Today’s Reading: Matthew 7
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The “Church of the Primacy of St. Peter” on the northwest shore of the Sea of Galilee, Israel. It is built upon a rock known as the place where Jesus prepared breakfast for His disciples, following His resurrection and after Peter said to the others, “I’m going fishing!” They fished all night and caught nothing. Jesus then told them “Cast your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some” (more about this story in John 21).
Key Verse: Matthew 7:24 (NKJV)
“Therefore, whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock; and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock.“
Jesus’ disciple, Simon, listened in person to the Sermon on the Mount. Jesus had given him another name, Peter, or “Rock.” Peter had many lessons to learn before he could stand as a solid rock to deliver the foundational message for Jesus’ Church on the day of Pentecost, the birthday of the Church (Acts 2). John Paul II said, during his visit to Canada (he spoke French as he was in Quebec City), “Pierre est une petit pierre, mais Jesus est Le Grand Pierre…Peter is a small rock, but Jesus is the Great Rock.” I was listening to the Pope on the radio. He was right! Let us build our lives on “The Great Rock,” the Lord Jesus Christ.
Dear Lord Jesus, My life is being built on You as my sure foundation. On You I am secure forever. Amen!
My wife was born in 1939 in a farm house built in 1878. It had solid foundations. Norma-Jean would often spend long periods of prayer in her birth room. Her life, like the house, was unmovable, totally secure. In 2006, we sold that farm and built a smaller house. I personally helped the builder lay the foundations on solid rock. In the place we built, there is massive rock everywhere. As a 16 year old, I made a lifetime decision. I would build my life on “The Great Rock.” I’ve discovered that He is solid, and I am anchored to Him; He’s rock solid. I believe that no storms of life will ever push me off the secure Foundation of Jesus Christ!
Your Brother in Christ,
You are our rock and our salvation, Lord. We place our trust in You and You, alone. Praying for our Canadian Prime Minister and all world leaders, particularly in the United States. Praying for the peacefulness and protection of those in protest to bring an end to systemic racism. Blessings fellow saints in the Lord. May your spirits be lifted up, today. Amen.
Through the Lord’s mercies we are not consumed,
Because His compassions fail not.
They are new every morning;
Great is Your faithfulness.
“The Lord is my portion,” says my soul,
“Therefore I hope in Him!”
The Lord is good to those who wait for Him,
To the soul who seeks Him.
Lamentations 3:22-25 NKJV
Amen Beverlee
thank you Beverlee for this song; Yes because of His Mercie we are not consumed, Amen
Father God, thank You for Your Word. It is forever true. May Your Word go out freely to all in this world, bringing light and truth, direction, hope, wisdom, instruction, comfort and guidance wherever it goes. Bless all Your messengers, Lord. Help them to be clear, so You will be clearly seen. Prepare people’s hearts to hear You calling, Lord, and as You did in Paul’s life, turn their lives around from what they think is right to what is truly, eternally right. We ask for Your will to be done in us and throughout this world, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen Rob. Amen.
Amen,Rob.Thank you.
Ron, praying with you, Amen!
Typo error, I meant Rob.
Yes Amen. Rob, may it be so
Amen Rob
Yes Lord Jesus answer our prayer TO SAVE OUR LOVED ONES!!!
“One soul is worth more than the whole world. … It’s not a denomination or a doctrine, it’s a person – it’s Jesus.” – David Mainse. I’m overjoyed David said those wise words as I so enjoy Pastor Doug Batchelor’s teachings on Amazing Facts. He obviously loves the Lord so much. Winston Churchill was right…we must ‘never, never, never give up’ and continually ask, seek and knock.
On the Wings of a Dove:
May God shower us with His blessings today (even if it means rain:-) fellow believers.
Amen,Lynda.I had a hobby acquiring FTA satellite stations off various satellites (not to be confused with the pirates who used the same name).I loved listening to Amazing Facts TV with,mostly,Doug speaking without ‘theatrics’.He gave me my first teachings.However a neighbour invited me to attend their church and on about the 3rd Sunday,I had this extreme warmth come over me and knew beyond doubt that’s where the Lord wanted me.I was even thirstier then and was often told I was growing rapidly.It was also ‘made known’ to me that denominations are only important to man.I noted many times that David felt the same way.I wonder if he ever had an SDA guest on 100 Huntley St?
I have to tell this:Years ago,I was returning from a visit with my mom and I was tired of music so I turned the AM dial and acquired a man preaching who I immediately liked but after I was down off the mountain lost the signal.This happened twice on Folly Mtn with no station name or any names (except Jesus).Years later I was listening to Amazing Facts working in my kitchen when I clearly heard that voice again.This time I saw his face too.It was the late Joe Cruz,creator of Amazing Facts.Was God speaking to me?
God bless ‘yall’.
Amen, William Marshall!
Amen Lynda D, “One soul is worth more than the whole world…”
Thank you for that song, its one of my favorites!
Amen Lynda
Thank you Lord that you are the Rock that we can stand on. We are to read Your Word and apply it to our lives which is the hard part but the Holy Spirit can help us. Read in Spurgeon’s devotional”…it is your zeal that shall do great exploits,” We may not have all the talent or knowledge but we can all have zeal according to our love and devotion to the Lord. Lord Jesus please calm the protesting in the US, Canada around the world. Also work in our own government as we see some negative things developing. Please send a worldwide outpouring of the Holy Spirit just like on the Day of Pentecost in the Book of Acts. Watched Gordon Robinson’s, “A Night of” commemorative program of Pentecost on Miracle Channel Saturday night which was inspiring. One of the most awesome times in my life was to celebrate Pentecost in Jerusalem in 2015. God bless your day saints. P.S. When I started out I did not know what I was going to say, but just started sharing what is on my heart, burdens and experiences. We all have a story to tell walking with the Lord. Amen? God bless you and your day!
Amen sister Ger.
Amen Ger, Amen
Love those songs and scripture Beverlee and Lynda D.
There are still so many languages not available in print of the Bible & many are illiterate (as per program on Day Star yesterday). Father God, in Jesus Name, please make a way for these people to hear the gospel. Prepare their hearts & open their understanding. Amen
Yes, Amen Doreen
Amen sister Ger.
LORD JESUS. YOU are the ROCK on which I stand, safe and secure in the PALM of YOUR HAND; though storms may come, on YOU I lean, as YOU hold my hand for, YOU, JESUS, are the ROCK on which I stand
This is the Day the LORD has made, rejoice in it saints of the LORD, and be blessed