Wednesday, September 11, 2024


Today’s Reading: Luke 4

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These hills are part of the Judean wilderness that Jesus likely would have walked through during His 40 days of temptation, as recorded in Luke 4. Here Jesus confronted Satan by quoting His Bible, the Sword of the Spirit, the Word of God. Satan fled in defeat!!!

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.

Key Verse: Luke 4:4

But Jesus answered him, saying,It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word of God.'”


We can be sure that Satan will tempt each one of us. We need to learn the strategy of spiritual warfare employed by Jesus. (1) He was filled with the Holy Spirit. (2) He was filled with the Word of God. (3) He was protected by the armour of God (Ephesians 6:10-17). (4) He was constantly in prayer (Ephesians 6:18). Remember that Jesus never used His 100% God essence to help Himself. He lived His life as 100% Man; a Man filled with the Word and the Spirit. Psalm 119:11 in Jesus’ Hebrew Bible says, “Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You.” As we read the Scriptures, having our eyes connected to our brains can provide a head knowledge. That is not sufficient to overcome temptation. God’s Word must move into our minds AND hearts. How to do this? Pray the Word we have read. Ask the Holy Spirit to write that Word on our hearts and minds. Meditate on that Word throughout the day. Let us quote the Word in our prayers. Share that Word with someone else. Victory over Satan is ours. Amen!


Lord Jesus, I praise and worship You! You are victorious over the world, the flesh, and the Devil. I know that You live in me, and, therefore, I am more than a conqueror too. I pray for Your 24/7 grace to overcome the temptation that Satan brings. Fill me now and always with Your Word and Your Spirit. I believe I am filled and I rejoice in You. Hallelujah! Praise Your Holy Name! You are “Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace” (Isaiah 9:6). Amen and Amen!


While I can only put a brief prayer here, I continue on with worship. His Presence, which I know is a fact, soon becomes my experience. As I continue to praise Him, I know I am filled with His Spirit. My new day is off to a great start, and by being conscious of His constant Presence, my entire day is blessed. My Bible College days were important, not only in preparation for future ministry, but also for the daily experience of God’s Presence. Rev. George Griffin was one of my teachers. He taught the first five books of the Bible (the Pentateuch). Somewhere in Leviticus, it can get very dry apart from the Presence of God. Before starting to teach, Rev. Griffin would begin to pray in a relatively quiet voice. He would say with such reverence, “Father.” Then he would pause. I would sense the Presence of God moving into the classroom. I weep now as I think of how this man carried God’s Presence in such a way as to open my heart and mind to God’s Word.

Yours for overcoming, victorious living,


P.S. On this day in 2001, Islamic terrorists attacked the United States. Close to 3000 innocent civilians were murdered. The world needs desperately to believe in “The Prince of Peace,” the Lord Jesus Christ!!! Crossroads is effectively reaching around the world, along with other Christian ministries. Your prayers and support are more important than ever! Amen!!!

3 thoughts on “Wednesday, September 11, 2024

  1. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for living the one and only fully-righteous life on this Earth. Thank You for coming to save sinners, even me. Thank You for overcoming even the worst attacks of hell. Thank You that You live forevermore, and for sharing Your life with us.
    Strengthen all of us today, Lord, and help us live as You made us to, I ask in Jesus’s great name, amen

    And, Part 2 of Prestom Manning’s new book: Book Excerpt: ‘A Horse for Mr. Lincoln’ (Part 2)

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