Thursday, April 23, 2020


Today’s Reading: Zephaniah 3

Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).


On the right of the photograph you can see the southwest corner of the Temple Mount area. The broken foundations of the walls were built thousands of years before modern Jerusalem’s walls. Seen in the middle of the photo are new buildings in modern Jerusalem built with the same kind of stone that was used by builders down through the ages. The people who live in these buildings want to be near the Temple area where they “call on the Name of the Lord” with “a pure language.” Hebrew has been restored as the language of modern Israel (Zephaniah 3:9a).

GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.


Key Verse: Zephaniah 3:17

The Lord your God in your midst,

The Mighty One, will save;

He will rejoice over you with gladness,

He will quiet you with His love,

He will rejoice over you with singing.


Today’s reading begins with a description of the condition of Jerusalem’s leaders at that time. There are corrupt princes, judges, prophets and priests (Zephaniah 3:3) who are in place. But this will not last! Zephaniah is coming on strongly! Daniel and other godly young men are about to come on the scene to shepherd God’s people under the coming Babylonian rule. Zephaniah is optimistic about the future. God gives him prophecies that are full of promises of God’s favour. Our key verse is filled with hope! Someone has said, “The future is as bright as the promises of God!” As the above photograph shows, Jerusalem, as a city, has been restored. And the spiritual “City of God,” described by Zephaniah, is under construction by the Spirit of God. Jerusalem is the only city for which the Bible asks readers to pray. Let’s do this today! Let’s all read Psalm 122.


Yes Lord, I am praying for Jerusalem. I sing with You! I am glad and rejoice with You! (Zephaniah 3:14). I have seen the fulfillment of Your promise, O Lord,  to bring the Jewish people back to Israel. Now, Lord, I pray for a mighty spiritual revival where Your Messiah, Jesus, will be Lord and Saviour for the majority! In His Name I pray. Amen!!!


I understand that by about 65 A.D. close to a majority of the people of Jerusalem believed that Jesus of Nazareth was Messiah. But then, because of persecution by the Roman appointed High Priest, the actions of those who wanted to overthrow Roman rule, and the cruel response of the Roman authorities, thousands of Jewish Christians left Jerusalem and settled elsewhere. Jerusalem and the Temple suffered destruction in 70 A.D. Eventually, the Romans would not allow Jews or Christians (who were mostly Jews) to live in Jerusalem, and so it became a totally pagan city for at least 150 years. Jews and Christians trickled back there around the year 320 A.D., after Constantine became Emperor of Rome.

I must comment on God’s promise of Zephaniah 3:9, “I will restore to the people a pure language.” In 1979 Crossroads produced a movie called “Apples of Gold.” In that movie our film crew interviewed an elderly lady who was the daughter of Eleazer Ben Jehuda. She told how her father was awakened in the middle of the night and heard a voice saying to him, “You are called to revive the Hebrew language as the everyday language of the people who will come to live in a future state called Israel.” That is exactly what has happened! Today even the menus in the Jerusalem restaurants are in Hebrew. A language that had been dead since the Babylonian captivity has been revived. To my knowledge, this has never happened before to any people. I think we can assume that the other promises given by God through Zephaniah will also be fulfilled!!! There are now dozens of Jewish Christian congregations throughout Israel that conduct their services in Hebrew. Zephaniah wrote of God, “He never fails!” (3:5) and God said, “Therefore, wait for Me!” (3:8a).

Yours because “He never fails!”,


P.S. I couldn’t help but begin singing the song, “God can do anything but fail” (click here for the Charlotte Mass Choir with soloist Albertina Walker).

21 thoughts on “Thursday, April 23, 2020

  1. We pray for Jerusalem, Lord. We lift up Israel and give You all the thanks and praise. We are restored by your promises. You Lord God are in our midst. You are the Mighty One who saves. You rejoice over us with gladness, quiet us with Your love and rejoice over us with singing. We return our praise and thanksgiving to You by praying for the land You have saved. Beloved saints, may you be strong today in the Lord. May you claim His peace and joy! Amen.

    For this reason I remind you to fan into flame the gift of God, which is in you through the laying on of my hands, for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control. 2 Timothy 1:6-7 ESV


  2. It was heartwarming to read all of your responding comments to my post yesterday. Our family friend’s conversion to Christ has definitely increased my faith to believe for what seems impossible in people’s lives to be certainly possible through the powerful work of the Holy Spirit! And that is my most fervent prayer request through this pandemic – that such a greater numbers of souls will come to know Christ throughout the world than before its onset.
    Praying for you today, dear Sah, for special help and guidance, and needs met financially and in every area of your life.
    Yes, the future is bright for all of us, and for every person who puts their trust in the Lord!

    • Absolutely certain huge numbers of people are opening their doors to Jesus Christ, Deanna, during these difficult times. Many have access to online services, prayer groups and bible studies that they never had before. Services were not broadcast live as they are now and that is tuning people to Him. Praise God and so thankful He touched your friend. God bless you today, dear one.

      • Yes Beverlee! Many are tuning in to online services who would not otherwise go into a church building. God uses all circumstances to draw people to Himself. May His precious Holy Spirit minister to their spirits by revealing “The Truth” to them. Agreeing with your prayer, Deanna, that countless number of souls will be added to His Kingdom, as a result of this current pandemic.

        Praying for all in hospitals and nursing homes who cannot have their loved ones visit them. May God be their strength, peace and comfort. Praying especially for you, Doreen and your precious sister.

  3. I am sorry I did not go back and check yesterday’s posts, Sah, to see your request. If I recall, you live out west. Having checked google, here is the Canada wide website for bankruptcy which covers questions for your province:

    Canada Bankruptcy

    Hope that helps. I have never filed bankruptcy but my dear sister who passed away once did. If I recall, it affects you for a 7 year period, not being able to have credit, but wipes out your debt in dire need. For my sister going through a divorce, a move, children on her own and cancer, it was most helpful during that time. May God bless you and guide you in making the best decision. As soon as I read your post, I felt the Holy Spirit with you, child of God.

  4. An old song came to mind yesterday. Maybe some of you will remember it
    Are you weary,are you heavy- hearted?
    Tell it to Jesus,
    Tell it to Jesus,
    Are you grieving over joys departed?
    tell it to Jesus alone.

    Tell it to Jesus, tell it to Jesus,
    He is a friend that’s well-known;
    You’ve no other such a friend or brother,
    Tell it to Jesus alone.

    Do the tears flow down your cheeks unbidden?
    Tell it to Jesus,
    Tell it to Jesus,
    Have you sins that to men’s eyes are hidden?
    Tell it to Jesus alone.

    Do you fear the gath’ring clouds of sorrow?
    Tell it to Jesus,
    Tell it to Jesus,
    Are you anxious what shall be tomorrow?
    Tell it to Jesus alone.

    Are you troubled at the thought of dying?
    Tell it to Jesus,
    Tell it to Jesus:
    For Christ’s coming kingdom are you sighing?
    Tell it to Jesus alone.

    I felt impressed to write this here today. Maybe someone needs this or a reminder of old songs that were very good.
    I have been on this site almost from the beginning but never have commented. I have enjoyed hearing from many individuals who are and have been active with their comments and prayers. I am sure you can find this song on You-tube.
    God Bless

  5. Father God, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, we cry out to You. We need You in every way. Please have mercy on us, forgive us for all our arrogance, pride, and rebellion. Please keep on moving and working in this world, bringing people to Yourself. How we need You, Lord!
    Help all the teachers and students to learn simply and clearly how to live as people handcrafted by the great Creator who has good plans for each person. Please help, we ask in Jesus’s name, amen

  6. God can do anything but fail. Had to get my tambourine out for that one! Thanks, Beverlee. Thank you for prayers for my sister folks. God is our Provider and I pray for Sah that He will provide for you via His choice of delivery. Isaiah 62: 7. Give Him no rest until He establishes and makes Jerusalem a Glory in the earth. MEV version.

  7. Say Amen to all the posts yesterday and today and praise God for the conversion of your husband’s friend Deanna. The song that came to me when I awoke was:
    “BE STILL MY SOUL” Perhaps you could put it on here for me Beverlee. Thank you.
    Then following that was Psalm 46:10. “Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the heathen: I will be exalted in the earth.” I believe the Lord is hearing our prayers, saints of God. Praise you, Jesus! I believe you Lord! Let’s praise Him today.

  8. We should remember to pray every day for Jerusalem.I will try to make it a habit.
    Sah,a close friend of mine went through bankruptcy years ago.There are companies that will do this for you at no cost to you,I believe.’They’ meet with your creditors and submit a ‘Proposal’ of what you can afford to pay.The debits are reduced and consolidated into one payment.The creditors can refuse and submit a counter proposal but (I’m guessing here) they usually accept ‘your’ proposal.He found the process very reasonable and after 7 years his record was cleared.God bless
    There have been at least several prophecy fulfillments beginning with the rebirth of Jerusalem.The ones that stand out to me are the revival of the Hebrew language and the influx of the Diaspora to their ancestral homeland,as given by God.(I believe the land God gave them was originally a bit larger than it is today?Some maps show a much larger ‘Promised Land’.)
    The Mountains Of The Lord

    His mountains shall be above all mountains,
    His house above Zion’s hills shall rest,
    For this is the pool of the golden fountain,
    His people,the chosen few and best.

    The rivers will flow to the shores of Zion,
    For the world will soon know this King,
    The proven Master we could rely on,
    The Shepherd worthy above everything.

    His exalted name will be widely praised,
    When He returns to vanquish the beast,
    And everywhere voices will be raised
    In celebration with His banquet feast.

    Let fair warning go throughout the land
    He will return with shield and sword
    And as Satan shall take his last stand,
    My Friend shall show that He is Lord.
    G W (Bill)Marshall /Nov 9,2012

    • Thank you for your comments today. Great news Deanna about your husband’s friend a. excepting Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. It is always in God’s perfect timing.
      I will, like Bill try to make it a priority to pray for Israel.
      So blessed to be able to pray for one another on this blog. Also praying that dear Sah will get all her finances sorted out soon. God knows her heart and He will answer our prayers.
      Cool but sunny today in Georgetown Ontario. Didn’t get out walking yesterday or Tuesday. It was so cold and windy, I will go now but Blessings to all you dear sisters and brothers.
      Prayers for NS families who have lost loved ones and for all Sr residences all over Canada. Eleanor M

  9. God Bless You All!!!
    I’m so blessed with all your prayers and Blogs.
    I usually go on in the evening but tonight I’m going
    to be a part of zoom bible study.
    I pray for all your pray request and Praise God
    when they are answered.
    Pray for me and my husband Enzo. He doesn’t have a relationship with
    The Lord. We are Italian and RC.
    Love you all.

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