Today’s Reading: Micah 7
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Once inside The Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, you can look to the right and see the entrance to the adjoining building, which is an Armenian monastery. The present leader of the Armenian Church was once the atheist leader of the Young Communists of the Armenian Soviet Socialist Republic. He testifies to an amazing conversion to Christ.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verse: Micah 7:19
He will again have compassion on us,
And will subdue our iniquities.
You will cast all our sins
Into the depths of the sea.
Most of Micah’s words tell of the troubles that will come on the world because of sin, personal and collective. The cumulative result of rejecting God is stated in Micah 7:13, “The land shall be desolate because of those who dwell in it, and for the fruit of their deeds.” Man’s efforts at creating a utopian society have ended up in “desolation.” Consider the end results of the world’s mass murderers in the 20th century. The communism of Lenin, Stalin, Mao, and Pol Pot, (perhaps 100,000,000 murders) and the national socialists of Hitler (perhaps 20,000,000). The first four were atheists, and Hitler and the leaders around him, who tried to introduce the ancient pagan gods, despised Jesus and the writers of the Bible because they were Jews. Surely these abysmal failures of mere man are cause for despair. But don’t give up! The future is bright because God is not finished with the world yet. Read the last seven verses of Micah again!!! God has done, and will do, “marvelous things”!!!
Lord God, who is a God like You…pardoning iniquity, delighting in mercy, and having compassion on us? Thank You! Thank You! Thank You! I’m overwhelmed by You, Lord. I give You my life again for this new day! I pray that I will not dredge up from the depths of the sea my past sins or the sins of others. May I think, speak and act in the Truth of Your Word and in the same mercy which You have sworn to give us “from days of old!” (last four words of Micah). In the Name of the One Whose mercy and truth took Him to the Cross and out from the empty tomb, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
I was 17 years old when I sang a solo in the Baptist Church of Renfrew, Ontario. I was very nervous, but as I got into it, the truth of which I sang gripped my heart and the fear left. The song’s words were “Down, down, down, down (I sang the words with my voice going lower and lower), down in the depths of the sea. The sins of the past are all gone at last; down in the depths of the sea” (Micah 7:19b). I had given my life to Christ just over a year before, and I realized that when I expressed the Word of God with my voice, I grew in confidence that those Words were true! (I’ve Googled that song and here’s what I found…click here).
Gossips, backbiters, and judgmental people go fishing down there in the “depths of the sea.” Then they often put what they find in their “net”…on the aptly named “inter-net.” Please, please, don’t even go there into the sludge of these bottom feeders. I’m sure that there are many lies there. Besides, when sin is confessed, forgiven by God, and cast into His sea of forgetfulness, He puts up a sign that says, “No Fishing!”
Yours with thankfulness for sins forgiven,
The photo and caption are amazing. This morning I received two emails from One for Micah 7 and one for John 2-3. When I clicked on John 2-3’s link to open the page, it still opened Micah 7. Perhaps it is someone different sending the email list out to us than who normally does it. Hopefully someone from will notice this. Either way, at least we are on this page and posting, together. Setting on the task bar to click and open this page makes it easier, which is how I access it everyday. We hold to the last seven verses of Micah to be lifted up. Thanks for your continued prayers and know I am praying for all of you, fellow saints in the Lord.
Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Whoever believes in me, though he die, yet shall he live.” John 11:25 ESV
And Did Those Feet In Ancient Times – Jerusalem Hymn
Thanks you Ron and Ann for taking care of us.May God bless
Sorry,Beverlee,that post was meant to be separate from yours.
Also,I always use the direct link for 100 Words,saved in my toolbar just in case the email doesn’t arrive on time.It takes me directly to the current blog.God bless
Amen Bill.
Dear Father God, thank You for loving each one of us, and for the infinite care You show throughout all Your creation. Please help people everywhere to open their eyes and their hearts, to You, Lord. Help us to share Your gospel. Bless all Your workers, Lord, especially all those who are reaching out to help in Your name (thinking of the Samaritan’s Purse emergency outreach teams). Protect, strengthen, and use these workers of Yours in powerful ways Lord, that Your will is done throughout this world; that Your Word goes out to all people everywhere.
Please help all Your children, Lord, including our caring, creative, and diligent sister Beverlee Kay, we ask in Jesus’s name, amen
Thank you dear Rob. You brought tears to my eyes. 💓
Amen! Every word of that prayer.
So thankful for Pastor David’s reading through the Bible.
Amen,Al.This is a legacy his family can be proud of.Also,it must have been very ‘hard’ for Ron to post these blogs as his ‘dad’ was slipping away and in the time after he went home.No doubt,David prepared Ron as best he could and knew also the holy Spirit would be with him.(I’m getting choked up as I write.)
Praying (prayed) for Beverlee Kay also.Yall be blessed
This isolation is so hard. Beginning to affect me today. Thankfully the sun is out! I haven’t seen my very disabled sister in 4 weeks. I went most days to the nursing home to feed her pureed food and take her around in her wheelchair to any entertainment or church services. Without my help, she usually didn’t get far from her room. Made many friends there too and wonder how they are doing. So thankful to the Lord that there is no virus cases there (unusual for LTC homes). May He continue to bless them and to all the bloggers and their families, in Jesus Name. Amen
Thank you Doreern.I prayed for you,your sister and the LTC home.When I asked that the Lord be in that home,I think I heard Him say,so very gently,”Where else would I be?”
I can’t help but wonder:”Do you think the Lord may be doing this (C 19) so that we each can take the abundance of time (He’s given to us) to get closer to Him?”I think it is only one of many reasons for this ‘isolation’.(As Christians,we are supposed to know that we are never ‘isolated’ from Him.)Luckly,very luckly (should I say “blessedly”?)we have the internet and most have TV providers.Blessings
Praying for your dear sister, Doreen. And for your strength and peace of mind through all this. Lord God, hold Doreen and her sister in the Palm of Your loving Hands. Amen, amen, and amen.
Doreen God bless you for loving your sister! Remember God knows what is going on; can you see her through the windows? that’s what some people are doing in my town; talking through the windows;
Lord God You know Doreen and her sister; bring them both comfort; thank You Lord that there is no virus in the LTC Homes. Lord forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us; Thank you for loving us unconditionally. in Jesus Name we pray amen amen amen
Amen. Think of Pastor David often when I read what is happening today. Agree with your comments from yesterday Samuel Fame, no doubt a trial run for what is in the future, but as Christians we are to look up as our redemption draws nigh. Amen? Keep well and safe saints!
Amen Ger.
Dear Ron Anne
Thanks for the daily
100 words posting.
Agreeing with your prayer, Rob. To think that some people are against having Samaritan’s Purse helping in New York City by setting up field hospitals and treating Covid19 patients, because of their (Samaritan’s Purse) biblical beliefs….what is this world coming to?
Praying for you, dear Beverlee. May you sense the Lord’s presence and guidance during your current situation and may you come out of it, with great joy .
Dear Doreen,
I think of you, often and the situation with your sister. It must be so difficult for you to not be able to be there for her. I pray that God will send angels to minister to your dear sister and that He will put your mind at ease and give you peace.
Praying for all of you, dear brothers and sisters.
Thank you sister Luisa. Agreeing with your comments. God’s blessings on you and all the saints, today.
PRAISE THE LORD! He knows what is going on and He will have the last Word; I pray that people will come together, forgive each other;help another person,
Pray for the guy that is fixing my washing machine; his truck was stolen from in front of his house yesterday along with his tools; please pray that the truck will be found unharmed and that the tools are all there. in Jesus Name we Pray amen amen amen
Yes Lord be with Doreen’s sister and Doreen during this very difficult time. It is difficult to see your loved ones suffer.
Agreeing with all your prayers and comments dear saints in the Lord!
Yes Amen
Agreeing with all your prayers and comments dear brothers and sisters In The Lord.
God Bless you