Today’s Reading: Joshua 7
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

The Ark of the Covenant was the only object in the Holy of Holies in the Tabernacle. This photo was taken at the Tabernacle replica at Timna Park in Israel.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Joshua 7:6
Then Joshua tore his clothes, and fell to the earth on his face before the ark of the Lord until evening, he and the elders of Israel; and they put dust on their heads.
Joshua, leader, Chief Executive Officer, was also a priest of the tribe of Levi. His advisers, in Church terms, elders, deacons, board members, gave him their opinions about conquering the city of Ai. Here’s one of those “if only” hindsight moments. If only Joshua and the elders had prayed with the same fervency before their defeat as they did after, God would’ve given them their instructions, and they would’ve succeeded.
Yes, there are little matters where we can make decisions without the deep intercession required when lives and souls are at stake. The consequences of failure are not that great. But if we want God’s guidance in major decisions, we had better wait until we’ve heard from God. In a very real sense, we lie on our faces before the “Mercy Seat,” where God is seated in mercy in Heaven, God’s “Throne of Grace” (read Hebrews 4:14-16).
Lord God, please teach Your leaders in Your cause, in the church, in government, in business, to wait before You. Having prayed with the utmost sincerity, may Your appointed leaders move forward boldly. Romans 13:1-4 is important information. Help me to lead, support, or at the very least, step aside and encourage others to move forward. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen!
I’ve faced decisions where I cried out to God…where I spent considerable time in prayer before God’s “Mercy Seat.” I believe I heard Him say, “Get up…it’s time for action” (verse 10). I’ve gone to Norma-Jean and family members regarding our personal matters and found their support was solid. I’ve gone to deacon boards and ministry boards of directors, and I’ve been amazed to receive their support for my leadership. At present, I don’t hold any position of designated authority in corporations charged with God’s work. I back 100% of the decisions made by my successors (Lorna Dueck is now CEO) in leadership. I pray for them by name and position every day with fervency.
I remember so well the occasion of the decision to move from a rather sleepy, small ministry, producing two half hours per week of TV, Crossroads and Circle Square for children, to the daily 100 Huntley Street live show, back in 1977. Crossroads also was to begin producing and releasing telecasts in 18 languages other than English. In order to do this, we had to build our own professionally equipped studios. I recall vividly that having prayed much, I believed I heard God say, “David, you and others have prayed fervently, now make the decision.” I said, “No, Lord, please, please give me more detailed instructions.” The board, of which I was chairman, voted unanimously, “Yes.” Most of all, looking back, I know that God supported our decision, and multiplied thousands of new believers were added to the Church of Jesus Christ. The work continues. Check out www.crossroads.ca.
Yours for much fervent and sometimes desperate prayer, followed by action!!!
P.S. Today’s blog is rather heavy. Here’s a lift for the human spirit. Click here for the old spiritual, “Joshua Fit the Battle of Jericho.” Mahalia Jackson is introduced by Nat King Cole. It was recorded back in the 1950’s.
Today we see harsh consequences for disobedience to God’s commandments brought on by covetness and greed.
Mahalia was one of the greats and Nat had probably the best male voice ever.Here is one of my many,many favorites by my favorite singer.In May he will be back for another Revival in Belfast (Belfast,PEI, Canada.):
amen William!
A bit under the weather but am enjoying the book of Joshua and happy to have internet again to be on 100words. Hope all the saints are well. God’s blessings on each and every one.
May the LORD give strength to his people! May the LORD bless his people with peace! Psalm 29:11 ESV
All My Tears -Selah (lyrics)
Lord be with Beverlee Kay, heal her completely from head to toe! TY Lord that she gets comfort from reading the book of Joshua! Bless her sharing the links to some very beautiful music…..TY Lord
Praying for a speedy recovery to complete health!! Beverlee!
Hello fellow bloggers I thought I would just share something with you today is a very special day for me and that is it’s my happy birthday so God bless everyone everybody have a great day love you all bye for now
Wishing you a very happy Birthday, Marilyn and Blessings in the years to follow.
It’s also my friend’s birthday today. May you both enjoy your day to the fullest!
Hope you had a very Happy Birthday Marilyn.
May God bless you on your special day and always.
Happy Birthday Marilyn, I pray God grants you a very healthy and happy year. I am so thankful that we have been able to share our stories with each other and many others! God bless you dear sweet Child of the Most High God! Have a very good year! Enjoy! The Lord is awesome and He is everywhere….amen
Happy Birthday Marilyn!! God’s continued blessings to you, fellow saint in the Lord!!
Bless you on Your Special Day, Your Birthday! Its your day, Enjoy it!!
Marilyn, may you have a Happy Birthday, and many blessings in the coming year!
My brother, Peter, is also celebrating his birthday today. I well remember that cold January 67 years ago when he was born and I was a 7year old, hoping for a sister!
I very much appreciate this special younger brother. Every birthday is a reason for thanksgiving to our heavenly Father.
A very Happy Birthday dear Marilyn, May God richly Bless you and keep you in His care. ❤️❤️
Lord be with as I go to choir! BLess our practice, Lord TY for all the blessings of this day amen