Today’s Reading: Mark 16
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion on the right-hand side).

Many believe that it was inside this “Garden Tomb” in Jerusalem that Jesus’ body was laid. This tomb was originally made for a shorter man, perhaps Joseph of Arimathea, but as you can see on the right, the end was dug out to fit a taller man’s body.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 16:15
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.”
It’s a fact! Jesus is literally and physically risen from the dead and is alive forevermore. This is the cornerstone of the Church. According to Dr. Paul Maier, Professor of Ancient History at Western Michigan University, this is the most reliable truth from the first century in terms of documentation and is the reason for the exceedingly rapid growth of the Church. Prior to Jesus’ death, except for the time He sent out His followers on a practice run (Luke 10), He carried the ministry of the Word and the Holy Spirit Himself. The miraculous confirmation of the Word with miracles following was a normal occurrence. Now, Jesus passes the mission on to you and me, His followers. He commissions us to “GO!” When an imperative in grammar is spoken or written, the “YOU” is said to be “UNDERSTOOD.” Do we really understand? I pray that the answer in “YES!”
Lord Jesus, I hear You “Loud and Clear.” By Your grace and my obedience, I am obeying Your command to “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel.” I’m going in my intercessory prayers, in my sacrificial giving of money, and in time. I say with Isaiah, as I read in Isaiah 6:1-8, “Here am I, send me.” In Your all-powerful Name, Jesus Christ, I pray. AMEN!
(NOTE: This blog was written by David Mainse on August 8th, 2016)
On the 13th & 14th of this month, Norma-Jean and I celebrate our Birthdays. She’ll be 77 on the 14th and I’ll be 80 on the 13th. Culture and the communications media have dramatically changed since we started on TV. Norma-Jean was 22 and I was 25. Several Crossroads supporters have told me that they believe God has spoken to them that the television ministry is being given “NEW Wineskins” (click here for Jesus’ Words on wineskins). The new leadership at Crossroads has been called by God to fill the new containers, pouring the wine of God’s Word, Presence and Power into millions of precious lives.
Yours for “ALL THE WORLD!”
P.S. Please keep Crossroads in prayer, and if God should lead you to help out financially, please call with your support at 1-800-265-3100 or give online by clicking HERE. God bless you!
He is risen!
Esster Song:
“4 But when they looked up, they saw that the stone, which was very large, had been rolled away. ” This indicates that the tomb was on a hill or an upward slope.
Reading David’s words often brings a poem or two to mind with the thought to post them as messages of inspiration and faith.I usually think of them as messages disguised as poems.I hope they inspire someone.God bless
Oh Lord
Send me,oh Lord,where danger is rife,
Send me,my Master,that I might serve,
Send me,my Friend,I give You my life,
Send me,my Christ,but give me nerve.
Let me,oh Lord,show Satan’s black eyes,
That a common man can give his all
And one so lowly suffers and dies,
Before You return to watch him fall.
Use me,oh Lord,I am worthy as dirt,
Make me,my King,a nameless soul,
That I might,Your Holy Name assert;
Let me,Oh Jesus,fulfill Your goal.
G W Marshall / May 24, 2013
The King’s Task
Set fire to my soul,oh Lord,
Make me burn with truth and love,
So our honour can be restored,
With wisdom from Your throne above .
Oh Master,you lifted me up high
From the depths of hell’s pit,
To complete me and quell my cry,
But there’s no debt I can remit.
You have shared with me your strength
And buoyed my heart from grief,
So I can go with you to any length
To give your words of truth’s relief.
Sorrow has no power over your word,
But when Satan’s lies are believed,
Faith is robbed by what’s inferred,
So your light now must be retrieved.
Because of shadows over this land,
I ask you now to let me speak,
In words you place in my hand,
That shows your might beside the meek.
I seek humility to keep me strong,
So give me that is all I can ask,
Then I will seek within the throng,
With this beggar doing the King’s task.
G W (Bill) Marshall /January 08, 2013
It’s the other side of the calendar from Easter but today’s scripture makes this poem seem appropriate too.Blessings:
The Open Tomb
As I now stand in the open tomb,
I see the world that brought My doom,
When every heart was filled with gloom;
That’s why I must prepare them room.
I taught enough to give them sight,
That they will know that truth is right
And in this truth shall shine My light
Until My return with Heaven’s might.
The love I felt in this world of hate
Is too strong for mere words to state,
But for some it’s now not too late
To follow Me through Heaven’s gate.
G W(Bill) Marshall /April 01, 2013
Amen William
Your poems are always inspirational with timely messages
Thank you again and may God richly bless you ✝️🙏
Wonderful messages in song and praise, Rob and William! “Go into all the world”, which is so big now. Thankfully, with the internet and satellite, that can be accomplished. Galcom is another great avenue. They make durable technical equipment for communication of the Gospel worldwide. With so many people in the world that cannot read, they provide solar activated radios in the languages of such groups, to help evangelize to an amazingly large audience. I suggest you do a Google search of Galcom. Galcom.com.org. Blessings all.
Amen Doreen ✝️🙏