Today’s Reading: Mark 15
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Here, I (Reynold) placed my Bible, open to Mark chapter 15, on the actual paving stones that Jesus would have walked on while carrying His cross. Through the centuries the city has been built up over the road, but the original stones can be seen in the lower area of the Sisters of Sion Convent.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where Reynold took the photo, click HERE.
Key Verse: Mark 15:38
Then the veil of the Temple was torn in two from top to bottom.
In our readings over the next few weeks, we will visit the books of Exodus and Leviticus. The origins of the “veil” are in these books. The “veil” was a symbol of the separation between a holy, all-powerful God and His sinful, weak people. Entrance to the Holy of Holies was restricted to once a year, when the High Priest would go beyond the veil to make atonement for the sins of the people. When Jesus died, the veil was torn open from top to bottom – from God to man – by an act of God. As a result, we can “COME BOLDLY BEFORE THE THRONE OF GRACE” (Hebrews 4:16). The Holy of Holies stood open, an invitation to all to approach the Throne of God through the blood of Jesus which He, as our High Priest, sprinkled on the Mercy Seat in Heaven. Please find the time today to read Hebrews chapters 9 & 10. Our minds will be illuminated and our hearts moved by a greater understanding of what happened in Heaven at the moment Jesus died here on earth.
Dear Heavenly Father, because of the torn veil, Jesus’ body, I come boldly into Your immediate Presence. Jesus’ death has made this possible. This is the greatest honour I could ever have. Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I’m not asking for anything. I’m filled with awe as I soak in Your Presence. Amen! and Amen!
The photograph for today of “Gabatha,” the paving stones which formed the floor of the Roman Governor’s courtyard, bring a special memory to me. Norma-Jean and I first walked on these stones in 1968. Our guide for the convent was a Nun who was quite cold and distant. The next time we came, the same Sister was radiant and began to sing while standing on those stones, “He is Lord. He is Lord. He is risen from the dead and He is Lord.” I said to her, “What has happened to you? The last time we were here you were very formal, but you’ve changed.” She replied, “Oh, I know Him now.” There was a charismatic prayer meeting weekly for those who lived on the Via Dolorosa, and she had been born again and baptized with the Holy Spirit, speaking in other tongues as the Holy Spirit gave her utterance (John 3:3-5 and Acts 2:4). An encounter with the Holy Spirit changes everything.
Yours for living in the immediate Presence of God,
Thank You, Lord God, that You are ultimately in charge of everything. Your ways will prevail. Bless all Your people with new purpose in their lives, knowing that You are in control. Praise You, our Blessed Redeemer, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen Rob ✝️🙏
Thank You Lord for the sacrifice You made for us. Please help us to be available as vessels You can use to further the Gospel & the message of Salvation, in Jesus Name. Amen.
Amen Doreen 🙏✝️
I wish all a wonderful weekend filled with THE HOLY SPIRATE