Friday, January 26, 2024


Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 7-8

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Among the ruins of ancient Ephesus, Turkey, are these larger than usual stone ossuaries, which were used to house people’s skeletal remains. “Bones” are mentioned five times in the first verse of Jeremiah 8.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Jeremiah 7:23

But this is what I commanded them, saying, “Obey My voice, and I will be your God, and you shall be My people. And walk in all the ways that I have commanded you, that it may be well with you.”


Jeremiah 7 begins what is known as the “Temple Sermon.” God’s instructions to Jeremiah were that he was to stand at the gate of the Temple and deliver this message as the throngs of people were entering for worship. The people of Judah were still very religious outwardly, but Jeremiah’s message was that they were hypocritical. Several times Jeremiah made the point that “They did not obey or incline their ear, but walked in the counsels and in the dictates of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward” (7:24). They practiced what is called “syncretism,” the amalgamation of what otherwise would be two or more distinct religions. In their case, it was an attempt to worship the God of Israel and also the god Molech. Some of them, including King Jehoiakim, who turned away from the reforms of his father, Josiah, had reverted to the practices of his grandfather, Mannaseh (2 Kings 21:3-6).

Chapter 8 predicts the coming judgment as a result of their syncretism. Their bones will bleach in the sun. There’s an old hymn which captures the essence of faithfulness to the One and only true God: “Trust and Obey!” Here’s a musical rendition of this foundational truth! (click here).


Lord God of Israel, through Your Son and my Saviour, I pray for the grace of obedience to You, and to the worship of You and You alone! The Temples in Jerusalem were destroyed in Jeremiah’s day, rebuilt by Ezra and Herod, and then destroyed again. Your temple in this age is my body, and may I keep my body pure and in good shape for You, Lord, and may You alone live in my innermost thoughts, attitudes, intentions and actions. Amen!!! (1 Corinthians 6:12-20).


My experiences with people practicing syncretism are many. The most common being church Sunday morning and then a variety of practices common to eastern religions during the week. The most dramatic example happened in the summer of 1976. I was in Winnipeg staying in the home of the pro football player Larry Kerychuk when the phone rang. The local Roman Catholic priest was looking for a Holy Spirit-filled minister to accompany him on an exorcism. I agreed, but conditional on the content of the priest’s testimony of his personal journey with Christ. I heard a miraculous story of the power of the Holy Spirit transforming his life. We showed up at a home of recent immigrants from Brazil, where manifestations were reported (we didn’t see any) of objects moving around the rooms mysteriously without human help. We discovered that back in Brazil the husband and father had been in the practice of attending Mass Sunday mornings and voodoo ceremonies Sunday evenings. We discerned that these spirits were not filling the house but the man. He wanted to be free of these, and we took authority in Jesus’ Name, cast out these evil spirits, and he was set free. The whole family received Jesus by faith as Saviour and Lord! The last report is that never again did this occult manifestation occur.

Yours for bringing men, women, boys and girls into genuine experiences in a saving relationship with Jesus!


P.S. If you want a blow-by-blow account of the various destructions of Jerusalem, I recommend a book I’m currently reading by Desmond Seward called, “Jerusalem’s Traitor: Josephus, Masada, and the Fall of Judea” (here is a listing for it on

Thursday, January 25, 2024


Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 5-6

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Here is part of an ancient road that is located in the Old City of Jerusalem. An artist depicts what the rest of it might have looked like from the time of Jesus. How tragic that such a beautiful city should be reduced to rubble with its people either killed or taken as slaves.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Jeremiah 6:10

To whom shall I speak and give warning,

That they may hear?

Indeed their ear is uncircumcised,

And they cannot give heed.

Behold, the word of the Lord is a reproach to them;

They have no delight in it.


Jeremiah 5:21-25 is God’s attempt to communicate with His people in Jerusalem. He says, “Hear this now!” We bring disaster upon ourselves when we fail to listen to God’s Word! It’s not His fault! It’s ours! Jeremiah and a few others heard God, but the political leadership and the majority would not listen.

In our key verse in Jeremiah 6, God seems to be giving up after many attempts to communicate. The time comes when God resigns Himself to allowing the stubborn free will of people to prevail. He’s not wanted, and He won’t force Himself on them, which would reduce His people, made in His image, to being puppets and robots who are forced to do His will. God knows when He is not wanted and He withdraws. The communications breakdown is never at God’s end of the line. People hang up on Him!!!


Lord God, You promised that You would answer when I call You! You said, and I quote You, “Call to Me and I will answer you!!!” (Jeremiah 33:3). I’ve heard that reference called, “God’s telephone number.” I pray that You will keep me alert to hear You and to answer when You call me! I hear You calling me now and I hear Your voice as I read Your Word to me through Jeremiah. I say, “Yes Lord, I hear You!!!” Amen!!!


For the first 15 years of Crossroads television, the Lord sent in enough money to pay all our bills to cover the costs of the 30-minute weekly Crossroads show and the 30-minute Circle Square show for children. Never did I mention money on TV. When we signed the contract for release of the daily 100 Huntley Street telecast, I was shocked to hear what I believe was the voice of God saying to me, “David, you are going to have to ask for people’s support on TV. I don’t have enough people who take the time to hear My voice to raise the necessary funds for this expansion.” I was dumfounded, but said “Yes, Lord.” One way or the other, God made sure that bills were paid and that His Name was honoured by that fact. But that’s a very small thing compared to the failure to listen to God on the part of the people of Jerusalem, who were not only failing to pay attention to God, but who had deliberately disobeyed Him after they had heard His words through Jeremiah!

Yours for listening quietly, carefully and obediently to God’s Word!!!


Below is a picture of the big rock in front of the Crossroads Centre. The words on the plaque (see caption) are from Jeremiah 6:16, the New International Version translation. Instead of the word “ways” inferring a crossroads as in the NKJV, it actually uses the word “crossroads” in the NIV. This is an essential message from God to each one of us.

The plaque below the big rock outside the Crossroads Centre in Burlington reads, “Stand at the crossroads and look; ask for the ancient paths, ask where the good way is, and walk in it, and you will find rest for your souls” (Jeremiah 6:16).

Wednesday, January 24, 2024


Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 3-4

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


You can still see the enormous cut rocks that were thrown down onto the street from the upper walls of the Temple Mount by the Roman soldiers in 70 AD.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Jeremiah 3:14a, 4:19a

“Return, O backsliding children,” says the Lord; “for I am married to you…”

…O my soul, my soul! I am pained in my very heart! My heart makes a noise in me…


In today’s Bible reading, the word, “BACKSLIDING” is repeated four times, and the word “RETURN” five times. Taking note of significant words repeated over and over lets us know what the writer is trying to emphasize for our benefit! God’s message to the backslider is “RETURN!” Ask ourselves this question and let’s make it personal: “Have I ever loved and served God in the past more than I do today?” If so, “RETURN.”

Jeremiah, in our key verses, expresses the heart pain that God feels…the pain of a Parent rejected by His children…the pain of a Husband who truly loves His bride and wife but has been rejected in favour of other lovers. Some who read this may have experienced such pain, which is not only crushing emotionally but also produces devastating mental anguish and even has negative physical effects. As a prophet, Jeremiah represents God and is feeling a measure of God’s pain. As a priest, he represents the human family before God in intercession. He identifies with the pain of our separation from God. We are beginning to understand why Jeremiah is called “The Weeping Prophet.”


Lord God, my eternal loving heavenly Father, I return to You and run into Your loving arms, which are wide open and waiting for me to come closer than ever. Lord God, You have described Yourself as my Lover/Spouse. I do love You with all my heart. Give me grace to be 100% true to You at all times. Forgive me of my backsliding. Thank You for promising Your willingness to forgive and restore. I pray these mercies through Jesus Christ, the One who never backslid and, therefore, never needed to return. Amen!!!


The person who loves the most is most deeply hurt when rejected by the one they love. The mother who has nursed a child at her breast and then lives to be rejected by a son or daughter knows the pain of which Jeremiah writes. The husband or wife who has given themselves totally in love with their spouse and is then rejected knows such deep inner pain, such that it’s impossible to describe in words. I have never felt that rejection personally, but I’ve put my arms around many whose body is wracked with such immeasurable pain. All I could do was to be there, as there were no words which I could speak that would be adequate. Surely God, Whose very nature is infinitely loving, must feel this pain much more than man. This is the pain Jesus bore when He suffered on the cross…the pain of rejection, separation and loss. I can’t even begin to imagine His pain. All I can do is cry and say, “I’m here Lord. I’ve returned! I’m determined to move closer to You and not backslide!!!”

Yours for loving God faithfully and showing love for Him by our love for others,


Tuesday, January 23, 2024


Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 1-2

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


A wild donkey (Somali Wild Ass) at a nature reserve in Israel’s Jordan Valley. In Jeremiah 2:24 the people of Jerusalem are likened to this creature at mating time. It is said that the wild donkey cannot under any circumstances be domesticated for service to people as regular donkeys are. Jeremiah uses this animal as an illustration of Jerusalem’s determination to do its own thing in opposition to serving God.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Jeremiah 1:4-5

Then the word of the Lord came to me, saying:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you;

Before you were born I sanctified you;

I ordained you a prophet to the nations.”


When Moses was called by God, he believed that he was unequipped to do the job. When Isaiah was called, he felt unworthy. When Jeremiah was called, he felt too young to accomplish God’s purposes (Jeremiah 1:6). When God calls us to do a work for Him, He always equips us to fulfill the assigned tasks. Otherwise, why would He bother calling us? All that is required of us is OBEDIENCE to His call! Jeremiah began his ministry when good king Josiah reigned over Judah. Jeremiah served as an advisor in helping Josiah initiate reforms which were in line with God’s revelations to His people as found in the Scriptures. Reforms? Yes! But the hearts of the people needed to be transformed, and that did not happen. Josiah was succeeded by ungodly kings who rejected Josiah’s message and led their people deeper into sin against God, persecuting Jeremiah for his stand for the truth of God.

Jeremiah’s first recorded sermon is in chapter 2. Jeremiah is called, “The Weeping Prophet.” His heart was broken with those things that break the heart of God!


Lord God, it could’ve been so different for Your people if only they had followed Your ways. I pray that I will pay attention to those who have genuinely been called by You to preach Your Word. Please grant me grace to obey Your Word! May I not break Your great heart of love by turning my back on You as did Your people in Jeremiah’s time. I pray this in the Name of the One who always obeyed You, Jesus the Messiah (Christ). Amen!!!


Our message should be one of total support for the Jewish people’s right to have a state, which hopefully will ensure that never again will there be a time of the destruction of Jews, this most persecuted people in all history, as has happened in the past. At the same time, while supporting the Jewish state, we should be pro Arab as well. We are told in Scripture to “pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). Let’s pray fervently for the leaders of the western world, the Israeli Prime Minister, and for the President of Palestine.

Yours for praying for all who are in authority (1 Timothy 2:1-2),


P.S. Our past Chairman of the Board of Directors for the Crossroads Ministries, Don Simmonds, travelled to Israel in 2014 with our then Canadian Prime Minister, along with several Federal Cabinet Members and other leaders from various segments of Canadian life. Below are some pictures that help tell the story of this significant journey.

In Saint Catherine’s Church in the Palestinian city of Bethlehem. Left to right, a security officer, Dr. David Wells, leader of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, James Lunney, Member of Parliament for Nainaimo, former Prime Minister Harper, David Sweet, Member of Parliament, James Moore and John Baird, former Cabinet Ministers. Perhaps the infectious joy of the birth of Christ which happened right next door has touched their hearts. They look like they are thoroughly enjoying their time and no one had to say “cheese.” Well, maybe someone said, “Say Jesus!”

A happy moment in this church built right next to the cave/stable where Christ was born. Rev. Dr. David Wells, The Honourable Stockwell Day, former Leader of Canada’s Official Opposition Party, Don Simmonds, former Chairman of our Crossroads Board, Don Hutchinson, legal counsel to the Centre for Faith and Public Life, and the Honourable John Baird, Canada’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs. I’d like to know what was said that brought those big smiles to their faces.

Monday, January 22, 2024


Today’s Reading: James 3-5

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Here you can see the ruins of what some consider to be the Pinnacle of the Temple in Jerusalem. This is the southwest corner of the Temple Mount. It may have been to this height which Satan brought Jesus in the time of Jesus’ temptation. Jesus, the Man, did as James said. He submitted to God, resisted the devil, and the devil fled from Him! According to the Jewish historian, Josephus, James was executed by the authority of Ananus, High Priest, by being thrown off of this pinnacle.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: James 4:7, 5:16

Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you…Confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The effective, fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.


James 3 focuses on that “little member that boasts great things,” the tongue. James has a definition of a “perfect man” as “one who does not stumble in word” (the tongue). It’s encouraging to note that James is human as he says, “We [includes himself] all stumble in many things.” James tells us that “No man can tame the tongue.” So-o-o do we just give up? Never!!! Our key verses have the answer as to how not to be “hung by the tongue!” Firstly, “Resist the devil.” Secondly, “Confess.” Thirdly, “Pray!” Fourthly, we should daily present our bodies (that would include our tongues) as living sacrifices, “Holy acceptable to God!” (Romans 12:1).

James 4 exhorts us to “Lament and mourn and weep!” When is the last time we experienced this depth of sorrow over our sins? “Repent” was in the first recorded words of John the Baptist (Matthew 3:1-2) and Jesus (Matthew 4:17), as well as in Peter’s response to the question he was asked on the birthday of the Church! (Acts 2:37-38). Pastor James teaches, “Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up!”

James 5 will spill over into my PERSONAL WORDS section below.


Lord God, I ask for Your free gift of grace so I may learn daily to give over to You all the members of my body, in particular, that unruly member, the tongue. Thank You, Jesus, for the gift of Your brother, James, as a Pastor to the Church of all times and all places. I pray for these mercies from Your most gracious hand, in Your Name, Jesus, Amen!!!


James 5 – I always look for words which are repeated such as “be patient” (twice). This blog is intended to help “establish” our “hearts” (5:8). May it be so for us all! Now I encourage everyone to read again James 5:13-16. The Pastor gives the protocol for a joyful, clean and healthy life. In my years as a Pastor, I put this into practice constantly. Every Sunday the Elders and I would offer to pray over anyone desiring healing. We would place olive oil on those asking for anointing. Many testified to God’s healing power. When I began travelling as an Evangelist in the 1970s, I would insist that Pastors and Elders be involved in praying for the sick. For a period of five years, from about 1972 to 1977, I would ask who in the congregation had a medically documented healing. If so, I asked people to stay behind to tell me about it. I discovered approximately 40 people who had confirmation from their doctors which attested to a miraculous cure. I asked each one, “Who prayed for you and where were you prayed for?” Of course many said that people everywhere were praying for them. Then I would ask them, “Were you prayed for and anointed with oil by your Pastor and the Elders of your local Church?” In 100% of these cases the answer was, “Yes!” For this reason I discourage people from traveling many miles to be prayed for by an evangelist. The evangelist’s job (like Billy Graham) is to get people to believe in Jesus for the salvation of their never-dying souls. The job of the Church is to do as Pastor James instructs us. Amen! Amen! and Amen!!!

Yours, as an Assistant Pastor to James, Jerusalem’s first Pastor,


P.S. I’ve personally experienced God’s power to heal when I was a 19-year-old college student. I was prayed for by fellow students, and as the Doctors would not allow me to be moved from my dorm room, two Pastors/Teachers came into my room. They prayed fervently because the medical doctors had told them that I would be “carried out feet first,” or in other words, they expected me to die. I don’t have room here to give the details, but it’s sufficient to say that as they anointed me and laid their hands on my head, my 105+ fever dissipated. I was delirious, but at the same time it was like a beautiful cooling shower was falling on me. I got up, dressed, got in my ’47 Plymouth car, and drove to the hospital Emergency Department. I announced that I was well and that God had healed me. I did elect for surgery which would make it impossible for the same thing to happen again. I benefited from God’s healing power and from the good works of skilled medical practitioners. James is my very, very Senior Pastor! Amen again!!!

Sunday, January 21, 2024


Today’s Reading: James 1-2

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Dormition Abbey, a grand German Benedictine building, is located on top of Mount Zion in Jerusalem. It commemorates the Virgin Mary at one of the traditional sites of her death (the name means “Eternal Sleep”). This complex was built in the beginning of the 20th Century over the ruins of a Byzantine church. It is also called Hagia-Maria-Sion Abbey, named after the great Byzantine church in present day Istanbul, Turkey.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: James 1:22

But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.


The book of James is filled with very practical applications of divine principles. The first principle is that of faith! The Jewish Christians in Jerusalem and James, known as the brother of Jesus, were under severe pressure to deny their faith in Jesus. While thousands of Jews were believers, the Roman-appointed Jewish authorities, who instigated the arrest, mock trial, and crucifixion of Jesus, were still in charge of daily life. The Apostles left Jerusalem in order to share the Good News of Jesus with Jewish communities all over the known world. James (not the brother of John) is now Pastor of the Jerusalem Church. Approximately 20 to 30 years have passed since Jesus arose from the grave and His Church was born. Tradition says that Pastor James spent so much time on his knees in prayer that they nicknamed him, “Camel knees.” Camels kneel a lot and develop callouses on their knees.

James would approve of our emphasis on reading God’s Word! He writes of “the implanted Word,” and of being “a hearer of the Word.” He declares that “He who looks into the perfect law of liberty (the Scriptures) and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work [yes it is work], this one will be blessed in what he does!” (James 1:25). In 2:8 James writes, “If you really fulfill the Royal Law according to the Scripture, ‘you shall love your neighbour as yourself’ (Leviticus 19:18), you will do well.” He sets a pattern here for Pastors everywhere and at all times in his emphasis on God’s Word! In 2:21-26 the Pastor references two Bible characters, Abraham and Rahab. His point is that “The Word produces faith which produces good “works,” not a faith without works, but a faith that works.


Lord God, please continue to plant the seed of Your Word in me daily, so that I will produce a harvest of good works consistently. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!!!


I’ve often struggled with the word “Religion” (James 1:27a). That word comes from the same root word as “ligament.” It’s what holds my body together. It’s the practice of ministering to the needs of others and of living a holy life. It definitely does not mean my particular denomination. This past Sunday I found myself singing over and over an old chorus which I had not heard for probably 30 years. It goes something like this…”I know the Lord will make a way for me. I know the Lord will make a way for me. As I live a holy life, shun the wrong and do the right, I know the Lord will make a way for me.” James teaches that our profession of faith is only valid when manifested in practiced faith. As a boy I remember conversations that would include the words “he professes.” I drew the conclusion that, while I may claim to be a believer, my life, my works, keeping “unspotted from the world,” and failing to “bridle my tongue” were proof that professing and possessing the real deal were two very different matters.

Yours for “pure and undefiled religion,” which will bond us together in Christ,


Saturday, January 20, 2024


Today’s Reading: Isaiah 65-66

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The Jordan Valley Habika War Memorial Monument is designed by the artist Yigal Turmakin and constructed from old parts of armoured vehicles, tanks and guns. It serves as a memorial to the soldiers who died in the area, particularly as a result of the period known as the Period of Pursuits. War has been a constant in these areas, but God promises that there will be a time when He “will extend peace like a river” (Isaiah 66:12a).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Isaiah 65:24

It shall come to pass

That before they call, I will answer;

And while they are still speaking, I will hear.


God says, “Here I am, Here I am!” (Isaiah 65:1b). God has not left His human family. He has not isolated Himself from us. Isaiah 65 is God’s answer to the prayer of Isaiah we read in yesterday’s reading. God says through His prophet, “I have stretched out My hands all day long to a rebellious people.” The Apostle Paul quotes Isaiah’s words in Romans 10:20-21. We may want to read all of Romans 10 as a commentary on God’s dealings with both Jews and non Jews.

In his final chapter 66, Isaiah repeats twice more words he has written over and over, “Thus says the Lord!” Back in Isaiah 55:6-11 we considered how to get God’s Word, (His thoughts and ways) into our lives and world. Soak in the Word each day! God says, “Where is the house you will build for Me?” The answer is that the Temple in Jerusalem will be destroyed and the entire sacrificial system will be abolished once the final sacrifice is completed by the One John the Baptist called, “The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world” (John 1:29).

Tomorrow, the New Testament book of James!


Lord God, as I think back on the past month of readings in Isaiah, I do tremble at Your Word (66:2b). By Your grace I’ve trusted fully in the One Whom Isaiah said was yet to come. I’ve noted dozens of personal pronouns and meditated on the Person whose Name alone could replace those pronouns, the Child Who was born, the Son Who was given! Isaiah 9:6 goes on to state the fact that “His Name shall be called Wonderful Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.” I pray that every reader of this blog, including myself, will know Him in a deeper and more intimate way than ever as a result of daily absorbing Your thoughts and ways. In His Name! Amen!


I’ve read the Jewish tradition that says that Isaiah died by being sawn in half by the last wicked King of Judah to reign during Isaiah’s time. It’s really hard for me to get my mind around the fact that such a powerful and persuasive prophet would have been rejected by the corrupt political masters and a segment of the people that agreed with them. The political masters of Jesus’ time were appointed by an exceedingly corrupt and evil Roman Emperor. The High Priest and his family members became very, very rich through their absolute control of the income from the 4,000,000 or so pilgrims who would visit Jerusalem each year for the mandatory feasts. Jesus said that the Temple had become a “Den of thieves.” The first Gospels tell of the cleansing of the Temple just before Jesus’ death and resurrection. As Bill O’Reilly points out in his book, “Killing Jesus,” it happened twice, once at the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry (John 2:11-21), then later (Matthew 21:12 & 13). I found a clip from the “Gospel of John” movie that I’ve just watched (click here).  I’m well aware that the average Jewish person (Jesus and all His disciples are Jewish) were not implicated in any way in either the execution of Isaiah or Jesus. The crowd in the courtyard who yelled “Crucify Him!” were all paid lackeys of the High Priest. The “Gospel of John” movie is a word-for-word depiction of his Gospel (the full movie can be viewed here).

Yours in recognition of the One Who said, “Here I am,” with prayer that all would turn to Him without delay asking for mercy and grace,


[Note: This blog posting was originally written January 20th, 2016]

P.S. As you may know, we are on the second time around for this two-year journey through the Bible with this blog. It was four years ago this morning when I awoke out of a sound sleep and the digital clock showed 4:00 a.m. Jesus said, “My sheep know My voice,” and I know I heard His voice, still and small outwardly but loud and big inside my spirit. He said, “David, shortly I will be awakening you every morning at this time. I want you to rise, read My Word, pray, and write a daily blog leading my people on a two-year journey through the Bible. Start in segments…Matthew, then move to Genesis, alternating back and forth between the Hebrew and Greek Scriptures.” I hardly knew what a “blog” was, so over the next four months I experimented, asked my son David Reynold to use his Biblical knowledge skills as a professional photographer to take photos in all the Bible lands which matched as closely as possible the reading for each day. My son, Ronald, agreed to format the blog for me each day so all I have to do is fill in the brief Bible commentary, my prayer, and my personal words. Ann, Ron’s wife, checks each blog to make sure my spelling, punctuation, etc. is right. Thanks to family members and to Crossroads for taking this on as an official outreach of the ministry. Four years ago my Florida Pastor, Rev. Wayne Blackburn, concluded two weeks of prayer and fasting on Sunday evening. I went forward to the altar for prayer after the evening service, not having any idea what would happen at 4:00 a.m. the next morning. Thanks to the Pastor and people of Victory Church, Lakeland, Florida!

Friday, January 19, 2024


Today’s Reading: Isaiah 63-64

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


A several hundred year-old wine vat the size of a van can still be seen in Meteora, Greece, at the Varlaam monastery. In Isaiah 63:3 we read, “I have trodden the winepress alone,” and “I have stained all my robes.” God’s mercy and judgment could only be accomplished by Jesus alone. Like the one who walks barefoot in the winepress has his clothes stained red, so Jesus’ garments were stained with blood.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Isaiah 64:4

For since the beginning of the world

Men have not heard nor perceived by the ear,

Nor has the eye seen any God besides You,

Who acts for the one who waits for Him.


Today’s reading begins with a word picture of the judgment of God as a winepress. Jesus prayed just before His arrest and crucifixion, “O my Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from Me; nevertheless, not as I will but as You will” (Matthew 26:39). What was in that cup? “The wine of the wrath of God which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation” (Revelation 14:10). As the wine vat pictured above provided storage, so the wrath of God was stored up since the sin of our first parents. Jesus drank all the wrath of God against sin for all who believe in Him. And because of this, all who call on Him, believing in Him in this age of God’s mercy are saved from the end-time judgment! Not so with God’s judgment on the ungodly world of the antichrist (Read Revelation 14:9-11).

Chapter 64 is the great prayer of Isaiah. He states the case that we are all sinners (64:6) who need to be saved. Then Isaiah writes, “But now O Lord, You are our Father.” This would be a good time to say the prayer Jesus taught, “Our Father…” (Matthew 6:9-13 or Luke 11:1-4). Jesus taught essentially the same prayer on two different occasions.


Father, I am praying the words You taught Your followers to pray. You are my Father God! I hallow (honour as holy) Your Name! To make sure I’m covering all the points in that prayer, I’m praying both Matthew’s words and Luke’s words. I believe that this is one prayer which You will always answer with a “Yes!” as long as it is prayed with repentance and faith, and not just a recitation in the mindless way of a religious exercise. In the Name of the One Who taught us TO PRAY (actually do it…not just talk about it), Jesus Christ. Amen!!!


As a boy I had a friend who could rattle off the “Our Father” five times in one minute. He was simply getting through what he was told to do as he confessed his sins to his priest. About 15 years later, a wonderful move of God came to his church. It was known as the “Charismatic Renewal.” Many began to confess that they were born again and filled with the Holy Spirit. I heard them pray as Paul wrote, “I will pray with the spirit, and I will also pray with the understanding” (read 1 Corinthians 14:14-19).

When my missionary father arrived home from a six-year absence (forced on him by WW2), I have such powerful memories as an 8 year old. Three times a day, after our meals, we would kneel around the table at our chairs and Dad would often pray parts of the Isaiah 64 prayer. He would lift his voice and sometimes weep as he prayed, “Oh, that You would rend the Heavens! That You would come down!” One time he explained to me that the church of Egypt (where he served as a missionary) was alive and growing in the things of God and in numbers too. He wanted me to know that in comparison, the Church in Canada was in need of a great revival, and I was not to judge the whole Church by its lack of fire and growth as we saw here. I’ve lived to see God come down in mighty power on the Canadian Church as He has consistently done in other parts of the world.

Yours for strong prayer such as Isaiah and my Dad prayed,


Thursday, January 18, 2024


Today’s Reading: Isaiah 61-62

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


An actor at Nazareth Village in Nazareth talks to a group of men and boys in the synagogue. This amazing effort by Nazareth believers in Jesus is worth the trip to Israel all by itself. God willing our children will be hosting tours of Israel this Fall. The group often sits together in this very replica of a first century synagogue to read the words of Jesus’ sermon to the people of His hometown (from today’s key verse).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Isaiah 61:1-2a

The Spirit of the Lord God is upon Me,

Because the Lord has anointed Me

To preach good tidings to the poor;

He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted,

To proclaim liberty to the captives,

And the opening of the prison to those who are bound;

To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord,


Yes, that’s a comma after our key verses, not a period. When Jesus read this prophecy in His hometown synagogue, He stopped in the middle of a sentence and closed the Book; then He proclaimed, “Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing.” Obviously He deliberately left out reading the rest of verse 2 which speaks of “the day of vengeance,” since the “Day of the Lord” would not take place until His second coming. He made it clear in this way that we are now in the day of grace, not vengeance! (2 Peter 3:8-10). Consider the statements of Jesus recorded in Luke 17:20-37. The judgement day is coming, but in this age the operative words are “the poor,” “healing the broken-hearted,” “deliverance to the captives,” “recovery of sight,” and “set at liberty those who are oppressed.” Jesus identifies Himself as the One who is fulfilling this prophecy. There is no guess work here! This verse powerfully confirms the Trinity…Father God, the Son of God, and the Holy Spirit!


Lord God, thank you for revealing to Your prophet the text on which Jesus would preach in His first recorded public message. I pray that I will be more like Jesus in ways that I, as His follower, can be and do. In His Name I ask for grace to share His love more and more. Amen!!!


One of my heroes in christian ministry is Rev. Homer Cantelon. It was in 2014 that he departed this life and went to stand before his Lord and Saviour in person. He was a World War II veteran who fought in the liberation of Holland. I remember seeing pictures of this big man as he walked down the streets of the town he had helped liberate on the 50th anniversary of the surrender of the Nazis. The people were cheering the Canadians loudly. I write about Homer on pages 129 &130 of my book, This Far by Faith. In my opinion, there is no one I know that exemplified the ministry of Jesus, as stated in our key verses, more than Homer Cantelon. He literally participated in bringing “Liberty to the Captives” in Holland, and throughout his life of Christian ministry he has brought eternal “Liberty” to many, many more (Homer was interviewed on the 100 Huntley Street telecast a few years ago by his son Jim. Click here for part one of the interview…and click here for part two).

Yours for carrying on the ministry of Jesus,


Wednesday, January 17, 2024


Today’s Reading: Isaiah 59-60

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Here is a panorama of the southern wall of the Old City of Jerusalem. In the distance you can see the Mount of Olives. Jerusalem seems to be the focal point of the war between God and all the forces who oppose Him. Isaiah writes of a time when they “Shall call your walls Salvation and your gates praise!” (Isaiah 60:18).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Isaiah 59:1-2, 60:5a

Behold, the Lord’s hand is not shortened,

That it cannot save;

Nor His ear heavy,

That it cannot hear.

But your iniquities have separated you from your God;

And your sins have hidden His face from you,

So that He will not hear.

…Then you shall see and become radiant,

And your heart shall swell with joy…


Sin is a wall which keeps God out and destroys us from within. When the people of Jerusalem were without hope, except for Isaiah and a remnant who cried out to God for Salvation, God Himself took the initiative. The great “Intercessor,” the One to whom Isaiah refers in dozens of personal pronouns throughout his book, appears. “His own arm brought Salvation for Him” (59:16). The Lord signed into the law of the universe a covenant (He cannot break His covenant!). What Hope! Isaiah 59:21 is one of incurable optimism. God has put His Spirit upon His people and put His Word in their mouths from generation to generation, and this promise includes us almost 3,000 years later, “from this time and forevermore!!!”

Chapter 60 begins with a direct command from God! “Arise, Shine; for your light has come!” Jesus, the Messiah (Christ), has dispelled the darkness and has come as “The Light of the world.” Jesus said, “I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the Light of life” (John 8:12). What makes us “Shine!” is, as the moon reflects the sun, spending time in Jesus’ Presence, in His Word and in prayer, and we cannot help but “Shine!” Most of us are “Gentiles.” Isaiah 60:3 is an encouragement to us all. Isaiah 60:5 is the result, “Then you shall see and become radiant, and your hearts will swell with joy!”


Swell my heart with Your joy, Lord, I pray! Make my heart big enough for people everywhere. May Your Spirit be upon me in a greater and greater way, and may Your Words not depart from my mouth. I ask these mercies in the Name of “the Light of the world,” Jesus Christ. Amen!!!


I’ve read ahead into Isaiah 61. I simply couldn’t resist reading again the very words which Jesus read in His introduction of His Light, as it burst forth in His public ministry (Luke 4:16-21). But I’m getting ahead of myself. The key verse says, “Behold the Lord’s hand is not shortened that it cannot save!” I’m reminded of a TV series I hosted back in the early 1970s which was sponsored by approximately 15,000 “Assemblies of God” churches in the USA. The communications director suggested that the average person watching would not understand the word “saved.” However, after the first show where I interviewed a medical doctor whose life had been in absolute shambles, and for whom the Lord had done an amazing transformation, I used the word “saved.” Everyone understood what this great word meant. A lifeguard understands exactly what it means when someone is going under and cries out “Save me!” Our readings in Isaiah show a world going under for perhaps the last time, but God’s long, long arm reaches out to humanity and we are saved! The Scripture says, “For whosoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord shall be saved” (Read Romans 10:8-15). I ask every reader, “Have you been saved?” If not, or if you are not sure, read carefully those words from God through the Apostle Paul and call out to the Lord, “Save me, O Lord!” Then call the 100 Huntley Street prayer line toll free at 1-866-273-4444, and ask them for help in understanding how we can know we are saved.

Yours with determination to “ARISE” and to “SHINE” during this new day and every day,
