Monday, January 27, 2025


Today’s Reading: Joshua 13-14

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


Mt. Nebo is a 1,000 m (3,300 ft) high mountain located in Jordan, opposite the northern end of the Dead Sea. According to Scripture, this is the mountain from which Moses saw the Promised Land before he died (see Deuteronomy 34:1-6).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.

Key Verse: Joshua 13:1

Now Joshua was old, advanced in years. And the Lord said to him: “You are old, advanced in years, and there remains very much land yet to be possessed…”


We know from our reading that Joshua’s spy partner, Caleb, was now 85. Joshua may have been older, perhaps 90. While in their 40’s, they had brought back a good report to Moses about Israel’s ability to move right away into the Promised Land. The great majority of the people did not believe them, and so they languished in the wilderness for almost 40 years more. But now, here they are setting boundaries for the land possessed by each tribe. It’s been said by farmers for centuries, “A good fence makes good neighbours.”

Caleb, at 85, speaks a classic line to his leader, Joshua: “Give me this mountain” (14:12). He is still not afraid to move forward in confidence. He still has a positive outlook on life, its challenges and opportunities. How could this be at his age? The answer is in these words (14:14b): “He wholly followed the Lord God of Israel.” The ancestors of Goliath were on that mountain. Taking over this land was no easy task. As Winston Churchill, already an old man when he took on Hitler, said, “Never, never, never give up!”


Lord God, when I read the story of Caleb or think of Britain’s WW2 leader, Churchill, I feel empowered to go forward. I need You, Lord. Dear Jesus, You won the greatest victory by far through Your Cross. You finished the work You were called to do. I purpose in my heart to never give up. I expect You to be with me as You promised. In Your Name, Jesus, I pray, Amen! (click here for Matthew 28:16-20).


Joshua agreed to Caleb’s vision for the future. I believe that my Joshua (“Yeshua” in Hebrew and “Jesus” in Greek) has responded to my desire to stay busy for Him. This is why, since my official retirement, I’ve produced and hosted two TV series, which continue to be released on air on YES TV across Canada. The first was Really Good Medicine and the second, A Living Witness to Amazing GRACE. I have no intention of giving in to self pity or a defeatist attitude. With Jesus living within, how could it be otherwise? And then my wife, Norma-Jean, absolutely refuses to tolerate any negative talk when I remind her that I’m 80. I just searched for encouragement in and came up with my son, Ron, and his “Encouragement for Seniors” video (click here).

Yours for moving forward boldly in this life and then on into eternity with confidence in Christ!


The western view from the top of Mt. Nebo toward the Promise Land. Moses’ final view before he died. Joshua led Israel from this point into the Promise Land.


6 thoughts on “Monday, January 27, 2025

    • Amen Rob. Many of us are in the eighties and older! I have a table mate who is 101 at our retirement home. She is blessed with good health and a clear mind. She is a blessing to us. Thank you Lord.

      • My pleasure Doreen.
        I have a first cousin who is 97. He used to be a preacher in Ontario. His mind is still sharp and he goes walking every day. I love talking to the elderly who are still blessed with good mind and body health as they are a wealth of history information 🙏.

  1. Amen,Rob.

    Father,God,I pray for the Peace of Jerusalem and the peace,prosperity and protection of all of Israel.I pray also that You will continue to deal with Israel’s enemies as You see fit,for You have created everything and it all belongs to You so it is Your Sovereign right to make the changes and adjustments that You deem necessary for You alone can make those determinations.Thank You,Father God,I love You.In Jesus’ mighty name,I pray.Amen

    The Lens Of Eternity

    Through the lens of eternity,
    God sees the hope that grows,
    And while we ponder on infinity,
    He’s surely the only one Who knows.

    So Lord and blessed Father,
    Let us be worthy of Your love,
    That we might all learn to pull together,
    To show and cleanse the pathway above.

    For how long we sought to know,
    That salvation in us was bound ,
    But then you came here to show,
    That through through You it will be found.

    Satan feared and so he sought,
    To stop You and the hope You brought,
    For he wanted all to be for naught,
    But You won the greatest battle fought.
    G W(Bill)Marshall/Oct 14,2012

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