Sunday, October 29, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 110-113

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


In the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem candles are continuously being lit outside of the Edicule (small shrine chamber), where many believe that Jesus’ grave was located. When Christianity became the official religion of the Roman Empire in the fourth century after Christ, the vast wealth of the empire began to be poured into the construction of magnificent church buildings. There is no tomb here hewn out of rock. It is claimed that during the second and third centuries, when Jerusalem was declared to be a pagan city, the rock in which the tomb was located was removed in an attempt to remove the memory of Jesus’ resurrection.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 110:1

The Lord said to my Lord,

“Sit at My right hand,

Till I make Your enemies Your footstool.”


The key to understanding the Bible is to let the Bible interpret the Bible. As we read, we do our best to compare Scripture with Scripture. Let’s do this by reading Matthew 22:41-46, where Jesus gives a commentary on Psalm 110. There are many New Testament Scriptures to which we could turn to help our understanding. Here’s one more example found in Hebrews 5:5-10. Psalm 110 is quoted by both Jesus and by the writer of Hebrews.

Psalms 111 & 112 are written as acrostics. In Hebrew they are beautiful poetry. All sentences begin with a consecutive letter of the Hebrew alphabet. The acrostic is a device which is created to help in memorization. The Scriptures were written to be studied by all people who love God and who take pleasure in learning more about God. We who do this daily blog are some of those people!

Psalm 113 quotes from the song of Hannah, the mother of Samuel, who praised God for healing her so that she was no longer childless (1 Samuel 2:1-10).


Lord God, I thank You for communicating with me through prophets, kings, poets, musicians, priests, apostles, pastors, teachers, evangelists, but most of all through Your Son and my Saviour, Jesus Christ. I pray for more and more of the One that You promised would guide me into all truth…The Holy Spirit! Holy Spirit, I know that You live in me as a believer, according to the promise of Scripture. Now I pray that I, my total being, will live in You! I desire to be filled to overflowing with Your Person, Holy Spirit! I ask this in the Name of the One who was always filled with the Holy Spirit, the Lord Jesus! Amen!!!


It was in 1968 when, as a young Pastor, I first visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. I was filled with joy to be in a place where it was said that Jesus was buried and then arose from the dead. However, as I stepped inside the man-made structure, I was met by a priest who asked for money. I gave him something, and I know I should have been more gracious, but my disappointment was so great that I turned and walked out immediately. My parents, missionaries to Egypt, had travelled to Jerusalem in 1924 for their honeymoon, where mother took pictures of what is known as “The Garden Tomb,” which is in a different location. I was raised on those pictures. That Garden Tomb may not be the actual location of Jesus’ burial, but it sure looks like it (see photo below from 1968).

Yours for experiencing the presence of God, whether in Jerusalem or here at home,


Me at the Garden Tomb in Jerusalem in 1968.

A side view of the Edicule built inside the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. The candles symbolize the prayers offered here. God promises to hear the prayers of humble and sincere people of faith.

Saturday, October 28, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 108-109

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Looking over the Western Wall visitor area in the Old City of Jerusalem, you can see into the Arab Quarter where many satellite dishes are mounted on roofs. You can also see solar panels which heat the water tanks, also located on the roofs. Since 1967, the flag of Israel has flown over what was part of Jordan. Over thousands of years Jerusalem has been ruled by many different powers. Every day the Good News of Jesus comes into Jerusalem homes through those satellite dishes. The modern city of Jerusalem, with its high-rise buildings, can be seen in the distance.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 108:2-3

Awake, lute and harp!

I will awaken the dawn.

I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples,

And I will sing praises to You among the nations.


David could not have imagined a scene like the one pictured above in his city of Jerusalem. In a way, Psalm 108:5 is being fulfilled in that the satellites, which are in position 22,500 miles above the earth in space, do proclaim the Lord’s “glory above all the earth.” King David has made a decision as shown in the words, “I will.” He has decided to “awaken the dawn!” First thing each morning he is determined to “sing praises!”

Psalm 108 was probably written just after the rebellion of Absalom when many of those to whom David had shown only kindness had joined in treason against him. While David’s words do not show mercy toward his enemies, his later actions did show mercy. Jesus, who in Christian belief assumed the throne of David, not only shows mercy, but Jesus’ prayer for His enemies was, “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing!” (read Luke 23:26-38).


Lord God, because I pray “In the Name of Jesus,” I cannot pray the prayers that David prayed in Psalm 108:1-20.” But I do pray David’s prayers from 108:21-26. Particularly verse 26 expresses my heart, “Help me, O Lord my God! Oh save me according to Your mercy.” I also pray for the continuing television ministry of “Light For All Nations,” as Nizar and his guests come into those Jerusalem homes with the message of God’s love and mercy through Jesus Christ. Amen!!!


I’ve walked the streets, inside the walls of Old Jerusalem, with my son-in-law, Nizar. It takes hours when I’m with him. The people all want to talk to him. He has visited their homes daily for years through those rooftop satellite TV dishes. I marvel at the plan of God in bringing this man from Cana of Galilee into our family. Our daughter was led by God to study for a year at The American Institute of Holy Land Studies, where she met Nizar, and soon they were married in his home town of Cana, where Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding (John 2:1-12). It was definitely, as the middle-eastern custom is, “an arranged marriage”…arranged by God back in 1983.  “Light for All Nations” is a charity incorporated in Israel, Canada and in the United States which is supported financially by people who desire the Gospel to permeate in several languages and many countries (click here for their website). I believe Psalm 108:13a, “Through God we will do valiantly!”

Yours for all of us doing “valiantly” for another day and forever!!!


Friday, October 27, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 107

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Large tanker ships can be seen on the Kingdom of Jordan side of the Red Sea. The wilderness where the Children of Israel spent 40 years is on the other side of the mountain range seen in Reynold’s photograph.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 107:8, 20

Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,

And for His wonderful works to the children of men!

He sent His word and healed them,

And delivered them from their destructions.


Today’s Psalm documents God’s answer to the prayer from 106:47a, “Save us, O Lord our God!” Today’s reading gives four real-life examples as to why we, the redeemed, should thank the Lord!

(1) God provides for our spiritual and emotional needs. Have we ever felt like we are wandering in the wilderness, our souls fainting within us? “He satisfies the longing soul!” (107:9).

(2) God provides for our deliverance from fear, bad habits, and anything that would cause us to be “bound in afflictions and irons!” God “saved them out of their distresses” and “broke their chains in pieces!” (107:13b & 107:14b).

(3) God provides physical healing! “They drew near the gates of death” (107:18b), but God “sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions!” (107:20)

(4) God provides a way out of seemingly impossible circumstances! People are pictured as being on the deck of a ship in a storm and “they reel to and fro and stagger like a drunken man” who is trying to maintain his balance on the deck of a storm-tossed wooden ship (107:27). But God “calms the storm so that its waves are still” (107:29).


Lord God, I’ve discovered the fact that in all my needs I must do as the writer of this Psalm tells me to do, “They cried out to the Lord!” I cry out to You now! I believe that You are doing now in my life as it is reported in Your Word. “He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions!” (107:20). Now, in faith, I am participating with the inspired writer who wrote, “Oh that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” Lord, I say, “Thank You!” Your blessings are because of Jesus, in whose Name I pray. Amen!!!


Over the last 2 or 3 days I’ve been well over my goal of 100 words regarding each day’s reading, as well as my 100 Personal Words. Therefore, today I’ll have fewer words. I’m simply going to add to the blog a song from my wife, Norma-Jean. We don’t know the original tune from Israel’s hymnbook used to sing these words in the Temple, so she decided to compose a tune for some of the words of Psalm 107. Here she is from a number of years back on 100 Huntley Street…click here.

Yours because God “Sent His Word!”



This boat was discovered almost 30 years ago when the Sea of Galilee was low. It is called “The Jesus Boat” because it is from the time of Christ. The bottom boards are warped with age, and the sides are no longer there, but with imagination we can visualize the disciples in a storm on the sea, Jesus asleep on the “Pillow” (a bag of sand, perhaps, in order to provide ballast). Jesus spoke the words, “Peace be still!” The waves subsided. Jesus illustrated Psalm 107:23-30.

Thursday, October 26, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalm 106

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The North end of the Red Sea is in the south of Israel and also the south of the Kingdom of Jordan. The border between Israel and Jordan runs south from the Dead Sea to Elat on the Israeli side and to Aquaba on the Jordanian side. The coral reefs and marine life in the Red Sea are, to my judgement, the most spectacular in the world. In today’s reading it says of God, “He rebuked the Red Sea also, and it dried up; so He led them through the depths, as through the wilderness” (Psalm 106:9). Egypt borders Israel on the west at this point on the shores of the Red Sea. God made a way of escape for the Hebrew slaves from Egypt into what now would be the territory of Jordan or Saudi Arabia.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 106:13, 15

They soon forgot His works;

They did not wait for His counsel…

And He gave them their request,

But sent leanness into their soul.


Psalms 105 & 106 are historical records of Israel’s journeys and struggles. These Psalms were repeated by the people in their worship of God in the liturgical calendar at least once a year. The privileges of the covenant with God come with responsibilities. Israel was to worship Him and obey Him. God was faithful to keep His covenant, but the people, most of the time, were not faithful. Psalm 106 documents their unfaithfulness. The composer of this Psalm writes with a repentant heart. Verse one tells us that, “His mercy endures forever.” Without this fact, the human race would’ve been extinct long ago. No wonder we are told to, “Give thanks to the Lord for He is good!”

Our key verse is still true today. God has answered our prayers, as He did with Israel. He has blessed us with so many good things, but a materialistic, self-centred life will always bring leanness to our souls. Our souls will be malnourished.


Lord God, I pray that as I partake of the fresh bread and the meat of this daily blog, that I will be well nourished. Thank You, Lord, for Your patience with me when I grieve Your great heart of love and mercy with vain pursuits and foolish pride. Lord Jesus, You gave us the sinner’s prayer. I pray it now: “Lord be merciful to me, a sinner.” In the Name of the One who promised that this prayer, prayed in true repentance, would result in my being justified in the sight of God. Amen!!! (read Luke 18:9-14).


In my leadership calling at Crossroads over the years, I worked hard to make sure every cent given to the ministry was well spent for the cause to which God’s people gave. Apart from things I learned from my Dad, like turning out lights that are not needed, etc., I would list everything we did under three categories… (1) Necessary (2) Essential (3) Absolutely Essential. If funds were not available, the “Necessary” would be cut. If there still was not enough money coming in from the offerings of our wonderful partners, the “Essential” would be cut. Never, never, never was the “Absolutely Essential” cut, as these were the vital organs of ministry! For example, without the television ministry going out every day, the ministry would loose its purpose and die. Winning people to Christ on the telephone prayer lines in response to the telecasts was never on the table for cuts!!! Today, as a result of God’s blessing and the giving of God’s people, calls are up from an average of 1000 calls daily to almost 1200 in each 24-hour period. More precious souls are coming to know Jesus as Saviour and Lord and are being directed to local churches. Praise God!

Yours with an apology for going way over my goal of 100 personal words again,


Wednesday, October 25, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 105

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The Giza necropolis, situated in the immediate vicinity of the southwestern suburbs of Cairo, is home to the most famous ancient Egyptian monuments. The Great Pyramid of Khufu (on the right) is the oldest and sole remnant of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. Over 2 million blocks of stone were used to construct the pyramid during a 20-year period, concluding around 2560 BC, at about the same time period in which Chinese became the world’s first written language (don’t miss the amazing message from a Chinese Pastor in Singapore attached to yesterday’s blog). The pyramid is awe-inspiring, rising 139 metres (455 feet) high, making it the largest pyramid in Egypt. Abraham would have passed by this pyramid on his way into Egypt, and the Hebrew slaves on their way out of Egypt.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 105:1-3

Oh, give thanks to the Lord!

Call upon His name;

Make known His deeds among the peoples!

Sing to Him, sing psalms to Him;

Talk of all His wondrous works!

Glory in His holy name;


Those first three verses of today’s reading sum up what we should do daily. (1) Give thanks! (2) Pray! (3) Communicate! (4) Sing! (5) Testify! These are the five essential elements of our mission! How long are we to do this? Psalm 105:8 lets us know the answer, “For a thousand generations!” Our responsibilities are not over yet! God remembers “His holy promise.” He promised Abraham that in his seed (105:6) all nations would be blessed! Together we will help make the blessing of the “Seed of Abraham,” Jesus, known to the whole world! Read Genesis 22:1-18. God spared Abraham’s son but did not spare His own Son. Our job is to make this known to all generations!!! EVERYBODY HELP!!!


Lord Jesus, I pray with thanksgiving for the entire Crossroads team. I ask for Your Holy Spirit to communicate through them in a powerful way. Lord God, please encourage the Crossroads team by our support. Thus, all of us together will enable the leadership and the Board to establish the plan in following God’s instructions given in our key verses! In the Name of the “Seed” (singular) of Abraham, Jesus, I pray! Amen!!!


As founders of the Crossroads Family of Ministries, Norma-Jean and I have experienced such “joy” and “gladness.” We read those words in verse 43 of today’s reading! Through the years, we’ve reached out with soul-winning television productions for children, teens, families, and people of all ages. A quarter of a million children and teens have spent at least a week each at the Circle Square Ranches over the years, and approximately 60% came from homes where they don’t attend Church. About 100,000 of these have made first-time decisions to give their lives to Jesus! We have graduates from our School of Broadcasting and Communications in over 80 countries of the world, and many of them are reaching their own people on television with the message of Jesus! I could give more examples of what has been accomplished (“remember” as Psalm 105 tells us), but the reason I’m telling this story again is that I know what it is to carry the heavy burden of leadership. It is a huge responsibility before God to make sure sufficient funds are on hand to do all that God expects of us! Remember to pray for and support our Crossroads leadership team!

Yours to help Crossroads not only to survive but to thrive in the saving of precious souls for time and for eternity!


The Luxor Temple is located on the east bank of the River Nile in the ancient city of Thebes and was founded in 1400 BC during the New Kingdom, about 100 years after the Hebrew slaves had escaped their bondage in Egypt. Today’s reading tells us that, “Egypt was glad when they departed for the fear of them had fallen upon them” (Psalm 105:38). Let us consider the impact of these visual temple scenes on the people! Today’s visual support for our message is television!!! Imagine the cost and sacrifice involved in building the pyramids and temples. To fulfill the Crossroads mission, it requires all who will to give sacrificially so that the “Glory” of His holy Name will be seen and heard all over the world!!! Together we are building, not a temple of stone, or a memorial to a dead Pharaoh, but a worldwide communications network potentially reaching every person with the saving message of Christ.

Tuesday, October 24, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalm 104

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Gobeklitepe, located in Turkey, is the oldest archeological sanctuary and oldest civilization known to man (approx. 8,000 BC). It is a series of mainly circular and oval-shaped structures set on the top of a hill. Excavations began in 1995 by Prof. Klaus Schmidt with the help of the German Archeological Institute. There is archelological proof that these installations were not used for domestic use but predominantly for ritual or religious purposes.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 104:31

May the glory of the Lord endure forever;

May the Lord rejoice in His works.


All the earliest records of the human race show that intelligent people were moved to worship the Creator God (as illustrated by the Youtube attachment in our P.S.). Our native people here in Canada and original peoples everywhere speak of “The Great Creator.” When we pause to think deeply, without the brainwashing efforts of those who, for some reason, refuse to believe in God, we cannot escape the conclusion that a supremely intelligent and all-powerful Creator made all that we see in nature. In deep appreciation for the Creator, the writer of today’s reading begins and ends with “Bless the Lord, O my soul!” Yesterday we recognized that we need to order our souls to practice the worship of God consistently! Bless Him! Cause Him to rejoice because we acknowledge that He has made us and all that there is!


Today, Lord God, I’m not making a prayer request here in the blog. I’m simply giving the order to myself to bless You with my worship! The Hymn comes to mind, “Crown Him With Many Crowns” (click here for this hymn of worship along with beautiful visuals of the glories of creation). He is worthy of all my praise!!!


In the mid 1800’s the walls between Roman Catholics and the Church of England were very high. Nevertheless, the hymn “Crown Him With Many Crowns” was one of several hymns in the English language that broke through those walls and everyone worshipped in song. The words were written by a Roman Catholic and the music by a Protestant. Another of those hymns was “Faith of Our Fathers.” On Father’s Day each year when I was a boy, we would sing the words, “In spite of dungeon, fire and sword, etc.” I would think of the Protestants who had been persecuted by the Roman Catholics as I sang (I had read the book, Fox’s Book of Martyrs). I was shocked to discover while in my twenties that this hymn was written by a Roman Catholic priest while serving time in a dungeon, where he had been placed by King Henry VIII. Yes, there are doctrinal differences between Catholics and Protestants, particularly as to how and where we encounter God in the salvation of our never-dying souls, but the worship of God and His Son, our Saviour, is our common ground!

Yours for the glory of “The Great Creator!”


P.S. This attachment will take close to an hour to watch, but it is well worth the time, if not now, then later. If possible, please don’t miss it. It’s a video called, “God In Ancient China.” It is a teaching from a Chinese Pastor in Singapore on the meanings of the Chinese language characters. You’ll be amazed!!! (click HERE).

Among the ancient ruins of Gobeklitepe in Turkey, you can see a stork or crane being depicted. Enhancing the beauty of structures with sculptures has been a feature of temples everywhere, including the Tabernacle of Moses, and the Temple and synagogues in which Jesus would have participated in the prayers, Scripture readings and teachings. Like this carved picture of a bird, the Chinese characters, as shown in the above youtube attachment, are pictures or engravings.

Monday, October 23, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 103

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Heading south in the Kidron Valley you come to the Pillar of Absalom or Absolom’s Monument. 2 Samuel 18:18 tells us that, “Absalom in his life time set up a pillar for himself…..he called the pillar after his own name, and to this day it is called Absalom’s monument.” The Kidron Valley, also known as the King’s Valley, is located between the eastern walls of Jerusalem and the Mount of Olives.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 103:15-16

As for man, his days are like grass;

As a flower of the field, so he flourishes.

For the wind passes over it, and it is gone,

And its place remembers it no more.


We remember Prince Absalom, son of King David, who committed treason in trying to overthrow his father’s reign in Israel. Absolom’s untimely and violent death may have been in David’s mind when he penned the words of today’s reading. David grieved so very deeply over the death of his son (read 2 Samuel 18:9-33). Paul preached in the Antioch synagogue telling all that God said, “I have found David, the son of Jessie, a man after My own heart, who will do all My will.” The Apostle went on to say, “From this man’s seed, according to the promise, God raised up for Israel a Saviour – Jesus!” (Acts 13:22-23).

David had reason to grieve, but he ordered his soul to “BLESS THE LORD!” Six times in today’s reading these words appear. What does it mean to “BLESS”? It means that we are to make someone joyful! Let us ask ourselves this question: Does the smile of God’s approval rest upon our lives? My father often prayed at our family altar, “May the smile of Your approval be on our lives this day and always.” If we don’t have the assurance that God is blessed by our lives, we need to repent, ask forgiveness, and then look up again. Look for His joy to be revealed. Our souls will know when God is blessed!


Lord God, may the smile of Your approval be upon our lives this day and always. I pray that my soul will BLESS YOU, LORD GOD! Amen!!!


Bob Code, a man whom my mother led to Christ, along with his wife and daughter, would often say, “Bless the Lord!” I was about 13 years old then and I questioned how Mr. Code could bless God. I thought, “God is the One who does the blessing.” And God does bless us in awesome ways, but I’ve learned that blessing is a two-way street. God blesses us and we bless Him! Amen!

I’ve often read our key verses while standing at a graveside. I’ve just read again the verses just before, “As far as the east is from the west, so far has He removed our transgressions from us. As a father pities his children, so the Lord pities those who fear [respect, awe, worship] Him. For He knows our frame; that we are dust” (Psalm 103:12-14).

Yours for being blessed and for blessing God and all with whom we come into contact!


The view from behind Absalom’s Monument. His pillar is sculpted out of the bedrock in the valley below the city walls. Tourists don’t usually see the sculpture from this angle. Our photographer, my son, David Reynold, was determined to get the best pictures for these blogs. Thank you, my son!

Sunday, October 22, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 101-102

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The Church of the Holy Apostles in Athens, Greece, is often covered with birds that fly over the ruins of the ancient agora (close-up photo below). Today’s reading tells us of “A sparrow alone on the housetop.” These Athenian pigeons are not lonely birds.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalms 101:3a, 102:27

I will set nothing wicked before my eyes…

But You are the same and Your years will have no end.


It seems impossible to avoid seeing vile images. We do, however, have a choice of what we view. When we watch some TV programs, we are just asking for trouble. Whatever we feed our minds, particularly through the eyegate, if it is not positive and good, will inevitably pollute our thoughts and sometimes our actions in a way displeasing to our holy God! The opposite, good thoughts and actions, can happen from watching 100 Huntley Street and other productions which please God! Psalm 101 was written by King David. It’s possible that Bathsheba knew exactly what she was doing when she took a bath on her rooftop in full view of David’s balcony, which was located just up the hill above her home. David, when he wrote the words of this Psalm, may have been thinking of the great damage he caused because he gave in to visual temptation and committed adultery (2 Samuel 11). We must repent of our carelessness, guarding our hearts and minds, keeping our eyes and minds on the Lord and His Word to us.

In Psalm 102 we find a writer who feels very much alone, as is evident from the metaphors of the birds. The writer of the New Testament book of Hebrews quotes from this Psalm and refers to Jesus (Hebrews 1:10-12). We can be encouraged because Hebrews 13:8 tells us that “Jesus Christ is the same, yesterday, today, and forever!” I find myself singing softly, so as to not wake up Norma-Jean, the beautiful prayer hymn, “Abide With Me.”


Lord God, thank You that the words of the hymn are true: “Change and decay in all around I see; O Thou who changes not, abide with me” (click here for a rendition of “Abide With Me”). This is my prayer, O Lord! Amen!!!


I find that the sight of a bird all alone is sad. Two birds together (many kinds mate for life) or a flock of birds is a joyful scene, like the birds on the church roof in today’s photos. Norma-Jean and I watch for people who appear lonely and try to include them in our lives in some way. I’ve often heard my wife say something like, “She looks lonely, let’s invite her for a coffee.” Sometimes through the years, she has brought people home for a meal and for fellowship. The 100 Huntley Street television ministry gives the amazing opportunity of visiting right there in the homes of our viewers. It really is the next best thing to a personal visit!

Over 500,000,000 tablets and iPads have been sold around the world. That figure would not include laptop computers and smart phones. There are several billion visual devices in use around the world. Think of the potential for seeing vile and evil things! Crossroads is doing its best to fill those screens with the opposite…beautiful words and visuals. Norma-Jean and I do our best to support all the God-given visions of Crossroads, as well as several other ministries. I urge everyone to do the same! Crossroads has a vision to be “Media Missionaries” and provide positive and holy viewing alternatives, in order to “OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD!!! (Romans 12:21b).

Yours for viewing, reading, and hearing good, holy, uplifting things!


Birds on the Church of the Holy Apostles in Athens Greece. Because of strong and good teaching, the Greeks did not give in to islamic conversions during approximately 300 years of moslem rule. The church is an integral component in the every day life of the Greek people.

Saturday, October 21, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 98-100

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Here are some of the beautiful mosaics inside the Church of Transfiguration on Mount Tabor. This church is located in Lower Galilee, Israel, at the eastern end of the Jezreel Valley, 11 miles (18 km) west of the Sea of Galilee. It is believed by many Christians to be the site of the Transfiguration of Jesus. It is also known as the Mount of Transfiguration.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 100:4-5

Enter into His gates with thanksgiving,

And into His courts with praise.

Be thankful to Him, and bless His name.

For the Lord is good;

His mercy is everlasting,

And His truth endures to all generations.

Psalm 98 is another “NEW” song! The word “NEW” is one of the most powerful words in the English language. We are attracted by that which is “NEW!” What “NEW” insights, “marvelous things” has God done? Our response to Him should be exuberant praise!

Psalm 99 takes us to a most serious consideration. God’s “Justice,” “Equity,” “Righteousness,” and the fact that “He is holy” should cause us to “Exalt the Lord our God.” He answered the prayers of Moses, Aaron and Samuel and forgave their sins, but they still suffered the consequences of their sins. Check out Numbers 20:7-13 and 1 Samuel 8:1-5.

Psalm 100 gives us reasons why we should “Make a joyful shout to the Lord!” (1) “The Lord is good.” (2) “His mercy is everlasting.” (3) “His truth endures to all generations.” This includes the generations alive here in the 21st century! Our key verses sum up why we have every reason to be excited about the Lord and why we must not keep this good news to ourselves. We must find and support every effort to reach “the ends of the earth” with our message that “The Lord, He is God; it is He who has made us, and not we ourselves!”


Lord God, I have received a new understanding of Your mercy and faithfulness. How can I do less than give You all of me? I do enter Your “gates with thanksgiving.” I come into Your “courts with praise.” I pray for Your continuing grace to worship and serve You as I should. I pray in the Name of the One who always pleased You, the Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!!!


I believe we were in the perfect will of God when Crossroads moved in 1977 from the weekly telecasts, called Crossroads and Circle Square for children, to the daily 100 Huntley Street telecast, originating from a building in downtown Toronto with that address. On the very first program, as well as on many subsequent live daily telecasts, I proclaimed that Psalm 100 was our official ministry Psalm. In the light of this fact, I encourage the hosts and producers of our present television and internet productions to use Psalm 100 as a template in order to make sure we are continuing the original purpose of God for the ministry.

On several occasions, when decisions were required, the number 100 played an important role in God’s directions for me and for the Crossroads ministry. The picture below represents a most joyous and productive time in Ministry. Without Jesus out front as #1, the world is like zeros…lost in space and time.

Yours so that we may together “SERVE THE LORD WITH GLADNESS!”


P.S. As a little girl, our second daughter Ellen would kneel at the altar in church and weep for lost people all over the world. I’m not surprised that she and her husband are reaching via television the Arabic, Urdu (Pakistan), Farsi (Iran), and Turkish speaking peoples. Please check them out at Light for All Nations.

In front of the big “100” at our prayer lines on the set of “100 Huntley Street” in the mid-eighties in downtown Toronto.

Here is the exterior of the Church of Transfiguration on Mount Tabor.

Friday, October 20, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 95-97

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Israelis love their trees…Here in the Jordan Valley, you can see how the bulldozers moved the soil around the precious Acacia trees.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Psalm 96:7-8

Give to the Lord, O families of the peoples,

Give to the Lord glory and strength.

Give to the Lord the glory due His name;

Bring an offering, and come into His courts.


Psalm 95 is God’s invitation to “COME!” What do we do when we “COME!”?… We “SING!” “SHOUT JOYFULLY!” offer to Him “THANKSGIVING!” “WORSHIP! BOW DOWN! KNEEL!” 95:7b invites us to hear His voice. We hear with our inner ears as we read or we can hear by clicking on the above Scripture link and hear the Words being read out loud.

Psalm 95 was sung as the national anthem of Israel. In Psalm 96 we move beyond Israel to the whole world. All nationalities are invited to “COME” and to “WORSHIP” the Lord in the beauty of holiness! “The Lord reigns!” (96:10-12a). The result will be that even the trees, including those Acacia trees in Reynold’s picture, will “REJOICE!”

Let’s not forget our key verse. When we come, we give the offerings listed above, but we must not miss the exhortation, “BRING AN OFFERING!” Jesus watched as the widow placed her offering in the receptacle, and He announced that she had given more than all the others. When Jesus counts the giving of His people, He counts the level of sacrifice involved (read Mark 12:41-44). Psalm 97 carries on from Psalm 96.


O Lord God, Your Name and Your message must be communicated more effectively to all the nations. I pray for Crossroads and other Christian ministries who are called by You and work skillfully, and for those who make it all possible by giving offerings sacrificially. Bless and strengthen us all in Jesus’ Name! Amen!!!


My son Reynold and his wife Kathy lead one of those ministries that’s communicating the Word of God to other nations. They live in Uganda, East Africa, and have a unique ministry called World Embrace. This is an apostolic work that seeks to answer Jesus’ prayer in John 17 where Jesus prayed just hours before His crucifixion “…Father, may they be brought to complete unity so that the world will know that You love them and have sent Me…” (John 17:21-23). Their web site is You will see it is an exciting one-of-a-kind missions outreach. They have no mission society or denomination supporting them, and though they have been full time in various Missions activities for over 15 years, this calling is relatively new. “Unity” is God’s call on their lives…and in reality, according to Scripture, we are all to have a heart for unity with other followers of Jesus. At the foundation of God establishing His kingdom on earth is “Unity” within His church…His church made up of every nation, every tribe, every people, and every language.  And yes, man-made walls are coming down and bridges of relationship are being built. Praise God!!!

Yours for living as Psalms 95, 96, and 97 encourage us to live!!!
