Tuesday, March 5, 2024


Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 23

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Located at the Parliament of Greece is the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The bronze shields on the walls commemorate military victories since the Greek War of Independence (1821). The monument was unveiled on 25 March 1932 (Greek Independence Day). It is guarded 24 hours a day by two members of the Presidential Guard, an elite, specially chosen unit of the Greek Army. The army of the Kingdom of Greece under the personal leadership of their king, Alexander the Great, criss-crossed the lands of Israel 200 years after Ezekiel’s time, defeating the Persians and the armies of the countries beyond Persia (Iran) as far as India.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Ezekiel 23:35

Therefore, thus says the Lord God:

“Because you have forgotten Me and cast Me behind your back,

Therefore, you shall bear the penalty

Of your lewdness and your harlotry.”


In yesterday’s blog we were challenged to think of reasons why God would bother to give prophecies to prophets He had called into this unusual ministry. Please feel free to put your thoughts on this “Make You Think” challenge on the response pages. Here are some of my thoughts…

(1) We can be sure He didn’t do this in order to provide work for modern “Prophecy” teachers (Dr. Hal Lindsay is a favourite. He sold over 30,000,000 copies of “The Late Great Planet Earth” book. It’s an important work. Moira Brown, who was a successful secular TV and radio personality, came to faith, to a large extent, through this book). Click here for a short bio of Moira, and here for info on Hal Lindsay.

(2) We can also be sure that He didn’t give true prophecy just to satisfy people’s curiosity about the future. As God is outside “time,” He sees the entirety of time (a human concept) from creation to the time when it is prophesied that “the elements will burn with fervent heat,” and our planet will literally “dissolve” (read 2 Peter 3:8-12). Included in Peter’s prophecy is this statement, “A day with the Lord is as a thousand years.” Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and Modern Quantum Physics give some insight as to how the Great Creator, as our First Nations refer to God, must, of necessity, be outside of “time.”

(This blog is already too long, but please stick with me)

(3) Prophecy, as in the testimony of Moira Brown, proves the fact that only God could describe events before they happened and share these predictions with His prophets in amazing detail. If these things are true (and they are), then it follows that the rest of the Bible is also trustworthy in its revelation of God’s love and His plan for our eternal salvation and Heaven.

(4) Prophecy also serves, when spoken or written by a human person, to invite God into the realm of man’s “dominion.” God gave rulership over the earth to us, and we’ve surely messed up badly. The spoken word by a representative of the human family gives authority back to God for His intervention. There are plenty of prophetic words in the Bible (one third of its content) for God to do all He knows is needed. Of course the greatest intervention of God which, as prophesied over and over again, is all about the “Son of God.” All the events of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection were prophesied in great detail (Genesis 1:26-27, Isaiah 53).


Lord God, You gave me “dominion” (dominus = lord), and every day I give this responsibility and authority back to You! You may trust me with some decisions today, and I pray fervently that I’ll make the right ones. I believe in You Lord, and I thank You for believing in me. I pray for lots and lots of grace so as not to let You down, and so as not to disappoint You. I pray this in the Name of the One Who, as “Son of Man,” never disappointed You, Jesus Christ! Amen!!!


I have not commented on the content of today’s reading. The “two women” provide Ezekiel powerful examples of the unfaithfulness of Israel, both the Northern Tribes and Judah in the south. Rather than concentrating on them, I’d like to refer to two other women, my wife, Norma-Jean, and my daughter Elaine Stacey, who visited us for a few days in Florida. Here is a picture of Norma-Jean at a beautiful flowering tree, and then I gave my wife the iPhone and she took one of Elaine and me (photos below). The trees and shrubs are beautiful here and I appreciate the glorious creations of the flowers, but nothing here on Earth can match the beauty I see in these two women! What a contrast to the women that Ezekiel describes.

Yours for the “Beauty of Jesus to be seen in us!” (click here for a Korean choir singing a medley of “Oh How He Loves You and Me” and “Let the Beauty of Jesus Be Seen In Me”),


Monday, March 4, 2024


Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 21-22

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Just outside ancient Ephesus in Turkey is this wall on which people have placed thousands of written prayers. It is said that Mary, the mother of Jesus, lived here in the home that John made for her. From the Cross, Jesus asked John to care for His widowed mother. Tradition says that John, unlike the people described in our key verse, took care of her needs. John stood “in the gap.”

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Ezekiel 22:29-30

The people of the land have used oppressions, committed robbery, and mistreated the poor and needy; and they wrongfully oppress the stranger. So I sought for a man among them who would make a wall, and stand in the gap before Me on behalf of the land, that I should not destroy it; but I found no one.


What did the people of Jerusalem do wrong? According to these two chapters, nearly everything! The leaders and many of the people consistently broke God’s laws for moral and social conduct, for religious practices and economic systems. Ezekiel, the prophet, had already been taken by King Nebuchadnezzar to Babylon in the second wave of captives. Life in Jerusalem continued. As Ezekiel writes in 21:21, the King of Babylon was at the crossroads of decision as to what he should do regarding the latest rebellion of King Zedekiah in Jerusalem. Zedekiah was in the process of making an alliance with Babylon’s arch enemy, Egypt. In contrast to the clear words of God’s prophets, Nebuchadnezzar was making his decisions based on divination practices such as described in the words, “He looks at the liver.” They would dissect a liver from an animal and look there for guidance. It sounds ridiculous to us, but what about the astrological charts in today’s newspaper? Ezekiel would’ve been willing to stand “in the gap” for Israel, but he was unable to return to Jerusalem. All he could do was obey God, and “sigh…with a breaking heart” (21:6), and speak his prophetic word from a distance.


Lord God, I pray for grace to do my best to “stand in the gap” for others. Grant me the empathy to “sigh…with a breaking heart” for people whose lives are broken because of economic circumstances (the poor and needy) and because of deliberate sin against You. Lead me, guide me, direct my ways in the ways of righteousness, I pray. Help me to speak up against those things that destroy people and to realize that actions speak louder than words. In the Name of Jesus, who wept over the needs of the people and took action to establish righteousness, I pray. Amen!!!


Yesterday, I promised to continue the “Make You Think” emphasis. Why would God call for a prophet’s word from human lips? Was it really necessary? Could He not have gone ahead and done what ever He wanted to do without someone speaking out His Word in advance? For His own reasons He involved free-will people in His decisions. I think that those words “free will” are the key to understanding the reason for prophecy. When a word of prophecy is spoken, God, who made man in His own image and likeness (Genesis 1:26-30) and gave humanity “dominion” over the earth, waits for the permission of a spoken prophecy before taking “dominion” over human affairs. I have found it hard to get my mind around this.

There was one time only in my life that I believe I experienced the kind of Biblical prophecy experienced by Ezekiel. It was in Jerusalem. I was a member of the press corps covering President Carter’s last-ditch stand to conclude the treaty between Egypt and Israel known as the “Camp David Accords.” I won’t take the space to tell the story here, but it is in my latest book, This Far By Faith. It was a live statement on government radio stations, broadcasting with immediate translations into Hebrew and Arabic languages, covering the entire Middle East, including Iraq (Babylon) and Egypt. This is a very subjective judgment, but I believe that “word” rendered the ruler of the darkness of this world powerless to mess up God’s will for Israel and Egypt at that time.

Yours for the purpose of understanding a little bit more of the reason why God called prophets to speak out in advance of events,


P.S. Tomorrow, God willing, I want to write about the difference between New Testament prophecy and that of Ezekiel’s time. We must be very careful in this area. False doctrines have been taught and religious cults established by what has been called “prophecy.”

Sunday, March 3, 2024


Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 20

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


This is a model of the Temple as it may have looked in ancient times.


Key Verse: Ezekiel 20:5

Say to them, “Thus says the Lord God: ‘On the day when I chose Israel and raised My hand in an oath to the descendants of the house of Jacob, and made Myself known to them in the land of Egypt, I raised My hand in an oath to them, saying, “I am the Lord your God.”‘”


Four times here in chapter 20 God speaks through the Prophet Ezekiel saying that judgment is held back, “For My Name’s sake, that it should not be profaned before the Gentiles” (verses 9, 14, 22, 44). The writer of the most detailed of the Bible commentaries, Matthew Henry (1662-1714), writes, “When nothing in us will furnish Him with a reason for His favours, He furnishes Himself with one.” Ten times in the last 11 verses of the chapter God says, “I will,” and we can count on Him to consistently carry out His will. “Man proposes, but God disposes.” This is a statement by Thomas a Kempis (1380-1471). He wrote a classic book called, The Imitation of Christ, which can be purchased on Amazon (click here). Proverbs 16:9 tells us that “A man’s heart plans his way, but the Lord directs his steps.”


Thank You, Lord God, that again and again You initiate action to accomplish Your will. You have given me will power. Therefore, I choose to pray, “Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven!” I pray this for Your “Name’s sake” and in the Name of the One who could say about His Father, “I always do those things that please Him” (John 8:29b), Amen!!!


When I pray the “Our Father” prayer that Jesus taught His disciples (students) to pray, “Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven,” I’m very conscious of the fact that God has put His plans for my best into the area of my human free will. I’m made, according to the Scriptures, in the image and likeness of God. “Then God said, ‘Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness'” (Genesis 1:26a). We are not like creatures programmed to behave in a certain way, but we have the freedom to make our own choices. The most dangerous and yet glorious choice is whether we will serve God or ourselves. When I give my will to do God’s will by praying for God’s will, not just in general, but concerning specific matters, God will, without violating my free will with which He created me, bring about His will. Prayer is my “welcome mat” for God. “Come in, Lord God. You’re in charge here!” Remember the question, WWJD? What would Jesus do? I find out the answer to that question sooner or later in God’s time, because I’ve prayed!

Yours most sincerely and prayerfully,


P.S. On the “Make You Think” challenge of the past few days, I’m asking readers to think about the reason that God would bother sending Prophets to speak of coming events. Surely God could’ve done anything He wanted to do without telling us in advance. Tomorrow, God willing, I’ll give my thoughts on this question.

Saturday, March 2, 2024


Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 18-19

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Here is a father and son in Nazareth Village. They are actors wearing the clothing that would have been worn during the first century. Not much different from many parts of the Middle East today. Today’s reading refers to fathers and sons. I’m thankful for sons Reynold and Ron who help me with this blog. Bless you, my sons!

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Ezekiel 18:31

Cast away from you all the transgressions which you have committed, and get yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. For why should you die, O house of Israel?


The last three words of Ezekiel 18 are “turn and live.” This is the most important decision anyone could ever make. To decide to go God’s way instead of our own way is totally life changing for time and for eternity. Another word for this change of direction is “repentance” (18:30). Proverbs 14:12 says, “There is a way which seems right to a man, but its end is the way of death.” We need to lock into the way that God says in His Word is right!! That may be the most important reason for this daily blog. Consistently reading God’s Word is the only way to know what God thinks!! Chapter 18 begins with a proverb which points out that a son (or daughter) can change directions, even if their father does not. This truth is backed up by 18:14. Chapter 19 shifts emphasis to “mother,” in this case she is “Israel.” In our case, it may be those things in our background which keep us away from God. Again, if that is the case, “TURN AND LIVE!” Decide today to go God’s way and make the determination that there is no turning back. A Jewish ruler asked Jesus, “What must I do to inherit eternal life?” Here is Jesus’ answer (click here for John 3:1-21). This man showed up at Jesus’ Cross (John 19:39-42).


Lord God, that “turn and live” decision is eternally important. I pray for grace to daily check the GPS road map (the Bible) to make sure I have not turned away from Your highway of life onto a road of my own choosing. I’m moving always forward at Your instructions. Lord Jesus, You invited me to follow You. Here I come! I ask for strength so that I won’t lag behind and lose sight of You! Amen!


“A new heart and a new spirit.” I had open-heart surgery when I was 64. God did open-heart surgery on me when I was 16. He placed His Spirit in my heart. My physical heart is doing just fine, and because of constant monitoring of my spiritual heart every day as I read and pray, I believe that I’m spiritually healthy. Of course that is a subjective judgment on my part; God is the only One who truly knows my heart and He’s monitoring my spiritual condition. I’ll find out His final report sooner or later.

The book of Ezekiel is all about restoring the Jews as a nation in their ancestral home. There was a brief period around 200 BC when Israel’s sovereignty was restored. Israel became a sovereign state once again in 1948. I invite you to join me in thinking about modern Israel by reading one of the most thoughtful commentators anywhere. Charles Krauthammer was raised in Montreal, Canada, but now lives in the U.S.A. He has his M.D. and has practised as a psychiatrist, but now is a full-time journalist. In keeping with the “Make You Think” theme I introduced yesterday, I have a suggestion. Click here for Charles’ Washington Post article from June 4th, 2010. He is Jewish. His column is entitled, “Those Troublesome Jews.”

Yours for accepting God’s invitation to “Come now, and let us reason [make you think] together, says the Lord, though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall be as wool. If you are willing and obedient you shall eat of the good of the land” (Isaiah 1:18-19),


Friday, March 1, 2024


Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 16-17

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


No, that’s not snow! About 20 kilometres north of Laodicea is the famous hot springs of Turkey. It is known as Pamukkale or ancient Hierapolis. The water terraces overflow with mineral rich blue water. Philip, the Apostle of Jesus Christ, who brought the message of the Great Creator’s covenant and atonement to this area, would have enjoyed the same view and perhaps bathed in the springs.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Ezekiel 16:62-63

“And I will establish My covenant with you. Then you shall know that I am the Lord, that you may remember and be ashamed, and never open your mouth anymore because of your shame, when I provide you an atonement for all you have done,” says the Lord God.


Ezekiel, true to his calling as a prophet, is representing God to humanity, and in particular to God’s people, Israel. Imagine the capacity of God to feel abandoned, betrayed, unloved, and unwanted. We have feelings which can be hurt, but do we consider God’s feelings? God considers all who believe in Him to be His Bride (read Revelation 19:7-9). Ezekiel tries to shame God’s people into repentance by comparing them to a prostitute and an adulterous wife who breaks wedlock. He even says that Jerusalem is worse than Sodom, a city which God destroyed because of its evil. But God, true and faithful to His side of the covenant, renews His marriage covenant by Himself. He provides a way to erase the past through the atonement provided by the shedding of blood (Leviticus 17:11 and Hebrews 13:20-21). God promised an everlasting covenant. He has done His part; now we must receive it, sign it, believe it and keep it as true believers.

Chapter 17 begins by God asking Ezekiel to pose a riddle. The dictionary says that a riddle is “a question or statement intentionally phrased so as to require ingenuity in ascertaining its answer or meaning.” Why would God use this tactic? It seems that God will try every possible means to help us think deeply. Someone has said, “When a person begins to think, God has the advantage.”


Thank You, Lord God, that You did not put the Covenant and the Atonement into a riddle. You made it so very plain so that a person can understand that You are committed to the most solemn and binding agreement into which any two parties can enter. You have kept Your part in this act of total commitment to us. I pray for daily grace to keep my part. In legal language, You are the “Party of the first part,” and I’m the “party of the second part.” Thank You that I don’t need a law degree to understand that! Amen!!!


Our first Crossroads Treasurer was the late George Inkster. I was Pastor to the Inkster family in Sudbury, Ontario, for five years. At least twice Norma-Jean, our children and I were Sunday dinner guests at the Inkster home. Both times George had a riddle for us to think about and talk about during the meal. One of the Inkster children told me that their Dad did this regularly. I would say that all the Inkster children turned out to be deep thinkers about all the matters of life. George could also throw out amazing mathematical challenges. He had the answers to complicated problems clearly figured out in advance.

I mentioned above that God has the advantage when we begin to think. Shauna Simmons Jenkins hosted an amazing children’s TV show for our network, YesTV, called, TQ. Later she launched a video series for teens called, Make You Think! I recommend this for the very reason stated in the name of the series. During my “Thank You Canada” tour to 180 cities during 2010 to 2012, I sold this video series to a number of churches for their youth group discussions. I highly recommend these well-done quality DVD’s. For information on purchasing this excellent production go to makeyouthink.com.

Yours for learning how to think with greater depth than ever,


The “Make You Think” motor home was my home on wheels for the Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba and Northern Ontario “Thank You Canada” tour in the late winter and Spring of 2011.

Thursday, February 29, 2024


Today’s Bonus Leap Day Reading: Acts 3

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


This is a model of the Temple from the time of Jesus, where it was situated on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Temple was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans. Today, a Muslim mosque, known as the Dome of the Rock (seen in the background), is located on that same Temple Mount.

This is a model of the Temple from the time of Jesus, where it was situated on the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The Temple was destroyed in 70 AD by the Romans. Today, a Muslim mosque, known as the Dome of the Rock (seen in the background), is located on that same Temple Mount. This is where the miracle in today’s reading took place.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.

Key Verse: Acts 3:8

And he, leaping up, stood and walked and entered the temple with them — walking, leaping, and praising God.


This is a once in four years blog, as this year is a leap year! Therefore, we have one extra day, February 29th. Rather than change the regular flow of our two-year journey through the Bible, I’ve decided to add a special reading which should give us all great joy. Here were two Apostles, Peter and John, entering the Temple for a 3:00 p.m. prayer meeting. Those leading the Temple services were the very ones who had conspired to have Jesus crucified, but nothing would deter Jesus’ followers from participating in the life of their Jewish people. They had every reason to never enter the Temple again. As followers of Jesus, we must be there where the people are, in the midst of the culture, in order to meet human need and to impact that culture with the Good News of Jesus!!! It was not the “leaping man” who brought a great many to Christ that day. It was the preaching of the Word by Peter. The former lame man’s “leaping” succeeded in getting the attention of the people so that they would listen to the message. Let’s ask ourselves, What are we doing to get the attention of people so that we then can give out God’s Word? Be creative! Do something today to get someone’s time, eyes and ears, and then share Jesus!!! It may not be as dramatic as a miraculous healing. It could be as simple as a hug for a hurting person, which will provide the opportunity we need to bring someone to the Saviour.


Lord Jesus, with “leaping up” fervency I ask for Your Holy Spirit to empower me today to get someone’s attention, so that, like Peter, I can share Your Word. In Your all-powerful Name I pray. Amen!


The leap year is necessary to adjust our calendars so that they will reflect accurately the movement of the Earth around the Sun and the Moon around the Earth. I don’t understand it all, but I have an extra day. I’m using this day to keep a check-up appointment at the Juravinski Cancer Centre in Hamilton, Ontario. I’m now two years past my predicted expiry date. I believe that the same power of Jesus that caused the lame man at the Temple to leap up is at work in my life. I feel great! Please pray for me that I’ll share Jesus effectively today. I’m praying for every blog partner!

Click here for an example of a time on live TV when I did leap up and dance for joy. I hope that occasion did rap the attention of some viewers so that they heard the testimony which followed.

Yours for a happy Leap Day,


Wednesday, February 28, 2024


Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 13-15

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


This wall is among the ruins of ancient Ephesus in modern-day Turkey. While some of the plaster is gone, the mortar holding the bricks has, unlike the mortar mentioned in today’s reading, lasted for 2,000 years, maintaining the integrity of the wall.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Ezekiel 13:10b & 14:20

…and one builds a wall, and they plaster it with untempered mortar. “…even though Noah, Daniel, and Job were in it, as I live,” says the Lord God, “they would deliver neither son nor daughter; they would deliver only themselves by their righteousness.”


To temper clay and make it long-lasting mortar, it is essential to add strengthening substances which will improve the hardness, the consistency, and the resiliency of the mortar, so that walls will last for centuries. Ezekiel, over and over, mentions predictions made by “divination,” “magic charms,” and other occult practises, as well as those “who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing.” All of these deceptions are still with us today. From the palm reader or psychic, whose signs we see by the roadside, to persons who manipulate others by claiming to give personal prophecies and direct the decisions made, falsely claiming a “word from God.” Let us be very careful, remembering that the “word of prophecy” mentioned by Paul is for “edification of the church,” not personal guidance (read 1 Corinthians 14:3, 14:12).

Noah, Daniel (who was already a leader when Ezekiel arrived in Babylon), and Job were tempered, made strong, consistent and resilient by their obedience and by hard lessons they had to learn. Their stories, and the truths they imparted, have lasted much longer than the wall in Reynold’s photograph, but even they could not save their children. Each generation must have a first-hand encounter with God for themselves (14:14, 14:16, 14:20). Check out Noah (Genesis 6:5-9), Daniel (Daniel 5:10-17 & 6:16-23), and Job (Job 42:10-17).


Lord God, I pray that You will place the ingredients into my life and character so that I will be a person of integrity, consistency, and strength. Lord Jesus Christ (Messiah) You have come to live in me by Your Spirit, according to Your promise to everyone who believes in You (“in”…not just about). Therefore, I confess that Your “strength is made perfect in [my] weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). Amen!!!


Not long ago, Norma-Jean and I visited the hotel where Martin Luther King was shot and murdered in Memphis, and by tunnel we walked under the street to stand on the very spot where the shooter committed this unspeakable crime. I wept as the history of those awful times coursed through my mind and heart. Also, we visited “Graceland,” the home of Elvis Presley and where he tragically died. I was sobered to remember his life and career. He loved to sing Gospel songs, and I’ve met some of the Gospel quartet members who tell me that Elvis would want to sing hymns and Gospel songs late into the night. They said that he would weep as he sang. Elvis, I’m told, would ride the Sunday School bus as a child to the First Assembly of God, at one time the largest Sunday School in America, where he heard the Good News of Jesus and asked Jesus to come into his life. During his teen years, he continued to attend, and he also attended a great local African-American Church, where he particularly loved the music. The influences were certainly evident in Elvis’ music. Pastor Hamill, who participated in inviting me in the mid 1970’s to be the host of an internationally released TV series called, Turning Point, the official TV voice of the Assemblies of God, said that throughout his life, no matter where in the world Elvis was, he would travel home to Memphis for Easter Sunday Services. After service, the Pastor said Elvis would hold his head in his hands, weeping, and saying, “Oh Pastor, its so hard out there in the world to live as a true Christian.” The Pastor would lay hands on Elvis, pray for him, and bless him. I think everyone who knows about Elvis draws their own conclusions about his life (click here for Elvis singing “How Great Thou Art”).

Yours for God to add His strength through the daily reading of His Word to the “mortar” of our lives,


A thoughtful moment here in Memphis. The wreath marks the very place where the great hero of the American Civil Rights movement was shot and killed. Rev. King was a Baptist Pastor who has inspired millions to be better people of God.

Dr. Martin Luther King’s famous words, “I have a dream,” have inspired millions of people to reach beyond themselves. The words on the plaque just below the motel balcony where he was murdered are those of Joseph’s brothers. May God keep on giving dreamers to humanity! Amen!!!

From this building, James Earl Ray fired the shot which killed Dr. King. America has never been the same!

What would a visit to Memphis be without seeing Graceland, the home of Elvis Presley? He sold over one billion records of his music worldwide. His wife Priscilla says that she could hardly wait during his concerts until he sang to God, “How Great Thou Art!”

Tuesday, February 27, 2024


Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 10-12

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Angels opening a scroll are depicted in beautiful artwork inside the Basilica of Santa Maria in Aracoeli, Rome. Ezekiel’s visions of the most unusual creatures, which he refers to as Cherubim, leave us in awe at the nature of these beings.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: Ezekiel 10:18a, 12:28

Then the glory of the Lord departed….Thus says the Lord God: “None of My words will be postponed anymore, but the word which I speak will be done,” says the Lord God.


In 1 Samuel 4:11-22 we find the story of an earlier time when the “Glory” departed from Israel. The time comes when God, who is 100% Holy, is so grieved by the actions of His people that He ceases to manifest His presence anymore until there is a deep sorrow for sin, a turning away from sin, and a turning back to Him. Phineas, son of the high priest Eli, who participated in removing the Ark of God from the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle, was killed, and his widow bore a son whom she named “Ichabod,” which means “the glory has departed.” As our second key verse tells us, God will not postpone forever the consequences of human rebellion against His clearly stated will.

Don’t give up, family of God! He has made over 7,000 promises which are recorded in the Bible. Here’s one of them found in Ezekiel 11:17-19. Let’s read that one again from today’s reading. Verse 19 says, “I will give them one heart, and I will put a new spirit within them, and take away the stoney heart out of their flesh, and give them a heart of flesh.”


Lord God, I think of the saying, “Have a heart!” Yes! I pray for that “one heart,” and that “new spirit” to be renewed daily within me. You have created me as an eternal being as spirit, soul (heart), mind, and body. Like a father and mother care for their children, so You care for me. I rest in Your arms, totally confident in the constancy of Your love! May Your presence, Your glory, permeate my entire being 24/7. Amen!!!


One time, shortly after Norma-Jean and I were married, we had retired for the night. I was half asleep when suddenly I was wide awake, sat bolt upright, and cried out in fear. Norma-Jean remembers this also. I sensed that an intensely evil presence had entered our bedroom and was threatening to destroy us. I cried out the name of our Lord and Saviour “Jesus” in a loud voice, and immediately that sense of dread and evil was gone, never to return to this day, 57 years later. That has happened only once, but over and over through the years I have experienced the Presence of our loving God, sometimes with greater intensity than at other times. The Scriptures tell us that in His “presence is fullness of joy!” King David wrote a song about this. Read Psalm 16:5-11.

Yours for experiencing the Presence of God! (He’s always there; I’m the one who is not constant. May God do an ongoing work in me until that day when I’ll see God face to face in eternity!),


Crossroads has helped train hundreds of people from 82 countries in the art of producing good TV programs. Ashvin Dev, seen over Norma-Jean’s right shoulder, is one of our graduates. He and his team presented us with scarves from India as a “thank you.” They now have three over-the-air TV stations licensed by the government of India. Dr. John Hull, a former host of 100 Huntley Street, is on the right.

Did any blog readers watch Olympic hockey a while back. It’s in the Canadian nature to apologize, most of the time  for any evidence of triumphalism. I thought you might enjoy the Canadian beaver and the American eagle.


Monday, February 26, 2024


Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 7-9

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The sun shining next to the Temple of Athena on the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. In today’s reading we find the practise of sun worship.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Ezekiel 8:4

And behold, the glory of the God of Israel was there, like the vision that I saw in the plain.


The word, “BEHOLD,” means to see, to observe, to watch, to gaze upon, to contemplate, to inspect, and to witness an important sight. What could be more important to behold than “the glory of God!!” Ezekiel 8:16 tells us of 25 men who “were worshipping the sun.”  The Apostle John writes in John 1:14, “And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we BEHELD His ‘GLORY,’ the ‘GLORY’ as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth!” Paul wrote, “But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with ‘GLORY’ and honour, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone” (Hebrews 2:9). Let’s read of other visions in Isaiah 6:1-5 and Revelation 1:13-18. The Roman Governor, Pontius Pilate, pushed Jesus forward in front of the paid lackeys of the High Priest and exclaimed, “Ecce Homo”…”Behold the man.” In so doing, Pilate focused the gaze of billions of people onto that blood-streaked face of Jesus, and onto the crown of thorns that had been crushed on His brow. Paul wrote these words, “Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith” (read Hebrews 12:1-3).


O Jesus…I see You with new insight! I perceive in a greater way today than ever before who You are in all Your GLORY! You outshine the sun! I worship You! I give You my life all over again! Thank You for showing me a glimpse of Your GLORY! I pray that I will always keep You before the eyes of my understanding! In Your Name I pray, Amen!!!


While my Dad was still a soldier in the Canadian Army in WWI, he made his lifetime commitment to Jesus as his Saviour and Lord. He was 21 years old when he first received Holy Communion. The next day he was helping his father work in the field. During the day, my Grandpa saw my Dad staring off into space, immobilized, having stopped work for a time. My Grandpa said to him, “Roy, what are you gazing at?” My Dad said that at that moment he saw a vision, looking into Heaven, where he was beholding Jesus in all His Glory. I’ve walked that field thinking of Dad’s vision, wondering if God would give me a vision too. It didn’t happen to me, but as I type this, in a very real way, I am beholding His GLORY in my thoughts, and in my innermost being. I’m being changed from “Glory to Glory!” “But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the GLORY of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord!” (2 Corinthians 3:18).

Yours for that daily transformation that the Spirit of the Lord is producing in our lives,


My Father, Roy Lake Mainse, in his WWI army uniform.

My Father, Roy Lake Mainse, in his WWI Canadian Army uniform.


Sunday, February 25, 2024


Today’s Reading: Ezekiel 4-6

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Bread is being cooked over a fire in Nazareth. The only recipe in the Bible is in today’s reading. Ezekiel bread can be purchased at many health food stores across the country such as “Goodness Me” in Ontario, Canada. Of course one can bake their own fresh bread with this recipe.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Ezekiel 4:9

Also take for yourself wheat, barley, beans, lentils, millet, and spelt; put them into one vessel, and make bread of them for yourself. During the number of days that you lie on your side, three hundred and ninety days, you shall eat it.


Baking bread is the third of four visual object lessons Ezekiel was to preform in order to increase the impact of his message. Getting people to pay attention is more than half the battle in successfully communicating. Ezekiel was making sure that people who would hear him or read his words would know that the coming total destruction of Jerusalem and of the Temple of God did not take God by surprise and that God’s purpose to bring His people to repentance would become a fact in history. Following the Babylonian captivity, the Jewish people would never again fall into such evil practises which they had committed during the times of the Judges and the Kings. They learned very hard lessons! How would it be known that they had repented? Ezekiel 6:9 states that “They shall loath themselves for the evils which they have committed.” True repentance produces a loathing for sin!

Three times Nebuchadnezzar took captives to Babylon from Jerusalem. Daniel came to Babylon in the first wave, Ezekiel came eight years later. Jeremiah was still in Jerusalem during this time, and finally the prophecies of both Jeremiah and Ezekiel were fulfilled 11 years after Ezekiel was taken to Babylon. By the time of Jerusalem’s destruction, Daniel had already been in Babylon for 19 years and was well established as a leader in that empire. Jeremiah was taken by force to Egypt by some of the leaders of Judah who survived the Babylonian siege.


Lord God, grant me daily the grace to repent! May I have a constant sense of true repentance, so that I will loath my sin and cry out strongly to You in my repentance and pray for repentance to take place in people’s hearts everywhere. Like Daniel and others in Babylon, I get Ezekiel’s message, and I pray that You will enable me to live a holy life before You and before people. I ask this in the Name of the only One who always lived a holy life, Jesus Christ (Messiah). Amen!!!


It was at least 25 years ago that we actually baked Ezekiel bread live on the 100 Huntley Street telecast. Rev. Val Dodd, who had at one time been the executive chef for the Holiday Inns in Toronto, had joined our staff team, and we took a page from Ezekiel’s book. Television is, of course, a visual medium of communications. We’ve never been as radical as Ezekiel in such graphic visuals to support his message (like laying on one side and then the other for many days). I think such a visual would have increased the number of people watching. In fact, the entire country would have been aware of the show. I’m not recommending this to the current leaders in Crossroads Christian Communications Inc., but I do recommend powerful visual aids wherever possible. The more people watching means that the seed of God’s Word will fall into more good soil and will produce good fruit in more precious lives. One rather conservative pastor who pastored a church nearby said in reference to the Crossroads telecast and my somewhat radical approach to communications, “We should not try to be entertaining, we should just preach the Word!” True, but if we don’t get the attention of those who would not otherwise watch, how will they hear the “Word!” I would venture to say that Ezekiel was most entertaining. His ratings were really high, probably 100% of the people along the river Chebar watched him and got the message!

Yours for communicating in such a way that many more people “Get the Message!”,
