Today’s Reading: Matthew 15
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The present-day entrance to the historic village of Capernaum. The sign reads “Capernaum The Town of Jesus.”
Key Verse: Matthew 15:9
And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men.
The third commandment (Exodus 20), “You shall not take the Name of the Lord your God in vain,” includes worship not founded solidly on a true understanding of God’s Word. Moses, upon his descent from Sinai, discovered the people worshipping with the practices of the religion of Egypt. Satan went into the religion business because he wanted to be worshipped. What Lucifer failed to receive in Heaven, he convinces men to invent on earth. The ancient temples of Egypt were an effort to copy the approach to God in Heaven with “the god of this world” depicted by an image in the inner chamber. Daily, daily, daily read God’s Word.
Dear Lord Jesus, I worship God in Your Name with an ever-increasing understanding of the Scriptures. I read, mark, inwardly digest the written Word, the Bible. You promised the “Spirit of truth ” will guide me into all Truth (John 16:13). I ask now for that guidance as I meditate on Your Word. Amen!
In my first year of Bible College, I was required to memorize 50 Bible verses. I had learned memory verses in Sunday School, but this was different. I was required to quote all 50 verses one after the other. I’ll never forget the aftermath of that exercise. I took my Bible and hugged it to my heart, walking up and down the hall, worshipping God for the gift of His precious Word. The Holy Spirit transferred the Word from my head only, deeply into my innermost being. The result? “Your Word have I hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You” (Psalm 119:11).
Yours for a pure heart,
P,S. I’ve just read John 4:20-24. The pictures below are from when I preached on Father’s Day in 2014. Looking back to pleasant, God-blessed days is an encouragement.

Myles’ dad, Todd Neilson and Papa, Bruce Stacey, were on the platform with me as I presented Myles with a special book from his Great-Grampa. The book contains 50 responses from my blog partners to Myles’ question (see blog posting from August 28, 2013).
A Wonderful gift for David’s great grandson! I’ve attended Queensway Church for 10 years but we had moved away at that time. They were very good years. Blessings all this Father’s Day!!
Beautiful picture of Myles. Bless all families today, Lord, I ask in Jesus’ great, great, great name, amen
Happy Father’s Day
Do all the dads on this blo also Happy Father’s Day to Ron and of course David who is celebrating Father’s Day in heaven
My prayer is that God would bless all dads fathers today it’s a big job it’s a big responsibility to be a dad a father they need our prayers and they need our support ✝️🙏
Amen Marilyn.
Wishing everyone a Happy Fathers’ Day, 2024.
May God bless you all in Jesus’ Name, Amen.
Happy Fathers’ Day to all fathers and especially to the Father of all.Blessings
Breath From God
Each page is a breath from God,
Each sentence is written in love
And it will guide you as you trod
On your journey home above.
Let not fear plug up your ears
Nor the beauty of His truth escape,
For this truth dissolves all your fears
And fills your heart with agape.
To know the mind of the Lord
Is the purpose of these words divine,
So that you can wield His mighty sword
To fulfill His just design.
(G W) Bill Marshall/30 Nov, 2015