Today’s Reading: Psalms 107
Click scripture link to read online or HERE to listen online (then click the symbol of the audio speaker above the scripture portion).

Large tanker ships can be seen on the Kingdom of Jordan side of the Red Sea. The wilderness where the Children of Israel spent 40 years is on the other side of the mountain range seen in Reynold’s photograph.
GOOGLE MAPS – To see where the photo was taken, click HERE.
Key Verses: Psalm 107:8, 20
Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men!
He sent His word and healed them,
And delivered them from their destructions.
Today’s Psalm documents God’s answer to the prayer from 106:47a, “Save us, O Lord our God!” Today’s reading gives four real-life examples as to why we, the redeemed, should thank the Lord!
(1) God provides for our spiritual and emotional needs. Have we ever felt like we are wandering in the wilderness, our souls fainting within us? “He satisfies the longing soul!” (107:9).
(2) God provides for our deliverance from fear, bad habits, and anything that would cause us to be “bound in afflictions and irons!” God “saved them out of their distresses” and “broke their chains in pieces!” (107:13b & 107:14b).
(3) God provides physical healing! “They drew near the gates of death” (107:18b), but God “sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions!” (107:20)
(4) God provides a way out of seemingly impossible circumstances! People are pictured as being on the deck of a ship in a storm and “they reel to and fro and stagger like a drunken man” who is trying to maintain his balance on the deck of a storm-tossed wooden ship (107:27). But God “calms the storm so that its waves are still” (107:29).
Lord God, I’ve discovered the fact that in all my needs I must do as the writer of this Psalm tells me to do, “They cried out to the Lord!” I cry out to You now! I believe that You are doing now in my life as it is reported in Your Word. “He sent His Word and healed them and delivered them from their destructions!” (107:20). Now, in faith, I am participating with the inspired writer who wrote, “Oh that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men!” Lord, I say, “Thank You!” Your blessings are because of Jesus, in whose Name I pray. Amen!!!
Over the last 2 or 3 days I’ve been well over my goal of 100 words regarding each day’s reading, as well as my 100 Personal Words. Therefore, today I’ll have fewer words. I’m simply going to add to the blog a song from my wife, Norma-Jean. We don’t know the original tune from Israel’s hymnbook used to sing these words in the Temple, so she decided to compose a tune for some of the words of Psalm 107. Here she is from a number of years back on 100 Huntley Street…click here.
Yours because God “Sent His Word!”

This boat was discovered almost 30 years ago when the Sea of Galilee was low. It is called “The Jesus Boat” because it is from the time of Christ. The bottom boards are warped with age, and the sides are no longer there, but with imagination we can visualize the disciples in a storm on the sea, Jesus asleep on the “Pillow” (a bag of sand, perhaps, in order to provide ballast). Jesus spoke the words, “Peace be still!” The waves subsided. Jesus illustrated Psalm 107:23-30.
Oh that we would give thanks to the Lord, for His mercy endures forever. Amen! Beautiful song from Norma-Jean–such a lovely voice to hear this morning. Wonderful psalm, message, and prayer. Know we are holding you in loving prayer, dear Ann Mainse. His healing touch be upon you, and His blessing of strength and comfort. Be blessed, today, fellow saints in the Lord as we worship Him with love and praise. Amen!
The LORD is in his holy temple; let all the earth be silent before him.
Habakkuk 2:20 NIV
Psalm 23 – Surely Goodness, Surely Mercy – by Shane & Shane (Lyric Video)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mo3HgtT_OiE (oh, so beautiful!)
Amen Beverlee
I can just picture so many of you saints listening to this, today, so wanted to share:
Alone With GOD – 3 Hour Peaceful Music–so beautiful with the Psalms
Thanks Beverlee, for that lovely hymn. Very calming.
God is with us. I feel his presence.
May God bless everyone today.
God knows we are very weak and assailed by Satan and our own minds.As our faith grows so do the attacks.We must always know that we must go through the storms and when they are done then we will realize He was right beside us.I’m leaving to visit our daughter church today.Thanks,Beverlee for confirming what I suspected.The recipients of my poems most always knew Who the poems came from.
Praying for Ann and God’s guidance for her treatments and strength.Yall be blessed
I know God is with me though the storm blows
And His Spirit is in me healing my soul,
So how can I worry when the storm blows
When He is with me to make me whole
And satisfies my troubled mind
To lead me on through storm and fear,
For no Other on earth can I find
Than the One Who comforts,always near.
Amen, beautiful, true words, William.
Thank you William; Jesus takes us through the storms; He calms the turmoil within our heart!
It is so good to see your comments again, Beverlee! I love the Shane and Shane music – so annointed. I was ministered to by their songs often when going through my own valley of the shadow a short time ago.
Going to listen to all the suggested music today and always loved it so much when Norma Jean sang on 100 Huntley Street.
The Lord bless each of you today as you worship Him!
I remember Norma Jean’s rendition of that Psalm & I believe it is on a CD that I have in the car. With roads being so bumpy, scratches appear @ times. I do wonder if CDs from the past are still available. God is good. The leaves are beautiful & bright on a dull day.
To my fellow bloggers I am asking for prayer for healing as I claim Psalms 107:20 where it says he sent his word and healed them I have chronic headaches. I’ve been suffering for many years in the past I’ve gone to and have a God blessed day neurologist and they haven’t been able to help me I’ve also called my church in the past for prayer and I think I will do that again and now my current treatment is with my chiropractor hoping that he can help me but I know Jesus Is My Healer so thank you bloggers I ask that you would keep me in prayer and thank you for in advance for your response it will be graciously and greatly appreciated to all have a blessed day and amen
Dearest Marilyn, I believe your chiropractor is heaven sent. They are the best solution for headaches, if it is not a neurological problem, which has been ruled out. Praise God! Thanking You Lord, in advance, for the neck tension to be alleviated within a few weeks and for Marilyn’s headaches to cease. May you also try a hot hydrotherapy pool, Marilyn. Soak your body in it and do stretches; it will calm the tensions in your neck. You are in my prayers for ease of pain, comfort and strength. Amen.
Marilyn, I had migraines for many years & was on constant medication. Of course I prayed & had others pray but I still had them. Then I noticed a small lump @ back of my neck. Went to a surgeon who offered to take it off but didn’t think it would help my headaches. Right away it was better. I feel that it (or some pressure was pressing on a nerve. God definitely is our Healer & I thank Him for the lump! God works in mysterious ways. Will be praying for your situation.
God heal Marilyn In Jesus Name Amen!!!
Marily,on Your behalf I come before the Lord, asking Him to intervene in your need for a complete healing of that chronic disease; the constant headaches, I pray that Our Lord would reveal to those attending to you, the cause of the constant headache.; in Jesus Name I pray this, Amen!
Typo correction where I meant to say I have gone to two neurologist in the past and like I said they haven’t helped me
Dear Lord God, as David would say, thank You, thank You, thank You for your many blessings, in the past, now, and on into the future. Bless all your people today, Lord, and may our praise and worship be a blessing to You throughout the world. Please strengthen and encourage and build up your children everywhere.
Thank You for hearing our cries and answering them in the best possible way. Please give us the eternal perspective to see that your ways are right and good, and as Corrie Ten Boom said, the best is yet to be.
Bless all our families, please keep on working in their lives salvation, healing, wisdom, and freedom. Bring our leaders into alignment with your perfect will, and have your good and perfect way in this world, we ask in Jesus’s great name, amen
Amen Rob. Yes, the best is yet to be.
Thank you for putting my thoughts to words. I thank God for you and your blog. It makes my day and is so God inspired.
Amen Rob!
Amen Rob
Amen Rob
I’m blessed with your prayers.
Yes, He sent His Word and healed them; thank you Norma-Jean Mainse!
what a great photo of the boat; Jesus spoke and calmed the sea and the waves stood still: Lord I pray that we call upon the Jesus, in the time of our storm, Amen!
I prayed David’s Prayer; Lord hear our prayer. Amen
Was good to be with my church family this morning!
I pray you all had a great Sunday morning with the Lord!
Bless The O my soul!!
Thank you for Norma-Jean’s song; yes indeed He sent His word and healed them; great photo of the boat, thank you Reynold; prayed David’s prayer for the Lord”s healing in my life; God is Faithful, His Love endures forever, Amen!
Thank you Beverly k Doreen Tessa and Irene for your prayers it means the world to me and it’s greatly appreciated thank you with all my heart I am so blessed to be part of this Bible reading blog and when a prayer request is given I know there are faithful people and bloggers who are there to pray for me so thank you so much from the bottom of my heart God bless you thank you amen amen and amen thank you thank you thank you
I like Reynolds first picture for today very much ! 🙂
Dr Oz had a gal with head aches!!!!! she got a scan done and there were some bones in her nose that were growing there and not supposed to be growing; had them removed and no more head aches……
I used to have migraines; finally had acupuncture done over a year, 1 -2 times month and finally they disappeared,…..Dear Marilyn please do not get discouraged; hundreds and hundreds of people around the world are praying for the Lord to deliver you from the head aches; He will remove them, be assured of that action; something that I FINALLY learned after 50 years, ALWAYS BE THANKFUL FOR EVERYTHING ALL THE TIME…..I’ve read that over and over and FINALLY it sunk in….
foods, etc that I was told to avoid were chicken,corn, mushrooms,booze, smokes, and eat what I craved which was chocolate, thin pieces of meat from the deli, and to do exercises……these changes did work, also as we get older the body will move on to other aches and pains….
God bless you Marilyn and thank you for sharing; we are much stronger when we pray for each other and be honest with our feelings;
Blessings to all…..