Today’s Reading: 2 Chronicles 16-17
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Here is the view from half way up the south end of the Golan Heights in Northern Israel. Looking east you can see into the north of Jordan and to the far left you can see the south end of Syria.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: 2 Chronicles 16:12, 17:9
And in the thirty-ninth year of his reign, Asa became diseased in his feet, and his malady was severe; yet in his disease he did not seek the Lord, but the physicians…So they taught in Judah, and had the Book of the Law of the Lord with them; they went throughout all the cities of Judah and taught the people.
Asa started out so well, but in the last 5 years of his 40-year-long reign he changed. Because his reliance was no longer on God, God backed off and Asa made bad decisions. When we stop seeking the Lord (honouring Him, praying consistently, watching carefully for His guidance) we invariably mess up.
Asa’s son, Jehoshaphat, was watching his father make mistakes. At some point he must have decided to be different than his Dad. The key to his success may be in 17:6, “His heart took delight in the ways of the Lord.” His great-great-great-grandfather (King David) had left his writings for future generations, and I think that Jehoshaphat had access to the Psalms. He probably read them daily. There in Psalm 37:1-8, it says in verse 4, “Delight yourself also in the Lord, and He shall give you the desires of your heart.” Of course, when we delight in the Lord, we want what He wants before anything else. Therefore, we will avoid the bad decisions represented by Asa. We will pray fervently for God’s will to be done in all things and we will, as Psalm 37 goes on the say, “Rest in the Lord, and wait patiently for Him.” Amen and amen!!!
Dear Lord God, Give me grace, I pray, according to Your promises. I trust in You! I delight in You! I commit my way to You! I rest in You! Therefore, I thank You for Your faithfulness! I receive the desires of my heart! You bring to pass Your will! I do not fret! In Jesus’ Name, Amen!!!
On June 28th, 2013 I had the opportunity to host Billy Graham’s grandson, Will Graham. He quoted the words of John the Baptist about Jesus, “He must increase and I must decrease.” He said that this was the way that George Beverly Shea, his Grandpa’s soloist, whose home as a youth was Ottawa, Canada, had lived his life. Chief Superintendent Ronald Mostrey of the RCMP, Ottawa, told of his decision to travel to the funeral service in North Carolina to honour that great Canadian. George Beverly Shea, who had gone to be with his Lord and Saviour at 104 years old, lived a life filled with honour and great contentment. George’s last e-mail to me was when he was 102. He said that he continued to watch 100 Huntley Street online every day and that the telecast was a great source of strength to him. I encourage everyone who reads this to do the same. You can find that telecast with George by clicking here.
The pictures Reynold Mainse has taken of the Syrian bunkers (below) remind me to pray fervently for the Syrian followers of Jesus. Recently I visited with two businessmen whose roots are in the Middle East. They were so very solemn as they had just viewed, on an iPhone, the scene of two Christians brutally beheaded by a Syrian mob. They refused to show it to me as they said it was too gruesome. People need Jesus as never before.
Yours for the desires of the heart of God to be fulfilled,

This photo and the one below are of Syrian bunkers that were built during 1948-67, when Syria controlled this area known as the Golan Heights. They used the area as a military stronghold from which its troops randomly sniped at Israeli civilians in the Hula Valley below, forcing children living on Kibbutzim to sleep in bomb shelters. Israel now controls this territory.
Amazing scripture, message, prayer, photos and history, today. Thank You Lord for Your great love for us. We are nothing without You but everything with You. Our rock, salvation, faith and hope rests in You. Be blessed today, fellow saints in the Lord.
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
John 8:36 ESV
Thank You, Father God, that this is Your creation and that You care about it and about even us. As Hanani said, “The eyes of the Lord search the whole earth in order to strengthen those whose hearts are fully committed to him.”
As David prayed, we commit ourselves to You, Lord! Help all Your children to know Your great love today. And, Lord, draw many, many to You today.
Father, please bring revival to this country – we need You and Your wisdom in this land like never before. In Jesus’s name, amen
The years of Billy Graham’s crusades were great years. I had Bev Shaw’s records (some were 78s)!! Dr John Wesley White attended People’s church in Toronto when he was in town. That became our church too when the Christian school opened. Those were great years. There were many opportunities for Christians in those days (street preaching). More freedom back then. We are so very thankful that we have Christian TV, Christian blogs, especially 100! What blessings! Thank You Lord for Your very great blessings. Thank you Maines family for being so faithful. Blessings all.
Thank you for your instruction on yesterday’s blog,Beverlee.I am referring to the habit of using ‘Christianese’ phrases and words that only Christians can understand.”Saved” is another example.I heard that word so many times before I started attending church 11 years ago but did not understand it until someone actually spelled it out.Others who are strangers to the bible would be just as confused.It is,collectively, all these words and phrases that are a part of my avoiding church.(I thought all churches were like the prosperity movement.)You would not notice these things because they are second nature to you but I remember these stumbling blocks as ‘technical terminology’.If I were to speak of
electrical terminology or satellites with their many frequencies and ‘sub frequencies’
you might then understand.Until you are ‘educated’ in the terminology of the church you can not understand what the message is.I thought yo u might comment but hoped otherwise.Please do not read any sarcasm into my response.I highly respect you and your wisdom.I know I am outclassed by many on here.(I pray every night for a full recovery when you get your operation.)May God bless
Of course I would comment, William. That is a given. We are all equal on this blog. Don’t ever look at it differently. God sees and loves us each exactly the same.
I was blessed to see David interview young Will Graham on this day’s blog.
And to hear about his grandfathers relationship with George Beverly Shea.
The people of Sudbury are preparing for a visit in Oct.2021 with Will Graham and his team of evangelists.
Please keep us in prayer that there will be no more lockdowns preventing him to come here to Sudbury and to pray that many souls will be saved through his anointed salvation message.
Thank you for your prayers.
Amen to all above. Thank you for your words and prayers.
Well said William and I pray for understanding. Beverlee
is such an inspiration to us all, she has very encouraging posts and seems to know how to find all the special links she shares
God bless you both and the other bloggers as well
Rob, Amen to your comments this morning
Love you all.
Such an inspiration to me. Everyone!!!!
God Bless all the Bloggers
“Prayer Map of Canada” for the 29th day:
1. Pray that God will enlighten those in medicine and health care to acknowledge the sanctity of life and serve with true integrity and compassion. (Psalm 139: 13-16)
2. Pray that the Church in Canada will remember the poor and compassionately respond to their plight. (Gal. 2:10)