Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 49
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The Obelisk Tomb and Bab As-Siq Triclinium are directly across from the Djinn Blocks at the entrance to the siq, the narrow easily defended rock-hewn corridor which leads into the city of Petra. The four Obelisks of the Tomb (top monument in the photo) were clearly built under an Egyptian influence. The Bab As-Siq Triclinium (bottom monument in the photo) is a chamber with three benches (Tri-clinium) and may have served as a location for sacred feasts honouring the dead. This area of modern Jordan was once the capital city of Edom, mentioned in today’s reading.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Jeremiah 49:16a, 22
Your fierceness has deceived you,
The pride of your heart,
O you who dwell in the clefts of the rock,
Who hold the height of the hill!
…Behold He [The Lord] shall come up and fly like the eagle,
And spread His wings over Bozrah;
The heart of the mighty men of Edom in that day shall be
Like the heart of a woman in birth pangs.
To a young bird, a shadow cast by approaching wings can mean two completely different things. One shadow, which baby birds know well, means that their mother or father is returning to the nest with food and protection. But another shadow, which may look exactly the same to an untrained human eye, signals danger, the attack of a predator, and the chicks cower in fear.
Throughout the Bible, the image of “the wings of God” frequently appears. People welcome God as Provider and Protector or in the opposite way, as Someone who brings fear and judgment. In today’s reading, judgment is pronounced on Rabbah (present day Amman in Jordan). The people of Edom are reminded of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 19:24-29). Damascus, Syria, is in a time of destruction again today. Kedar (Saudi Arabia, and the other Arab states) was also devastated by the marauding armies of Egypt and Babylon. In spite of all this, chapter 49 ends with “hope,” as did chapter 48. As believers in the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, we need not fear. Yes we have reverence and awe, but never terror! Under His wings there is safety, nourishment, and all we need to grow into all that God has planned for each one of us. Amen!!! (Read Psalm 63:1-7). “In the shadow of Your wings I will rejoice.”
Lord God, I take refuge 24/7 as Psalm 91:4 says, under the covering of Your “feathers,” and under Your “wings.” I pray that I will never separate myself from Your presence by allowing unconfessed sin to remain. I pray daily the sinner’s prayer, “Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner” (Luke 18:13-14). Lord Jesus, You said that the man who prayed that prayer most sincerely was justified before God. Thank You, Lord, for Your deliverance from sin, Your protection, Your provision, and for my very life! Amen!!!
For some reason my son David Reynold typed in the word, “Djinn” in his caption to his photograph. “Djinn” are mentioned in the Koran. They are depicted as beings with godlike powers. They were said to feed on fear. I have “NO FEAR!” Why? Because of the guaranteed protection of Almighty God through His Son and my Saviour, Jesus Christ (Messiah). In contrast to this fear-producing figment of a fevered imagination, the “Djinn,” when God or one of His angels (ministering spirits to God’s children – Hebrews 1:13-14) shows up, their first words are usually, “FEAR NOT!!!” I have not made this count myself, but those who have tell me that there are 365 repetitions of “FEAR NOT” in the Bible, one for every day of the year! How’s that for producing a sense of well being in all of us who believe. Evil systems of human government feed on fear. When Karl Wojtowa, Pope John Paul II, returned home to his native Poland, ruled by atheistic communism, he said to his people, “Do not fear!” Not long after this, the totalitarian communist government fell and was replaced by a freely elected government.
Yours with total confidence in the God Who declares to us with no uncertainty whatsoever, “FEAR NOT!”,
P.S. Today’s reading mentions those who dwell in the “clefts of the rock.” Below are more pictures of one-time dwellings in homes carved out of the rock cliffs of Petra, Jordan.

Homes carved into the solid rock are quite comfortable, warm in winter and cool in summer. Petra was considered to be an impregnable city.
We have no fear because we meditate on You day and night, Lord. Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, our lips praise You–the only Name above all Names. And in the shadow of Your wings, we will rejoice. Wishing all saints a blessed day in worship. Amen.
The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing. Zephaniah 3:17 ESV
Hide Me In The Shelter – Cindy Rethmeier
Zephaniah 3:17 is one of my favorite verses; how amazing, Our God is in the midst of us: He rejoices over us with singing!!!
Amen Beverlee
Amen sister Irene!
Amazing how they must have carved homes into that mountain side without the equipment we have these days!
Praying all dear saints have a wonderful day filled with God’s wings of protection and guidance.
Trusting God in Difficult Times:
I Saw the Light:
Dear Lord, thank You for Your amazing grace. Thank You for using even these imperfect vessels for good purposes. Bless all Your workers today. Help each one to be faithful to You, and build up Your church today. Help us to love You and love others with Your great love, Lord, and we ask that You bring many to You, in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen, Amen, Amen!!!
Amen, Rob!
Amen Rob
Amen, Rob.
Amen Beverlee and Rob!
please pray for me, having anxiety; went swimming last night;Thanks be to God for giving me swimming from a broken leg; going again tonight;
asking the Lord about the back room; I ask the Lord to bring the right person to rent the room; needs to be a mature responsible working person; preferably someone who works 3-11 p.m. at a hotel or restaurant; they get their meals at work, Thank You Lord for hearing our prayers amen
In Jesus Name Amen
I pray that God will calm your anxieties, Sah. May He wrap you in His loving arms where you will find peace, comfort and safely!
I pray that He will give you wisdom and guide you in regards to your finances. He cares for the sparrow and He watches over you!
Bless you, dear sister.
Zephaniah 3:17 is one of my favorite verses, Beverlee; How amazing, “Our God is in the midst of us: He rejoices over us with singing “!!
Amen Beverlee
“This is the Day that the Lord has made, we will be glad and rejoice in it”