Saturday, June 15, 2024


Today’s Reading: Matthew 14

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


A calm settles on the Sea of Galilee, just after a storm.

Key Verse: Matthew 14:31

And immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and caught him, and said to him, “O you of little faith, why did you doubt?”

Peter, the man of faith and doubt, boldness and fear, is one of us. His faith carried him out of the boat, but his doubt immediately brought big problems. Don’t be too hard on Peter. Those still in the boat were safe, but they missed a great experience with Jesus. On the walk back to the boat, I think Jesus held Peter, and Peter surely hung onto Jesus for dear life. Later Peter’s memory was greatly improved by the power of the Holy Spirit. The result?…faith and boldness marked his total life. Are you willing to sink and look like a big fool? Or are you just playing it safe?


Lord Jesus, I know You won’t let me down as I let go of the boat and start walking. Grant me the grace to attempt the humanly impossible. May I not be discouraged by the comments of those still in the boat. Amen!


There are several things that could’ve sunk the ministry of Crossroads. The money was not on hand to do some of the major initiatives we undertook (e.g. Pavilions in four World Expositions). In two of the Expos, we were sinking, but Jesus was there to catch us. He had said, as He did to Peter, “Come.” As leader, I had stepped out of the boat, and so did our Board of Directors, as did our fellow team members, and our supporting partners. In Spain alone (Expo ’92), at least 53,000 people registered decisions for Christ. The Archbishop of Seville said weeping, “My people, my people need this message.”

Yours for walking on water,


5 thoughts on “Saturday, June 15, 2024

  1. Written about the time I joined 100 Words,thinking I might last a week? and by God’s grace,here I still am.May God bless all who read this blog:
    The Borders Of Faith

    Oh Lord,do You seek me out,
    That I might be the breath You shout,
    Though I might bear a sinner’s doubt,
    Your call will find one so devout.

    Your word speaks of those who served,
    Ancient servants of doubtful minds,
    Weak in faith who became unnerved
    Until your whisper,the soul reminds.

    I will bide,You’re in control
    And You will summon this servant,
    Then I will find praise to extol
    And serve You in love so fervent.

    It is then I’ll come to know,
    Words that will come on high with wings,
    Where past the borders of faith grow
    The harvest for the King of kings.
    G W (Bill) Marshall / September 06, 2013

  2. Thank You for Your compassion, Lord. You are kind and merciful to us. Help us also to love others and do our part to bring Your goodness to the places You bring us, in Jesus’ great name, amen

    • Amen Rob. So thankful that you continued on, William. Your poems are so thought provoking. May our faith increase greatly in this present time. Amen

  3. Amen to David’s prayer.
    As Matthew 14:31 says, may we all obey God’s Word and
    always have faith in God and give Him the Praise & Glory,
    in Jesus’ Holy Name I pray, Amen.
    He is the Way, the Truth and the Life, Amen!

  4. Amen. Praise and thanksgiving to our Lord.
    I missed commenting yesterday as I didn’t read it until today but I do agree that too many people believe the. Evolution theory. I pray that we can help this younger generation to understand and believe that this world is God’s creation and for them to hear the salvation story and believe
    God bless all bloggers and those that just read

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