Today’s Reading: Obadiah
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In Petra, Jordan, this massive façade, 30m wide and 43m high, is carved out of the sheer, dusky pink rock-face and dwarfs everything around it. The engineering genius of the ancient people who lived here is awe inspiring. Petra was the capital city of the Edomites. In today’s reading the prophet Obadiah denounces Edom for her pride. Secure in their impregnable fortress city, the Edomites felt that they were beyond the danger of invasion or conquest.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Obadiah verse 17
But on Mount Zion there shall be deliverance,
And there shall be holiness;
The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions.
The Edomites were descended from Esau, the twin brother of Jacob, sons of Isaac and Rebekah (read Genesis 25:19-23). Rebekah “went to inquire of the Lord.” This expectant mother was aware that the twins were struggling in her womb and she prayed about it. “The Lord said to her: ‘Two nations are in your womb…the older shall serve the younger.'” Obadiah’s prophecy confirms what God said to Rebekah, that Edom (Esau) would serve Israel (Jacob). Mount Zion (Jerusalem) is the capital city of the descendants of Jacob.
Obadiah predicts that the proud people of Edom would be humiliated. In the day of Jerusalem’s calamity, Edom had gloated and even surrendered Israelite fugitives to the enemy. Edom was guilty of flagrant injustice. “The day of the Lord” is a time of reckoning for all nations.
Lord God, I pray that I will be found walking in “holiness,” ready for “the day of the Lord!” May the laws enacted by our nations reflect Your “Holiness”, Lord Jesus! I pray for our leaders. Grant them grace, I pray, to serve You and all people in righteousness. May our leaders be made aware that the nations are being judged in Your courtroom! Amen!!!
I marvel at the homes and public buildings carved from the solid rock in Petra. Today it is not a proud capital city; it’s a tourist destination, a most impressive relic of an ancient powerful nation. King Abdullah of Jordan was in New York City, and no doubt he was intent on promoting tourism, which is a mainstay in the economy of his country, when I had the privilege to meet him at the Mayflower Hotel. As we visited I mentioned that my son-in-law covered his country several times each week on TV in the Arabic language. The King said, “What is his name?” “Rev. Nizar Shaheen,” I answered. With a surprised look on his face, the king said, “Nizar is a great man of God. I watch him on TV regularly.” It occurred to me that the king might have been tempted to say this for tourism’s sake, so I asked him, “On what channel do you watch Nizar?” He knew all the details, so I concluded he really did watch the message of God’s Word as Nizar and his guests present Jesus as Saviour and Lord!
The Crossroads ministry launched the Light For All Nations Arabic language ministry over 30 years ago. We were able to do this because of the prayers and support of God’s people (click here for more about Light For All Nations).
Yours for shining the Light of Jesus around the world,