Today’s Reading: Psalms 108-109
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Looking over the Western Wall visitor area in the Old City of Jerusalem, you can see into the Arab Quarter where many satellite dishes are mounted on roofs. You can also see solar panels which heat the water tanks, also located on the roofs. Since 1967, the flag of Israel has flown over what was part of Jordan. Over thousands of years Jerusalem has been ruled by many different powers. Every day the Good News of Jesus comes into Jerusalem homes through those satellite dishes. The modern city of Jerusalem, with its high-rise buildings, can be seen in the distance.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 108:2-3
Awake, lute and harp!
I will awaken the dawn.
I will praise You, O Lord, among the peoples,
And I will sing praises to You among the nations.
David could not have imagined a scene like the one pictured above in his city of Jerusalem. In a way, Psalm 108:5 is being fulfilled in that the satellites, which are in position 22,500 miles above the earth in space, do proclaim the Lord’s “glory above all the earth.” King David has made a decision as shown in the words, “I will.” He has decided to “awaken the dawn!” First thing each morning he is determined to “sing praises!”
Psalm 108 was probably written just after the rebellion of Absalom when many of those to whom David had shown only kindness had joined in treason against him. While David’s words do not show mercy toward his enemies, his later actions did show mercy. Jesus, who in Christian belief assumed the throne of David, not only shows mercy, but Jesus’ prayer for His enemies was, “Father forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing!” (read Luke 23:26-38).
Lord God, because I pray “In the Name of Jesus,” I cannot pray the prayers that David prayed in Psalm 108:1-20.” But I do pray David’s prayers from 108:21-26. Particularly verse 26 expresses my heart, “Help me, O Lord my God! Oh save me according to Your mercy.” I also pray for the continuing television ministry of “Light For All Nations,” as Nizar and his guests come into those Jerusalem homes with the message of God’s love and mercy through Jesus Christ. Amen!!!
I’ve walked the streets, inside the walls of Old Jerusalem, with my son-in-law, Nizar. It takes hours when I’m with him. The people all want to talk to him. He has visited their homes daily for years through those rooftop satellite TV dishes. I marvel at the plan of God in bringing this man from Cana of Galilee into our family. Our daughter was led by God to study for a year at The American Institute of Holy Land Studies, where she met Nizar, and soon they were married in his home town of Cana, where Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding (John 2:1-12). It was definitely, as the middle-eastern custom is, “an arranged marriage”…arranged by God back in 1983. “Light for All Nations” is a charity incorporated in Israel, Canada and in the United States which is supported financially by people who desire the Gospel to permeate in several languages and many countries (click here for their website). I believe Psalm 108:13a, “Through God we will do valiantly!”
Yours for all of us doing “valiantly” for another day and forever!!!
Wonderful message taking us deep into today’s Psalms. Praise God leading Ellen to Nizar, their wedding in Cana, and for their ministry, “Light for All Nations” reaching the world. Our God is so amazing when we follow His lead! Agreeing with David in heaven, “Through God we will do valiantly!” Amen, saints? Wishing you all a most blessed day.
The supernatural becomes natural to us through the miracle of God, and there is the realization of what Jesus Christ has already done–“It is finished!” (John 19:30) Oswald Chambers, My Utmost for His Highest
Psalm 45 – Fairest of All – by Shane & Shane (Lyric Video)
Amen Beverlee!
Dear Lord God, thank You for those who have walked this road before us. This world is so treacherous at times. Yet You are with us, bidding us and helping us walk the straight and narrow way. Please, Father, help us go and do where and what You would have us. Lead us in your love, Lord, and help us love those around us.
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer. (Psalm 19:14) In Jesus’s name, amen
Amen In Jesus name. Amen.
God Bless You All!!
Amen Rob!
I am so pleased to see that God “stands next to the needy”. I’m thinking of a lady in particular, and others in the facility, who are so very needy. It breaks my heart at times. Some have to be spoon fed & diaper changed. I hear them calling out. Father thank You for this reading today. (NLT).
I’ve worked in several hospitals,one is a veterans’ nursing attached to the main hospital in Hfx.It is sad indeed but what of nations where they have no facilities.Some are aware of their condition and others are not.In the same way the lost are not aware of their ‘condition’.Our group will be singing (a joyful noise,lol)at a nursing home in a nearby town this afternoon.God bless,Doreen.Hugs
Thanks William for what you do to minister to the needy folk. I go daily & love them (8 yrs). I pray for a mild winter because I have to travel to another city & car is quite old (but running well). Blessings all.
Amen Beverlee and Rob ! Always worthy words form each of you.Shane and Shane are blessed with God’s guidance to ‘marry’ a pleasing melody to the words of the Psalms.The blessing is greater when you know from Who (Whom) that talent comes.
May the blessings of this blog return to those who bless it with their time and effort.I pray again each night for Ann’s complete recovery.I expect when this storm is over she will have some tales to share of those she has touched with God’s love.Have a great day with God’s blessings
Dust Of The Pearl
No matter how hard we may try
We can never live free from sin,
For we are all created to die
Unless we have His Spirit within.
We were without hope on our own
So He became human with us
By leaving His kingdom and His throne
To become the Lamb we call Jesus.
He lived more lowly than His sheep,
For riches could not save one soul,
And the treasures He sought to keep
Were the same ones the demon stole.
So the whole world was what He sought
And love to all was what He taught,
With words of truth the battle was fought
And with His own life,our freedom bought.
He alone made that sacrifice,
One no one can ever unfurl,
For He became the Pearl of great price
And we are but the dust of the Pearl.
GW (Bill) Marshall/05 April, 2017
It’s not the poem;it’s the message.
Wow, wonderful poem this morning, Bill. Thanks for sharing.
Yes WOW thanks for sharing!
Amen Bill–love the ending!!
Your post Doreen reminded me of when I worked in my aunts retirement home. I had to do all those chores you mentioned. But to me they weren’t chores. I loved every moment with her residences. They were so appreciative of any little thing you did for them. I think of them from time to time with fond memories.
I even had an elderly gentleman ask me if I would marry him. He was devastated to learn I was already married. Lol.
Jesus walked with me every day that I worked.
God is good….all the time….all the time….God is good.
Blessings to all today.
Amen,Nan.The residents often thank us for coming,sometimes individually.It’s been 40 yr this month since this group started.Our leader has been at the helm for about 38 of those years.Thanks again.God bless
I wasn’t thinking of chores. I was thinking of their pain & frustration. More workers are needed in nursing homes as people are more needy & work is heavy for the wonderful staff. I pray for the folk and God is good. There is opportunity for Christian ministry there 3 or 4 times a week!
Read a lot of wonderful messages from David and you fellow bloggers. Was not online here yesterday so missed the request from sister Marilyn but will pray for you today and trust those headaches will disappear. Heard a doctor say that many things can cause headaches. Last winter I bought some essential oils from a company called, “Young Living” and I find they are good for aches and pains. Yesterday at church I had the glorious privilege of praying the sinner’s prayer with a gentleman and spent time praising the Lord at home. God is so good and so faithful as the psalms say. Love Him today and always!
Amen, Ger. Essential oils are very helpful. God’s blessings on you, today.
Very colorful photo of the Old City of Jerusalem; I was blessed to walk on those streets, thank you Jesus; Thank you Reynold. Thank you Ron and Ann for continuing to post the daily blog. I too join in the prayer for Ann for a complete healing; as she goes this storm in Jesus Name I pray, Amen!
I pray the church will “Awaken the Dawn” I pray for the leaders of this Nation of Canada, that Canada will be a Nation under God,s guidance, Amen thank You Jesus!
Hope you are feeling back to normal, sister Irene.
Thank you Beverlee, I am better
So encouraged by David’s comments and everyone else’s the prayers and Bill’s poem.
Marilyn, I do pray that you would get a healing touch from the Lord for your headaches. May everyone have a Blessed day. It is beautiful here in Southern Ontario.