Wednesday, July 31, 2024


Today’s Reading: Mark 8

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This is the traditional location where Jesus fed the 4,000, on the east side of the Galilee just below the Golan Heights. This was primarily a Gentile crowd. It is thought that the large crowd may have gathered as a result of the demoniac who was delivered and likely witnessed to his entire village, returning with thousands to meet Jesus. The rock pictured on the left has an inscription, “Here Gentiles gave glory to the God of Israel.” – Matthew 15:32

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.

Key Verse: Mark 8:6

So He commanded the multitude to sit down on the ground. And He took the seven loaves and gave thanks, broke them and gave them to His disciples to set before them; and they set them before the multitude.


Again the disciples faced circumstances over which they had no control. As Reynold pointed out in his photo caption above, the region where this miracle took place was a non-Jewish area. Jesus reached out to all people everywhere, including the mainly Gentile population. Notice that Jesus “gave thanks.” He thanked His Father even before any miracle had been performed. He knew that He could trust His Father, and His Father would never fail Him. There was no desperation with Jesus when He addressed the Father. I don’t read that He begged, cried loudly or took out the prayer book. We need not panic. Instead, in every circumstance, GIVE THANKS!


Dear Heavenly Father, please be honoured today by my trust in You. I “GIVE THANKS” now for Your grace given to me to trust You in all things. I want to live above the circumstances and not under them. I thank You that with Your presence, all things are possible. I pray this through the Person of Your Son and my Saviour, Jesus Christ. Amen!


My brother-in-law, Ralph Rutledge, heard me say on one occasion, “under these circumstances,” and he said, “David, what are you doing under there?” I’ve never forgotten that question. Faith and obedience lift me up, and I see the challenges from a higher place. God’s Word changes my perspective completely. In the reading for today, the story is told of the blind man that Jesus took by the hand and led out of the village where He laid hands on him twice for healing. With Jesus, once would’ve been sufficient, I’m sure. I’ve had to pray for the same person three or more times, and eventually I’ve seen miracles of healing from time to time. Over this two-year daily journey through the Bible, I may share with you stories of miracles I’ve seen. I hesitate to do this because it may point to me instead of to Jesus. I want to be very careful that He alone is seen as the Source of the miracle. On the 100 Huntley Street telecast, there is a policy that no miracles are shared without ample documentation, medical records, etc.

Yours for living above the circumstances,


Tuesday, July 30, 2024


Today’s Reading: Mark 7

(Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This pool (now a cistern) is located at the northwestern corner of Jerusalem’s Temple Mount and measures 52 x 14 metres. It is located along the Via Dolorosa. This cistern is accessible from the lower area of the Sisters of Sion convent and from the tunnel that runs along the western wall of the Temple Mount.

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.

Key Verse: Mark 7:20

And He said, “What comes out of a man, that defiles a man…”


“Pharisees,” a religious denomination within the religion of Judaism, put great emphasis on tradition, ceremonies, and keeping the letter of the law in a most meticulous way. They had added a multitude of details and interpretations to the Law of Moses. Jesus said to them, “[you are] making the Word of God of no effect through your tradition” (verse13). Jesus then lists some of the evil that comes from within a person (verses 21-23). Jesus came with the message that true faith is inward and produces good fruit on the outside. Paul lists the manifestation of the inner life produced by a daily drawing from Jesus, Who lives in the believer. This includes LOVE, JOY, PEACE, LONGSUFFERING, KINDNESS, GOODNESS, FAITHFULNESS, GENTLENESS, and SELF CONTROL (Galatians 5:22-23).


Lord Jesus, You said, “I am the Vine, you are the branches. He who abides in Me and I in him, bears much fruit; for without Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). Through reading Your Word, prayer, and this blog, I’m abiding in You. Therefore, I expect to produce good fruit today. In Your fruitful Name, Amen!


My Dad told the story of when he first went to Egypt as a missionary. The year was 1922 when, in a Model T Ford car, several veteran missionaries drove him into the desert where he spotted a tree which had delicious-looking fruit on it. “Try it,” they said. He did and it was the most bitter fruit. They laughed and informed him that this fruit was called “Apples of Sodom.” This was one of the many stories I was raised on. Dad would laugh heartily at the memory. Over the years, I’ve tried to tell my family stories (in an interesting way) from the past, as well as my own stories. My great-granddaughter, Aliyah Stowell, had just turned three when she, her younger brother, and her Mom and Dad travelled with me across the prairie provinces for two months during my “Thank You Canada Tour.” As I told her one of my stories, she said, “Great Grandpa, I love you very, very much…but I don’t want to listen to you anymore.” Since then she’s given me permission to tell more stories. However, I make sure to make them more interesting!

Yours so that when someone takes a bite of your “fruit,” you will taste really good,


P.S. Below is a photo of my great-granddaughter, Aliyah, in the motorhome during my Thank You Canada Tour in 2012.

Monday, July 29, 2024


Today’s Reading: Mark 6

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The carpenter’s shop in Nazareth at Nazareth Village.

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.

Key Verse: Mark 6:3

“…Is this not the carpenter, the Son of Mary, and Brother of James, Joses, Judas, and Simon? And are not His sisters here with us?” So they were offended at Him.


They called Him “the carpenter” to belittle Him, but in reality that term praises Him. He is truly “the Carpenter of lives.” In the previous chapter, there are three examples of His higher carpentry. Firstly, He spoke the words, “Go home,” to the formerly demon posessed man, and Jesus became the Rebuilder of lives and families (5:19). Secondly, Jesus said to the woman who touched the hem of His garment, “Go in peace,” and He proved that He was the Rebuilder of the human body (5:34). Thirdly, Jesus became the Rebuilder of life itself with the word, “Arise,” spoken to the little daughter of Jairus. This “Carpenter of lives” is available to take the rebuilding contract for your life, your family, and for your circumstances. He also said, “I will build My Church” (Matthew 16:18). His hands were not as often portrayed in art; they were a working Man’s hands. Those hands are at work today if we ask for His carpentry. Go ahead, ask!


Lord Jesus, forgive me for the “do it yourself” job I’ve tried to do on my life. Please take over. Fix the construction mess I’ve made of things. You read the plans You have for me and please implement them, because You definitely know best! Amen!


I took a year off from my formal theological studies to fulfill my promise to the people of a northern community to plant a church. In my personal time, I committed to reading a sermon each day from books I had collected. I knew the saying, “readers are leaders.” I was now 20 and by November I had run out of money and decided to be a carpenter like Jesus. I borrowed tools and showed up at the Army Camp Petawawa announcing, “I’m a carpenter.” There were no certification procedures for carpenters then. I got the job, which lasted for several weeks. The cold, the challenges, and the rough atmosphere were testing my level of determination. I often drew comfort from the knowledge that Jesus was in the same trade until He was 30.

Yours in honour of the Carpenter of lives,


Sunday, July 28, 2024


Today’s Reading: Mark 5

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This is the hill on the east side of the Sea of Galilee that is said to be the place where Jesus encountered and delivered the demoniac. Jesus cast the demons into the pigs and they ran down this hill into the water and drowned.

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.

Key Verse: Mark 5:15

Then they came to Jesus, and saw the one who had been demon-possessed and had the legion, sitting and clothed and in his right mind. And they were afraid.


Three more times the word “immediately” appears. That makes 17 times so far in Mark. Do you think God wants action? The man in our key verse had BIG problems! That’s an understatement. He was full of evil spirits, cut off from all human contact. He constantly tortured himself and could not be restrained because of demonic strength. His home was a graveyard. Jesus solved these fearsome destructive results of satanic activity with Words of deliverance. With what little free will this man retained, he chose Jesus! On the other hand, the local townspeople were afraid of what Jesus might continue to do. Obviously the pork business was a mainstay of their economy. According to the historian Josephus,  there was a huge non-Jewish population in the Galilee at that time who, unlike the Jews, would eat pork. Their message to Jesus was, “Don’t mess with our finances.” What message are we sending Jesus today?


Lord Jesus, You are my Deliverer from ALL the works of the devil. In Your all-powerful NAME I am free and in my “RIGHT MIND.” You are welcome as Lord of my life, and Lord Mayor of our community. I yield to Your AUTHORITY in all things! Amen!


It was a Sunday night after service when several young people came to me and said, “Kenny is downstairs!” Kenny was experimenting with drugs and dabbling in the occult. His parents and grandparents were church members, but this 19-year-old was not attending church. There he was, lying on the floor, writhing like a snake. As Pastor, I sensed divine authority come upon me. I knelt beside him and commanded him to say the Name of Jesus. I heard “J…J…J…” and then “JESUS!” in a loud cry. Immediately, he was delivered. His Dad picked him up like he was still a child, and they hugged and we all cried for joy. Kenny became a minister, specializing in children’s TV.

Oswald J. Smith wrote a song, “When Jesus comes, the tempter’s power is broken.” It’s about the deliverance of the demon-possessed man. I encourage you to read and meditate on all the lyrics of this hymn (you can find them by clicking HERE). You can also hear it sung at a 1992 Billy Graham Crusade by George Beverly Shea by clicking HERE.

Yours because of the fact that “JESUS CHRIST IS THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND FOREVER” (Hebrews 13:8),


Saturday, July 27, 2024


Today’s Reading: Mark 4

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Early morning calm over the Sea of Galilee. This is the view from the modern city of Tiberius looking northeast.

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.

Key Verse: Mark 4:39

Then He arose and rebuked the wind, and said to the sea, “Peace, be still!” And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.


Peter was there and tells Mark the story, and Mark passes it on to us. Peter was practically raised on the sea, but now he and the others are dumfounded. Jesus is sleeping on the balast pillow below deck. He demonstrates PEACE within Himself in the midst of the storm, then He demonstrates that He is at PEACE with all circumstances. No wonder they ask, “Who can this be that even the wind and the sea obey Him?” (verse 41). This is “100 fold” living. The miracles of Jesus put 100 exclamation points behind His teaching. They say, “Pay close attention.” This encourages us to not only read His Word, but to learn, meditate, write in the margins of our Bibles, and hide His Word, not just in our minds and memories, but in our hearts. “So then FAITH comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God” (Romans 10:17). We decide. Will we be of “no faith” (verse 40) or a growing faith which always produces PEACE in life’s storms?


Lord Jesus, grant that I may have Your PEACE. You rested without worry in the storm. But if I should panic, You are there to speak PEACE. Thank You, Jesus! Amen!


You can click on the link just below the picture of the Sea of Galilee above and see the location of the photo on a Google Map. This body of water is approximately 700 feet below the level of the Mediterrenean Sea, which is only about 30 miles away. The wind currents come barrelling down between the mountains, and depending on wind speed and direction, a storm on the water can whip up in no time. On our Holy Land Tours we always have a time in the Word aboard a ship on the Sea. These stories of Jesus come fully alive to all of us. One of my favourite Galilee memories is of our sons, who help me in this blog. Reynold and Ron water skied on Galilee. When our second daughter was married in Cana to Nizar, seven bus loads of Canadians came with us to celebrate. One of the Israeli guides had a power boat and offered the experience of water skiing. It was the next best thing to walking on the water…Great fun! By the way, there was no storm that day.

Yours to experience the PEACE that Jesus gives and to have fun along the way,


Friday, July 26, 2024


Today’s Reading: Mark 3

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Capernaum has many traces of earlier societies. Found among its ruins is this grinding wheel which could work even today.

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.

Key Verse: Mark 3:35

…For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother.


In the first three chapters, the word “immediately” is used 11 times. Peter told the stories to Mark, who wrote them down. Peter was an “immediately” man. He believed in “do it now.” Jesus mentored him in this.

The healing of the withered hand united three religious groups in opposition to Jesus. An unclean “religious spirit” motivated them. Even “His own people” (probably relatives) thought Him “out of His mind” (verse 21). The warning against the one who “blasphemes against the Holy Spirit” (verse 29) is most serious. The primary work of God’s Spirit is in bringing people to Jesus for Salvation. Rejecting Jesus until death is unforgivable because one never asks for forgiveness.

Finally, how do we do “God’s will?” We live our lives as a true “brother, and sister, and mother” to Jesus (Jesus’ true Father is God and Joseph had passed away). All I must do is follow Jesus ever so closely.


Lord God, I pray fervently that I will do Your will, acting “immediately” on that which You’ve taught me through Your Word. May this daily blog light up “God’s will” so that I may see You with insight and live accordingly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


My blog photo from two days ago is of the synagogue in Capernaum. It’s a 3rd Century structure, but you can see the original foundation from the time of Jesus. If you have the opportunity to visit the Holy Land, it will bring the activities of Jesus alive in an amazing way! My mother and father visited Israel on their honeymoon in 1924. They were missionaries next door to Israel, in Egypt. I lived as a child on these stories and over and over I looked at their pictures. Miss Brown, a missionary in Jerusalem, loaned my parents her Model T Ford car. Dad said he backed up the hills of Palestine (before Israel became a modern state), because the car’s gas supply was gravity fed, and if the tank was lower than the engine, he’d run out of gas. Well, that’s not really important, but I enjoy telling these stories.

Yours to help us all do “God’s will,”


Thursday, July 25, 2024


Today’s Reading: Mark 2

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Ruins from Capernaum. In the background you can see a church that is built over what is thought to be the home of Peter.

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo…Click HERE.

Key Verse: Mark 2:15

Now it happened, as He was dining in Levi’s house, that many tax collectors and sinners also sat together with Jesus and His disciples; for there were many, and they followed Him.


SINNERS WELCOME!…this could be the sign in front of Jesus’ Church. Four men (could’ve been Peter, Andrew, James and John) brought their paralyzed friend to Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith (the four looking down through the hole in the roof), He said to the man on the mat, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.” The four could be named, Compassion, Co-operation, Confidence & Courage. Ask yourself, “Do I have three friends with whom I could work to bring someone to Jesus today?”

Does Mark 2:13-17 sound like a Church supper in your Church? If not, should it? Jesus spent almost all His ministry time with sinners and with the outcasts of society. Let’s be unconscious of class, uncaring of economic success, and colourblind. Jesus is an equal opportunity Saviour.


Dear Jesus, thank You for the time I first heard You speak to me through Your Word and say, “Son (or daughter) your sins are forgiven.” Thank You for coming to my place and meeting me there, and meeting others there too. Help me to throw a party, the purpose of which is to introduce You, Jesus, as my Guest of honour! Amen!


Jesus did the most important miracle first. He forgave the sins of the paralyzed man. Secondly, Jesus healed him. That first and greatest miracle happened to me when I was 16. I took Jesus at His Word when He said, “The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out” (John 6:37). Later, when I was 19, I also experienced a miracle of healing. I had such a high fever with raging infection shutting down my body that the doctors said I would likely die, or, at the very least, be a mental case for life. Well, I didn’t die, so now you’ve guessed which prediction happened to me…..Here I am, 19 days away from my 80th birthday. My wife thinks I’m in my right mind. For that I’m truly thankful!

For all who started reading with me June 3, we’re into the third time through the Bible now. I’m amazed to still be here on earth. You see, I was given two years to live on March 15th, 2012. Let’s go for another two years!!! Of course anyone can start with us and complete reading every Word two years from the date they begin. Pray for me as I record 31 more Vlogs (video blogs) this week, two minutes each. These are being used for TV network commercial breaks daily on “YES TV.” Here’s a link to my Vlogs!


Wednesday, July 24, 2024


Today’s Reading: Mark 1

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

This is the synagogue in Capernaum, the town where Jesus lived and taught. This late fourth century A.D. “White Synagogue” was built upon the remains of the earlier “Synagogue of Jesus.”

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, Click HERE.

Key Verse: Mark 1:17

Then Jesus said to them, “Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”


The word “immediately” is repeated seven times here. Do you think that God is seeking our attention and wants to motivate us to ACTION? From the moment Simon (Peter), Andrew, James and John met Jesus, their priorities were radically changed. Number one is Jesus! And Jesus, Himself, takes on the job of MAKING these fishermen “fishers of MEN.” “IMMEDIATELY they left their nets and followed HIM” (Mark 1:18). “What Would Jesus Do?” became most important to them (“WWJD”). Jesus delivered a man from an unclean spirit; He emphasized Peter’s family as a priority by healing his mother-in-law; Jesus healed people and cast out demons; Jesus rose early to pray privately; Jesus preached; Jesus recognized the role of the Jewish priest, and much more. Follow Him and He makes us all He desires us to become.


Lord Jesus, You promised to “make me” as long as I follow You. Here I am, Your follower. Reading this blog daily is one way I’m following Your Word and Your work. I pray that You will live in me and work through me today. There are immediate needs all around me. Please help me not to procrastinate but to act today with all the love and power with which You are loving and acting. I pray this in Your Name, Jesus. Amen!


I’m receiving feedback from blog readers that the two-year program of reading through the Bible is working so far. Many have said that they’ve tried a one-year program, but found they failed to comprehend well what they were reading. The two-year plan allows us to assimilate (make part of ourselves) God’s thoughts as expressed in His Words. One of the advantages is that anyone can start on any day and complete the Bible reading two years from that day. I find that by moving from Matthew to Genesis to Mark and back and forth from the Greek Scriptures to the Hebrew Scriptures brings not only variety but balance.

“Immediately” speaks to me. At age 18, while working as a public school teacher, I began to preach, as I simply could not wait until after my theological education to start fulfilling my calling to preach. The opportunity was there and following Jesus means stepping out of my comfort zone and working for Him. Eventually, by following Jesus in this way, a new congregation was planted in the Chalk River/Deep River area of Ontario. That Church is still thriving today.

Yours for WWJD and action “immediately!”


Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Today’s Reading: Genesis 49-50

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut is located beneath the cliffs at Deir el Bahari on the west bank of the Nile near the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo click HERE.

Key Verse: Genesis 49:10

The scepter shall not depart from Judah,
Nor a lawgiver from between his feet,
Until Shiloh comes;
And to Him shall be the obedience of the people.


Judah is the name from which the term “Jew” is derived, and all of the descendants of Jacob are now known as Jews. Judah was the fourth son of Jacob. He became the ancestor and a type or picture of Jesus. From his father Jacob, Judah received a prophetic word which can only fit the Person of Jesus. His brothers will praise Him. Verse eight also indicates that He will judge the world (John12:31). Romans 14:10 tells us that, “We shall all stand before the judgment seat of Christ.” Judah is given the names “Lion” and “Shiloh” (peace). Only in Jesus is this fulfilled. Jesus both wins ultimate victory over His enemies and establishes eternal peace. Judah is told that others will bow to him; this prefigures the worship due to Jesus Christ. Jacob goes on to say, “He washed his garments in wine.” Jesus took the wine and said, “This is My blood” (Matthew 26:28). To whom, other than Jesus, could the personal pronouns in the book of Isaiah refer? If you find time, please check this out by reading Isaiah 63:1-3.


Lord Jesus, I worship You. May I live in Your victory and in Your peace. Thank You for Your blood which cleanses me from all sin (1 John 1:7-9). Amen!


I had the honour of being graduation speaker at Southeastern University in Florida. One of the professors approached me and said that He was teaching religion and they were studying the prophet Isaiah. He went on to say, “Now, if I could only get my students to read Isaiah.” I suggested a mandatory assignment which would be graded upon completion. I said, “Require them to identify every personal pronoun in Isaiah and try to find any person who ever lived whose name could replace those pronouns.” Some months later, he communicated to me that they did this and the only name they could come up with was “Jesus.” God willing, when we arrive in the book of Isaiah, I’ll tell you about the Regina, Saskatchewan, Jewish M.D. who became a believer in Jesus as a result of an hour I spent with him going through the personal pronouns in Isaiah. Tomorrow, God willing, we jump into the Gospel of Mark. Please do your best to encourage your friends to follow along with us in this daily blog.

Yours to exalt Jesus together,


Monday, July 22, 2024


Today’s Reading: Genesis 47-48

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

There have been 138 pyramids discovered in Egypt as of 2008. The most famous are those found at Giza, on the outskirts of Cairo. The Pyramid of Khufu at Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid. It is the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World still in existence. The Great Pyramid consists of an estimated 2.3 million limestone blocks.

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.


Key Verse: Genesis 47:10

So Jacob blessed Pharaoh, and went out from before Pharaoh.

At this time, Egypt was at its zenith and Pharaoh may have been the most important ruler on earth. Two verses in today’s reading (Gen. 47:7,10) tell us that Jacob (Israel – Prince of God) blessed Pharaoh. This is an act of sharing the grace of God that was given again and again to Jacob, passed down from Abraham and Isaac. This may have been a simple prayer for Pharaoh, or it may have been the laying of Israel’s hand on Pharaoh. In Genesis 48:14 Israel blessed Joseph and his two sons by laying his hands on them. God gave Israel a prophetic word for them. To qualify to bless others (please don’t make a big scene, you’ll hurt people rather than bless them if you do) you must be a believer. We have these words in Mark 16:17-18, “These signs will follow them that believe… they will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.” What a blessing! Acts 19:6, “And when Paul had laid his hands on them, they spoke with tongues and prophesied.” Go ahead and bless someone today!


Dear Lord, please inspire me to look for opportunities to bless someone today. You have blessed me through others who have prayed for me; now give me grace and willingness to pass on the blessing. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!


I’ve been blessed by so many. At 19, two teachers at Bible College laid hands on my head and, according to two doctors, I was healed of a life-threatening condition. At 23, I was ordained by the laying on of hands into the ministry of Jesus Christ and His Church. At 25, I was blessed by a gift of $300.00 for the start up of the Crossroads TV ministry. One time, when I was under an attack of the enemy, a lady in her eighties laid hands on me and gave me a special word from God. Every night when Norma-Jean was carrying our four children, I would lay my hand on her tummy and bless the little ones inside and pray for Norma-Jean too. Over and over, too many times to count, I’ve been blessed by others. As I lay my fingers on the keyboard of this computer, I pray that I will bless you with this daily blog.

Yours for God’s richest blessing on you who read this,
