Saturday, October 7, 2023

OLD AND GRAY HEADED (Psalm 71:18a)

Today’s Reading: Psalms 70-71

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The fortress of Masada stands high above the Jordan Valley floor. It was here that Herod built his highly protected palace to which he could escape if necessary. Later it was used by Jewish freedom fighters who, for a time, resisted a Roman siege. I suggest that everyone should try to view the movie, “Masada.” It was in this area where David hid from those who sought to destroy him. He may have had this scene in mind as he sang, “You are my rock and my fortress” (Psalm 71:3b).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Psalm 71:18

Now also when I am old and grayheaded,

O God, do not forsake me,

Until I declare Your strength to this generation,

Your power to everyone who is to come.


The words, “Let God be magnified” (70:4b) are what this blog is all about. Our meditations are a magnifying glass which enlarges our vision of God.

God is with us at every stage of life: in mother’s womb, at birth, in our youth, and in “old age when strength fails” (71:6-9). David even declares his confidence that he will be resurrected from the dead! “You…(God) shall revive me again and bring me up again from the depths of the earth!” (71:20b). Our key verse magnifies our vision so that we can see clearly that old age is simply a continuation of our service to God and of our relationship with Him. Would to God that none of us, when we reach old age, will fail to reach out to the next generations with the Good News of God’s provision for the human family. Who is more equipped than an older person with years of experience to relate to those who are younger the facts of God’s faithfulness and unfailing love? “No-o-o-body!” With the word “nobody,” some of us will think of a former mayor of Toronto, Mel Lastman, who puts his special spin on that word in an appliance commercial currently on television.


Lord God, I pray that my old age will be productive in blessing those who are carrying the heavy responsibilities of middle age and by inspiring children and young people with my stories of Your involvement in my life. In Jesus’ Name I ask this request, Amen!!!


I’m quite old now and that prayer and the key verse fits for me. It may not be a fit for all who read this blog, so I encourage everyone to offer a prayer to God that fits age, family responsibilities, and other considerations. Crossroads has published a book of my stories, but I find that many young people may not take the time to read it. Therefore, I take the time, whenever I know I’m not unwisely intruding, to tell my stories as briefly and effectively as possible (if I knew how to underline on this keyboard I would underline the word “briefly!”). I pray fervently that God’s Spirit will communicate through my words the message needed. Recently, I had the opportunity to share a couple of my stories with a teenaged girl. Her mother said that when she arrived home she proceeded to straighten up her life and even her bedroom. This mother begged me to keep on communicating with young people.

Yours to urge everyone to communicate God’s love and faithfulness!


Friday, October 6, 2023

SAVE ME O GOD! (Psalm 69:1a)

Today’s Reading: Psalm 69

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


My photographer son, David Reynold, placed his Bible on the stones on which Jesus stood in the Roman governor Pilate’s courtyard. Here they clothed Him in the old robe of royal purple and placed the crown of thorns on His head in order to mock His claim of being a King. Here Jesus was scourged with whips. The prophet Isaiah prophesied of this: “But He was wounded for our transgressions; He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Him, and by His stripes we are healed” (Isaiah 53:5). Through the centuries the city has been built up over the stone pavement, but these original stones can be seen in the lower area of the Sisters of Zion Convent.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Psalm 69:21

They also gave me gall for my food,

And for my thirst they gave me vinegar to drink.


Prophetic statements are found in many places in the writings of King David. The words of our key verse actually happened to Jesus as He hung on the Cross. Check out Matthew 27:34-48. In Psalm 22 David writes the most obvious prophesies fulfilled in Jesus’ suffering and death. David is a prophet! Only Isaiah is more detailed in his prophecies of the coming Messiah! David wrote around 1000 B.C. and Isaiah around 500 B.C. What are the odds of such prophesies being minutely fulfilled? Obviously God revealed in advance the future events that happened when Jesus took the sins of the whole world upon Himself.

There are two streams which flow together in David’s poems. One is the expression of deep inner emotion. The other stream is an outpouring of confidence in the love and providence of God! We all have trying times because we live in a world which is out of tune with God; and at the same time we can experience an inner peace by being personally in tune with God!!!


Lord God, I thank You for building such confidence in my heart and mind by revealing the future to Your prophets as You did to David and Isaiah! I pray that I will constantly remember that nothing takes You by surprise, and that You do all things after the counsel of Your will, and that also includes the events of my life! (read Ephesians 1:11&12). I pray this in the Name of the One “Who works all things according to the counsel of His will!” Amen!!!


I’m often downtown in major cities. My ears are bombarded with out-of-tune sounds. This world is not in harmony with its Creator. The maple leaves across the street are beginning to die and are just beginning to protest their demise with a variety of colours. The life of the trees will be buried underground shortly, but I expect a resurrection this Spring. My Bible and my laptop computer are open before me. All is quiet and a beautifully harmonious orchestra begins to play in my heart and mind. Our divine Conductor is in charge. Every instrument is playing in tune. I sense the Presence of God who alone creates and gives us life, bringing us into harmony with Himself through the Person and work of Jesus Christ!

I’m probably reflecting my age here, but Norma-Jean and I almost always listen to 96.3, New Classical Radio, Toronto. Magnificent orchestral masterpieces are delightful for our ears to hear. Of course Norma-Jean and I differ, in that I also love the Nashville sound of country and western music. Norma-Jean, not so much. All of us here in the blogosphere, if we could put our feelings into music, might sound like the orchestra tuning up, but after a while the Conductor takes charge and we make beautiful music together! God carries the melody line in the score of life, and we make the harmonies on a wide variety of human instruments. Amen???

Yours for hearing clearly God’s melody line, reading the notes found in Scripture, and playing them well, 24/7,


Thursday, October 5, 2023

LET GOD ARISE! (Psalm 68:1a)

Today’s Reading: Psalms 67-68

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Mount Hermon in Northern Israel is snow capped year-round. In today’s reading King David’s poetry mentions snow and the mountain peaks (Psalm 68:14-16).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 68:3-4, 11

But let the righteous be glad;

Let them rejoice before God;

Yes, let them rejoice exceedingly.

Sing to God, sing praises to His name;

Extol Him who rides on the clouds,

By His name YAH,

And rejoice before Him.

The Lord gave the word;

Great was the company of those who proclaimed it.


God’s Name, “YAH” (Hebrew) is “JEHOVAH” in our language. There is one true Creator God! Our God is “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.” We may want to read from our translation from the Greek language the words of Paul in Ephesians 1:3-6. The “awesome” (to borrow from yesterday’s reading) plan of God for the salvation of the whole world is ours to communicate to every man, woman, and child.

In Psalm 67, the word “NATIONS” is repeated three times. God’s face is shining upon us so that God’s “way may be known on earth,” and so that there will be “salvation among all nations!” “ALL NATIONS!” Can we, the readers of this blog, possibly be a vital part of that great “company of those who proclaimed it?” How each of us answer this question will make a huge difference in accomplishing this task or, on the other hand, failing to do our part. Which will it be?


Lord God, here I am waiting before You. I pray for grace to be a part of that great company whose job it is to proclaim Your Word to all the “NATIONS ON EARTH!” I pray for unbending determination to never, never, never give up on the accomplishment of this mandate to which You, “the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ,” have called me. I ask for a great company to join together with You to get the job done. Amen!!!


I thank God for the ministry of Crossroads Christian Communications and how He will lead us forward to the glorious goal that, through all kinds of mass media communications, Psalm 67:2 will be accomplished…”THAT YOUR WAY MAY BE KNOWN ON EARTH, YOUR SALVATION AMONG ALL NATIONS!!!”

Yours for the “company of those who proclaimed it,” (the Word) because “the Lord gave the Word!”


Wednesday, October 4, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 64-66

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The Mediterranean Sea beach and distant ruins of Caesarea Maritima.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 65:5, 66:1-3

By awesome deeds in righteousness You will answer us,

O God of our salvation,

You who are the confidence of all the ends of the earth,

And of the far-off seas;

…Make a joyful shout to God, all the earth!

Sing out the honor of His name;

Make His praise glorious.

Say to God, “How awesome are Your works!

Through the greatness of Your power

Your enemies shall submit themselves to You…


Teens went through a phase a while back when it seemed that everything was “awesome!” In today’s reading the word “awesome” is appropriate. It’s used three times!!! Is it any wonder that we are encouraged to “Make a joyful shout to God!”

Meditate and wisely consider Psalm 64:1 & 64:9b. These are daily instructions for us all. God’s deeds are surely worthy of the utmost AWE!!! Consider the following facts – (1) Victory over enemies (66:3) – our enemies are not nations around us, but self and sin within us. Jesus is our AWESOME Deliverer! (2) The Lord rules, therefore, we can trust Him always (66:7) – verse 66:5 assures us that “He is AWESOME in His doing toward the sons of men!” (3) In an AWESOME way God has brought us out to rich fulfillment! (66:12b) – God is AWESOME in His answers to prayer! (66:19).


Thank You, Lord God, that You have “not turned away my prayer,” and You have not turned away Your “mercy from me!” (66:20). I know that the reason I can come before You in prayer and know that You hear me is not because of any righteousness in me, but only because of Your Son and my Saviour, Jesus Christ. I confess my sin before You! I have Your assurance that You have heard my confession and that I’m forgiven. I believe You when You spoke these words about Yourself through Your Apostle John, “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Amen! Amen! Amen!


Again first thing this morning I confessed my confidence in the Lord Jesus by quoting Galatians 2:20, “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” The gift of faith from God that allows me to truly believe this statement also allows the truth of this statement to be lived out throughout the next 24 hours.

Yesterday I decided to check for mistakes in my recent book, This Far By Faith. I found several misprints, etc. Because of a deadline the book was rushed into print before I had a chance to critically read with care what I had typed into my laptop computer. For example I read that I had given my life to Christ in December of ’52, been filled with the Holy Spirit in June of ’53, and called into the Christian ministry in August of ’53. But there was a wrong date in print. I had mistakenly typed that I had lost my temper in the Fall of ’53 and punched out a football player on the opposing team. Doesn’t sound like a teenager who had already been saved, filled with God’s Spirit and called to be a minister, does it? The fact is that I was kicked out of the game for unnecessary roughness (fighting) in the Fall of ’52. This was one of the reasons I knew I needed God in my life, and why I was desperate for God’s help. In the fall of ’53, the next time I met that player on the field, I asked for and received his forgiveness.

Yours for honesty and getting my words typed here in my blog correctly,


Tuesday, October 3, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 60-63

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Al Khazneh (“The Treasury”) is one of the most elaborate temples in the ancient Jordanian city of Petra. Like most of the other buildings there, this structure was carved out of the rock face. It has classical Greek-influenced architecture, and it is Jordan’s most popular tourist attraction. Psalm 60:9 asks the question, “Who will bring me into the strong city? Who will lead me to Edom?” This is Edom’s strong city, Petra (the rock).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 63:1-4

O God, You are my God;

Early will I seek You;

My soul thirsts for You;

My flesh longs for You

In a dry and thirsty land

Where there is no water.

So I have looked for You in the sanctuary,

To see Your power and Your glory.

Because Your lovingkindness is better than life,

My lips shall praise You.

Thus I will bless You while I live…


There are four Psalms in today’s reading. They describe four ways to pray. (1) “RESTORE us again!” (60:1b). — (2) “Hear my CRY, O God” (61:1a). — (3) “Truly my soul SILENTLY waits for God” (62:1a). — (4) “O God, You are my God; EARLY will I seek You” (63:1a). We are encouraged to pray prayers with meaningful content; to pray with fervency; to wait patiently on God; and to seek God first thing upon rising in the morning! Is that good counsel? Amen!!!

The words, “Wait silently for GOD ALONE!” (62:5a) focuses our attention on “GOD ALONE!” The only ultimate answer to life’s questions is in God. Our only refuge, security and peace are found in Him ALONE! The sooner we realize this truth, the sooner we will find real personal peace and security.


First of all, Lord God, I bring You praise and worship! —— I’m presenting my petitions to You with fervency and urgency in my cry to You! —— I’m waiting silently in Your presence —— I’m doing this first thing this morning! You, O Lord, are my #1 priority. Amen!!!


I feel like singing! Why not join me? God will hear us all from all over the world and He will put our joyful noise together in the courts of Heaven as beautiful harmony (click here for a song by a precious little boy with the words from our key verse).

Yours for “God ALONE!”


Monday, October 2, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 57-59

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


In the Nazareth Village synagogue, an actor plays the part of a first-century rabbi reading from a Scripture scroll and leading in the worship of the only true God, the God of King David.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 57:7-11

My heart is steadfast, O God, my heart is steadfast! I will sing and give praise! Awake, my glory! Awake lute and harp! I will awaken the dawn! I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples; I will sing to You among the nations for Your mercy reaches into the heavens, and Your truth unto the clouds. Be exalted, O God, above the heavens; let Your glory be above all the earth!


King David was definitely not shy in giving voice to his worship of God, not only among his own people but “among the nations!” His court would have received many ambassadors from other countries who would witness his worship of the One and only true God. Perhaps they took David’s songs back home with them.

Twice David declares, “My heart is steadfast!” (Psalm 57:7). This kind of confidence in God is never ashamed to worship Him in public. Twice David writes of some people who “growl like a dog!” (59:6,14). No wonder people in rebellion against God growled when they heard David worship so enthusiastically. Even David’s Queen, Saul’s daughter, despised her husband because of his dancing before the Lord (2 Samuel 6:16).

May we who claim to love and serve God never be shy in proclaiming His “GLORY”!!!


Lord God, my prayer is about You! May You “BE EXALTED, ABOVE THE HEAVENS; LET YOUR GLORY BE ABOVE ALL THE EARTH!” Amen!!! And may I do my best to make sure this is happening 24/7. Amen!!!


I remember well returning from Calcutta in the early 1970’s, determined to raise child support for 1,000 needy children. I purchased four hours of TV time on the Kingston, Ontario, CKWS TV station, on a Saturday afternoon for this purpose (Toronto was too expensive). For the first half hour the phones in the studios weren’t very active with sponsorship calls. Then, with great concern, I prayed for guidance. I believed I heard that still small inner Voice of God say, “David just begin to worship and praise Me right here on live television.” So I stopped asking the viewers for their calls and closed my eyes, lifted my hands, and began to say, “Hallelujah! Praise You, Lord God! I worship You! Blessed be Your Name! You, O God, care more then we ever could about these precious children in Calcutta!” I continued this praise and prayer for several minutes. As I did, I heard the telephones beginning to ring. They never stopped ringing for the duration of our live telecast. The goal was met! I turned the names of those who called over to Rev. Bill Newell, Canadian Director of World Vision. This started World Vision using TV to raise sponsors. I’ve never been shy to praise and worship God on television since that time. Please join King David as we together say privately and publicly, “Praise You, O Lord, among the peoples!” (Psalm 57:9a).

Yours for a steadfast heart when in the presence of growling dogs!


P.S. I must take a few more words to point out the contrast between some of David’s words and those of his great-great-(etc.) Grandson, Jesus, who was born in David’s city, Bethlehem. David had some light on the truth of God’s love and mercy. Jesus taught, “Love your enemies.” Please join me in reading Matthew 5:43-48. David did not have the great privilege, as we have, of reading the longest recorded message of Jesus, the Sermon on the Mount.

At our prayer lines in the “100 Huntley Street” studio, downtown Toronto in the mid-eighties on live television! Many people were led to Jesus over those phones! Like King David, we praised and worshipped God boldly and openly. This continues daily. Over 10,000 telecasts later, God continuous to be exalted in this witness of God’s GLORY! “We beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth!” (John 1:14b).


Sunday, October 1, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 54-56

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Above is a British military building abandoned in 1948 when the British left the area. Palestine was a part of the Turkish Ottoman Empire which was dismantled following the First World War (1914 – 18). Britain was given the mandate to rule much of the Middle East by the Treaty of Versaille and did so for 30 years. The Israelis have since used it for military practice, as you can see by the shelling. If you click on the Google Map link below, you will notice that this building is on the Israeli-Jordanian border. The Scriptures tell us that “wars and rumours of war” will be a constant in the area until Messiah comes!

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Psalm 56:8b

“Put my tears into Your bottle; are they not in Your book?”


All three Psalms in today’s reading begin with prayer, fervent prayer! God hears even an unspoken prayer, one which is a thought, but it is important to speak out loud when possible. God will respond to the fervency level of our prayers. Fervency puts exclamation points behind our words!!! Imagine the scene when David moans “noisily” (Psalm 55:2), or David is crying aloud “evening, morning, and at noon” (55:17). Then you are urged to “cast your burden on the Lord” (55:22a). Our key verse tells us that David’s tears were part of his heartfelt prayers. These Psalms also draw the conclusions that “He has delivered me out of all trouble,” “I will trust in You,” and “You have delivered my soul from death!” Amen!


“Hear my prayer, O God!” I cry out to You for mercy, grace, and Your intervention in my life and in the lives of all those whose names I speak before You (Here I name every name that comes to my mind and speak those areas of need in each life of which I am aware). Most of all, I cry out to You, Lord God, for the salvation of precious souls who need Jesus as Saviour and Lord. I pray in the Name of the One Who wept over the needs of people, Jesus Christ! Amen!!! (John 11:31-36).


I identify with David’s prayers and also with the actions that followed his prayers. David wrote in Psalm 54:6, “I will freely sacrifice to You; I will praise Your name, O Lord, for it is good.” I ask myself, “What am I sacrificing to the Lord?” Someone has said, “There is no sacrifice in the light of Calvary.” In other words, the greatest sacrifice I can make of time, energy, money, and other resources, are all as nothing when compared to what Jesus gave in the ultimate sacrifice of Himself on the Cross! Yet I must not minimize my responsibility to give my very best to God.

I’ve been thinking often lately about my giving to God. I do this by supporting with time and money the works of the Lord as they are being done in ministering to others around the world. For example, Crossroads has a world-wide mandate from God to use television to respond to the urgent plights of those in need (click here for information). Also, Crossroads continues to have that call of eternal importance…winning men, women, boys and girls to Jesus.

Yours for the most valuable cause in the universe,


Saturday, September 30, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 51-53

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


This is a fresco found in ancient Ephesus, which is in modern-day Turkey.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Psalm 51:10-12

Create in me a clean heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me. Do not cast me away from Your presence and do not take Your Holy Spirit from me. Restore to me the joy of Your salvation, and uphold me with Your generous Spirit.


The third Psalm in today’s reading tells us twice that “There is none who does good, no not one” (53:1, 3). David wrote eloquent words, but Jesus put our confession much more bluntly. Jesus told the story of the man who, while standing at the back of the Temple in Jerusalem, hit himself over and over on his chest crying out, “God be merciful to me a sinner!” Jesus said that this man went home justified before God! Jesus guarantees that this prayer will change our lives (see Luke 18:9-14). To support this fact we can believe other Scriptures. In John 6:37a, Jesus gives us His Word that “The one who comes to Me I will by no means cast out.” These are the Words of Jesus and when we believe these Words, we are received by God. We confess our sin and are assured by the Apostle John that “He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness” (1 John 1:9). Having done this, it’s of vital importance to tell a fellow believer. Here’s a toll-free number to call to talk to a caring person…Crossroads 24/7 prayer line: 1-866-273-4444.


Lord God, I am making King David’s prayer my own! I’m reading to You the words found in our key verses, Psalm 51:10-12. Amen!!!


Yes, by God’s grace I seek to live in an attitude of sorrow for sin and joy in forgiveness 24/7. One of the amazing evidences of God’s grace is found in the ministry of Crossroads Christian Communications Inc.  Over the years, more than 12 million ministry telephone calls have been answered on our Prayer Lines. Let me mention it for the second time in this blog posting…Need prayer? Call 1-866-273-4444 toll free.

Yours for learning from King David, and, most of all, from Jesus,


This Feline was kind enough to strike a pose in the smaller of the two amphitheatres in the ruins of ancient Ephesus.

Friday, September 29, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 48-50

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Israel’s flag flies proudly over Mt. Zion. In the distance you can see the Church of the Apostles and the Church of the Dormition. The first-century Christians met on Mt. Zion, where they built a Judaeo-Christian synagogue-church that became known as the Church of the Apostles. Over the centuries a succession of churches were built on the site and later destroyed. These included the great Byzantine Basilica Church of Hagia Sion (Holy Zion), known as the “Mother of all Churches,” which covered the entire area now occupied by the Church of the Dormition, the Cenacle and the Tomb of David. Also located on Mt. Zion is the traditional site of the Upper Room, where Jesus instituted the remembrance of His broken body, His shed blood, and where the Holy Spirit came upon the 120 people on the birthday of the Church (Acts 2).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Psalm 49:15

But God will redeem my soul from the power of the grave,

For He shall receive me.


The first two verses of today’s reading (Psalm 48) are sung, probably not with the same tune as the sons of Korah, but still in worship of the one and only “LORD” Who is “GREATLY TO BE PRAISED” (click here for a recording — and why not sing along!).

Psalm 48 is an amazing example of God revealing Himself long before people had much knowledge of God’s plan for resurrection, Heaven, and eternal life. C. S. Lewis states that God chose this approach because He wanted His people to love and serve Him for Himself, and not for the benefits they would receive from Him.

In Psalm 50, Asaph teaches us that as well as being our great King and our Redeemer, God is also our Judge & Jury, and because of His holiness and His “Rule of Law,” we will suffer the consequences of breaking His laws. Yes, we have the assurance that our sins are forgiven, but we must never forget that we will continue in this life to reap the results of sinful choices.


Lord God, I am very aware that in this life I will reap what I have sown. Not only will I be affected by the consequences of my sin, but I bring sorrow and hardship on others, particularly my family members. I ask Your forgiveness, Lord, and I have the assurance that You forgive me, but I also know that my body and the circumstances I have created by bad choices do not forgive. Therefore, Lord God, I pray fervently that You will keep me from sinning. Grant me the grace to truly repent of my sin, so that I quit sinning and begin living a truly holy life 24/7. In the Name of the One who lived a sinless life, Jesus my Lord! Amen!


Here in the western countries, we have deliberately subjected ourselves to “the rule of law.” Our Queen and other heads of state, along with our governments, police forces, the military, businesses, and individuals must all submit to the laws put in place by our elected governments. If a government is to function as our founders intended, it must submit to the highest law…The Rule of God’s Law! This is why the founders of Canada unanimously voted to make our definitive statement for our existence, “He [God] shall have dominion from sea to sea, and from the river to the ends of the earth” (Psalm 72:8 – see photo below). I confess with great sadness that my Canada has sinned against this commitment of our founders. I pray fervently that God will be merciful to Canada and Canadians. I love God, my eternal Saviour, and I fear God, the eternal Judge. The last eight statements in today’s Bible reading (50:16-23) puts the fear of breaking God’s laws into me. “God, be merciful to me a sinner!” AMEN!!!

Yours for living 24/7 under the rule of law, both man’s law and God’s law!!!


Psalm 72:8 is engraved into the stone of the main entrance on the centre block of the Parliament buildings in Ottawa, Canada’s capital city. Rising directly above these foundational words is the magnificent Peace Tower.


Thursday, September 28, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 45-47

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Glimpses of grandeur are seen everywhere as you walk through the ruins of ancient Philippi. The glory of ancient civilizations is in ruins, but not the glorious Church about which Jesus said, “I will build.” The Church is built of living stones; Jesus, Himself, is the Chief Cornerstone in the eternal building! (Ephesians 2:19-22).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Psalm 46:1-2a, 47:1

God is our refuge and strength,

A very present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear…

Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples!

Shout to God with the voice of triumph!


In yesterday’s reading, words such as “reproach, scorn, derision, dishonour, shame,” etc., were jumping out at us, but not so today. Today the words that stand out are, “a good theme, blessed, glory, majesty,” and over and over, “gladness.” The New Testament writer to the Hebrews quotes extensively from Psalm 45 (Hebrews 1:5-9).

Psalm 46 likens God to an unending river. These streams “make glad the city of God.” Psalm 47 begins with, “Oh, clap your hands, all you peoples! Shout to God with the voice of triumph!” The sons of Korah, who composed these hymns of praise to God, did not try to contain the river of God within them. The river burst forth with strong emotion in spontaneous worship to God! There is a place for human emotion in our personal relationship with God. Expressing our feelings to God is a healthy part of our lives. Singing is an expression of the human soul. Psalm 47:6 encourages us to SING! SING! SING! SING! What are we waiting for? Let’s just sing praises to God now!!!


Lord God, as I read and sing these Psalms, my heart is overflowing with the knowledge of Your goodness to me. I pray that I will never take You for granted, but that I will acknowledge You with gladness every day without fail! You are the Source and the River of gladness which courses through my entire being. I worship You! I exalt You! Hallelujah!!! Amen!!!


Years ago I heard the story of a man who attended a rather formal church service where he heard the reading of a Psalm of praise to God. He raised his voice and said spontaneously and loudly, “Praise the Lord!” At the close of the service the minister was greeting the departing congregation and when he came to this man he said, “Sir, what were you doing shouting out as you did?” The man answered, “I was being blessed by God.” The minister responded, “I’ll have you know that this is no place to get blessed!” It’s a humorous story, but it makes the point that we need to be more free in our expressions of praise to God. Of course Psalm 46:10 makes the point that there is also a time to “be still.”

It was a New Year’s Eve when I asked Norma-Jean to marry me. We had driven to Buffalo, New York, to attend a great church service. The people were the most spontaneous worshippers I had ever come across. I confess that I was so blessed by God in Norma Jean’s “Yes” to my proposal that I joined the people in loud praises. I did all that our key verse tells me to do. I clapped my hands, and I gave a “shout to God with the voice of triumph.” That’s just over 59 years ago, and I’m still expressing my strong emotions to God!!!

Yours for enjoying freedom in expressing praise to our God,


This mosaic artwork in ancient Philippi must have been a most beautiful floor in its day! Philippi was the city where Paul and Silas sang praises to God at midnight while their hands and feet were held in the stocks in the local jail. No wonder they were miraculously set free and the prison warden and his family became believers (read Acts 16:20-34).