Today’s Reading: Isaiah 55-56
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David and his men, fleeing from the death threats of King Saul, stayed here in Ein Gedi and certainly enjoyed the fresh water falling from the desert plateau above. The water courses over several waterfalls of differing sizes before it flows into the Dead Sea. Today’s reading starts with an invitation to thirsty people to “come to the waters.” Imagine the physical refreshment found here. Then meditate on the spiritual refreshment which is ours as we respond to God’s call to come to Him, drinking deeply from “the Water of the Word!” In both Psalms and Ephesians, water is a symbol of God’s Word!
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Isaiah 55:7-11
Let the wicked forsake his way,
And the unrighteous man his thoughts;
Let him return to the Lord,
And He will have mercy on him;
And to our God,
For He will abundantly pardon.
“For My thoughts are not your thoughts,
Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways,
And My thoughts than your thoughts.
“For as the rain comes down, and the snow from heaven,
And do not return there,
But water the earth,
And make it bring forth and bud,
That it may give seed to the sower
And bread to the eater,
So shall My word be that goes forth from My mouth;
It shall not return to Me void,
But it shall accomplish what I please,
And it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it…”
This is the longest emphasis on key verses for this daily blog. We often hear Isaiah 55:8-9 along with a statement such as, “We can’t understand the ‘thoughts’ of God, nor can we keep His ‘ways,’ because His thoughts and ways are up there in Heaven and ours are down here on earth.” This takes these words out of context. Isaiah is not telling us that the separation between God and us cannot be overcome. Verses 10 & 11 tell us how we learn to think the “THOUGHTS” of God, and how we learn to walk in the “WAYS” of God!!! Let us ask ourselves this simple question, “How would we get wet when it is raining?” It’s obvious; go out in the rain and get wet. Take down the umbrella! How does one get covered in snow? Lie down in it. Roll around in it. The result of being soaked in the rain of God’s “THOUGHTS” (our daily readings), and covered in the snow of His “WAYS,” will be life, spiritual growth, a healthy daily diet, and God’s Word accomplishing all He desires in us!!! Go ahead! Get drenched in His Word and His Ways. It’s guaranteed by God’s promise that we will experience “JOY” and “PEACE.” As illustrated in the Sound of Music movie, “The mountains and the hills shall break forth into singing” (Isaiah 55:12). Listen! He’s communicating His thoughts and giving grace to walk in His ways. Don’t leave His “THOUGHTS” and “WAYS” up there in the heavens. Make them ours!!!
Lord God, my thirst is quenched in the waters of Your Word. I pray that You will give me the grace and the consistency to be in Your Word daily, without fail! Thank You for Your promise to “abundantly pardon” me as I ask forgiveness with repentance, forsaking my sinful ways and thoughts. I receive Your mercy! In the Name of the Jesus, Who said from the Cross, “Father forgive them!” Amen!!!
As I consider Isaiah 56, I cannot miss the fact that Jeremiah identified some people in places of leadership by words such as blind, dumb, asleep, lazy, greedy, self-seeking, ignorant and gluttonous drunkards. No doubt this was true and no doubt this was a part of the reason that Jeremiah was put in prison by these people. I’ve heard it said that we define a fanatic as someone who is more passionate about their cause than we are about what we believe and practice. Recently at church there was a man sitting behind me who insisted on shouting with a loud voice words such as “Hallelujah!” and “Glory!” and sometimes he sounded as if he just wanted to make a noise. It bothered me, and I know why…he was more fervent than I was! Actually, I was shouting inside. In fact, when I’m alone, and no one but God can hear me, I have often shouted His praises very loudly indeed! As I read back over what I’ve just written, I don’t know where my musings are going here. I do know that I want to serve God with all my heart, mind, soul, and strength, and also I want to love my neighbour as myself. Therefore, I may tone it down while standing right behind my neighbour in church. Maybe? It occurs to me that all of us should experience a church service where people shout for God! Check it out! After all, on the birthday of the Church, Peter had to explain the actions of Spirit-filled believers by saying, “These are not drunk as you suppose!” (Acts 2:1-21).
Yours for all that God wants us to be!
P.S. In his autobiography, President Bill Clinton said that everyone needs to visit a church service such as the one I described. It occurs to me that he might have avoided impeachment if he had stayed in such a church. The rain of God’s “THOUGHTS” surely will help us overcome some of those thoughts which are sinful and destructive. Amen???
We come to the water of life with You Lord Jesus. We drink from Your heavenly fountain of grace, forgiveness, love and mercy. We praise You and give thanks to You, all the day long. Whom have we in heaven but You? For there is none upon earth that we desire besides you Lord. Our flesh and our hearts may fail but God is the strength of our hearts and our portions forever. Wishing fellow saints a blessed day in the Lord. Praying for peace throughout the world.
Rivers of Living Water
On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as[a] the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”
John 7:37-38 ESV
Let Your Living Water Flow
Beverlee: How did you know it was my 80th birthday on Monday. I thank you Marilyn snd Ger for your kinds wishes. Actually spent most of my time in Bed Monday and Tuesday with some kind of a gastric bug. Edward had it as well but we are feeling better today . Enjoyed the readings and comments this morning . God bless all blog friends. Eleanor M.
Well, Eleanor, I am tricky. When it is earlier than 6 am, I cannot pull up the blog for the day, since we know it posts at 6 am. So I pull up the blog from two years ago for today’s date on google (since the full bible takes two years to run through). That way I can do the whole blog and type out a post and have it ready to go right at 6 am. This morning it was a few minutes late. So, the post from two years ago, stated it was your 78th birthday, which means today is your 80th!!
Beverlee:You are one smart lady.❤️
I am sure I am not the only one who does this for the early posters.
Dear Beverlee, I also look at the blog from two years ago. In doing so, I have come across posts from people that we no longer hear from. One of them is Lianne Hogg. Does anyone know her and if she’s well? She used to write regularly but hasn’t done so in a while.
Ps just to clarify, I am not an “early bird”. I’m usually up very late , 1 a.m. or so and want to read that morning’s blog which, of course, is not posted until 6 a.m.
May God bless you as you enter your 81st. Year and throughout the years ahead.
God bless you Eleanor and Happy Belated Birthday!
God bless you also Beverlee, the Lord surely guided you back to read the blog!
Lord Thank You for blessing Eleanor all these years; I pray Lord You will grant her complete healing throughout her whole body; I pray You will heal Edward as well and Thank You Lord for the prayers that Eleanor prays each day; we Thank You Lord for the blessings of this day; IN Jesus Name we Pray amen
I never lost the blog, Sah, just the internet. So happy I can regularly post again. God bless you!
i am giving thanks to the Lord and all intercessors. My sister-in-law Cheryl underwent a successful kidney transplant on Monday in Vancover. Her pastor brother David gave her one of his kidneys – came through successfully too. His match was so close to her the surgeon said it would be like Cheryl receiving one of her her own kidney.
We continue to pray for complete healing.
We serve a Magnificent God!!!
Praise God, Vivian! We hold Cheryl up in continued prayer and give thanks for her Pastor brother David’s kidney. Wonderful news!
Wow! Praise God! Will pray for continued healing. Wonderful praise report.
So happy to hear this good news, Vivian!
We thank Our wonderful God for His hand on Cheryl, her pastor and their surgeries and we pray for a complete and successful recovery for both of them!
How magnificent, gracious and merciful is Our God! To Him be glory, honour and praise forever!
Let us practice listening to His Thoughts daily, as David encourages us to do. Let us drink of the Water of life by immersing ourselves in His Living Word!
I pray a blessing on each and everyone of you! I am writing down your prayer requests and asking God to help me to be faithful in remembering to pray for each and everyone of them.
I am glad that you and your husband are feeling better, Eleanor M.
God heal our sister and bless Pastor David In Jesus Name Amen
WOW! praise the Lord and Thank the Lord for this wonderful successful kidney transplant for Cheryl1 WHAT A BLESSING AND YES WHAT A MAGNIFICIENT GOD WE SERVE! Thank you Lord for the complete medical team that did the transplant! Bless David for giving one of his kidneys,
Thank You, Lord, for your goodness. Each day is time You have given. We ask that You fill every moment with your presence; mold us into your image today, Lord, and may others see and hear You in us. Please help us to be good, honest, and joyful witnesses of You, so others will turn to You and be saved.
We commit all those who have not heard your Gospel to You, Lord God, and pray that your Word reaches them. Send out your workers, Lord, and help each one to present your Word clearly. In Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen and amen.
Praying for Cheryl, Ann, & Beatriz (who is in hospital & cannot walk after chemo/radiation. May God’s Healing Touch continue to restore & strengthen. Bless all today & think of snow as a blessing (which it is)!!
Praying for Beatriz! May God’s presence be tangible around her and bring her much peace, comfort and hope!
I pray for her family, as well. Lord God, put your loving arms around this precious family and encourage them. May they not be discouraged or dismayed but keep their hope alive in you! You are the God of miracles and we ask you for a miracle for Beatriz. In Jesus’ great Name, we pray! Amen!
Yes Lord God Heal our sister Beatriz In Jesus Name Amen
Wonderful posts today and agree with all prayers. Blessings on this snowy day in NB.
I believe you’re right on Pastor David about Pres. Clinton. Am praying for Pres. Donald Trump his family and government. Has to be the worst job on earth and he needs God’s guidance and assistance, as we all do:-).
Solomon noted: “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety” (Proverbs 11:14). Servants who lead as they are led by Christ are the great need of our day.
If you have influence with even one person, you are a leader. Jesus’ word to his first disciples is his word to us: “Whoever would be great among you must be your servant” (Matthew 20:26).
Praying for all fellow bloggers and their concerns. God bless.
Thank you Luisa we are feeling even better tonight
Praise God for Vivian’s sister-in-laws successful surgery and for her brother-in-laws kidney . I will pray for a complete recovery or both of them. And for others who were asking for prayers today. Eleanor M
God bless you Lynda, yes pray for President Trump! Yes he needs God’s guidance as we all do!
I somehow wonder if President Trump has some health problems; he has a big job. Lord You know the President of the United States, help him in whatever area he needs help; I pray the people will pray for him and his family; he is a Child of God whether he realizes this or not; God loves him unconditionally; I pray the President confesses his sins daily to the Lord and I pray that he also prays for his family; the country; I pray that he prays for help from God and prays for the forgiveness of all his sins; in Jesus Name we Pray amen
Amen Sah!
Amen Sah, amen.