Wednesday, September 20, 2023


Today’s Reading: Psalms 26-27

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Light breaks through the turbulent clouds on the dome of the Santi Luca e Martina church in Rome.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Psalm 27:1

The Lord is my light and my salvation;

Whom shall I fear?

The Lord is the strength of my life;

Of whom shall I be afraid?


Like diamonds when the light strikes the many facets, so is the content of these two Psalms given to us by God and His shepherd king David. Let us join David in his prayers. He prays, “Vindicate me – Examine me – Try my mind and my heart – Redeem me and be merciful to me – Hear, O Lord, when I cry with my voice – Have mercy upon me and answer me – Teach me Your way, O Lord.” He encourages us to – Walk in integrity – Walk in truth – Tell of all God’s wondrous works – Dwell in the house of the Lord – Behold the beauty of the Lord – Inquire in His temple – Wait on the Lord – Be of good courage!!! As a result of prayer and of taking courage from God, David can state, “I shall not slip – My foot stands in an even place – The Lord is the strength of my life – My heart shall not fear – I will be confident – I will sing praises to the Lord – The Lord will take care of me!”

Now, why not confess out loud the words of our key verse! Are we ready to face another 24 hours of life? Yes! Yes! Yes!


O Lord, today I’m joining king David in his prayers. I’m making those prayers an integral part of my petitions to You! I wait on You Lord! You are strengthening my heart! Amen!!!


I’m thinking just now of the absolutely essential elements of loving and serving God which David highlights for us. In the 1970s, the song, “You Light Up My Life,” sung by Debbie Boone, was at the top of the pop charts for weeks. As I chose the key verse, “The Lord is my Light,” I was thinking of Debbie as she sat in the Green Room preparing to go out on the set of 100 Huntley Street. I may have told this story in a previous blog, but she was in Toronto performing the role of Maria Von Trapp in “The Sound of Music” production in a local theatre. My contact with Debbie was through her dad, Pat Boone, who had been our guest several times. As we prayed together, Debbie began to cry. I heard her say, “O Lord Jesus, it’s been so long, so very long.” She had obviously been so preoccupied with her role in such a famous production that she had neglected having a daily experience of the Presence of God. One of my reasons for this daily blog is so that I will never have to say, “It’s been so very long.” My son Ron just told me that I wrote about Debbie Boone in a previous blog, and we linked to a 100 Huntley Street interview with her. In case you missed it, here it is again.

One more thing…out of the thousands of guests I’ve had the privilege of interviewing, there were several who quoted Psalm 27:10 as their personal experience, “When my father and mother forsake me, then the Lord will take care of me.” I cannot imagine what life would be like if I didn’t know that God is taking care of me!!!

Yours for getting to know God better each day,


8 thoughts on “Wednesday, September 20, 2023

  1. Thank you for the update, Eleanor. Praying for you and Edward as he goes for the transfusion today. May all go well and be very beneficial to his health.

    May the Lord encourage each of us and guide us in our journey. He is our hope. Psalm 119:49

    • Amen Louisa. Praying for Edward. Please pray for me also. A big move Friday. Very, very, stressful. Please pray for me (not well), and for my family as they will be doing the move. Thanks so much. A lovely worship song today by Debbie Boon. Thanks all. Blessings.

  2. Praying for you and Edward,Doreen.You have the right attitude (faith) and trust.My ‘adopted sister’ is waiting on an apartment.She lives alone and I have been her only help (mostly) as her children live in Ont and Vermont.She is not looking forward the move.I believe she,and you,will adapt well to the new surroundings.May God bless you
    PS:Had to sneak this in:
    Inspired by Psalm 73:24-25
    With wise counsel Thou will guide me
    ‘Til in glory Thou make me free,
    For Who in heaven have I but Thee
    And with no mortal I choose but with Thee to be,
    For earthly strength may up and flee;
    But Thou be my portion for eternity.
    (G.W.)Bill Marshall/Oct 09, 2015

  3. Amen, I am joining everyone in prayer for all of our needs and concerns and fears.
    I pray for strength and health for Edward, and also for peace and strength for Eleanor, it is not always easy to be the caregiver, and Eleanor may you & family feel God’s love & strength in the coming days.

  4. I do appreciate all the prayers for Edward and for me.
    Praying for Doreen, that the Lord will give her strength and hope as she moves into her new Residence on Friday.
    Blessings to all bloggers today and everyday Eleanor M

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