Today’s Reading: Matthew 5
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The Mount of Beatitudes is located near the North Shore of the Sea of Galilee. It was in this area that Jesus delivered the longest recorded teaching we have on record, Matthew chapters 5, 6, and 7. The Church of the Beatitudes can be seen in the distance.
Key Verse: Matthew 5:44
But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you.
“Love” and “Enemy” don’t fit together. Sue and be sued! Get even! That’s our world today. Jesus makes a demand which is humanly impossible. In verse 39, Jesus tells us that “Whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.” A while back at a meeting of our Crossroads U.S.A. Board, Rev. Albert Vaters commented on John 15:5, “Without Me you can do NOTHING.” He said that no matter how hard we try on our own, it is worth zero. But he assured us that “With God NOTHING will be IMPOSSIBLE.”
Jesus, the true Revolutionary, is “LOVE.” This is His DNA.
Lord Jesus, I invite You to live in me. Only You have lived 100% the words You taught us. I give myself to You. Because of You living in me, “NOTHING shall be IMPOSSIBLE.” Amen!
It has never been hard for me to pray the prayer that Jesus said would make me right with God, “God be merciful to me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13). The word “sin” originates as an archery term. It means missing the target. My aim, my focus, my prayer is to be like Jesus. Most of the time I miss the bullseye, but there are times when I am conscious that Jesus in me is helping me to hit the mark.
One day I met a young man named Gord at the YMCA. His face was buried in a paper bag. He was sniffing glue. He lifted his head just long enough to spit in my face. Amazingly I felt nothing but love for Gord. I’m 100% sure that was not just me. Jesus was living and loving from within.
In Christ’s love and service,
Amen to the beatitudes, today Thank You Jesus, for living in us, Your saints. We give You all the thanks and praise. In Jesus’ Mighty Name. Amen. His blessings upon you, this beautiful day, fellow saints in the Lord.
He alone can never die, and he lives in light so brilliant that no human can approach him. No human eye has ever seen him, nor ever will. All honor and power to him forever! Amen. 1 Timiothy 6:16 NLT
He Lives! (I Serve A Risen Saviour)
Words by Alfred H. Ackley, 1933
Sung by the Blue Rock Mennonite Youth
We do have much to be thankful for. He lives. A beautiful morning this morning with sunlight. Reminds me of the chorus of Sunlight, Sunlight, in My Soul Today. Blessings all.
Sunlight Sunlight In My Soul Today w/Lyrics
We, in Canada, have so very much to be thankful for.
Great photo Reynold!
Praying for all the bloodshed and rioting in the States these past days to be discontinued. Pres. Trump is doing a fine job of trying to govern their great nation, so praying God will continue to bless him and his advisors.
United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development since 2017: Ben Carson, United States Secretary of Housing and Urban Development since 2017 : “Beloved, do not avenge yourselves but rather give place to wrath; for it is written, ‘Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,’ says the Lord.” We are one American family united by liberty & justice for all. Justice will be served where our laws were broken & civil liberties violated.
It sure isn’t easy to love our enemies but with God’s help, it can be done.
God bless all dear saints this rainy day in Alberta.
Ben Carson is a wonderful imperfect human and a great asset to any organization,especially the church.God bless him and the USA.My peace an unity be restored as the swamp gets drained.(I was up again with pain and muscle spasms so am running late again.)
Under God
One nation under God that denies Me,
Will fall apart and be devoured,
If you refuse my love that’s free,
As if I am something now soured.
Your enemies have delivered my warning,
Therefore turn back to find truth,
For the wolves only bring mourning
From the sacrifice of your youth.
Greed is now what too many now preach,
For the demon has reached within,
But you can still change to teach,
So the children may turn from sin.
If you allow the wolves in their power,
To consume with endless thirst,
Then you are guilty at this hour
In helping bring about the worst.
So remove the wolves behind the crown,
For they are deeply entrenched,
And let them and their filth drown
As my laws are tightly clenched.
G W (Bill) Marshall / 11/09/2013
This should not be a political forum. Praying for all people in power.
I agree with your comment, Al. It certainly raises emotions as I do not agree with Lynda’s statement. We are supposed to pray for all political leaders; not give our opinions on their leadership. I have failed in this regard in the past. Of utmost importance, we need to pray for all people in North America and elsewhere in the world who are protesting for black lives to matter and for an end to racism. We pray the protests are peaceful without police brutality. We commend those who support peace around the world.
…but it’s ok to say if a pastor or a baker is doing a good job??”Give to Cesar what is Cesar’s and to God what is God’s.” I believe,as the bible tells ‘us’ that ‘no one is in a leadership position except by God’s intent’.(I’m paraphrasing.)They may not be a great person BUT they are carrying out God’s “intentions”.I also agree that we should not debate politically but ‘truth’ should not be hidden under a bowl and reserved only for those who are popular.Jesus wasn’t popular with everyone either and made many political comments.Jesus uses sinners too because He has no choice.
Let us all pray for our countries, wisdom for their management and MAY GOD’S WILL BE DONE.
As Pastor Mainse said, we are imperfect people, all of us. And we are all in need of God’s grace. The Bible has plenty to say about governments, leadership, and God’s perspective on them. We are to pray for our leaders, whether we like them or not, whether we agree with them or not, even when they are in enmity against God (as our present Canadian government seems to be). And we are allowed to have opinions. We are still to love each other. There are too many divides in this sinful world already. There is something (Someone!) greater who unites God’s people, and He tells us to fix our eyes on Him. Pray and see Him at work; saving, healing, and reconciling people to Himself.
Father, this is Your world. I pray that people everywhere recognize that, and start to see things rightly. This world does not revolve around us; You are the Maker and Sustainer of all things. Please help all people to cast their cares, their anger, their hatred, their sin, on You, Lord, because You care about us. I pray for a great revival – that people will bow before You, and not before man-made idols that people set up. In Jesus’s name, amen
Amen! Thank you, Rob!! We place our eyes on Jesus!!
Yes, Amen Rob
Yes, Rob. Agreeing with you!
Amen Rob
Amen to that,Rob.God bless
Without You JESUS I can do nothing; but in You and with You, I can do all things, Praise You Jesus, Amen