Thursday, August 21, 2014


Today’s Reading: Exodus 17

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

I found this fascinating rock formation at Timna National Park in the Negev Desert and wilderness of southern Israel. The hiking trail leads you right through the middle of this arch. - Reynold

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 17:15

And Moses built an altar and called its name, The-Lord-Is-My-Banner.


The Children of Israel asked an important question: “Is the Lord with us or not?” Again and again God proved that He was with them. Moses was frustrated because the people looked to him instead of God for their needs. The lesson is that we should not look to a leader or the government, or even our parents (as we grow older) to be our provider. THE LORD IS OUR PROVIDER! God provided an abundance of fresh water for the Children of Israel. He also provided a military victory over the Amalakites who had attacked Israel. Yes, our leaders need to be there. Like Aaron and Hur we must support our God-given leaders. When we hold up their tired hands, we’ll succeed and when we let them down we’ll fail.  Our Pastor, our government leaders, leaders of ministries such as Crossroads, need to be supported. Check out Romans 13:1 and 1Timothy 2:1-2. That daily altar of prayer for our leaders should be as a “banner” which declares our faithfulness and our loyalty.


Lord, here I am at the altar of prayer. I pray for all who are in leadership over me. In this way, I join Aaron and Hur in lifting up tired hands. Thus I am assured of victory in the challenges of life. You are my “Banner.” I will tell the world that You are my “Lord.” In Jesus’ Name, the Name I lift high, Amen!


I remember the street meetings conducted on Saturday evenings when all the farmers would come to town to shop on the main street. This was before malls were developed. It was exciting to watch the Salvation Army parade from their citadel to their corner where they would pray, sing, play their instruments, and preach the Gospel. Their banner waved above us all to proclaim, “Blood and Fire.” A little humour here: one lady with a big personality asked me, “Do you know what your belly button is for?” And then with a big laugh, she said, “It’s to hold the end of the flag pole when you march.” The bass drummer was told by a very proper lady, “We have a bell which says, ‘come to church.'” The drummer replied with the pounding of his drum and said, “And my drum says, ‘Go get them and bring them in.'” It’s really early in the morning as I type my blog. Later, I’m going to town and I must find a way to wave a banner, my witness that Jesus is Lord!

Yours for a wise, strong and effective witness for Jesus,


P.S. I love the Crossroads ministry. We can wave a banner by calling in a business year-end donation to help the ministry have a fresh start on the first of September. The easiest way to give is to call 1-888-288-0003 with credit card in hand (before August 31st). God bless you!!! Click here for one of John Hull’s important messages from yesterday’s 100 Huntley Street program.  You can also give online HERE. Thank you!


Wednesday, August 20, 2014


Today’s Reading: Exodus 16

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

I try my best to match images with my dad's blog. Well, manna was miraculous and so is God's creation that we see all around us. Here are the Hexagon Pools in the Golan Heights, Israel. Sheets of columnar basalt tinted a burnished gray hue hang alongside the Hexagon Pools. It's the polygonal sections of rock that give the pools their name. The rock formations have developed by shifting subterranean fault lines over a very long time, which accounts for their unusual twisted appearance. - Reynold

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 16:31

And the house of Israel called its name Manna. And it was like white coriander seed, and the taste of it was like wafers made with honey.


“Manna” means, “What is it?” God proved over and over His faithfulness to His people. Yet the word “murmur” is found eight times in this chapter. Are Christians much different now from the Israelites of 1500 BC? By God’s grace we are declared, “A new creation; old things have passed away, behold all things have become new” (2 Cor 5:17). We need to confess daily that the “old” is dead and like the Manna from yesterday, it is stinking rotten. Also, every morning if we want fresh bread, confess the new life in Christ now. This blog, the daily TV ministry of 100 Huntley Street, our Bible reading and prayer, will definitely help us. In John 6, Jesus declared that He is the true Bread from Heaven. Partake of Him daily and be healthy and strong. Worship and praise Him without murmuring.


Yes Lord, may I recognize that stale Christianity becomes “wormy,” and is definitely not appetizing to me and to others around me. Thank You for the fresh food which I am eating now. Thank You that my spirit, soul, and body are being nourished as I read and pray. Please give me grace, O Lord, to be consistent. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!


From 1962 to 1977 we produced and released the weekly Crossroads telecast, and along the way began the weekly telecast for children, Circle Square. During 1976, I could not help but notice that the number 100 kept popping up regularly. When I would open my Bible randomly, there was the number 100. I would happen to look at a street number and there was that number. Finally I got the message. It was time to go daily with the ministry and this would assist God’s people to move up to “100-fold living” as in the parable of Jesus about the sower and the harvest (Matt. 13:3-9). That meant that I had to become more consistent in my early morning Bible study and prayer. June 15th, 1977, the daily TV ministry began. Over 37 years later, it’s still providing daily manna for 100-fold living. Bon appetite!

Yours for consistently gathering fresh manna each morning for our well being,


P.S. This week the Crossroads Ministry is preparing for “A Fresh Start” on September 1st by raising offerings in order to finish the business year well. Please encourage our new Chief Executive Officer, Dr. John Hull, as this is his first year-end challenge. Please consider giving Crossroads a financial lift if you have not already done so. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! (click here for donation options).


Tuesday, August 19, 2014


Today’s Reading: Exodus 15

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Jewish children dance at a presentation in Jerusalem.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 15:20

Then Miriam, the prophetess, the sister of Aaron, took the timbrel in her hand; and all the women went out after her with timbrels and with dances.


Remember Miriam? She was the one who 80 years before, as the older sister of Moses, watched over the little basket floating in the Nile. She arranged for Moses’ mother to care for the baby on behalf of the sister of Pharaoh who found the baby in the bulrushes. Now, about 90 years of age, she prophesies, puts those words to song, plays the timbrel, and leads the dance. Amazing! We need to celebrate too! God has fulfilled His purposes in the past; He is doing so right now; He will do so unfailingly in the future! He provides fresh water and promises, “I am the Lord who heals you!”


Lord God, You are the great “I AM” who heals me. I rest on Your promise for physical healing. I celebrate Your deliverance from the slavery of sin. I praise and worship You for who You are. I sing to You, Lord, for You have triumphed gloriously! Amen!


It’s now 5:45 a.m. I’ve just spent five minutes looking for our timbrel (tambourine) which I know we have somewhere. Later, when Norma-Jean awakens, she’ll know where it is. I plan to play the timbrel and dance. I’ll ask her to play on the piano a dancing song that the Cameron Family from Scotland sang and danced to on the 100 Huntley Street TV show about 25 years ago. Right now I’ll contain my exuberance and finish this blog, getting it ready for posting at just for fresh manna and spring water for you.  Please keep rejoicing! My dance later won’t be as pretty as Miriam’s I’m sure, but Norma-Jean will laugh, and she might even dance with me.

Yours to celebrate with Miriam and you,


P.S. The latest family celebration, a cause for dancing, was the marriage of our grandson, Eric. Another cause for celebration was the touchdown of our grandson-in-law, David Lee, who plays for the Saskatchewan Roughriders as a defensive end. His wife, our granddaughter Elizabeth, could teach us a little about celebrating!!! Her dad, my son Reynold, put together a Youtube video about it (click HERE). And CTV News Regina, Saskatchewan, did a TV report about it (click HERE – it will play after an advertisement).


Monday, August 18, 2014


Today’s Reading: Exodus 14

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Looking North to Elat from the Israel side of the Red Sea. Off in the distance you can see Mountains of Edom in Jordan. This shoreline contains some of the most beautiful coral reefs in the world with an amazing variety of sea life. Be sure to click on the link at the end of the blog to learn about amazing coral formations resembling chariot wheels found on the bottom of the Red Sea. Exodus 14:25 tells us that God took off the wheels of the Egyptian chariots.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 14:14

The Lord will fight for you, and you shall hold your peace. NKJV


Hemmed in between the sea and the mountains with water before them and Pharaoh’s forces behind them, Israel meets their first big test of faith – and it appears that all except Moses are in a state of panic. Moses obeys God and God’s people learn the lesson we need to learn also. The NIV translation puts it this way, “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” As long as we have the means to resist evil ourselves, we must do so. When we can do nothing, our duty is to wait patiently, quietly, courageously moving forward when God prompts us. Moses probably did not know how God would deliver, but he had no doubt that God would make a way. The words “boldness” (verse eight) and “very afraid” (verse ten) describe the changing feelings of the people. We should not be led by our emotions but by God’s Word. God says to Moses, “Tell the people to go forward” (verse 15).


Lord God, speak Your Word to me today through my Bible reading, through a godly leader, or a brother or sister in faith, or by Your “still small voice” (1 Kings 19:12). Having heard from You, Lord, I am moving forward. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!


Someone said to an old preacher, “If you believed that God told you to jump through that brick wall, would you jump?” The preacher replied, “Yes, it would be my job to jump. It’s God’s job to make the hole in the wall!” I heard someone else say, “We must attempt things for God that are so humanly impossible that they will surely fail if God is not in them.” I, for one, want them to fail if God is not in them. I have said many times, “We have to be willing to trip and fall, and be made to look like the biggest fool ever, if we are to accomplish all that God wants us to do.” Check out part of our Crossroads web site HERE. You’ll find there that God has done things that were humanly impossible. You won’t find initiatives that I took which did not succeed (for some reason those who wrote the biographical sketch did not include those things…ha ha!). Sometimes I’ve championed losing causes, but I’d much rather look like a fool than fail to “go forward.”

Yours, moving forward,


P.S. Last week my son Ron attached to the blog the most amazing scientific research documentary about the “Exodus.” I’m asking him to put it on again today in case you missed it or in case you did not have time to share it with family members and others who may be sceptical as to the historical reliability of the Scriptures (click here).


Sunday, August 17, 2014


Today’s Reading: Exodus 13

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).


Looking at the sunrise over the Judean desert, we can see the Dead Sea in the distance beyond the mountain of Masada, which was Herod's fortress and the place where the Jewish freedom fighters made their last stand in 72 A.D.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 13:14

So it shall be, when your son asks you in time to come, saying, “What is this” that you shall say to him, “By strength of hand the Lord brought us out of Egypt, out of the house of bondage…”


Four times in today’s reading God’s “Strong Hand” is emphasized. Repetition in Scripture indicates the importance of, in this case, the word picture presented to us. Throughout the millennia, the Children of Israel, known today as Jews, have continued to repeat over and over those words in their annual family ritual known as the “Passover.” In every observant household a child will ask, “What is this?” Again in the Scriptures we read the word, “ordinance.” Simply put, it’s an order from God. Of course the Jews who were the first followers of Jesus continued this “remembrance” every year. It was at “Passover” that Jesus said, as He gave His disciples the bread and wine, “This do in remembrance of Me.” When must obedient Christians partake? There is no set time as is the case of “Passover.” The word “often” is important. It can be daily; it can be weekly; it can be monthly or even annually. But time must be set aside regularly to obey the orders of Jesus to partake in the “Lord’s Supper.” For supplementary reading, go to Matt. 26:26-29, Luke 22:14-20, 1 Cor. 11:23-31.


Lord Jesus, You established what we refer to as “Communion.” Please grant me the grace of consistently obeying Your standing orders to repeat often the observance You established. May I partake of the bread and the fruit of the vine with a deep discernment of Your sacrifice. With Your “Strong Hand” You reached out to the whole human family, and we nailed Your Hands to the Cross. Thank You for the Gift of Your Body and Blood. Amen!


I want to introduce you to Sam Moore, former owner and operator of Thomas Nelson Publishers, the company which financed the new translation of the “King James Version” of the Bible. Approximately every 100 years another translation of the classic version, KJV, is presented to the world. I was raised on an older translation. For example, the words “thee” and “thou” are no longer in use in every day conversation. It would be next to impossible for anyone today to read with understanding the actual translation from 1611. A spoken language is constantly changing. Sam’s vision to bring together the finest scholars during the 1970’s caught my attention. He came several times as a guest on TV with me. Some of his scholars were also my guests. Sam was an imigrant from Lebanon to the USA who began selling Bibles from door to door as a university student to pay for his board, room and education, and was so successful that I have beside me as I type, the New King James Version, my favourite modern translation of God’s Word. Thank You Sam! Click here for more about Sam or here to find his biography book.

Yours for a greater understanding of God’s revelation of His thoughts printed in the language I know best, English,


P.S. Yesterday I had the privilege to serve the “Remembrance” of the sacrifice of God’s Passover Lamb to my grandson, Eric Mainse and his beautiful bride, Kara Harness, during their wedding ceremony in Bowmanville, Ontario (see photos below).

Serving Communion to my Grandson Eric and his bride Kara.

Eric David Mainse and his new wife Kara, just after the ceremony.


Saturday, August 16, 2014

Note to email subscribers: I have been told by some subscribers that my daily blog emails sometimes end up in their “junk” or “spam” folders. If you have noticed missing emails, check to see if your email program is filtering them away from your inbox.



Today’s Reading: Exodus 12

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Children of Israel on a school field trip to En Gedi enjoy the waterfall pools. King David hid from Saul in a nearby cave.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 12:14

So this day shall be to you a memorial; and you shall keep it as a feast to the Lord throughout your generations. You shall keep it as a feast by an everlasting ordinance.


Be sure to tell the next generations that Christ is our Passover Lamb (1 Cor. 5:7). Choose that time with the children carefully. Repeat the story in a variety of ways over and over. Ask God for creativity in the way you do it (Deut. 11:19). Christ was without defect (Ex. 12:5). The lamb was consumed by fire (verses 6 – 9). Christ took the “fire” in suffering. Not a bone was to be broken (Ex 12:46, Ps 22:17, Jn 19:36). The blood of the sacrifice was applied (Ex. 12:22-23, Col. 1:20, 1 Jn 1:8-9). Keeping this “ordinance” (an order) was absolutely essential (Ex. 12:24, Heb 9:22). Please do your best over the next hours to look up these references. Make this not just a devotional but a Bible study.


Lord Jesus, I believe You were sacrificed as my Passover Lamb. I believe that Your blood was shed for me. I apply, by faith, Your blood to the doorposts of my household for salvation and protection. I can only say “thanks” by giving my life to You and by leaving the bondage of sin in obedience to Your orders. I have a brand new life because of Your precious blood. It’s all through You, Christ Jesus, Amen!


After our children were tucked into bed, Norma-Jean and I would kiss them and say, “Lord Jesus, cover them with Your precious blood. Keep them safe.” Norma-Jean would sing, “All hail King Jesus, all hail Emmanuel, King of kings, Lord of lords, bright Morning Star…”  What a confidence! What a comfort! I’m an old softie and I still do this when I’m with our now 51, 52, 54, & 55 year-old children. Of course I don’t tuck them in, but I pray with them as often as I can. It is my conviction that having fathered children, the greatest tragedy would be for them to be lost for all eternity. One of my children, when a teenager, strayed away from God one evening, coming home later than our rules allowed. I went to my knees and said, “Lord, if I die on this spot, I’m not stopping my cries to You until this child repents.” At about 2 a.m. I felt an arm around my neck and heard sobbing, and the words, “Daddy, I won’t do these things ever again. I’m sorry, I’ve asked God to forgive me and I’m asking you to forgive me too.” We wept together.

Yours for our children, our children’s children, and beyond,


Our four children singing on the set of the Crossroads weekly TV program around 1972, before the daily "100 Huntley Street" program began in 1977. In the back are Ellen (left) and Elaine (right), and in the front are Reynold (left) and Ron (right).

Friday, August 15, 2014


Today’s Reading: Exodus 10-11

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Great Lake at Karnak Temple is 2.5 km north of Luxor, Egypt

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, Click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 11:5

And all the firstborn in the land of Egypt shall die, from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sits on his throne, even to the firstborn of the female servant who is behind the handmill, and all the firstborn of the animals.


Eighty years earlier, the grandfather of the Exodus Pharaoh ordered the death of all Israel’s boy babies. Moses is now threatened with death (Ex. 10:28-29). Some say that the decision for the final plague came from the mouth of Pharaoh himself. In verse eight it states that Moses was “hot with anger” when he left this last meeting with Pharaoh. According to Numbers 12:3, “Moses was very meek.” Meekness means “strength under control.” When all else fails, God brings severe judgment. We cannot trifle with God or view Him as a celestial Santa Claus. We are to love God and fear God at the same time. There is a tension here that brings balance. We embrace God, who cares for His people, but at the same time God, who will accomplish His purposes, has the right to pronounce and execute judgment.


Almighty and eternal God, Your judgment fell upon Your firstborn and only begotten Son, Jesus, our Saviour and our Lord. I thank You with all my heart that Your love and Your judgment came together at the Cross. You suffered greater pain than any of us can begin to comprehend. I love You and I fear You. I come boldly before You because Jesus took my place. In His Name I pray. Amen!


The Children of Israel were slaves. In slave-based economies, slaves represented the greatest wealth of the nation. I’ve watched several times the movie on the life of that great Christian, William Wilberforce, who brought about the deliverance of the slaves in Britain and throughout the Empire. If you’ve not seen this or read the book by Eric Metaxas (our 100 Huntley Street USA host) on which the movie was based, I urge you to avail yourself of his history of this modern Moses (find the book HERE or the movie HERE).

Bob Hogan was my age. He’s ageless now as he passed into the presence of his Lord and Saviour this past week. When Norma-Jean and I built our home on Dog Lake following my decision to quit hosting the daily 100 Huntley Street telecast, Bob and his wonderful family were a great help. We’ve sold that place because I did not want to leave Norma-Jean 200 miles away from our children after my death, which was predicted by the cancer specialist to have happened this past March. God had a different plan for me. Last week when I heard Bob was in hospital and may not live, I rode my motorcycle to Kingston to see him. As I knelt by his bed, I said, “Bob, the last time I visited you we did business with God. Right?” He nodded a definite Yes! (Bob prayed a most sincere prayer of faith for his eternal salvation during that last visit). Then I said, “Now we are going to pray for God’s healing by more years here or by entering into eternal life with Jesus in Heaven.” Again the oxygen mask he was wearing almost came off his face as he nodded vigorously. He eyes spoke volumes about his confidence in God. Below is a photograph Reynold took a few years back of Bob and a very special friend. I’ll see you soon my brother in faith.

Yours for freedom to do the will of God,


P.S. Thanks for all the birthday greetings for Norma-Jean and me. On her 75th birthday yesterday we drove to Cambridge and visited her parents’ grave. Her mother, Lillian Rutledge, was killed by a drunk driver when Norma-Jean was only 17. Her Mom was only 50. The photos below of the grave site were taken yesterday.

My friend Bob Hogan and his dog. Bob is now with his Lord.

Norma-Jean at her parents' grave site.


A close-up view of the gravestone.

Thursday, August 14, 2014


Today’s Reading: Exodus 9

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Temple of Kom Ombo stands on the east bank of the Nile, right next to the river. It was dedicated to two gods, Horus and Sobek.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 9:7b

But the heart of Pharaoh became hard, and he did not let the people go.


From the pictures of the Egypt of the Pharaohs, we get an idea of the pride and splendour of what was the most impressive empire for hundreds of years. The temples show that “the god of this age” (2 Cor. 4:4), whose original sin was pride and who sought to overturn the rule of the God of the universe, was still seeking to oppose the will of the great Creator, Almighty God (Rev. 12:7-9). The war goes on, even today. The “god of this age” still takes advantage of hearts that are hard toward the rule of the true Sovereign God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our response for hard hearts must be “repentance;” not as a temporary fix like Pharaoh, but true “repentance” is turning away totally from our disobedience and doing what the Eternal God tells us to do.


Almighty God, grant me the gift of a soft heart so that I will do Your will and not my own. Please give me the grace of obedience to You in all things, and the gift of true repentance so that, having turned away from my own way, I will continue consistently in Your way. Through Jesus Christ, who dwells within me. Amen!


Today is Norma-Jean’s birthday. Just over 5 hours ago at 12:01 a.m. I was awake sufficiently to sing “Happy Birthday” to her. (Thanks to all who sent us birthday greetings on my blog yesterday!). When we were married, September 19, 1958, I was 22 and she was 19. I love her and wanted to make her my wife. I also wanted God’s will more than anything. I was hard headed (not hard hearted) enough to pray on the way to the church, “Lord, one final time, if this marriage is not Your perfect will, You can still cause something to happen so that either Norma-Jean or I are stopped from getting to the altar.” God didn’t stop either of us, and now we’ve been married almost 56 years and have 4 children and their spouses, 16 grandchildren, and 9 great-grandchildren with 1 more to arrive soon. The second letter Norma-Jean wrote to me had printed on it, 1st Thes. 5:18, which says it all, “This is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” I agreed!

Yours for God’s will in everything,


P.S. Ron found an outstanding documentary video with scientific proof of the “Exodus” story. For example, it shows video from the bottom of the Red Sea, revealing coral-encrusted Egyptian chariot wheels scattered across the sea bottom. Reputable scientists used the same equipment that photographed the Titanic on the bottom of the Atlantic ocean. A recent survey showed that a majority of Canadians said that the Bible was not reliable. If you know anyone who feels that way, show them this video!!! Of course the old saying is, “Convince a man against his will, he stays the same opinion still.” This amazing documentary is 90 minutes long. There are pauses about every 15 or 20 minutes. You may want to spread out your viewing over the next few days as we continue our Exodus readings. Please, please don’t miss this, and also share it with others. To watch it click HERE.


Wednesday, August 13, 2014

NOTE from Ron Mainse: My Dad does not know that I’m adding this to his blog, but I wanted all of his blog-reader friends to know that today is a special day…Dad’s 78th birthday! Also, tomorrow is my Mom’s birthday (Norma-Jean Mainse)…so Happy Birthday Dad & Mom! Thanks for continuing to be a blessing to so many. I love you! …Friends, why not send a birthday greeting to them today (for Dad) and tomorrow (for Mom)? You can post it as a comment on the blog at (If you’re new to doing that, just click on the “Comments” bubble at the top. You can read comments of others and simply scroll to the bottom of the comments to leave your own message).



Today’s Reading: Exodus 8

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Mortuary Temple of Queen Hatshepsut is located beneath the cliffs at Deir el Bahari on the west bank of the Nile near the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 8:13a

So the Lord did according to the word of Moses.


Moses spoke, and God backed him up with supernatural power. Some have used this reality to get God to do their will. No, no, we are to do God’s will. First we find out the will of God, and then we speak, and God acts accordingly. Jesus’ word was always effective, 100% of the time. Why? Because He could say, “The Son can do nothing of Himself, but what He sees the Father do” (John 5:19). Jesus got up very early each morning to spend time with His Father in prayer (Mark 1:35). Jesus functioned as a Man filled with the Holy Spirit. He was, is, and ever shall be fully God, but He laid aside the exercise of His Diety. He took time to find His Father’s plan for the new day, and then did what His Father wanted Him to do. This is also the way we can know what to speak, and God will do that which we speak as He did for Moses.


Father God, I want what You want. Help me to speak out that which You give me to speak so that “Your will shall be done on earth as it is in Heaven.” I pray this in the Name of Jesus who always, without fail, did Your perfect will. Amen!


I remember Norma-Jean coming home with a booklet entitled, “Hung by the Tongue.” It pointed out the power of our words for good or evil, for positive or negative results. Jesus never ever used His essential divinity for selfish purposes. He lived as a Spirit-filled human being. The temptation of Jesus is an example of this (Matthew 4:3-4). He could’ve turned the stones into bread as Satan suggested, but He refused to help Himself in this way. It’s sad to report that there are those today who claim “prosperity” for themselves, twisting the Scriptures, seeking to manipulate God for their own purposes, taking advantage of their position of influence to manipulate people into giving sacrifically so that the manipulator may prosper. Simon the sorcerer did this. Please look this up as I have done (Acts 8:9-25). Run from those who, like Simon, are “claiming to be someone great,” and (as verse 10 says), “All gave heed to him from the least to the greatest saying, ‘This man is the great power of God.'”

Yours for hearing from God each morning and then speaking and doing His will,



Tuesday, August 12, 2014


Today’s Reading: Exodus 7

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

"On the way to the 'old' city of Jerusalem I saw this 'new' light rail train suspension bridge. Where are the train tracks? Down below, but I found the cables and sky far more interesting. It is designed to represent the harp of King David." - Reynold

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Exodus 7:5

And the Egyptians shall know that I am the Lord, when I stretch out My hand on Egypt and bring out the children of Israel from among them.


God’s purposes will be carried out in His timing, with or without the willing co-operation of His people, and in spite of the opposition of His enemies. Please look up and read Psalm 105:26-36 where the plagues that came upon the Egyptians are capsulized. Pharaoh set himself to oppose God’s purposes. Pharaoh does not win this battle. I recommend also that we read Revelation 15 & 16. The plagues listed in Revelation are in the future and come upon mankind to fulfill God’s purposes. “God is Love” (1 John 4:8), and it must hurt Him far more than we can conceive when He must allow judgment, which people bring upon themselves, so that His purposes come to pass. As our Father, He knows what is best for His children, and He will do what is right for time and for eternity.


Dear Lord God, I humbly ask for Your grace that I may fulfill Your purposes in obedience to Your will. I understand so very little about Your ways in which You do things; but I’m trusting You that “Your will may be done in earth as it is in Heaven.” I know that to do Your will cost Jesus of Nazareth His life. Whatever it takes, Lord, I’m Yours forever. I pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen!


Reynold’s photo for today speaks to me of the fact that the Children of Israel made it to the Promised Land twice (in ancient AND modern times). The first time 40 years after their deliverance from Egypt and the second time after the demonic anti-semitism of Hitler and others. The first deliverance was 1400 B.C. approximately, and the second in 1948 A.D., when Israel became a sovereign state once again. I remember the first because at family devotions we read the words of Moses, and the second time I remember because we read the Ottawa Citizen newspaper and discussed the purposes of God for His ancient people (I was almost 12 at the time). When God asks in His Word that we should pray for something, I try to remember to do it. He tells us to “Pray for the peace of Jerusalem” (Psalm 122:6). That prayer is sure needed today!

Yours, praying for God’s will to be done in His way and in His timing,
