Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Today’s Reading: Genesis 20-21

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One of the many stone covered walkways in the Old City of Jerusalem.

Key Verses: Genesis 21:2-3

For Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the set time of which God had spoken to him. And Abraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Isaac. 


Abraham named the baby Isaac, which means, “laughter,” for good reasons. (1) When Abraham was promised by God that he would have a son with his wife, Sarah, Abraham “fell on his face and laughed” (Gen. 17:17). (2) When Sarah heard the promise of God she laughed also, but it was a different laugh. Abraham laughed for joy and Sarah laughed because of unbelief (Gen. 18:12). (3) The promise, of which Isaac was the heir, has become a cause for laughter as an expression of joy down through the ages. Isaac was born “at the set time.” God is rarely early in fulfilling His promises, but He is never late! God is punctual. His promised mercies may not come on our schedule. They will come in His timing. “Wait on the Lord; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!” (Psalm 27:14).


Lord, I heard that someone prayed, “Dear Lord, give me patience, and please hurry up!” That thought brings me laughter, and that’s okay with You. I pray that Your joy will fill my heart. Amen!


I make sure I watch the 100 Huntley Street telecast every day. Even if I’m not near a TV set, I can watch it on the internet at I pay close attention to every word spoken, to the body language, and to the visuals shown. You see, these television productions were promised to Norma-Jean and me years ago. My wife had the vision of a continent-wide TV ministry before I did. I laughed at her definite statement. I had unbelief, but God did it anyway. There we were, in a small congregation in a small village. How could this ever be? I look back now and marvel at the plan and grace of God. If you want to see what God has done over the years, click here and browse around the website. Now I laugh for joy realizing that God has done “more than we could ever ask or think according to the power that works within us” (Ephesians 3:20).

Yours with joyful laughter,


10 thoughts on “Wednesday, July 6, 2022

  1. Father, thank You for the Book of Genesis. It is the foundation for our faith. Bless all Your people today, Lord, in Jesus’s name, amen

  2. Thank you Heavenly Father for laughter, for joy that comes from knowing You!
    Lord, I pray that your joy will fill us all today!

  3. What a Wonderful review of the history of Crossroads! The years seem to have flown by so quickly. We moved to Burlington just as the ministry did in the new building. What a blessing to all. May God continue to bless and protect the ministry until Jesus returns. Amen.

  4. 100 Huntley has been an indescribable Blessing for so many years, in so many lives! We are all so very thankful for this ongoing Ministry that lives on and reaches out to the world. Thank YOU, Lord, in Jesus’s Holy Name.
    Praising GOD for each Blogger/Reader …. May you all be well, and strong in Him.

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