern sedatives (If you missed it, here is the link again). Most people today are not conscious when they pass away. Many of the last sayings were from a time when believers, both Roman Catholic and Protestant, were persecuted and martyred by wicked leaders from both sides (e.g. Henry VIII). My Uncle featured Heaven and Hell statements from both sides of that great divide.  I hope we don’t automatically presume we are reading of only one side or the other. Below is a picture of my uncle, Rev. Manley C. Pritchard. He edited a weekly and also a monthly publication beginning approximately in 1910.

Friday, January 3, 2025


Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 32

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


An elderly man ponders Scripture while in the courtyard of the Western Wall next to the Temple Mount. He may be meditating on the words of Moses.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Deuteronomy 32:7

Remember the days of old,
Consider the years of many generations.
Ask your father, and he will show you;
Your elders, and they will tell you…


The song of Moses, poetry in the Hebrew language, is a spectacular way to present his last words. We have no idea of the tune he sang. It was no doubt in the minor key. It’s a sad sounding melody. According to available information, the scale for the major key arrived at some point as a more joyous sound in early Christianity. What a dramatic impact Moses made with his message. Ever since, it has been impossible for Jewish people to forget Moses.

Our key verse tells sons and daughters, as well as the following generations, to “ask your father.” How should a father answer? Deuteronomy 32:6 gives fathers, and mothers too, their instructions…”Set your hearts!” In Matthew 12:34b Jesus is quoted as saying, “Out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks.” Let us fill our minds with God’s Word and meditate on it. It will surely soak down into the very core of our beings, and the right words will flow out when we speak.


Lord Jesus, I pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to move the content of this two-year daily blog into my heart. May the thoughts expressed here faithfully communicate Your thoughts. Amen!


During the Christmas and New Year’s celebrations, I’ve had wonderful opportunities to follow Moses’ instructions. I’ve preached a bit to my children, my grandchildren, and my great-grandchildren. I didn’t preach a long sermon. Often it was just a sentence or two. Like Moses, I even sang a verse or two of a song.

One of my heroes is my uncle, Rev. Manley Pritchard, 21 years older than his sister, my mother (see photo below). My father was away during WW2 years, and my uncle filled in as a father sometimes. I can remember stern warnings, as well as good stories from him. He would be 138 years old if he was still here with us. His words still sound in my memories. He compiled a book which, in my opinion, should be back in print. It’s called, Pebbles From The Brink — “the brink” being the shore of the river of death (here is a link to an online version of the book…click on the pages to turn the page). The last words of dying people are often startling. Of course, Uncle Manley also included in his book the last words of Jesus, which were, according to John, who was there, “It is finished” (John 19:30). As a 12-year-old boy, I heard my dying mother’s last word. She laboured to say my name, “David.” I went to her side, kissed her and said through my sobs, “Mother, I’ll meet you in Heaven.” My dad reminded me several times that I added the words, “I will, I will.” I know I can have this assurance because Jesus “FINISHED” the work He came to earth to accomplish. His Cross is the bridge from this side of the river of death to the shores of Heaven.

Yours for wisdom to find the right words to say to our loved ones,


P.S. My sister Willa recently came across the photo below of our mother as a young girl with her parents and siblings (taken around the turn of the century). Mother is the precious little girl in the front (born Norma Hazel Pritchard). The man in the back is my Uncle Manley, whom I referred to above.


Thursday, January 2, 2025


Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 31

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


Children surround a mother as she tells of the past and shares wisdom. Moses said to gather the “little ones” that they may hear, learn and observe (Deuteronomy 31:12). These followers of Jesus encourage all who visit “The Nazareth Village” to follow Jesus too!

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Deuteronomy 31:23b

Be strong and of good courage; for you shall bring the Children of Israel into the land of which I swore to them, and I will be with you.


Twice Moses said the words of our key verse to Joshua. We need to speak words of encouragement to leaders…Happy birthday Moses! (verse 2). For a reluctant leader, you’ve done fairly well. Yes, you’ve had some failures, and for that reason you are not leading your people into the Promised Land. You were a war-time leader. The nations through which you led the former slaves were determined to destroy you, but with the help of God, you won many battles. Now it’s up to the new leader to win the war. Moses, you showed up on the Mount of Transfiguration to encourage Jesus as He faced death in the most decisive battle in human history (Matthew 17:1-8). Thank you, Moses, for your faithfulness to God’s call.

It’s interesting to note the words “God said” and “Moses said.” Believing in the verbal inspiration of Scripture means that we have an accurate account. It’s good history. It doesn’t mean that Moses always, without fail, said and did all that God wanted him to say and do. After all, he was a human leader. Jesus always got it right. He’s the Leader we seek to follow (check out John 8:25-29).


Dear Jesus, You ALWAYS said and did what pleased Your Father. Like Moses, I’m very human. I confess I made mistakes in my leadership. Because of these errors in judgment, I’ve not entered into all of Your perfect plans for me and for those I have led. I’ve asked forgiveness and You have granted it. Now I pray that You’ll guide and direct the new leadership, and please give me the grace to encourage them more and more. Amen!


I remember the old song, “Home On The Range.” Some of the words are, “…where seldom is heard a discouraging word.” I want so very much to be an encourager, particularly of our leadership in the Church, in missions and evangelism, yes, even in government, and specifically in the ministry that sponsors this blog, Crossroads Christian Communications Incorporated, both in Canada and in the USA. Crossroads has a worldwide vision for communicating the message of Jesus, both for people’s eternal salvation and also in obedience to Jesus, caring for those who need food, water, medical care, and in general all who need deliverance from evil. Click here to learn more about Crossroads.

Yours for encouraging God’s leaders. Let’s help them all to have the best year ever in God’s cause during this New Year!!!


Wednesday, January 1, 2025


Today’s Reading: Deuteronomy 29-30

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


At Timna Park, 20 miles north of Eilat, a life-sized replica of the biblical Tabernacle has been constructed. While no original materials (e.g. gold, silver, bronze) have been used, the model is accurate in every other way based upon the biblical description. This “Holy Place” of the Tabernacle housed the golden lampstand, the altar of incense and table of showbread. The lampstand (menorah) was beaten and fashioned out of a single block of gold and had three branches coming out of each side of the central shaft. The seven lamps on top of the branches were likely round saucers with pinched rims which held the wick and olive oil.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Deuteronomy 30:14-15

But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may do it. See, I have set before you today life and good, death and evil…


HAPPY NEW YEAR to my blog friends…May God bless you in amazing ways in this New Year!!!

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue” (Proverbs 18:21). When God first called Moses to lead the Children of Israel out of slavery, Moses tried to avoid the task by telling God that he had problems speaking (check out Exodus 4:10-16). In our readings over the past few days, it’s obvious that after 40 years of leadership, Moses no longer had a problem speaking. Four times in today’s reading Moses stresses, “Keep the words of this covenant and do them, that you may prosper in all that you do” (Deuteronomy 29:9).

The Apostle Paul quotes our key verse in Romans 10:8 and then gives us some powerful words of assurance of our eternal salvation. Romans 10:8-15 tells us that when we speak our faith in Jesus, who is Himself “the Word of God,” we truly have “life and good.” Amen!


Lord God, thank You for the gift of speaking. Please grant that we will never speak “death and evil” by gossip, slander, half truths, and other destructive words. May my words always speak life and good in this New Year. I pray In the Name of the One whose words are most powerful, Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour, Amen!


In Grade 10 high school I was given a book of words. The title on the cover was “WORDS ARE IMPORTANT.” The student sitting next to me changed the title to read, “WORDS AREN’T IMPORTANT.” Learning new words every day was truly important, I discovered. When God made it clear to me that my vocation (calling) was to become an ordained minister of Christ, I realized that a large part of carrying out my responsibilities was my use of words. Words are my trade, my means of communicating God’s message to precious people. One of the greatest communicators during the 20th century was Malcolm Muggeridge. On the BBC, he debated such people as Bertrand Russell, the noted agnostic. In my opinion, Muggeridge won the debates. He and his wife Kitty appeared on 100 Huntley Street to give their witness for Christ. He also was our narrator for The Scroll, a musical masterpiece composed by Bruce Stacey, which was the centrepiece of our Crossroads sponsored pavilions at several World Expos. The epitaph on Muggeridge’s tombstone reads, “HE USED WORDS WELL.”


P.S. [Written January 1, 2017]  “WOW! It’s a New Year! On New Years eve I was presented with Superman pyjamas. Ron took my picture and his son Adam doctored it. God promises that if we wait on Him, among other things, we will mount up on wings as eagles.

Having fun with a Christmas gift from Norma-Jean…Superman onesie PJ’s!