Today’s Reading: Matthew 8
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These are believed to be the ruins of Peter’s house, excavated in Capernaum. They are now protected by a church that is built over what was once a house. Scripture tells that Capernaum was also the home of the Apostles Andrew, James and John, as well as the tax collector, Matthew. Most notably, it was the hometown of Jesus during His ministry years (Matthew 4:13).
Key Verse: Matthew 8:15
So He touched her hand, and the fever left her. And she arose and served them. [Peter’s mother-in-law]
In French, the words for “Mother-in-law” are “la belle–mere” – “The beautiful mother.” Peter’s wife’s mother is beautiful in three ways.
First: She was touched by Jesus. His touch always brings beauty.
Second: She arose. It’s beautiful to see a person who is ready for action.
Third: She is beautiful in her desire to minister back to Jesus.
The touch of Jesus is not just for personal benefit; it’s for “OTHERS.” Has the touch of Jesus blessed you spiritually, physically, financially, socially, etc. Yes, it’s a gift for you, and it’s for God’s purpose of blessing “OTHERS.” That’s the primary word expressing gratitude to God for His blessings.
Lord Jesus, You lived Your life for others. You suffered, died and rose from the dead for others. I truly want to give my life in whatever way You lead me in the service of others. Grant me the grace to give myself away to others. Amen!
My mother, Norma Hazel Pritchard, died when I was 12. My most vivid memories were of watching her pray on her knees for long periods of time. I was aware of the Presence of God and I would never disturb her. She had traveled to Egypt in 1924 to marry my Dad, and she used her degree in music to minister with music lessons to the girls of Egypt who had very little opportunity. Always, without exception, the first item she placed on our wall when we moved was a white and black mother of pearl motto that simply said, “OTHERS.”
God bless you,
Beautiful message, this morning. Praying on hands and knees in the Presence of our Heavenly King. We trust our Living Lord to be with us through all things. We give Him all the thanks and praise. May His blessings be upon you, fellow saints in the Lord.
You, LORD, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light.
Psalm 18:28 ESV
Goodness Of God (Lyrics) ~ Bethel Music
So amazing to still be able to see the ruins of Peter’s house. Love the story David tells of his mother’s black mother of pearl motto, which reminded me of this good poem.
If we can’t remove it, we can try to improve it:
There once was an oyster whose story I’ll tell —
Who found that some sand had slipped under his shell.
Just one little grain –but it gave him much pain —
For oysters have feelings –although they’re quite plain.
Now did he berate the working of fate —
Which had led him to such a deplorable state?
No! He said to himself, as he lay on the shelf,
“If I can’t remove it –I’ll try to improve it.”
So, the years rolled by as years always do,
And he came to ultimate destiny –stew!
But the small grain of sand which had bothered him so —
Was a beautiful pearl all richly aglow.
Now this tale has a moral for isn’t it grand —
What an oyster can do with a morsel of sand?
What couldn’t we do — if we’d only begin
To enrich all those things that get under our skin.
– Anon.
God bless all dear saints this day. Temp. has dropped to 0 degrees this a.m. in our beautiful west central Alberta, but God knows what He’s doing:-).
Now that’s a poem and a good lesson for all.Thanks,Lynda.God bless
AMEN, Lynda D, and thank you for that inspiring poem
Thank you Lynda. Great poem. Great message… maybe for any of
going through suffering, difficult circumstances or pain of one kind or another – God is at work… making something beautiful…
Thank You, Lord, for loving us. Thank You for Your healing touch. Bless those around us today with a touch from Your hand, especially those who don’t know You yet. Help us to be faithful servants in Jesus’s name and cause, amen
Yes Amen Rob, Agreed with your prayer
Father God,thank you for the blessing of this ministry.I look forward to the day I may thank David and Jesus face to face.I praise you God in all your holiness.
Beautiful praise song.She seems to be alone with God as she is praising Him.Thank you,Beverlee
Let us praise Him with every day,
Let us praise Him in our sleep,
Let unceasing praise convey
The harvest our praises reap.
Unending love is always ours,
So unending praise is owed,
Then His word of truth empowers
From the Spirit He bestowed.
He made it all,it’s just for us
And all are blessed by His love,
Then He sent our Lord Jesus
To show the pathway above.
So only truth bespeak His praise,
Let not hope flee from sight,
Thus,let us dance and voices raise,
To soak in His eternal Light.
G W(Bill) Marshall / 24 Feb, 2014
Yes William let us praise in all our ways, thank you for sharing
Had a beautiful walk in our garden this morning – always amazed by the beauty of God’s creation. Praising Him for his creation & praying for those who have never heard His Name. There still are many in that category. Blessings all.
Thank you for keeping 100 words going.This is my third time
around and the blessings of reading Gods word never cease.
He ministers hope, peace and joy.He truly is the Rock we stand
on in these uncertain times. I know that His ways are higher.
I trust that God will use these times for his purpose and His
Blessings to all
Amen, Helen.
AMEN Helen
Like the song Beverlee and poem Lynda D. God bless all of you. Beautiful time of year when grass is so green and flowers are blooming even though am dealing with a groundhog. God gives grace and strength for all.
Did you name that groundhog, Ger? He sounds like Willy.
Praise God for this blog: thank you Ron, Ann and Reynold :THank you for continuing to post it: our morning manna: thank you for posting the photo of the ruins of Peter’s home: I like “la-Belle-Mere” much kinder than “Mother-in-law”
Have a blessed day saints of God
To Administrators. I didn’t get the blog this morning… but was able to access it.