Monday, July 15, 2024


Today’s Reading: Genesis 34-35

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

REMINDER: You can watch a two-minute video version of on the streaming platform for Crossroads/100Huntley Street called “Castle.” Click HERE.


Damascus Gate is the main entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem. It is located in the wall on the city’s northwest side where the highway leads out to Nablus, and from there, in times past, to the capital of Syria, Damascus. As such, its modern English name is Damascus Gate.

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo – Click HERE.

Key Verse: Genesis 35:1

Then God said to Jacob, “Arise, go up to Bethel and dwell there; and make an altar there to God, who appeared to you when you fled from the face of Esau your brother.”


“Bethel,” “House of God,” “Dwell there,” is the best guarantee of living in the Presence of God. Anna (Luke 2:36-38), an 84-year-old widow, “did not depart from the Temple, but served God with fastings and prayers night and day” and was blessed with a revelation of who Jesus is when Jesus was just eight days old. It’s IMPORTANT to spend quality time in the House of God, “not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together as the manner of some is” (Hebrews 10:25). It’s IMPORTANT, if at all possible, to get to Church this Sunday, and any other services the Church provides. Go “back to Bethel” again and again. “Bethel” is the place where, on most occasions, God reveals Himself to you. Like Jacob, “purify yourselves,” and “make an altar.” An altar is a place of consistently meeting with God. Your daily devotions, the family altar, the “House of God” will grant God the opportunity to speak to you, guiding the direction of your life.


Lord, like Jacob (Israel), reveal Yourself to me so that I may follow You into the land to which You have called me. By Your grace lead me by Your strong, protecting hand. I pray this in Jesus’ Name. Amen!


Today and tomorrow, I want to share some examples of comments left by some of your fellow blog readers:

God’s voice speaks to the listening heart! God loves “MAN” and spending time with MAN! “Morning, afternoon, night!” Yes, you may call it a MANifestation! ~ Connie

David, my husband and I have to make a very important financial decision today. Praying about it and while reading your blog the first thing I look at, “I am with you” “God listens.” What a mighty God we serve, cares for everything in our lives. Thank you again, David, for the daily blog. ~ Thelma

I have always found it harder to lay down my strengths than my weaknesses. Somehow we have to find that balance of allowing God into our “best laid plans of mice and men.” ~ Yeurgen

Thanks to all of you who have responded from day to day with such thoughtful comments,


P.S. If you wish to post a comment on my blog, go to and click on the “comments” bubble at the top. You can read the comments of others, and you can post your own thoughts.

Sunday, July 14, 2024


Today’s Reading: Genesis 32-33

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

REMINDER: You can watch a two-minute video version of on the streaming platform for Crossroads/100Huntley Street called “Castle.” Click HERE.


A jewish man prays with Torah in hand at the the “Wailing Wall”– The Western Wall of the Temple Mount. Just over half the wall, including its 17 layers of stones located below street level, dates from the end of the Second Temple period: 516 BC – 70 AD. Papers jammed in the cracks of the wall contain the prayers of many sincere hearts.

To view the location of today’s photo on Google Maps, click here.

Key Verse: Genesis 32:28

And He said, “Your name shall no longer be called Jacob, but Israel; for you have struggled with God and with men, and have prevailed.”

The vertical and the horizontal directions of life are both important. Think of a cross and you have the God/man relationships. Jesus is 100% God and 100% Man. In Him we can get it right both ways. Before Jacob could handle the fear of meeting his brother, he had a much more important meeting. An encounter with God is absolutely essential before a truly successful, God-blessed encounter with man. Because of his refusal to let go of God, Jacob’s “dark night of the soul” became a glorious morning of forgivness for past wrongs Jacob had done. The horizontal relationship with his brother was restored directly as a result of the vertical struggle with God. Jacob now becomes Israel, a “Prince of God.”


Lord God, You are King of kings and I believe that I am Your child. By faith I know that as a result of the Cross, my relationship with You is in place. Now I will approach my human relationships with the confidence that You have gone before me to prepare the way, because of Jesus Christ. Amen!


It was over 50 years ago that I heard Rev. Laurie Price tell a story of two daughters. One said, “You wouldn’t give me 25 cents would you?” Dad said, “You’re right, I wouldn’t.” The other jumped up on his lap, kissed him and said, “Would you give me 25 cents?” Dad said, “Yes,” and produced the money. This story is probably a parable, useful to make a point. I’ve never forgotten the truth I learned that day. I make sure I’m in a fresh loving relationship with God before I ask God for His provision. I remember my two young sons, Reynold and Ron, when we went to an ice cream stand, waiting patiently for me to order. They would order exactly what I ordered. My Heavenly Father is the Provider. I want what He wants, no more, no less. His choice is always the best!

Yours truly for right relationships vertically and horizontally,


REMINDER: If you are reading the email version and wish to post a comment on my blog, go to and click on the “comments” bubble at the top. You can read the comments of others, and you can post your own thoughts.

Saturday, July 13, 2024


Today’s Reading: Genesis 31

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

REMINDER: You can watch a two-minute video version of on the streaming platform for Crossroads/100Huntley Street called “Castle.” Click HERE.


Mount Hermon is at the north of Israel and is the highest point in the land. A peak in this area rises to 2,236 m (7,336 ft). Psalm 133:3.

To view the location of today’s photo on Google Maps, click here.


Key Verses: Genesis 31:3, 44-45

Then the Lord said to Jacob, “Return to the land of your fathers and to your family, and I will be with you…Now therefore, come, let us make a covenant, you and I, and let it be a witness between you and Me.” So Jacob took a stone and set it up as a pillar.


Jacob heard from God and from his father-in-law Laban. Back in Genesis 28:18 Jacob set up a stone as a pillar of witness to God’s restating of the covenant He made with Abraham and Isaac. God reaffirms the same with Jacob. Now Jacob does the same as a witness to his covenant with his father-in-law, Laban. These stone pillars would be permanent reminders of the life-changing commitments made to the God of Abraham, Isaac, and now, Jacob; also to Jacob’s family. Be assured that the twelve sons of Jacob and his daughters listened over and over to the stories of Jacob’s encounters with God and now they were watching as their Dad and Grandpa Laban made their commitments to each other. Here’s a lesson: pass on to your family “stones of witness,” e.g. your testimony for Christ in your will, special mementos, etc.


Dear Lord, help me to be creative in the reminders for my family of those times I have encountered You, as well as my commitments to others. Cause these items and/or documents to bless my children, their children and beyond. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!


In 1992, I carefully chose a great and beautiful “Stone of Witness” from a quarry near our Severn Bridge, Ontario, Circle Square Ranch, transported it to the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario, and erected it in front of the main entrance. Along the stone’s foundation a Bible verse is written, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls” (Jeremiah 6:16 NIV). The cost of doing this was paid for by Leno Mori of Niagara-on-the-Lake in memory of his wife who had recently passed into Heaven. It is a powerful witness to the Mori family and to all of us (see photos below). Norma-Jean and I are still working on the “witness” we want to pass on to our family. It won’t be a great stone, but we believe it will serve to remind generations to come of God’s faithfulness.

Yours sincerely for blessing our families,


The rock outside of the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario. CTS stands for the “Crossroads Television System,” a 24/7 television network (now known as YES-TV).

A close-up of the plaque beneath a “Stone of Witness.”

Friday, July 12, 2024


Today’s Reading: Genesis 30

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

REMINDER: You can watch a two-minute video version of on the streaming platform for Crossroads/100Huntley Street called “Castle.” Click HERE.


These are the gates of the main city of the tribe of Dan. It was located in northern Israel near the base of Mount Herman and the source of the Jordan River – Joshua 19:40-48.

To view the location of today’s photo on Google Maps, click here.


Key Verse: Genesis 30:22

Then God remembered Rachel, and God listened to her and opened her womb.


Two women living in the same household, vying for the affection of the same man. Not only was polygamy culturally acceptable, it was often encouraged. What heartache could’ve been avoided if they had followed God’s original plan in creating one man and one woman, and making His will known. Nevertheless, God meets us where we are and bestows mercy and grace. Rachel’s first son, Joseph, became one of God’s great men of all time. How heartwarming it is to know that God answered Rachel’s prayer. Also, God continued to bless Jacob with wealth and many children. In our 21st century understanding of God’s will and purpose, it’s difficult to process these things. Just keep open to the Teacher, the Holy Spirit.


Dear Lord, please give me the grace to wait for Your timing. I realize that going ahead on my own will only bring heartache in the long run. I’m like a little child, and I know You’re holding my hand. I belong to You and You want what is best for me. This confidence comes from knowing You, Lord Jesus Christ. In Your Name I pray. Amen!


Ok, I admit it. I have gone ahead with my own initiatives. I struggled with this matter of gettings things done. I finally reached a conclusion. If I believe that something is good to do, I move ahead. But at the same time, I pray that if what I’m about to do is not God’s will, He’ll step in and stop events before they progress. Even on our wedding day on the way to the church I prayed this: “Lord, I believe that Norma-Jean is to be my wife and I’m going ahead with the marriage, and I love her very much. But if this is not Your perfect plan, please stop it right now.” How thankful I am that God allowed the marriage to happen. Four children, 16 grandchildren, and 13 great-grandchildren, plus great ministry opportunities later, I’m a blessed man!

Yours in the service of the God of Jacob,


Thursday, July 11, 2024


Today’s Reading: Genesis 28-29

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

REMINDER: You can watch a two-minute video version of on the streaming platform for Crossroads/100Huntley Street called “Castle.” Click HERE.

Three tourists standing on the Mount of Olives enjoy the view as the sun sets over the city of Jerusalem.

GOOGLE MAPS – See where Reynold took the photo – Click here.


Key Verse: Genesis 28:15

…Behold, I am with you and will keep you wherever you go, and will bring you back to this land; for I will not leave you until I have done what I have spoken to you.


God makes promises! In this way He encouraged Jacob. Jacob had heard the stories of God’s promises to his grandfather, Abraham, and his father, Isaac, over and over again. It has been said, “God has no grandchildren.” In other words, every generation must enter into a personal relationship with God. Jacob needed to hear from God. He was in a place of turmoil, running away from home, driven to desperate measures because of his own bad decisions. Jacob may have been blaming his disfunctional family. No doubt, trying to sleep that night with a stone as his pillow was truly a “dark night of the soul.” But “between a rock and a hard place,” God took the initiative and gave Jacob assurance of His Presence. From this place going forward, Jacob knew he would never be alone again. God would fulfill all of His promises.


God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, I humbly call on You. Please speak to me. I need You! Please give me a promise for my life, for my future as You did for Jacob. In the Name of Your Son, Jesus, I pray. Amen!


Throughout my life I have received promises from God that moved me forward in His plan. For example, Norma-Jean and I had been producing a weekly telecast for 14 years, plus a children’s telecast for 3 years, when I became aware that it was time to move into a daily production. I believe I had heard that “still small Voice” about this, but I was still not prepared to move out of my comfort zone, taking on a challenge that would involve creating the first professionally equipped TV studio in Canada devoted exclusively to Christian productions. It was at a prayer meeting in August of 1976 that God spoke clearly through two Scriptures, Psalm 19:2 and Acts 2:47. The first says, “DAY UNTO DAY utters speech,” and the second says, “The Lord added to the Church DAILY those who were being saved.” The combination of God’s communication with my spirit and the confirmation of Scripture was enough. On June 15, 1977, the daily 100 Huntley Street telecast was first broadcast live from that address in downtown Toronto, and it’s still going strong daily today! (click here for a 100 Huntley Street program from the 50th anniversary of the TV ministry a few years back. My son Ron and his wife Ann showed some video clips from the very first daily program in 1977). To watch current programs, go to

Yours, believing God with you for God to speak to you today,


REMINDER: If you are reading the email version and wish to post a comment on my blog, go to and click on the “comments” bubble at the top. Then scroll down to the bottom and type in the space provided.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Today’s Reading: Genesis 27

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

REMINDER: You can watch a two-minute video version of on the streaming platform for Crossroads/100Huntley Street called “Castle.” Click HERE.

A man stepping out from his home in Nazareth Village, located in modern-day Nazareth, where life in the first century A.D. is re-enacted.

Key Verse: Genesis 27:19

Jacob said to his father, “I am Esau your firstborn; I have done just as you told me; please arise, sit and eat of my game, that your soul may bless me.”

This painful, destructive experience with husband, wife, and twin sons could’ve been avoided if Isaac and Rebekah had been communicating. Look at the mistakes. Rebekah listens in on a private conversation. She then plots dishonestly; she encourages Jacob to deceive and tell an outright lie. As a result, Esau is filled with hatred and contemplates murder. Jacob is forced to run away from home and his character is twisted and bent so badly that he spends years in deception and deceit. The lesson here must be this… Mom, Dad, Husband, Wife, communicate in Christian love and understanding. Are you working together with God to make your family truly blessed?


Dear God, please use this daily blog to teach me to listen to You as I read Your Word and then talk to You about what I’ve read. Good communication with You will make all the difference in my ability to communicate with my loved ones. Therefore, I throw myself on Your love and grace. Through the Name of the greatest Communicator, Jesus Christ, I pray. Amen!


It was at the Church of England in London where the “Alpha” course originated, Holy Trinity, Brompton, that I experienced most deeply the answer to the prayer I’ve just typed. While at the altar, the Lord showed me clearly that I had hurt Norma-Jean deeply. Until that moment, I was blissfully unaware of what I then realized was a truly stupid, uncaring action. It had happened shortly after our wedding. Without going into detail, immediately after my return to Canada, I humbly and honestly asked Norma-Jean’s forgiveness. I also repented before God. I pray fervently that I may communicate well and wisely with my beloved wife. The Apostle Peter, a married man whose wife accompanied him, according to Paul, wrote very wise words as found in 1st Peter, chapter 3. Please take time to read verses 1-7. In particular, verse seven has been a word from God to me. My prayers were being hindered by my insensitivity to my wife. That must never happen again.

Your continually repentant servant,


P.S. Please encourage your family and friends to subscribe to my blog to receive daily emails. Send them the link or consider posting it on your Facebook wall. Thank you!

Tuesday, July 9, 2024


Today’s Reading: Genesis 25-26

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

REMINDER: You can watch a two-minute video version of on the streaming platform for Crossroads/100Huntley Street called “Castle.” Click HERE.

A couple at the Nazareth Village in modern-day Nazareth, exhibiting life as it may have been in Bible times.  In today’s reading we learn about what must have been many animated conversations between Isaac and Rebekah. Can you guess what the woman in the picture may be saying? If you have an idea, write it as a comment on this blog. It could be a very serious matter, but we can all appreciate some humour as well.

Key Verse: Genesis 25:21

Now Isaac pleaded with the Lord for his wife, because she was barren; and the Lord granted his plea, and Rebekah his wife conceived.


Isaac and Rebekah had been married for 19 years but had no children. Isaac became desperate in his prayers. He believed the promise and God gave double…twins. Rebekah prayed also and she received a special word from God (25:23). However, the girl with the ambition to water the camels now took things into her own hands and tried to produce God’s plan rather than letting God do it. Human effort is necessary, but to revert to our own resources alone, after having prayed and received God’s provision, may not change the final outcome, and will cause heartache along the way.


Father God, above all I desire Your will as expressed in Your promises. Grant me the grace to wait on You, making my time and effort available to You, and at the same time to know that You are working all things according to Your will. Like Isaac, I plead fervently with You in prayer. Thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


Over the years in the service of Christ, I’ve done my best to plan and work for the fulfillment of God’s purpose as revealed in His Word. Twice, during the time I served as Chairman and President of Crossroads Christian Communications, I pushed initiatives through the Board of Directors which a majority favoured, but not all. Both times proved to be mistakes. I learned to ask the Directors to take the issue home, pray fervently, and come back to the next meeting to vote again. If we still could not agree unanimously, we dropped the matter or changed course. Like Rebekah, I’m a “Get it done” person. God has used this drive, but I must be careful. The Crossroads Directors approved the sponsorship of this daily blog. Granted, it was not a huge and costly outreach like our participation in four World Expositions (all unanimously approved), but it illustrates the fact that unity brings the blessing of God on our lives and ministry decisions.

In Christ’s love and service,


P.S. With unity we can see the fulfillment of big and little visions. As a result of having a Christian Witness at four World Expos, over 100,000 precious people registered first-time decisions for Christ at our pavilions in Vancouver, Brisbane, Seville, and Hanover! Below is a photo of our first such effort…Pavilion of Promise at Expo ’86 in Vancouver.

Monday, July 8, 2024


Today’s Reading: Genesis 24

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Camels are mentioned 17 times in Genesis chapter 24. In some parts of the world these unusual creatures are still very important in travel and commerce.

Key Verse: Genesis 24:58

Then they called Rebekah and said to her, “Will you go with this man?” And she said, “I will go.”

Sarah, Isaac’s mother, had passed away three years earlier. No doubt Isaac was lonely. In fulfillment of God’s promise to Abraham, it was necessary that Abraham become a grandfather to Isaac’s children. God’s purposes in the human family are developed by human co-operation. So Abraham’s right-hand man travelled from present-day Israel, through Jordan and Iraq to Kuwait (Mesopotamia) to find family and a bride for Isaac. What a beautiful story of God’s choice…a faithful servant, an amazing young woman (watering those camels was not an easy task), and willing parents. The words, “The camels are coming” (verse 63), speak to the fact that people, even animals, may do God’s will if they make the right choice.


Father God, just as the faithful servant worshipped You every time another step was taken in fulfilling Your plan, so I worship You for Your will being done in and through me. Amen!

May I suggest that we all pray the “Our Father,” or as it is known, “The Lord’s prayer” (Matthew 6:9-13)?


There are sermons that I’ve heard which I’ve never forgotten. One was by Rev. Anders Nisbel, assistant to Lutheran Bishop, Martin Lonebo of Linshepping, Sweden. Anders was a student at our Crossroads School of Broadcasting and Communications in Toronto. I team-preached with Bishop Lonebo in Sweden and he spoke of the absolute necessity of using TV for Jesus’ message. In his message to our staff, Anders said, “Have you ever met a camel? They smell bad. They have a bad temper. They can be unpredictable, and they never forget. They are like television; it may be a big challenge, but we must ride the camels. The reason Christian North Africa became Islamic was that the Muslim missionaries were on camels winning the desert tribes to Mohammed, and the Christians were comfortable in their coastal cities, unconcerned about those in the interior who did not know Christ.” I say, “Let’s get on those camels and ride.” (Our School of Broadcasting has graduates in over 80 countries).

Yours for all our grads and those who have gone through our Intern program at Crossroads,


Sunday, July 7, 2024


Today’s Reading: Genesis 22-23

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The sands from the Mediterranean have blown through the aqueduct arches at Caesarea.

Key Verse: Genesis 22:17

…blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.


After a long period of testing, Abraham and Sarah had their own little son. How they rejoiced! How they loved him! But now a new test confronted Abraham. He probably spent the whole night in tears, wrestling in prayer. Would God really make such a request? Finally, as the sun began to rise, Abraham obeyed, took Isaac up Mt. Moriah, and placed him on the altar. Then God gave the boy back to his Dad and promised great blessing on Abraham and his descendants. God is faithful! He has provided the Sacrifice of His own Son, our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ! Abraham said to his servant, “Stay here and I will go yonder and worship, and WE will return.” He knew God would be faithful to His promise about Isaac. He also knew that the highest expression of worship is OBEDIENCE!!!


Father God, here I am to worship You. Yes, I worship with words of praise and thanksgiving; I worship You with songs; I gather with other believers to worship You in public gatherings; but grant me the grace to always worship You through my obedience to Your revealed will. Through Jesus Christ, my Lord, I pray. Amen!


In the picture above is one of Israel’s sand beaches. Can you imagine counting each grain of sand. When in Jerusalem in the vicinity of Mt. Moriah where the Temple once stood, I’m filled with strong emotions each time I have spoken to brothers and sisters in our group about the Sacrifice of Jesus on the very place where God said to Abraham, “Because you have done this thing, and have not withheld your son, your only son, in blessing I will bless you.” Tears fill my eyes as I type this, for God did not withhold His only Son, but gave Him as the final Sacrifice. No wonder Abraham was called the “friend of God” (James 2:23).

In Christ’s love and service,


P.S. My son Ron and his wife Ann were married on this day in 1984 (photo below). They are the blessed couple who help me daily. Ron formats the blog (I fill in the blanks) and Ann is my proofreader. Congratulations! I love you my son and daughter-in-love! Ron & Ann now lead a marriage ministry called Heart to Heart Marriage & Family Ministries and host a marriage TV show called A Better Us (click HERE for info).

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Today’s Reading: Genesis 20-21

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


One of the many stone covered walkways in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Key Verses: Genesis 21:2-3

For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him. And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Isaac. 


Abraham named the baby Isaac, which means, “laughter,” for good reasons. (1) When Abraham was promised by God that he would have a son with his wife, Sarah, Abraham “fell on his face and laughed” (Gen. 17:17). (2) When Sarah heard the promise of God she laughed also, but it was a different laugh. Abraham laughed for joy and Sarah laughed because of unbelief (Gen. 18:12). (3) The promise, of which Isaac was the heir, has become a cause for laughter as an expression of joy down through the ages. Isaac was born “at the set time.” God is rarely early in fulfilling His promises, but He is never late! God is punctual. His promised mercies may not come on our schedule. They will come in His timing. “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14).


Lord, I heard that someone prayed, “Dear Lord, give me patience, and please hurry up!” That thought brings me laughter, and that’s okay with You. I pray that Your joy will fill my heart. Amen!


I make sure I watch the 100 Huntley Street telecast every day. Even if I’m not near a TV set, I can watch it on the internet at I pay close attention to every word spoken, to the body language, and to the visuals shown. You see, these television productions were promised to Norma-Jean and me years ago. My wife had the vision of a continent-wide TV ministry before I did. I laughed at her definite statement. I had unbelief, but God did it anyway. There we were, in a small congregation in a small village. How could this ever be? I look back now and marvel at the plan and grace of God. If you want to see what God has done over the years, click here and browse around the website. Now I laugh for joy realizing that God has done “more than we could ever ask or think according to the power that works within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

Yours with joyful laughter,
