Today’s Reading: Isaiah 53-54
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

The sun casting a shadow of a cross inside the ruins of the ancient Colosseum in Rome. A cross, the instrument used throughout the ancient Roman Empire for the most painful and gruesome form of capital punishment ever devised by man, became the greatest symbol of hope and eternal life.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Isaiah 53:6
All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned everyone to his own way; and the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.
Chapter 53 should be read two or more times today in a quiet and reflective atmosphere. It would be good to back up to 52:13-15 for today’s reading. When the chapter divisions were chosen to make it easier to find specific Scriptures, they could have started Chapter 53 three sentences earlier with the words about the One Whose “Visage was marred more than any man.” There are 41 personal pronouns, “He” and “Him.” “He” is the subject of our attention. The object of God’s plan of Salvation is “Him.” One might almost think that Isaiah was standing there with Mary, Peter, John and the others at the foot of the cross, but Isaiah’s description of events was written hundreds of years earlier, long before crucifixion was used as a means of prolonged dying and death. Meditate on those pronouns! A pronoun takes the place of a noun. A noun is the name of a person, place or thing. A personal pronoun takes the place of a person. Ask the question: “What person’s name, of all people who ever lived, could be put there in place of those pronouns?” If our answer is “Jesus,” then let us read this powerful prophecy by substituting “Jesus” for each pronoun. For example, 53:5, “Jesus was wounded for our transgressions, Jesus was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement for our peace was upon Jesus, and by Jesus’ stripes we are healed.”
O Lord Jesus! O my Saviour and Lord Jesus! I give You all of me once again. I am not my own. You have purchased me with the blood of Your suffering! Fill me with as much of Your passion as You know I can bear. May I never be so selfish as to keep this to myself. Please equip me, Lord Jesus, with a greater passion for lost people for whom You “were led as a lamb to the slaughter” and for whom You were “numbered with the transgressors,” bearing all our sins. In Your Name (His name stands for all He is and has done) I pray. Amen!!!
I’ve just read Acts 8:26-39. It was Isaiah 53 that brought this treasurer of the Queen of Ethiopia to Jesus. The “pronouns” of Isaiah brought a Jewish medical doctor to Jesus. He was first violinist in a symphony orchestra. The full story is in my book, This Far By Faith (pages 113-116). I had the privilege of teaching public school as an 18 year old. I would visit the homes of my students and ask if I could read Isaiah 53 and have prayer with them. I was never turned down. I could hardly see the keys of my computer through my tears as I typed the first part of this blog. I’m gaining my composure now, and I realize that I’ve not mentioned our other chapter in today’s reading. Here is the prophecy of the “children of the desolate” (that’s us, the Church). The “married woman” to whom Isaiah refers is Israel (Isaiah 54:1). Both the Church (made up of Jews and Gentiles) and Israel have glorious futures under the rule of Messiah!
Yours for sharing Jesus, the Name to which the personal pronouns of Isaiah refer,
P.S. The centrepiece in The Shrine of the Book at the Israel Museum in Jerusalem is Isaiah 53 from the Dead Sea Scrolls. Isaiah was the only book of the Bible found complete in those scrolls, which were stored in clay jars and hidden in caves along the shores of the Dead Sea before the birth of Jesus! They were found by an Arab shepherd boy in 1948. How special is that?! Would you agree that God wants this message communicated to the whole world?
Weeping with love and thankfulness, this morning. By His stripes we were healed. Thanking God for today’s teaching and David’s message and prayer. Yesterday was Eleanor M’s 80th birthday. Happy Birthday Eleanor. May God richly bless and keep you. Praying for peace and thankfulness in all our hearts because of Jesus’ love for us. “Christ’s love creates unity in the midst of diversity.” Wishing fellow saints a blessed day in the Lord.
Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful. Let the message of Christ dwell among you richly as you teach and admonish one another with all wisdom through psalms, hymns, and songs from the Spirit, singing to God with gratitude in your hearts. And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Col 3:15-17
Here I am Lord with lyrics
Isaiah is such an amazing book to study. Thank you Rev. Mainse for all your knowledge and explanations. Getting to know Jesus and God’s Word so much more as the studying continues.
“Our Lord was realistic: “As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the vine, neither can you, unless you abide in me” (v. 4b). He then added: “Apart from me you can do nothing” (v. 5). Not “something”—“nothing.”
I fear that many Christians know about Jesus more than we know him personally. Hearing sermons and Bible studies about him and even taking a few moments to read his word and pray to him is not enough.
Jesus wants an intimate, transforming daily relationship with us. He wants to be as real and alive as any other person in our lives. Even more so, since his Spirit lives in us (1 Corinthians 3:16).
This is why, as each day begins, I need to get alone with Jesus in worship, Bible study, and prayer. I need to ask his Spirit to cleanse me and empower me (Ephesians 5:18). Then I need to stay in touch with him throughout the day by praying about my problems and opportunities, seeking his word for my decisions, and depending on his power for my obedience.” Dr. Jim Denison.
Dwight Moody was once asked why he urged Christians to be filled constantly by the Holy Spirit. “Well,” he said, “I need a continual infilling because I leak.”
-37 here in west central Alberta. Praying for Australia and all those displaced from their homes and property by the devastating fires. I pray they all get the food and shelter needed.
God bless you Lynda! Yes we pray for all our countries and we pray for Australia and all the precious people in that country; I pray also that Canada will do its very best to help the people in Australia…Lord we feel so helpless; we ask You Lord to help the people in Australia with every need that they require,
Lord be with the people in Australia; You know the whole situation Lord; I pray people will confess their sins to You Lord and I know that You will forgive them we pray this in Jesus Name amen
Thank You, dear Lord God, for not only giving us your Word, which does so much more than we can imagine (Father, we ask that You open the doors for it to go out freely into all this world, clearly, accomplishing your purposes); your Spirit, who teaches, convicts, comforts, and empowers people to become and do what You made us to be and do (dear Lord, fill us once again with your Holy Spirit and make us more like You); and your own dear Son, our Saviour and Lord, who gave everything to redeem us from the curse of sin (Father, we commit all your children to You today, and ask that You keep each one in your care today).
Lord God, we praise You as the rightful and righteous King of kings, and ask that your will is done throughout this world. In Jesus’s great name, amen
This is Marilyn thank you once again to those who kindly responded to my request again I thank you from the bottom of my heart and it is fairly greatly appreciated and I know my friend Pat would appreciate it too so thank you one and all again God bless everyone
God bless you Marilyn! Praise and Thank the Lord for the internet to be able to communicate with each other and ask for prayer and give thanks;
pray for a safe trip for a couple leaving on the 18th going to India with medical supplies, they will be there for 3 months, they went last year and took a big bunch of ukuleles, one of the couple teaches the instrument, so we Thank and Praise the Lord for this couple that arrive safely, that their mission will go well, and they will return safely, thank you Lord in Jesus Name we Pray amen
Today’s lesson is very graphic and emotional and paints a vivid picture of the price Jesus paid to save us.It is like laying down in a lake of lava so that we could walk across on Him to get to ‘the other side’.What love !That is why we should surrender to Him so that His Spirit can clean us from within making us ready for His kingdom.
Here is a 4 min video of Philip and “Philip, an Angel and the Ethiopian Official”
Marilyn,This poem is for you.I hope it brings some comfort.God bless
Miss Me Until
You won’t miss me always
But just miss me until,
For you will know better days
When you pray in God’s will.
Know that I will be here,
Waiting your arrival,
So live without any fear
And not just survival.
Life is but a big school,
Where all should learn to love,
So know you are not a fool
And will join me above.
I have a piece of you,
You have a piece of me,
So when your life there is through,
We’ll share eternity.
(G.W.)Bill Marshall/30 July,2016
Dear Marilyn;
Sorry to hear about your loss. A best friend is a treasure and I’m sure she will leave a great void in your life. I pray that the Lord will fill that void with His comfort and peace!
Happy belated birthday to you, Eleanor! 💐🎂🙏
May you have a most blessed year ahead! I pray that your body and spirit will be renewed and strengthened each and every day! Is 40:31
Wishing everyone a wonderful day!
Many years ago, I memorized Isaiah 53, as a child and I am now in my nineties and still remember it, with some prompting. How Great is our Saviour!!!
God bless you Blessed! How Great is our Saviour! Yes, How Great! Thank you Lord for this website Thank you for Hearing our prayers;Thank you Lord for blessing each one of us, in Jesus Name we Pray amen
Thank you William for the poem that was very thoughtful of you and thank you Lucia I hope I’m pronouncing that wrong I mean right if it’s wrong I’m sorry for remembering me thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to all again who have responded your words are most comforting at a very sad time continue to remember me in your prayers and amen
Wonderful portion of scripture of Christ’s death and provision for mankind. What a wonderful Lord we serve. How could anyone not believe the Bible when the Lord was prophesied about before He was even born. Happy 80th Birthday Eleanor M.
Amen to the biblical prophesy of Jesus, Ger.
Here is my post for today, Wednesday January 15, 2020:
We come to the water of life with You Lord Jesus. We drink from Your heavenly fountain of grace, forgiveness, love and mercy. We praise You and give thanks to You, all the day long. Whom have we in heaven but You? For there is none upon earth that we desire besides you Lord. Our flesh and our hearts may fail but God is the strength of our hearts and our portions forever. Wishing fellow saints a blessed day in the Lord. Praying for peace throughout the world.
Rivers of Living Water
On the last day of the feast, the great day, Jesus stood up and cried out, “If anyone thirsts, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as[a] the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’”
John 7:37-38 ESV
Let Your Living Water Flow