Today’s Reading: Luke 5
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Early morning view over the Sea of Galilee. No doubt when Jesus arose early every morning for His private time of prayer, He often viewed such a sunrise. Enjoy!!!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Luke 5:11
So when they had brought their boats to land, they forsook all and followed Him.
It’s exciting to follow Jesus! In this chapter, Jesus filled two boats with fish, cleansed a leper, healed a paralyzed man, called another one of His disciples, attended a party, taught about fasting, and gave a parable about clothing and wine skins. We need to keep watching Jesus and listening carefully to His teaching. To follow Jesus, Peter and Andrew left their business behind, and Levi (Matthew) resigned his government job. If we want to follow Jesus as our vocation, we too must be sure of His call, leave all behind, and learn from Him 24/7. Do we cling to something that should be left behind? As in Jesus’ parable, the new cannot just be added to the old life. It’s a new beginning. Now let’s invite Jesus, as Matthew did, to a party with our friends and introduce Jesus to everyone we know.
Lord Jesus, I am determined to follow You. This means that there is a cross for me to bear, as well as the joy of Your Presence. Grant me Your strength, Your willingness to sacrifice, and the grace of obedience. I’m Yours Lord, now and forever! In Your Name I pray. Amen!
I’m committed to rising early every morning, spending time reading God’s Word and meditating on it. I give myself to prayer and then open my lap-top computer to produce this blog. In case a first timer has joined, let me remind everyone that if you start today, with daily persistence, you will complete the entire Bible in two years. At the present time in my life, this is what it means for me to follow Jesus. At other times, I’ve been a school teacher, a Bible College student, a Pastor and an Evangelist. To support my family, I’ve owned a little printing press and made business cards for all the businesses in the village, took a job in construction, knocked on every door in town to find children for Sunday School, and, yes, I hosted TV programs for 50 years. At each “crossroads” in my life, I decided to follow Jesus. Never, for one minute, have I been sorry that I left other things behind in order to follow Him.
Yours for following Jesus,
P.S. Yesterday, as I reflected on September 11th, 2001, I recalled how my cohost, Lorna Dueck, and I were live on the 100 Huntley Street telecast when the news broke that a commercial airliner had hit the World Trade Centre. About five minutes into the start of the program, our producer, George McEachern, interrupted to tell us the breaking news. We cut to the live CNN newsfeed and went to prayer. HERE is a video clip of 100 Huntley Street that day.
Lord God, thank You for David Mainse and all those working for You. They are truly the salt and the light in this world as they bring You into all spheres of life. Bless all Your people everywhere, I ask in Jesus’s name, amen
And, Part 3 from Preston Manning’s book: Book Excerpt: ‘A Horse for Mr. Lincoln’ (Part 3)
I remember well that broadcast and the World Trade Centre incident. It was certainly a very heart wrenching event. Jesus is our Shield and Protector. Praying for families today in these challenging times. Blessings all.
A day no one will forget when the world slipped further away.It was so surreal,hard to believe.I know a lady,owner of a grieving site ,whose son was an air force officer on duty at the Pentagon when it was hit.He was not injured but helped get others out.Her other son worked with her in their car rental business.He had cancer and was at his desk on Thurs and his funeral was the following Monday.She had a very hard life.She sent me an autographed copy of her book,A Broken Heart with a few written comments in it.She asked me to write a poem for her.Rarely would the words come for a request but the second attempt was pleasing to her.I will share it below.”I am only His pen”.God bless
What I Could Not Find (4 K c)
Is there ever time to say goodbye
When one is called to leave the stage
And are there words for the lie
That I’ll have strength to turn the page?
You were alive with your smiling eyes,
Then before I knew you were gone
And I can not e’er disguise,
The lingering pain I fret upon.
We were so close in our world of trust;
Your world was opening for you,
Until it became unjust
And then you were gone before I knew.
A blur of so many tear filled nights
That left me so lost I was blind,
‘Til He took me to new heights
To show on earth what I could not find.
Now I know why He loaned you to me,
For you taught my heart how to love
Until in eternity,
We will all be together above.
Time has passed,the page has turned slowly,
But it was not I who turned it,
For He,the One so holy,
Found my soul and returned it.
G W(Bill) Marshall/25 Aug,2014
Written for Kc Hutter,owner of SFCM
She a sincere Christian and would make an excellent guest for 100 Huntley St…