Today’s Reading: Mark 3
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Capernaum has many traces of earlier societies. Found among its ruins is this grinding wheel which could work even today.
GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo Click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 3:35
…For whoever does the will of God is My brother and My sister and mother.
In the first three chapters, the word “immediately” is used 11 times. Peter told the stories to Mark, who wrote them down. Peter was an “immediately” man. He believed in “do it now.” Jesus mentored him in this.
The healing of the withered hand united three religious groups in opposition to Jesus. An unclean “religious spirit” motivated them. Even “His own people” (probably relatives) thought Him “out of His mind” (verse 21). The warning against the one who “blasphemes against the Holy Spirit” (verse 29) is most serious. The primary work of God’s Spirit is in bringing people to Jesus for Salvation. Rejecting Jesus until death is unforgivable because one never asks for forgiveness.
Finally, how do we do “God’s will?” We live our lives as a true “brother, and sister, and mother” to Jesus (Jesus’ true Father is God and Joseph had passed away). All I must do is follow Jesus ever so closely.
Lord God, I pray fervently that I will do Your will, acting “immediately” on that which You’ve taught me through Your Word. May this daily blog light up “God’s will” so that I may see You with insight and live accordingly. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!
My blog photo from two days ago is of the synagogue in Capernaum. It’s a 3rd Century structure, but you can see the original foundation from the time of Jesus. If you have the opportunity to visit the Holy Land, it will bring the activities of Jesus alive in an amazing way! My mother and father visited Israel on their honeymoon in 1924. They were missionaries next door to Israel, in Egypt. I lived as a child on these stories and over and over I looked at their pictures. Miss Brown, a missionary in Jerusalem, loaned my parents her Model T Ford car. Dad said he backed up the hills of Palestine (before Israel became a modern state), because the car’s gas supply was gravity fed, and if the tank was lower than the engine, he’d run out of gas. Well, that’s not really important, but I enjoy telling these stories.
Yours to help us all do “God’s will,”
Father, please keep on working in and through all Your people. You are the One withholding evil in this world, and we give You the glory for that! Change people’s hearts and minds as Your workers bring Your Living Word to everyone everywhere. Help us also to be part of Your eternally-blessed work, Father, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen Rob. I don’t expect to ever visit The Holy Land now in my advanced age, but I do enjoy seeing the pictures shown on this blog. I believe David Reynold Mainse took most of them, if not all of them. Many thanks to him and the Mainse family. Blessings all.
Thanks your post yesterday William. Trump seems so unpresidential but I do believe he is Gods pick and I pray that every American Christian gets registered to vote and votes the biblical platforms not just the party or the man.
Our own government seems to be just as corrupt so i pray that Christians here will also unite, check how their candidate voted esp on moral issues and hold them accountable
God bless everyone reading this blog
Amen to all comments especially HJR’s.God used an evil man to write most of the NT,after He changed his heart.God used Cyrus to free the Israeli slaves and help them to restore Jerusalem so why could He not use Trump in a similar manner??May God bless