Today’s Reading: Matthew 5
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The Mount of Beatitudes is located near the North Shore of the Sea of Galilee. It was in this area that Jesus delivered the longest recorded teaching we have on record, Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7. The Church of the Beatitudes can be seen in the distance.
Key Verse: Matthew 5:44
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.
“Love” and “Enemy” don’t fit together. Sue and be sued! Get even! That’s our world today. Jesus makes a demand which is humanly impossible. In verse 39, Jesus tells us that “Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” A while back at a meeting of our Crossroads U.S.A. Board, Rev. Albert Vaters commented on John 15:5, “Without Me you can do NOTHING.” He said that no matter how hard we try on our own, it is worth zero. But he assured us that “With God NOTHING will be IMPOSSIBLE.”
Jesus, the true Revolutionary, is “LOVE.” This is His DNA.
Lord Jesus, I invite You to live in me. Only You have lived 100% the words You taught us. I give myself to You. Because of You living in me, “NOTHING shall be IMPOSSIBLE.” Amen!
It has never been hard for me to pray the prayer that Jesus said would make me right with God, “God be merciful to me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13). The word “sin” originates as an archery term. It means missing the target. My aim, my focus, my prayer is to be like Jesus. Most of the time I miss the bullseye, but there are times when I am conscious that Jesus in me is helping me to hit the mark.
One day I met a young man named Gord at the YMCA. His face was buried in a paper bag. He was sniffing glue. He lifted his head just long enough to spit in my face. Amazingly I felt nothing but love for Gord. I’m 100% sure that was not just me. Jesus was living and loving from within.
In Christ’s love and service,
I think Jesus sees us as we see our own children and babies.If they spit in our face it would be easy to forgive.Again,thank you for your prayers re my friend’s passing.May God bless
In the grieving sites almost always included the second poem also.
Forgiveness is a gift we receive,
And freely we must give it too,
To prove to Him we do believe,
Forgiveness also works for you.
When Judas stabed His back,
He did not turn to attack;
For it was not a setback,
When Satan caused this man to crack.
When you forgive it then returns,
For your heart is then lightened
While given the freedom it yearns
And your mind is then enlightened.
Let His healing hand touch your soul,
Then may His love render you whole,
For Satan will try to collect a toll
If faith is weak you give control
But someone you may overlook
Is one you may be least kind to;
For mistaken paths that you took;
The one you forgive must be you.
GW (Bill) Marshall/2012
Lest You Be Judged (4 Grieving Mothers)
Unless you have been in my shoes,
I’ve been on paths I did not choose,
So do not judge what I may do,
For one day soon this could be you.
Fortune has not been my friend,
Nor has my heart had help to mend,
Misfortune has never been far away
The scars I bear,too many to say.
Not many smiles are without a blade
And when you’re down quickly fade,
So remember,to thine own self be true,
And be honest in all things you do.
G W(Bill) Marshall/2012
Wonderful, thoughtful, poem, William. I have family in Cambodia just now, who will be working there for 6 or more months. It is a very poor and struggling country. I pray for safety and direction from God for them. Blessings all.
Standing with you in prayer Doreen. May the Lord keep your family safe and block Satan from causing you to fear.
God’s blessings to all
Thank you. HJR. Blessings on you and yours.