Suggested Reading: Psalms 107
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Large tanker ships can be seen on the Kingdom of Jordan side of the Red Sea. The wilderness where the Children of Israel spent 40 years is on the other side of the mountain range seen in Reynold's photograph.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 107:8, 20
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
He sent His word and healed them,
And delivered them from their destructions.
Today’s Psalm documents God’s answer to the prayer from 106:47a, “Save us, O Lord our God!” Today’s reading gives four real-life examples as to why we, the redeemed, should thank the Lord!
(1) God provides for our spiritual and emotional needs. Have we ever felt like we are wandering in the wilderness, our souls fainting within us? “He satisfies the longing soul!” (107:9).
(2) God provides for our deliverance from fear, bad habits, and anything that would cause us to be “bound in afflictions and irons!” God “saved them out of their distresses” and “broke their chains in pieces!” (107:13b & 107:14b).
(3) God provides physical healing! “They drew near the gates of death” (107:18b), but God “sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions!” (107:20)
(4) God provides a way out of seemingly impossible circumstances! People are pictured as being on the deck of a ship in a storm and “they reel to and fro and stagger like a drunken man” who is trying to maintain his balance on the deck of a storm-tossed wooden ship (107:27). But God “calms the storm so that its waves are still” (107:29).
Lord God, I’ve discovered the fact that in all my needs I must do as the writer of this Psalm tells me to do, “They cried out to the Lord!” I cry out to You now! I believe that You are doing now in my life as it is reported in Your Word. “He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions!” (107:20). Now, in faith, I am participating with the inspired writer who wrote, “Oh that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” Lord, I say, “Thank You!” Your blessings are because of Jesus, in whose Name I pray. Amen!!!
Over the last 2 or 3 days I’ve been well over my goal of 100 words regarding each day’s reading, as well as my 100 Personal Words. Therefore, today I’ll have fewer words. I’m simply going to add to the blog a song from my wife Norma-Jean. We don’t know the original tune from Israel’s hymnbook used to sing these words in the Temple, so she decided to compose a tune for some of the words of Psalm 107. Here she is…click here.
Yours because God “Sent His Word!”

This boat was discovered almost 30 years ago when the Sea of Galilee was low. It is called "The Jesus Boat," because it is from the time of Christ. The bottom boards are warped with age, and the sides are no longer there, but with imagination we can visualize the disciples in a storm on the sea, Jesus asleep on the "Pillow." (a bag of sand, perhaps, in order to provide ballast) Jesus spoke the words, "Peace be still!" the waves subsided. Jesus illustrated Psalm 107:23-30.
There have been times in my life where I have desperately cried out yo the Lord for the healing of my only son in 1977 I believe d God for his healing but God took him home , It has been many years since and I have never seen God let me down in my healing of a broken elbow being healed in 2 and a half weeks I 1984 my elbow is perfect now and God has never let me down providing for me when I had no furniture only a folding chair in an appartment God decorated my appartment with everything ,.Oh throughout all these years Gods been faithful to me and my children snd grandchildren .
Everyday something good happens its exciting to watch and wait to see God is so faithful .
When you give your tithes into the storehouse He gives back whatever measure you measure with that will come back to you God wants to bless his children since 1977 when I recieved the Lord as my saviour God has answered so many prayers I remember when my grandaughter was a baby my daughter called me saying the docter tellng her that Angel had a hole in her heart and needs surgery we prayed together over the phone for God to heal her and when she took Angel yo see the dr Angel s heart was perfect she is now 14 I can tell you so many answered prayers
Praise God Praise God thank you father gor your faithfulness to your children bless every person o this blog and their families and thank you for healing David Mainse in Jesus name Amen
Wonderful testimony, Brenda!! Amen!
Amen Brenda, thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing Norma-Jean’s beautiful song, David. Hope you are feeling strong and nourished for your upcoming tour of the Holy Land! It will be such an amazing adventure for everyone involved!! Have a great Lord’s Day, to all!
I second that David what you said . Norma Jean is a wonderful singer, and
writer if I remember she even penned some.
God bless all who are going on the tour with you in November and enjoy it
Lianne Hogg
Praise God, as He is always waiting to restore us when we falter and then Cry Out to The Most High God who alone deserves our Praise. Thank you Jesus for your great sacrifice and for The Holy Spirit who guides and directs our paths.
Blessings to all today.
Brenda, your testimony shows the goodness of God. Thanks for sharing!
Enjoyed Norma-Jean’s song today!
Be blessed everyone .This is the day the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it.
What a wonderful testimony Brenda of the faithfulness of God! So often we think we have to have lots of money to be rich, but true riches come from living in the secret place with our Abba, and enjoying the kingdom of heaven here on earth, knowing that we are saved and on our way to our heavenly home where we will live with the Lord forever! Now that’s true riches! Thanks for sharing the song Norma-Jean sang so many years ago, yet as fresh and meaningful now as it is today! What a great partner you have David! Have a wonderful Sunday everyone!
Praise the Lord for all His Blessings ,He is greatly to be praised.And Thank you
Norma Jean for that beautiful song , sure enjoyed it love and Blessings to all
on this beautiful Sunday….R…