Today’s Reading: Matthew 19-20
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

A young man seeks God in St. Gabriel Church, a Greek Orthodox church in Nazareth. This is the place where some believe that the angel appeared to the Virgin Mary announcing that she would give birth to Jesus. In the crypt of the church flows what is called “Mary’s Spring,” an artesian well from which the people of Nazareth would draw their drinking water.
Key Verses: Matthew 20:27-28
And whoever desires to be first among you, let him be your slave– just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many.
There are several key differences between the structure and leadership of a typical company and the Church. The first difference is apparent in our key verses. Usually in a secular setting, a leader emerges who is hard-driving, ambitious, and strives for a higher position. This is entirely the opposite of Christ’s teaching regarding the Church. Only the humble should lead; they lead not from a place of pride, but from a position of serving. Another difference has to do with power. In the Church, the “Chief Executive Officer” is always the Chief Servant, and we seek to serve Him, the Lord Jesus, instead of ourselves.
Jesus, please make my heart more and more like Yours – a servant’s heart. Amen!
I learned a lot from my Dad. He was a farm boy who served in WWI, had an earned doctorate, served as a college President, and served God in Egypt as a missionary for 21 years. Twice when he came home on furlough, he was assigned to a country charge (Pastoring two or more congregations). He kept coveralls and boots in the trunk of the car. He would visit from farm to farm, find the farmer, and ask if he could help him clean the cow stable. When I had a day off school, I’d be there with him. After an hour or so of work, he would say to the farmer, “Do you suppose we could have prayer with you and your wife?” He was never turned down. The churches filled up and people came to know Christ.
Yours as a slave of the One who washed other people’s feet,
P.S. A few years back, I was interviewed by Jim Cantelon on the 100 Huntley Street telecast during Father’s Day week, and I shared about my father. If you would like to watch it, click HERE for part one and HERE for part two.
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for Your Word. Help us take it to heart, so we live by it every day, in Jesus’s name, amen
Amen,Rob. “Oh,to be like Christ.”
I think this goes well with today’s teaching.May God bless
Search Me
Search me,oh Lord,I’m Yours,
Remove the cobwebs that hide,
Find out what my heart stores,
Then put the wrong far to one side.
Search again,oh Lord,for light,
Let not darkness cloud my mind,
That I may freely do what’s right,
For I want a heart clean and kind.
Search my soul,Oh Lord,for me;
Don’t let me be vain and phony,
For such get lost and can’t see,
Then become the devil’s crony.
Search my heart,oh Lord again,
Leave no trace of greed within,
Then I can show,without pain,
The love betrayed by my sin.Amen
G W Marshall / 08-Nov-013
Amen to Rob and William’s comments. A Wonderful post today as David shared his reality and struggles through life. He is enjoying his rewards now. Bless the family and Norma-Jean. Have a good, warm, day all!!
Amen to the comments above
Blessings to all this day amen ✝️🙏