Today’s Reading: Jeremiah 48
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The view that Moses had on Mount Nebo as he looked westward to the Promised Land. The green seen in the centre of the photo is the oasis of Jericho. On the far horizon is Jerusalem, approximately 25 miles (40 kilometres) beyond Jericho. The Judean wilderness lies between Jericho and Jerusalem. The territory of Moab begins just south of this point. Ruth, the great-grandmother of King David, was from Moab. To travel from Moab to Bethlehem, where she married Boaz, she would have had to travel through this wilderness. God cares about individuals and countries too.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Jeremiah 48:10a, 29
“Cursed is he who does the work of the Lord deceitfully.”
“We have heard the pride of Moab (He is exceedingly proud),
Of his loftiness and arrogance and pride,
And of the haughtiness of his heart.”
Like Philistia, Moab was caught in the middle between the warring super powers of the day, Egypt and Babylon (Iraq), and was suffering the horrors of genocidal destruction. God was seen as in charge overall, but let us remember that God has given humans a free will. He refuses to turn us into robots and puppets. We bring judgment on ourselves! “Moab” is mentioned 25 times in this chapter. This is evidence of God’s deep concern, not just for Israel, but for the people of Moab also. This was like a hell on earth for them. Jesus taught of an eternal Hell (10 times in the 4 Gospels) in order to warn us. He provided through His cross, suffering hell’s worst agony, the way of escape and eternal salvation for all who are willing to accept by free will His saving grace.
What can we learn from Moab? They were materialistic worshippers of a false god, deceitful, deliberate liars, filled with pride, self glory, haughtiness and carelessness. Do any of these descriptions sound familiar in our day? Jeremiah reveals the heart of God for these people by ending the chapter on a note of hope in the final sentence. There are dozens of Bible verses about “hope”! The word “hope” is used twice in one sentence in Romans 15:13. Read Romans 15:10-13 for our reason to have “hope”.
Dear God, You desire to save the whole world from death and Hell. Forgive me for going my own way again and again instead of Your way. I’m made in Your image, as is every person, and I have a free will so I can, if I’m not surrendering to You daily, fall into the traps into which the Moabites fell. I repent, asking You to give me power to overcome sin today and every day. Keep me true to You. I pray this in the Name of the only Person who lived 100% of the time in a way which pleased You, the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!
Alexander Pope wrote these familiar words in the early eighteenth century, “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.” In reading his words further, it’s certain that Pope wanted his readers to be “hopeful” by believing in the gift of eternal life. Meaning or purpose for life, beyond the daily grind of waking, eating, drinking, etc., is so important for human wellbeing. Secularists and atheists face an empty and often horrible future without “hope” for a better world to come where truth, love, comfort, no more pain, no more separation, and no more death is the human experience.
I was 11 years old the first time I heard Billy Graham preach. We went to an Ottawa, Canada, “Youth for Christ” rally. I remember vividly that Billy pictured fame, pleasure, wealth, etc. as soap bubbles… all shiny and bright looking, but then he reached out his hand to grasp the imaginary bubbles he was describing and they were as nothing. They burst the moment he touched them. There is nothing satisfying out there apart from “hope” in God! Paul ends what I consider to be perhaps the most beautiful use of language, perhaps of all time. “And now abides faith, hope, love, these three, but the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13). “Hope” is the middle word. Faith is a gift from God. “Hope” is our word of confidence. The result is that “HOPE” surprises me when it springs out of my heart, Pope’s “Human Breast.” What a joy to be alive, facing another day with complete confidence in God.
Yours for eternal “hope”… that’s forever, and ever, and ever, Amen!!!
P.S. I’m singing as I close off the blog these words, “My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus’ blood and righteousness.” Here is a YouTube rendition (click here).
Yes Lord, we saints are lifted up with ETERNAL HOPE through the scripture, thoughts of David’s message, prayer, song, and Billy Graham, this morning. We cling to the gentle loving truth of our ever powerful God, the true vine–so strong it can never break. Our faith, hope and love are alive in You–our Messiah, our Saviour, our Redeemer. What a joy to spend this day in Your courts, than a thousand elsewhere. Forevermore. Amen. God bless you, today, fellow saints in the Lord with His loving Hand upon you.
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always to be blest.” Alexander Pope
Corey Voss – You Promised (Official Lyric Video)
Amen dearly departed Rev. Mainse. God must be so sad to see so many people not putting their hope in Him.
“Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds of the air; they do not sow or reap or store away in barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more valuable than they? Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life?” – Matthew 6:25-27
I find that personification of places and things in our bible makes it difficult to understand, sometimes, but getting used to it and God has provided us with wonderful teachers of His word. New readers may have the same problem. My grandson’s name is Jacob so call him Israel at times:-). He thinks I’m just getting old:-). Abundant blessings on fellow Christians.
God bless you Lynda, so appreciate your words, May God bless you and each and every person on this site.
Thanks to the Lord for giving me swimming from a broken leg 25 years ago or so;it is so good to swim,talk with others; pray for others;bless the children and their parents;
bless our families in Jesus Name we Pray amen amen amen
Thank u Sah.
Yes Beverlee. Thank you Luisa, Eleanor M, Sah and William for your prayers for Helene. Will keep you posted. Prayed David’s prayer today and am going to share his thoughts about hope and bubbles on facebook. Is very cold in NB today but thank God the sun is shining brightly and my driveway is all cleaned out nicely. God is good and we have a lot to be thankful for in this part of the world. Amen? May you have a blessed day.
Yes Ger, God bless you and amen,amen and amen!
This ‘song’ intruded on me in the middle of today’s prayer but I couldn’t get the last line until after lunch (couldn’t get the right amount of syllables).Then I read David’s personal words and smiled that it loosely agreed with him.
I attended a Billy Graham crusade when I was about 13 but did not understand all the Christianese words.We ‘have to’ speak in language that nonChristians can understand if we are to bring them in.It’s (almost) that simple.Ie:I did not know what “saved” meant thus “salvation” was also foreign to me.
Keep Me True,Dear Lord
Keep me true,dear Lord,keep me true,
Keep me true,Lord,in all I do,
For I want to put a smile upon Your face,
So keep me true and fill me up with Your grace.
Keep me true and use me dear Lord,
Keep me true and of one accord,
For while serving you I fight my own sin,
But it’s only You Who cleanses me within.
Make me true for I surrender
That You become my defender,
Then the gates slam shut that I left open
And then I can serve the One I have hope in.
Yes,Lord,let Your truth shine right through,
Then I am free to serve just You,
So keep me true,my dear Lord,keep me true
‘Til I meet the truest love I ever knew.
GW(Bill) Marshall/15 February, 2020
Intruded in the middle of 100 Words’ prayer.
The melody was similar to this beautiful song
of the same name https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqaLuchjXj8
Also,the OT is full of the mistakes the nations kept repeating.They did not have that info openly available to read outside the temple and few could read.Today we all read but ignore the history in the bible so we are again going down the wrong road.”When will we ever learn”?May God bless
Oh So Bright (4 Dr Graham )
You who have whispered eternity
To many,lost in shadows of dark,
In My name for infinity,
Have shown the path to embark.
You who have walked firmly in the light,
Whereby your example opened eyes,
For you are My friend of delight,
With the truth evil can not disguise.
You,who have walked on many oceans
Gathering the aimless waves to rest,
Have pleased me with your devotions;
You’ve loved beyond any test.
You,who’s heart is a vault of My love,
Have been a sower of these seeds,
A harvest that grows high above,
Separate from the demon’s weeds.
You,who I have walked with every day,
Have spoken my word of shinning light,
And never refused to obey:
You,who has shone oh so bright.
G W Marshall / 07-Nov-013
Yes, On Christ the solid rock I stand all other ground is sinking sand! What confidence “my Hope is built on nothing less than Jesus Blood and righteousness”
Where would be without Him? Lord Jesus thank you for that Hope. Thank You for Your Love and faithfulness. Thank You that in You we live and move and have our being. Thank You Jesus, Amen!
Lord I ask a blessing on the Mainse family for continuing to provide us with this daily bread! May Your healing Power enfold Ann Mainse both now and always. In Jesus Name I pray, Amen!
Dear Lord; thank You for this prayer site;bless all who post and pray for each other;this is a very wonderful blessing; In British Columbia we have it cold,with fresh snow in the mountains; the skiers are happy; we Praise and Thank the Lord for all His wonderful unconditional love for of us; in Jesus Name we Pray amen amen amen