Wednesday, June 30, 2021


Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 18

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


Sheep feeding on the lush winter grass of the Jordan Valley while three sheep dogs keep a close eye…especially on the photographer, our son Reynold, who is now serving the Lord in Uganda.

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verses: 2 Chronicles 18:4 &16 – And Jehoshaphat said to the King of Israel, “Please inquire for the word of the Lord today.”

Then he (the prophet of the true God) said, “I saw all Israel scattered on the mountains, as sheep that have no shepherd. And the Lord said, ‘These have no master. Let each return to his house in peace.'”


Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, was a man of God. However, there is no record that he prayed about the decision to join King Ahab of the northern tribes of Israel. Big mistake! Jehoshaphat understood the seriousness of the war that Ahab was about to wage, and he asked whether Ahab had inquired of the Lord. Ahab immediately sought the word of the prophets which had been chosen to serve the golden calf worship. Elijah had destroyed Baal worship. Finally, at Jehoshaphat’s insistence, a prophet of the true God was summoned. His word from God was one of judgment, and for this he was put into prison.

Can we learn from Jehoshaphat’s poor decisions? He rejected God’s counsel and went along with the bad advice of ungodly people. The result was a disaster. King David had written in Psalm 1:1 “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly.” Jehoshaphat failed to pay attention to the very first sentence of the Psalms of his great-great-great-grandfather, King David. Surely Jehoshaphat knew this verse of his Bible.


Lord God, as a result of reading Your Word, I want what You want. Now and always, grant me, I pray, the grace of moving Your Word from my head to my heart and then to my will power, in obedience to You! In the name of the One who always did Your will, Father, Your Son and my Saviour Jesus Christ, Amen!!!


Love sports? Norma-Jean and I are fans! Our grandson-in-law, David Lee, husband of our granddaughter, Elizabeth (her Dad, Reynold does the photography for my blog), played for the Toronto Argonauts football team in 2012 when they won the 100th Grey Cup! I sometimes think that our competition between cities and countries in sports takes the place of the constant wars of ancient times between city states and neighbouring countries. In fact, in the Canada/Soviet Union hockey series of 1972, Canadian Phil Esposito of Sault Ste. Marie declared, “This is war!” Canada won! We’ve produced a documentary featuring Paul Henderson, who scored the Goal of the Century (click here to view part one of my interview with Paul about the documentary and here for part two). Like the coach, God will sometimes order a particular strategy or play. All decisions are based on the playbook. So it is with our book of instructions, the Bible. David Lee, our grandson-in-law, was constantly reading and memorizing his playbook. At one game Norma-Jean and I attended, we noticed that after a great play, the coach patted David on the helmet, probably saying, “Good job!” Someday, I hope my Coach, the Lord Jesus, will say to me, “Well done, David!” After the game, a large number of the players on both teams gathered in the middle of the field to pray (see photo below). I’ve never seen so many players kneel together before God at one time. I’m encouraged!

Yours for following the instructions from our heavenly Coach,


Many players from both teams gathered at centre field after the game to pray.

My grandson-in-law, David Lee (#91), rushing the quarterback.

Norma-Jean and I enjoying the football game with our son Ron and his wife Ann.


18 thoughts on “Wednesday, June 30, 2021

  1. Praying for all saints, today and thankful for your prayers for me. His blessings of love peace and joy be upon you all, fellow saints in the Lord. Such a mighty God we serve. Amen!

    For freedom Christ has set us free; stand firm therefore, and do not submit again to a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1 ESV

    Hope Darst – Peace Be Still (Official Lyric Video)

  2. Thank You, Father, for Your Word. Guide all Your people in good and Godly ways today. Be exalted, Lord, in and through Your church today in Jesus’s great name, amen

  3. A very interesting, informative, and, exciting blog today. I know my husband would have been so excited watching the game with one (possibly 2 of our sons). David’s prayer is right on. The music 🎶 is filled with heartfelt praise & truth. Thank you, Beverlee. Blessings all.

  4. Prayed David’s Prayer for Today.
    Amen Beverlee and Rob.
    Thanks for your encouraging prayers.
    May God bless everyone on the blog according to their needs,
    in Jesus’ Holy Name, Amen.

  5. How does everyohe feel about Canada Day? Tainted by the reality of the uncalled for and unnecessary suffering of our Indigenous Metis and Aboriginal peoples of Canada? Their wounds refreshed by the uncovered bones of corpses of their dear and missing relatives? The continued weight of the pandemic still bearing down upon us, however slowly lifting? What are your feelings on this topic, fellow saints? It somehow seems our expectations of celebration have been lowered, because we have sunken. Regardless, I feel a deep sense of gratefulness for being Canadian and ever thankful this is where God planted me. In the midst of our struggles and uncertainty of the future, we have each other and the gift of this blog, from the blessings of David Mainse and his family. We are Canadian Christians! There could be no greater thing! Let us rejoice and be glad in it! Amen!🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁🍁

    • My thoughts are the same of yours Beverlee. I am so sad at what happened to our indigenous people, yet l I am so glad my parents came to Canada from N. Ireland when I was 13 yrs old. This is where I totally
      committed my life to the Lord Jesus, I love this country and so I will wish everyone Happy Canada Day.
      Edward went to his oncologist yesterday and will be stating Chemo pills on Monday. I would appreciate prayer that he won’t have any of the many side effects.
      I am also glad we have this blog it is a blessing to me..
      Eleanor M.

    • I’m struggling Beverlee. I have a Native son (adopted). I feel grief. His birth mother went to residential schools as did her siblings. Most Canadians (myself included) didn’t understand or know the functioning of the schools. I am fighting feelings that I don’t want . I can’t look at the flag at all just now. Troubled. Sorry.

      • We are with you Doreen and your son’s family. I am watching one of the documentaries right now and it is heart breaking. I just can’t believe what they did to those beautiful children. It is just appalling. Jesus is with you. He is your strength. Let Him hold you. ❤️

      • Yes Doreen we are with you: We can’t understand how this terrible tragedy could have happened. I am praying that the Lord will sustain you and that you will be able to leave it with Him. I can’t image how your son and his family must feel. Dear lLord please help Doreen to have a good night’s rest, Amen.🙏🙏🙏

  6. When Trudeau was first elected, I was very disappointed, but I accepted it. I thought, “Well, Canada is strong and I’m sure it will survive him”. Now I’m not so sure Canada will survive the relentless attacks from these woke activists. These people are puffed up with pride and ungrateful about living in one of the most peaceful places in the world.

    I spoke with 18 immigrants today about their feelings about Canada, and each one was tremendously grateful for this country. Many of them were unabashedly saying, “God bless Canada”. It seems to me that altogether too many people take everything they have for granted.

    Christians especially should count our blessings and remember the God from whose hand these blessings come. Each of us has work to do, but I think it’s very important to pause and thank God for all the blessings of living in this free and bountiful country. Many people in the world are weeping for want of what we take for granted.

  7. I have very mixed emotions about the discovery of all those graves. I pray for peace for all affected. I don’t know if they can ever determine those that died of natural causes from those that didnt. I’m sure there were epidemics of the day that would have taken some of them. Why weren’t bodies returned to families. Now days there is usually a way to contact family but there were times in history that wasn’t the case, so what could they do but bury them. I don’t understand the unmarked it would seem even if there markers that didn’t stand the test of time, there should be a record of where persons were burried. Is it better to exhume them or to let their earthly remains rest in peace and believing that their spirit is with the Lord. I don’t like the disrespect of our nation and our flag. I don’t like to think of compensation for this, how can one out a $ value on these lives. I think that is even more demeaning to them. I pray for all those involved that they will be able to forgive others as they seek to be forgiven. I pray for peace for all.
    I am a proud Canadian. I believe we should live in peace with all of our neighbours, God gave His love to each of us regardless of race, skin colour, financial situations etc. and we should do the same
    Again I pray for peace for all

  8. “Prayer Map of Canada” for the 30th day:

    1. Pray for God’s will to be done where you live and throughout Canadian society, as it is in heaven. (Matt.6:9-13)
    2. Pray that in kindness God will lead many to repentance in your city or community, and across our nation. (Rom. 2:4)

    Sorry for the late posts, been dealing with the heat in BC. Today was 41 and 44 with humidity.

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