Thursday, August 10, 2023


Today’s Reading: 1 Thessalonians 4-5

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


The remains of a fortification wall and entrance which was built in the times of the Byzantine Empire in Thessalonica. History is depicted on the walls as a reminder to all who pass through (see photo below).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: 1 Thessalonians 5:23

Now may the God of peace Himself sanctify you completely; and may your whole spirit, soul, and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.


In today’s reading Paul teaches us concerning the second coming of Christ, and instructs us as to how we should live. The word “sanctification” is repeated three times! As the vessels in the “Sanctuary” (tabernacle) were set aside for holy purposes, we are to live a holy life! Here’s how it’s done: (1) “Abstain from sexual immorality.” (2) “Love one another.” (3) “Lead a quiet life.” (4) “Mind your own business.” (5) “Work with your own hands.” (6) Act “properly to those who are outside.” (6) “Comfort one another.” (7) “Watch and be sober.” (7) Put on “the breastplate of faith and love.” (8) Put on “as a helmet the hope of salvation.” (9) “Whether we wake (life now) or sleep (death) we should live together with Him.” (10) “Edify one another.” These 10 powerful New Covenant commandments take us up to Chapter 5, verse 11.

Paul also gives us important guidance for our own lives. We will be blessed by reading again and taking time to digest excellent counsel from 5:12 to the end of the book. There are 12 more instructions here (not optional for all who are sanctified).

If Paul had a blog he would no doubt type the words from 5:27, “I charge you by the Lord that this epistle be read to all the brethren!”

Our key verse shows us how God will accomplish these things in our lives. This is a good verse to memorize! (5:23).


Great God of peace, I yield myself to You. I pray that You will sanctify me for Your purposes. Only You can keep me blameless; I cannot do this on my own. I thank You for working in me to accomplish Your will. In the Name of the One who always did what is right, Jesus Himself, Amen!!!


In the very first letter Norma-Jean wrote to me, she used letterhead with 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 printed at the top of the page: “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.” She claims that she did not choose this verse on purpose; it was just the writing paper at hand. However, it has proven to be a prophetic Word for us for almost 59 years of marriage!

Yours because of the One who is FAITHFUL, “Who also will do it” (verse 24 of chapter 5),


Some of the history of Thessalonica depicted on the structure (described in the top photo caption).


5 thoughts on “Thursday, August 10, 2023

  1. Thank You, Father, for Your faithfulness. Everyday and everywhere, you are there to strengthen, comfort, and counsel us. Bless Doreen in her new situation. Thank You again, Lord – Great is Thy faithfulness! – in Jesus’s great name, amen

    • I had in my mind also, Rob, to thank the Lord for His faithfulness! Amazingly, He knows us – our thoughts and desires. There is no one like Him. Praying for Maui. Such destruction by fire. Father, in Jesus Name, draw all the people to Yourself. They have lost everything. May they find the Greatest Treasure in You. Amen

  2. Doreen,
    I also am joining others in praying for you, as you move. May you experience a very smooth transition and be welcomed warmly and lovingly in the nursing home. May you feel at home in your new surroundings and receive optimum care. God bless you and fill you with His peace daily!

  3. Doreen, praying your transition goes smoothly. I moved 5 years ago into a retirement village after my husband died. I was reluctant but came over one evening and walked around the perimeter praying if it was Gods will and it has been great .
    It is a Christian run community and I feel blessed to be here.
    God will go with you have no fear

    • Thank you Gwen & Luisa. I have had family members in LTC & Retirement Homes. They were good. I am so surprised now because of the requirements. Many things, (blood tests, X-Ray, etc). It is mind boggling the things you have to do at this time. Very stressful. Thanks for your prayers. I’m missing William’s poems. I pray he is well. Blessings

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