Today’s Reading: Psalms 23-25
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The Golden Gate, also known as the Eastern Gate. According to Ezekiel 44:1-3, the Messiah will one day return to the Temple Mount through this gate. The Ottoman Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent sealed off the Golden Gate in 1541 in an attempt to prevent the Messiah’s entrance.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Psalm 23:1
The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
Psalm 23 is classic literature and worthy of memorization. Even better than this is that it is true! We may want to read it aloud slowly, meditating on each line, applying it to our personal experience. David, the shepherd king, knew from childhood the literal truth of his words. Jesus, perhaps thinking of this Psalm, said, “I am the good Shepherd.” Let us add to David’s words the words of Jesus found in John 10:1-18. Jesus speaks of sheep and shepherds 20 times. He says that “The good shepherd gives his life for the sheep.”
Yesterday we read the Psalm of the CROSS. Today, the Psalm of the shepherd’s CROOK. Then in Psalm 24 we have the Psalm of the CROWN. Psalm 24:7-10 are also worthy of memorization. In the PAST, there is the finished work of Jesus on the CROSS! In the PRESENT, His shepherd’s CROOK is our constant source of guidance and protection! In the FUTURE, the CROWN…Jesus as “the King of Glory shall come in.” Amen! Amen! Amen!
Lord God, the third Psalm in today’s reading is my prayer. I pray for You to (1) “Show me Your ways,” (2) “Lead me in Your truth,” (3) “Remember Your tender mercies and Your loving-kindnesses,” (4) “Pardon my iniquity,” (5) “Turn Yourself to me, and have mercy on me,” (6) “Look on my affliction and my pain,” (7) “Forgive all my sins,” (8) “Keep my soul and deliver me,” (9) “Let me not be ashamed,” (10) Let integrity and uprightness preserve me.” ….. Amen!!!
I’m truly lifted up in my spirit as I sit at my laptop computer. I don’t know how anyone could read, “Lift up your heads, O you gates! And be lifted up you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in,” and not feel a surge of emotion! There’s another reason my spirit is lifted up…Happy 59th anniversary Norma-Jean! Thank you for your amazing commitment to me on September 19th, 1958 (see photo below). You are more beautiful to me than ever!!
The Islamic Sultan Suleiman in the 1500’s may have sealed up what is known as “The Golden Gate” (picture above), but when Messiah returns to the Mount of Olives, from which He ascended into Heaven (directly opposite the gate), a few stones will never hinder His entrance into the Temple Mount area. The angels said to the astonished and bewildered disciples of Jesus after He had ascended and disappeared from their sight, “This same Jesus, who was taken up from you into Heaven, will so come in like manner as you saw Him go into Heaven.” Suleiman, as a Muslim, said he believed that Jesus was a great prophet, but his Jesus was not the “SAME” Jesus. Suleiman did not believe in the death of Jesus as the sacrificial Lamb of God. He did not believe in the literal physical resurrection of Jesus out from among the dead who showed Himself alive by many infallible proofs. I’m expecting the return of the “SAME” Jesus of whom Psalms 22, 23 and 24 speak!!!
Yours for knowing and loving “THIS SAME JESUS” (see Acts 1:1-11),
Thank You, Lord Jesus, for being our Good Shepherd, rescuing, caring for, even laying down Your life for us. Bless all Your people today, with strength, wisdom, even joy as they follow You. I ask in the name of Jesus, our Saviour and Eternal King, amen
Praying for you, Doreen as you prepare to move. The Lord goes before you to prepare the way.
Praying for HJR, her son and family, for Eleanor and Edward and everyone on this blog, especially those with specific requests.
Thinking of and praying for Teresa and her family in their time of sorrow.
Lifting up Norma Jean in prayer on this special day to be spent without her beloved David. May God’s comfort surround her.
Father, You are big enough to handle all our needs as we bring our requests before you. Be merciful to each and everyone of us and lead us in your truth. Amen!
Luisa, agreeing with you in prayer in
Jesus’ Holy Name I pray, Amen.
Amen and thankful for Rayers of Bloggers.
Thank you so much for your prayers Luisa. Edward is coping as best as he can, he goes for a transfusion tomorrow, which will help him to feel better.
I am agreeing with you in prayer for all the other requests.
Blessings to all Eleanor.
Amen and coming into agreement with the thoughts the prayers and the comments above
Also what an absolutely beautiful photograph of David and Norma Jean on their wedding day
Again Reynold thank you for your pictures that accompanies your father’s blog
Praying blessings on all my fellow bloggers today amen 🙏✝️✋♥️
Amen and joining in prayers with fellow bloggers