Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Today’s Reading: Luke 4

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


These hills are part of the Judean wilderness that Jesus likely would have walked through during His 40 days of temptation, as recorded in Luke 4. Here Jesus confronted Satan by quoting His Bible, the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Satan fled in defeat!!!

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Luke 4:4

But Jesus answered him, saying,It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.'”


We can be sure that Satan will tempt each one of us. We need to learn the strategy of spiritual warfare employed by Jesus. (1) He was filled with the Holy Spirit. (2) He was filled with the Word of God. (3) He was protected by the armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-17). (4) He was constantly in prayer (Ephesians 6:18). Remember that Jesus never used His 100% God essence to help Himself. He lived His life as 100% Man; a Man filled with the Word and the Spirit. Psalm 119:11 in Jesus’ Hebrew Bible says, “Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” As we read the Scriptures, having our eyes connected to our brains can provide a head knowledge. That is not sufficient to overcome temptation. God’s Word must move into our minds AND hearts. How to do this? Pray the Word we have read. Ask the Holy Spirit to write that Word on our hearts and minds. Meditate on that Word throughout the day. Let us quote the Word in our prayers. Share that Word with someone else. Victory over Satan is ours. Amen!


Lord Jesus, I praise and worship You! You are victorious over the world, the flesh, and the Devil. I know that You live in me, and, therefore, I am more than a conqueror too. I pray for Your 24/7 grace to overcome the temptation that Satan brings. Fill me now and always with Your Word and Your Spirit. I believe I am filled and I rejoice in You. Hallelujah! Praise Your Holy Name! You are “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Amen and Amen!


While I can only put a brief prayer here, I continue on with worship. His Presence, which I know is a fact, soon becomes my experience. As I continue to praise Him, I know I am filled with His Spirit. My new day is off to a great start, and by being conscious of His constant Presence, my entire day is blessed. My Bible College days were important, not only in preparation for future ministry, but also for the daily experience of God’s Presence. Rev. George Griffin was one of my teachers. He taught the first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch). Somewhere in Leviticus, it can get very dry apart from the Presence of God. Before starting to teach, Rev. Griffin would begin to pray in a relatively quiet voice. He would say with such reverence, “Father.” Then he would pause. I would sense the Presence of God moving into the classroom. I weep now as I think of how this man carried God’s Presence in such a way as to open my heart and mind to God’s Word.

Yours for overcoming, victorious living,


P.S. On this day in 2001, Islamic terrorists attacked the United States. Close to 3000 innocent civilians were murdered. The world needs desperately to believe in “The Prince of Peace,” the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Crossroads is effectively reaching around the world, along with other Christian ministries. Your prayers and support are more important than ever! Amen!!!

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Today’s Reading: Luke 2-3

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


In Nazareth Village, a favourite place for tourists to see First Century life, a father teaches his son about caring for sheep.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Luke 2:20

Then the shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things that they had heard and seen, as it was told them.


Just before His ascension back into Heaven, Jesus told His followers, “You shall be witnesses to Me” (Acts 1:8). Now, at His entry into a human life, we see one of the finest examples of “witnessing.” The shepherds did exactly what a witness is to do. They told others what they had seen and heard. Too often, we make excuses for not witnessing, such as, “I can’t answer people’s questions,” or, “I haven’t memorized enough of the Bible,” or, “I don’t know enough theology,” or “I’m too shy,” etc., etc. The shepherds worried about none of these things. They were excited about what had happened to them, and they ran to tell others. Jesus, at 12 years old, took on the Doctors of the Law, engaging them in conversation about the Scriptures. Remember, Jesus never used the fact that He was God to help Himself as a human person. He was 12 years old! We must not make excuses. As Jesus said about Himself, so we too need to do THE FATHER’S BUSINESS.


Dear Lord, I ask that I will be so enthusiastic about You and Your Word that I won’t be able to keep the Good News to myself. Help me to just do it! Amen!


I had heard the Good News since I was a child, but it was not until grade 12 in High School that, on the first Friday evening of December, I made my lifetime decision to truly be a follower of Jesus. The following Monday, in the locker room after basketball practice, I said, “Hey Guys, I’ve got something to tell you. Last Friday night I became a Christian. I gave my life to Jesus. You’re going to see a different Mainse around here from now on.” There was silence for a few seconds, and then some disparaging remarks. A few days later, I could not help but notice that several of my teammates were walking down the hall with me. They knew I meant business. I knew that I must be about my Heavenly Father’s business. That’s why I do this blog, and I know that if I did not share the Good News in my person-to-person conversations, I would be very selfish.

Yours for the “Father’s Business,”


Monday, September 9, 2024


Today’s Reading: Luke 1

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


The Church of the Sepulchre of Saint Mary, informally known as the Tomb of the Virgin Mary, is regarded by many as the burial place of Mary, the mother of Jesus. The church is located in the Kidron Valley on the foothills of the Mount of Olives, just outside the Old City of Jerusalem. The decor of these ancient churches is modelled after the Temple in Jerusalem, which was destroyed in 70 A.D.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.


Key Verse: Luke 1:34-35

Then Mary said to the angel, “How can this be, since I do not know a man?” And the angel answered and said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you; therefore, also, that Holy One who is to be born will be called the Son of God…”


Having completed Exodus, we arrive in Luke. Our readings from the Hebrew Scriptures to the Greek Scriptures and back to the Hebrew is for the purpose of balance between the two. Luke, the physician (Colossians 4:14), gleans his material as a journalist would, from personal interviews. He was the assistant to Paul, and as such, would’ve had at least two years in Palestine while Paul was in prison. No doubt he interviewed Mary, the mother of Jesus, those who knew John the Baptist and his family, the shepherds of Bethlehem, and others during those two years.

If we believe there is a Creator God who is involved in His creation, then it’s no problem for Him to perform ongoing miraculous acts. The conception of Jesus is such an act. The Scripture makes it very clear that Mary had not known a man sexually. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Spirit. He had no earthly biological father. Therefore, He was uniquely “The Son of God.”


Thank You, Father God, that You, by the agency of the Holy Spirit, caused the conception of Your only begotten Son, Jesus. Even as Zacharias, Elizabeth, and Mary were moved to give magnificent messages from You, Lord God, I am moved deeply and I proclaim Your greatness. I worship You with all my heart, soul and mind. Speak through me, Holy Spirit. I’m available for Your purposes. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!


Dr. Nelles Silverthorne was a frequent guest on the 100 Huntley Street TV program. He was a research pediatrician at Sick Children’s Hospital in Toronto (Sick Kids). At the very start of his career, he was an assistant to Banting and Best, the discoverers of insulin. He gave the very first civilian injection of penicilin to a 12-year-old boy who was dying. I’ve met that boy. He’s now a medical doctor. Dr. Silverthorne erected the very first oxygen tent at Sick Kids Hospital. He developed the vaccine for whooping cough. He also carried on a practice at his office on Bloor Street. Even though he was over 80, he took on my first two grandchildren, Sheryl and Christopher Stacey, as patients. He announced on live TV, “No woman ever came into my office who was pregnant and said, ‘I know not a man.'” God had met Dr. Silverthorne at a 1950’s Billy Graham meeting and the doctor’s life was transformed. He became an outspoken believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. He believed in the virgin birth, and so do I.

Yours for the certainty that God became one of us, a human being,


Sunday, September 8, 2024


Today’s Reading: Exodus 40

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


In the life-sized replica of the Old Testament Tabernacle, the High Priest stands beyond the Veil inside the Holy of Holies before the Ark of the Covenant.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.


Key Verse: Exodus 40:21

And he brought the ark into the tabernacle, hung up the veil of covering, and partitioined off the ark of the testimony, as the Lord had commanded Moses.


Tomorrow, God willing, we move to the New Testament book of Luke. In preparation for our meditation in the third Gospel, let us think about how Jesus Christ has been seen in Exodus. Consider these portraits of Christ in Exodus: (1) Moses and Christ are prophets – Both were endangered in infancy. Both voluntarily renounced power and wealth. Both are deliverers, lawgivers, and intercessors. (2) The Passover – Christ is the Lamb of God who was slain. (3) The Ark was the place where God manifested His Presence amongst His people, and Jesus is “Immanuel,” God with us. (4) Moses hung the veil to show the separation of God from His people…Christ tore the veil from top to bottom to unite us with God (Mark 15:38). Come and join us in the Gospel of Luke starting tomorrow.


Lord Jesus, Thank You for the symbols of the Tabernacle which are revealed in You. You promised that the Spirit of Truth would guide me into all truth (John 16:13). I ask for the fulfillment of that promise and for the grace of consistency in my Bible reading, so that I will read every word with understanding. In Your Name I pray, Amen!


For over 50 years I’ve done my best, with God’s help, to encourage Bible reading. My most constant memory of my Doctor of Theology father is of him sitting in his chair with his Bible open in front of him. Throughout his life, he must have read the Bible through more than 50 times. He was committed to 3 chapters a day and 5 on Sundays. This took him from cover to cover in 365 days. I used to promote that reading plan but found that the majority of those who started with me didn’t make it. Therefore, I switched to the two-year plan, which was not quite so demanding, and which gave more time for meditation on the content. Hang in there! If not down here on earth, we’ll talk it over up above.

Yours for the blessing of that all-too-rare jewel…consistency (Shakespeare),


Saturday, September 7, 2024


Today’s Reading: Exodus 39

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


The Hebrew inscription on the headdress worn by the High Priest reads, “Holiness Unto the Lord.” In this photo, taken at the 2012 Crossroads exhibit of the Tabernacle, the High Priest is applying the blood from the sacrifice onto the horns of the Brazen Altar. Rev. Rick Hiebert portrayed the High Priest for thousands of visitors and also taught about the Tabernacle in the smaller “Tent of Meeting.”

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 39:30

Then they made the plate of the holy crown of pure gold, and wrote on it an inscription like the engraving of a signet: HOLINESS TO THE LORD.


The chorus of a hymn we sang when I was a boy has these lyrics:

“Holiness unto the Lord is our watchword and song. Holiness unto the Lord as we travel along. We’ll sing it, shout it, loud and long, Holiness unto the Lord, now and forever.”

Israel could have sung this song. However, I think it was a 19th century Methodist hymn. This key verse was fastened to the turban of the High Priest. Our great High Priest, the Lord Jesus Christ, appears on our behalf before the throne of God, having lived a holy life without any sin whatsoever. This is the reason that His offering of His very life’s blood to the Holy God is accepted on our behalf. Please look up 1 Peter 1:13-21 and “meditate on these things” (Philippians 4:8). This entire passage from 1 Peter is a description of a holy life.


Dear Lord Jesus, I want so very much to live a holy life. So often I fall short of living as You lived. I pray for You to live in and through me. The Apostle Paul wrote, “For to me, to live is Christ” (Philippians 1:21a). By Your grace my life is Your life. Amen!


I struggled in my late teens with the “holiness” teaching of the Bible. Then I discovered Romans chapter six. Studying this chapter, I discovered the secret of holy living. My old life of sin died with Christ on the Cross. It’s a fact! I believe it! My daily commitment is to quote Paul’s confession, “I am crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me” (Galatians 2:20). Having made this confession for myself before God, I believe it. This activates God’s power, which enables me to live a holy life each day. The operative action word here is “DAILY.” Doing this blog early every morning helps me. I pray that your reading of this blog will help you too.

Yours, not for self righteousness, but for Jesus’ holiness lived in me,


P.S. Here is a 100 Huntley Street video from 2012 when we had the Old Testament Tabernacle replica on display in the back parking lot of the Crossroads Centre in Burlington, Ontario. My son Ron is interviewing the man who played the role of the High Priest (click HERE).


Friday, September 6, 2024


Today’s Reading: Exodus 37-38

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


A tour group visiting a life-sized replica of the Tabernacle stands in the Holy of Holies looking upon the representation of the Ark of the Covenant.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 37:1

Then Bezalel made the ark of acacia wood; two and a half cubits was its length, a cubit and a half its width, and a cubit and a half its height.


The second Commandment says, “You shall not make for yourself any carved image…” (Exodus 20:4-5). Is God breaking His own Commandment by ordering the image of Cherubim? Not at all! Breaking this Commandment had to do with, “You shall not bow down to them nor serve them” (verse 5). Why make this point? Because of our tendency to take Bible verses out of context. For example, there is an area of Jerusalem known as Mea Sherim. Here the extreme orthodox Jews have been known to break a tourist’s camera because they believe a picture breaks the Commandment of making an image. In this daily blog, I hope to always present my message in context.


Lord, Your Word has been handed down to us correctly. When I interpret into my understanding what You gave Moses and others, may I consider the sentence before and after, the chapter before and after, and in fact the entirety of Your Word. In Jesus’ Name, the living Word, Amen!


A few years back, I gave a eulogy at the home-going celebration of Bruce Wastle, a 35-year team member of our Crossroads ministry. Bruce was one of the finest electronic engineers ever. He came on staff in the Spring of 1977 to help install the equipment for Canada’s first professionally equipped TV production centre dedicated to producing Christian television. It was at the address “100 Huntley Street” in downtown Toronto. About five years later, we purchased a TV production truck from Mother Angelica of Alabama and sent it to Italy for our Italian language productions with Rev. Onofrio Micolis. We discovered that the truck had to be completely re-wired. I was in Italy when Bruce was doing this job. One night at about midnight, I ordered Bruce to go to bed. He’d been working since 6 a.m. He dutifully went to bed, but to my surprise, when I looked out the window at 4 a.m. he was back at work. It would’ve never occurred to him to charge overtime. He knew he was working for God. He was a quiet, humble man. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bruce and Bezaleel have already met. They are two excellent craftsmen who served God and their generation well.

Yours for excellence in service to God,


Thursday, September 5, 2024


Today’s Reading: Exodus 36

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


The Tabernacle of Moses surrounded by Timna Cliffs. This full-sized replica is situated at Timna National Park in Israel.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 36:6-7

So Moses gave a commandment, and they caused it to be proclaimed throughout the camp, saying, “Let neither man nor woman do any more work for the offering of the sanctuary.” And the people were restrained from bringing, for the material they had was sufficient for all the work to be done–indeed too much.


What a wonderful problem! Every Pastor, every ministry leader should have such a problem. How do we get to this place, the place at which one must say, “enough”? What might cause such abundance? To answer that question, we need only to look again at the story we’ve read over the last few days. Yesterday we learned that those who brought offerings did so because they had willing hearts (Exodus 35:2,5,21,29). Because they were grateful for all the Lord had done on their behalf, they showed their gratitude by giving lavishly. We, too, need not wring our hands in despair that we do not have enough. What the Lord wants are willing hearts. A willing heart will make all the difference.


Lord God, I pray once again for a willing heart. Money is not my master. You, Lord, are my Master. My possessions are not the master. I rejoice in the fact that I can give to Your Tabernacle, Your Church, Your Ministry and to those who need my help. You said, Lord Jesus, “Inasmuch as you have done it unto the least of one of these, you’ve done it unto Me” (Matthew 25:40). Amen!


Throughout the years, it has been a blessing for Norma-Jean and me to qualify as “willing-heart” givers. We pay our tithes, 10% of gross income, and we give offerings over and above the tithe. I’m not bragging, just reporting. I hope to be a good example. Norma-Jean keeps our books, so she knows what the tithe is. I love to write the cheque for our offerings. I was asked by a Ukrainian Army Colonel to help convince their military brass that they should have Chaplains or Padres in their Army. My first speech in the Ukraine to their senior officers was to propose a toast to Cornelius who, as a Roman officer, gave alms (offerings) to the needs of the Jewish people. These alms came up before God as a memorial and God sent an angel and Peter to this Roman soldier (see Acts 10). God saved Cornelius and his family, and God established a chaplaincy in the Ukranian Army after 70 years of official atheism.

Yours for the joy of paying God’s tithe and giving our offerings,


Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Today’s Reading: Exodus 35

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


The priest is before the Brazen (bronze) Laver just outside of the Holy Place in the Court of the Tabernacle. This is the replica of the Old Testament Tabernacle that was set up at the Crossroads Centre in Burlington during the summer of 2012.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 35:5

Take from among you an offering to the Lord. Whoever is of a willing heart, let him bring it as an offering to the Lord: gold, silver, and bronze…


It’s a commentary on human nature that God sets the highest standards and speaks of severe judgment in order to encourage us to rise to His standards. To my knowledge, there were no executions for not keeping the Sabbath. Rather than labouring under the heavy weight of the letter of the Law, the people gladly gave of their resources and their skills in work. This was the spirit of the Law in action. Three times in this chapter we read the words “a willing heart.” In every project God lays on the hearts of His leaders, there is always the burden of raising finances and materials. God, in His wisdom, gave instructions through Moses that only those with a “WILLING HEART” were to give to His work. God’s Tabernacle was not built by those who were stingy with God’s cause. The people showed their gratitude for all God had done for them by giving sacrificially. The result was the joy and blessing of God.


Dear Lord, the starting point of my journey with You is to give my entire self to You. Therefore, all that I have in my possession is Yours. I ask myself not how much should I give, but how much may I use of Your resources for my shelter, my food, my transportation, etc. Thank You for the fact that You, Jesus, said, “My sheep know My voice.” I’m listening, Lord. I pray now for grace to obey. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


I’m so glad that the Council of Jerusalem put only a small portion of the laws of Moses on the non-Jewish believers in Jesus (check out Acts 15:20). Sabbath keeping is not in that list. Of course other laws about murder, adultery, etc., are repeated by Jesus and the Apostles as binding on us. I’m well aware that the Scripture says, “So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:7). I remember when I was a student in Bible College in Peterborough, an old man came in and began giving out $10 bills to the students. I laugh with joy at the remembrance. There was a whole lot of love there that day!

Yours for the joy of obeying God’s New Covenant Laws and for the love that flows when we give back to God,


Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Today’s Reading: Exodus 33-34

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


The Tabernacle of Moses. This life-sized replica is situated at Timna National Park in Southern Israel.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 33:15

Then he said to Him, “If Your Presence does not go with us, do not bring us up from here…”


How did Moses know that God’s Presence was with him? First of all, God promised that “My Presence will go with you and give you rest” (31:14). Moses was so very human. God had just promised His Presence, and now Moses uses that little word “if.” God gives grace in spite of our unbelief. Secondly, God allows Moses to experience His Glory. The Word comes first and then the experience. All we really need is His Word. He says to us, “I am with you always” (Matthew 28:20). This is His promise to us at all times. He also says, “Where two or three are gathered together in My Name, I am there in the midst of them” (Matthew 18:20).  We should not require more proof. Nevertheless, Jesus, with great emphasis promises He is “confirming His Word with accompanying signs. Amen” (Mark 16:20).


I praise and worship You, Lord God, for Your Presence. If You don’t go with me, I won’t go anywhere. I know according to Your Word that You are with me. Therefore, I will boldly move into this new day and into the rest of my life with excitement, knowing that You will work all things after the counsel of Your will (Ephesians 1:11).


I was waiting on God during a week of fasting and prayer about 14 years ago. I would show up in the Chapel very early each morning to petition God for His directions. Always I would think of Joshua, who was there with Moses every day in the tent of meeting. “…Joshua…did not depart from the tabernacle” (33:11). Joshua was there faithfully. It’s obvious why Joshua was to occupy a place of leadership.

Yours to help us all to know God’s will through His Word,


Monday, September 2, 2024


Today’s Reading: Exodus 32

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


A long avenue with goat-headed sphinxes leading from the Karnak Temple complex to Luxor Temple, a distance of 1.2 miles (2km). The little figure under the chin of each statue is meant to be Ramesses II. At the time of Moses, the worship of many images, such as a golden calf, was common in Egypt.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 32:32

Yet now, if You will forgive their sin, but if not, I pray, blot me out of Your book which You have written.


Moses heard from God and put His Word into action. Moses prayed and God heard him. The result was God’s judgment and mercy. This chapter records the response of Aaron and the people. Unfortunately, three or four generations later, the people once again practised the worship of other gods. Moses took a stand between God and His people as an intercessor. An intercessor identifies with God and His will, but must also identify with people. In His intercession, our Lord Jesus Christ did not pray, “Blot Me out of Your book,” but He prayed, “My God, My God, why have You forsaken Me?” Jesus identified with us so completely that He felt abandoned by His Father while He was dying on the Cross. Our sins are forgiven because of Jesus’ intercession.


Almighty God, because of Your Son and my Saviour, I do as Scripture tells me. I “come boldly to the throne of grace” (Hebrews 4:16), and the result is that I “obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” I pray this for others (use their names or in general) as well as for myself. In Jesus’ Name. Amen!


My Grandfather, Allan Mainse, and his brother, Uncle Ed, had farms next door to each other. I heard them pray in a normal volume at family devotions, but I heard the stories that when they were younger, early in the morning, these brothers would meet at the line fence between their farms and raise their voices in prayer. It’s probably exaggerated, but I’ve been told that they could be heard a country concession away. I believe that their intercessory prayers bless us today. They bless our children, our grandchildren, and our great-grandchildren. Someone asked me a while back, “Can you name all your children, their spouses, and your grandchildren?” I rattled their names off quickly. “How do you do that?” I was asked. My answer was that I pray for them all by name, not rapidly, but slowly with intensity, every morning before any of them awaken.

Yours to urge us all into more fervent intercession,
