Today’s Reading: Matthew 18
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A young boy holds onto the family donkey in the Nazareth Village, a wonderful reminder showing what Nazareth may have been like when Jesus was a boy.
Key Verse: Matthew 18:20
For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.
Were you in church last Sunday? Were there two or more people there? Then He who cannot lie was in the midst of the worship in a special, unique way. Norma-Jean sang a song for me from the piano recently: “He is here! Listen closely! He is calling out your name! He is here! You can touch Him! You will never be the same!” Just the two of us were worshipping, and we experienced the presence of Jesus. When we confront problems and difficulties, we are not alone. He is here! It’s a fact! Minister to someone today. You can assure that person that HE IS HERE!!! Just as certain as Jesus was present to heal in Galilee, He is with you as you minister in His Name!
Lord Jesus, please send Your Holy Spirit upon me so that I will be totally confident of Your presence, particularly as I meet with others. Your Word declares that You inhabit the praises of Your people. Amen!
Nik Walenda walked over Niagara Falls on a tight rope. If you watched it on TV you would have heard this Spirit-filled believer worshipping. He was heard all over the world saying,”Thank You Jesus! – Thank You Lord! – Praise You Lord! – I worship You Jesus!” Over and over, when the sound of the broadcast took his words, he was worshipping. A great congregation, including Norma-Jean, our two grandsons, David and Adam, and I, were praising God with him. More recently, he did the same kind of high-wire worshipping as he crossed the Grand Canyon! Like Nik, when I need to experience the presence of God, I begin to worship. I’ve had the honour to know the Walenda family personally as they have appeared several times on the 100 Huntley Street telecasts. They stretched a high wire above the back parking lot of the Crossroads Centre, walked across, did acrobatics, and witnessed for Jesus on live television across the continent (you can watch our report on Nik’s Niagara Falls crossing here).
Yours for walking in challenging circumstances,
P.S. Throughout this 730 day trip through the Bible, I will point out the repetitions that emphasize the truths contained in our readings. In today’s reading, Jesus is recorded speaking of His Father four times.
Father, thank You for Your guiding hand on Your people. Bless each one, and speed Your Word throughout this world, that all will hear Your invitation to eternal Life, I pray in Jesus’s name, amen
I remember the family performing at the Crossroads Centre. Amazing! (I was there). Blessings all today and, especially on the Mainse family. Loved Norma Jean’s song, “He is Here”.
Amen Rob and Doreen
Blessings all today 🙏✝️
Blessing To all!!!
Pray for my family!!!