Today’s Reading: Proverbs 18-19
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David Citadel is part of the walls that surround Jerusalem. It is located near the Jaffa Gate entrance to the Old City of Jerusalem. Built to strengthen a strategically weak point in the Old City’s defences, the citadel that stands today has ancient foundations which were constructed during the 2nd century BC. It was subsequently destroyed and rebuilt by, in succession, the Roman, Byzantine, Muslim, Mamluk, and Ottoman occupiers of Jerusalem. It contains important archaeological finds dating back 2,700 years. The Proverbs we are reading predate these efforts in stone and are devoted to building wisdom, rather than buildings which can be destroyed.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Proverbs 18:21a, 19:21
Death and life are in the power of the tongue.
…There are many plans in a man’s heart,
Nevertheless the Lord’s counsel — that will stand.
Other verses in these chapters could and should be key to finding and exercising wisdom. For example, “A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother” (Proverbs 18:24). We can all think of a person or persons who are our true friends. Let’s call them today, and let’s call that greatest Friend of all in prayer! Speak life, not death! Bless others with our words! Never underestimate the power of the tongue for good or evil. James, the one known as the brother of Jesus, wrote on this. If he was writing today, he may have been a blogger! Read James 3:1-12 for healthy medicine, the main ingredient of which is wisdom.
For a commentary on our second key verse (19:21), let’s go to James again (James 4:13-15). Just imagine that James is your blogger today.
Thank You Lord Jesus for being my Friend that sticks closer than a brother. Help me, I pray, to be Your true friend! There is a hymn, Father God, that I’m reminded of. It’s called “Friendship With Jesus.” Yesterday, Lord, I meditated on the hymn, “What a Friend we have in Jesus!” Today, I ask myself the question, “Am I a genuine friend of Jesus?” I pray for Your grace to be Your true friend. For this request, Lord God, I do as the Proverb in today’s reading says, I run into the “strong tower” of Your Name! (Proverbs 18:10). Amen!
I want to explain why I always use the New King James Version in my blog. It is because it’s one of several reliable modern translations from the original languages of the Bible, Hebrew and Greek. The NKJV in particular maintains the beauty of the 1611 translation in my opinion. The King James Version was first published at a time when the English language was at its best, as revealed in Shakespeare’s plays when thousands of ordinary, relatively uneducated people would stand for hours to watch and listen to magnificent words. Spoken languages are living organisms, and it is important to reflect the changing meanings of words. The Bible on which I was raised was an updated translation done in the mid-nineteenth century. For example, the word “prevent” meant “come before” back then. Now it means “to stop someone.” The new translation of 1 Thessalonians 4:15 translates the word as “precede” (1 Thessalonians 4:13-18).
Yours in honour of true friendships,
Here’s a link to the Hymn Friendship with Jesus
Thanks, Luisa, for the link to “Friendship with Jesus”. I don’t think I have ever heard that song before. Blessings all today.
Lovely hymn, thank you for sharing this.. Eleanor M
Doreen I really enjoyed the hymn Luisa put on. I had never heard it before either.
How we need You, Lord. All of us everywhere.
We all need You every hour…May God bless
I Need Thee Every Hour
Ella Fitzgerald
Thank you William, we sure do need His every hour.