Friday, June 7, 2024


Today’s Reading: Matthew 6

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The Church of the Beatitudes was built on the traditional location of Jesus’ Sermon On The Mount.

Key Verse: Matthew 6:33 (NKJV)

But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.


Today’s blog title is from a popular Jamaican song. Perhaps “Be Joyful” would be better, as happiness depends on happenings. You may want to read again Matthew 6:25-33.

Joy depends on your faith that Jesus is present. The Apostle Paul, in Philippians 4:11, shared, “I have learned in whatsoever state I am, there to be content.” Being content has nothing to do with material possessions. Knowledge of God’s love and care is enough. Put God first. He’ll provide employment, business opportunities and Good Samaritans when in trouble. All things we really need will come our way. Trust God. He won’t fail you!


Lord God I pray for health, strength and ambition to do my part and to seek Your daily blessings. I am resolved to trust You for my every need. I ask these mercies in Jesus’ Name. Amen!


I was 20 years old. Taking a year off from my theological studies to help establish a new congregation seemed like a good idea. I had determined to spend full time in door-to-door evangelism, teaching God’s Word to children, helping needy people cut and pile wood for heat, and cooking for the coming winter, etc., but I had no regular income. One morning I put cornflakes in my bowl but had no money to buy milk. A couple of spoonfuls of dry cornflakes and I had a full-blown “pity party.” I recovered sufficiently to pray and felt I should walk to the Post Office. The clerk handed me one letter, and guess what? Someone blessed me with $5.00. Milk and even brown sugar sure tasted good on my cereal. Yes, later that year I worked in construction and even as a supply teacher in public school. Everything I truly needed was supplied. God is faithful. He never fails!

Written with love & prayer,


4 thoughts on “Friday, June 7, 2024

  1. I prayed David’s Prayer for Today and also asked Him for
    wisdom to make the right decisions every day, in Jesus’ Name
    I pray, Amen.

    May our Lord God bless all who take part in this blog.

  2. Amen,Joyce.My prayer too.Please pray for my buddy’s widow.She is handling this funeral alone.There will be many close friends but the closest (family) can’t get home because of illness.She is a very caring person.God bless

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